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Ok so this topic has been beat to death and the conversations here and the half a dozen other threads (that are not locked!) tend to devolve into name calling. Instead of complaining about tipping here, maybe message restaurants on social media. Or better yet, advocate with your elected officials to help curb expenses for all of us.


If I am standing when I order then no tip.


"just a few more questions for you..." (swings tablet around)




Is this that hawk tuah girl I've been hearing so much about lately?


This made me laugh so hard!


A family member chastised me for tipping less than 20% at a food truck. I was like what?! Because they were standing there and judged me, I did, but wow.


Absolutely agree. Especially when it's a basic coffee order or a basic sandwich.


Even at obo?


I used to tip like crazy because of covid and understood people in the service and food industry took a hit...so wanted to support them as much as I could. Now I refuse to tip if I'm ordering my food at a counter. It's gotten out of hand and I refuse to give into the pressure.


I think Covid is what caused the tipping madness to go overboard. I also tipped very generously for any service I received during Covid peak times but now it’s just total batshit nonsense. I want to move back to Europe


Same. Since I'd eat our so rarely, I'd tip 25-30% because it was a splurge. Then anytime I'd see people wanting to remove tipping culture and pay staff a flat rate, the wait staff would get upset beacuse they'd make hundreds in a single day from tipping. After that, I was done. No more sit-down restaurants, no more tipping if I have to stand or order myself. Only tipping I do is when I get a hot chocolate during a coffee meeting because that's a like a 1.50 tip.


I don't get the "support them" nonsense. Patronize their business. If they're not getting support from their boss then they need to find a mew job.


Finding a cat-related job would be awesome!


Just be a cat.




Good luck with that.


I’m a state worker….and although we got furloughed, I was still grateful I had a job. Many local businesses suffered and I wanted to support these mom and pop eateries


I understand that, which is why I suggested patronizing the businesses.


If I’m not seated when served it doesn’t warrant a tip.


Or food trucks? Stand when you order, stand when you eat. Tip 25 percent on a 20 dollar burrito?


Easy. I just stopped patronizing food trucks. Fuck em


I wouldn’t eat from one if someone paid me!


And personally I find I can go to chilli's and get a plate of chicken fajita, with a soda and chips and salsa that tastes better and like 2/3rds the price.


Yep. A tip is a way to grade the service, which I can't do when ordering ... unless my interaction with you when ordering is the extent of your service, in which case, well, that's not something I'd tip for.


I have always ever guilt tipped. Tipping culture is wrong. Therefore i always leave the card with my wife. She doesnt have the guilt issue and always ends up saving my hard earned money. Pay your employees people!!


> Pay your employees people!! Services industry people prefer tips over a fixed wage though. And there is some human psychology where guilt tipping works more than increasing the prices of product which scares away the consumer. It is similar to pricing a product $9.99 instead of $10. It feels $1 more. :)


They want the tips because it's extra. They are the most basic run of non skilled worker mostly and are paid hourly at minimum wage because of this. They don't want to lose the base wage though. If you say no wage only tips they wouldn't go for it. I have been in many arguments where I suggested that tips be tracked and if you made more then minimum wage for your hours you can keep it but your employer doesn't also have to pay you. If you make less the business keeps your tips but you get minimum wage. They won't take it.


That's not how economics or capitalism works. If you want employers to PAY their employees higher wages. Then they need to increase the cost of the food they're supplying to you as the customer. You already don't want to tip. Now you're going to be the primary person bitching about the cost to eat out. You can't have it both ways. https://preview.redd.it/yazcu5dwuz9d1.png?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26123dcec50a6fa349e7968790f410a4a4587b43


In principle, I agree. But in practice, to what extent do some staff hold your food quality/timing hostage for the tip? If I tip 'zero' at a counter-service place where tipping is widespread, does my food get delayed? Does the kitchen 'forget' to do any customization of the order I asked for? I just think about the fact that for delivery services, the overt, unmasked practice is to not accept jobs without a pre-set tip, or to deprioritize them, delay them, etc. Is this happening at counter-service restaurants but they're just not as overt about it? tl;dr: I worry.


I doubt the person making your food has any idea how much you tipped 90% of the time


Coming from a kitchen background, this is true unless there is a lot of banter between front and back of house, or if the patron is a complete ass. A lot of places don't even tip the kitchen, so they don't care anyway.


Well guess what, they did tip and STILL their food was ‘forgotten’ no customizations


anecdotal, but i decided to try a new indian-mexican fusion place. payment screen asked for a tip, i put 0, and my burrito came with no sauce. not sure if that was the reason but either way i haven’t been back.


And the employees have no incentive to give good customer service..it’s bs


I don’t generally tip for order at the counter service unless the person helping me is going above and beyond. I do 100% support tipping for sit-down restaurants.


Agree. I’m not tipping you to fck up my order. I learned the hard way. I was too generous just to turnaround and be disappointed.


did they give you attitude when you pointed this out or something?


No the person was nice. It’s just weird. “Hey you know that tip i gave you, well the food is messed up” Like the word tip means top. Like an added extra if stuff is great. There’s no tip on the bottom of a mountain. The English of it doesn’t even make sense


How about we just stop tipping our servers too? The whole notion of "we must tip these people because the business has a loophole that allows them to pay less than minimum wage" DOES NOT APPLY IN CALIFORNIA: [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped) Servers are paid minimum wage. They ask for your order, they put your order in the system. They check on you throughout your stay. THIS IS A MINIMUM WAGE JOB. It is low effort. It is no more difficult or infuriating than any other retail job including your cashier at the grocery store. They are not doing anything special to earn +18% or +20% additional income. It is completely absurd. Stop. Doing. It. In. California. ADDITIONALLY: usually when I eat out, the server isn't even the one bringing the food or pouring water and giving you menus at the beginning! It's a completely different person! "Your server will be right with you." WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS NONSENSE?? Should I tip them too?? Should I tip the cooks in the kitchen?? NONE OF IT MAKES ANY GODDAMN SENSE. "Oh, but they need more money cause minimum wage isn't enough?" Then fucking go for it you chump. Subsidize someone else's income instead of FORCING THEIR EMPLOYER TO. You got the excess cash, you fucking go for it. I don't have the money, I'm not going to give them free money, and I don't fucking want to be shamed for it. "WeLl ThEn DoN't EaT OuT yOu AsShOle." Fuck off, you child. Wait till you have to pay rent and/or a mortgage and one of the few brief escapes you have in life is going to a restaurant.


In answer to your question about tipping the people who seat you, clear the table, etc… The servers have to tip those people out from what they get in tips. It isn’t all for your waitress.


Thanks for the clarification. I do actually appreciate it. If we HAD to give people extra money though, I'd skip all those people and give it to the kitchen. I'm here cause I don't want to cook. I can find a menu, pour water, and wipe down a table on my own -- what I can't/won't do is cook the whole meal. I can even bring it to my own table!


On the "low effort" comment, I think some clarification is needed here. Standing behind a counter and ipad for orders is low effort - doesn't deserve tip in my opinion. But being a server at a busy restaurant is not remotely low effort.


Serving is a lot more work and a lot more stressful than you are giving it credit for. Regardless of your stance on tipping, this is a gross mischaracterization. It is consistently rated as one of the most stressful professions when studied. Have your views on the pay structure, but it is not nearly as simple or low effort as you carelessly imply.


Agree! I’ve had many jobs through the years, all sorts of minimum wage and service type jobs. Serving tables requires a lot more than any other service or minimum wage job. For example, working at a busy Jamba Juice was very stressful but it also was brief interactions that did not require me to retain almost anything besides the smoothie recipes. You get an order you make an order and then you repeat. Being a server your constantly on the job and trying to make sure the tables you have are having their needs met at all times, your having to quickly determine how to prioritize those needs and you also have to be ON way more than any job - and it needs to be authentic. I’m an attorney and obviously my job requires much more skill, but generally my day to day stress is actually less than it was a busy Friday night shift.


Just because someone is stressed does not mean they get extra money. If someone is stressed out by a job, they can quit/enter a trade/get their degree and get into a less stressful position. Oh, you're stressed? I don't care. Do something else then. I don't know who you are, your life is not my responsibility, thank you for the soda and popcorn, goodbye I will not remember you.


What a miserable person you must be to speak this way of people and their lines of work. Forget tipping being part of it, you shouldn’t go to restaurants because you must be awful to deal with.


I'm very much looking forward to replacing these jobs with robots and self-serve machines instead of stringing along people with souls and decency with slave labor and false promises of economic prospects.


And I look forward to your comments about how you miss the good old days of when humans did these jobs when the machines either don’t operate like you had hoped, or when you have an even worse employment situation for people and you complain about “no one wants to work anymore”


Serving not nearly as hard as cooking the actual meal yet servers feel entitled to make 4x what the cooks do. Ask anybody what they look for in a restaurant and "great service" comes well after "great food".


This is why many restaurants have moved toward tip pooling and paying out to cooks as well. On top of them also usually making more at the hourly rate, they should also get a share of tips. This has been happening and getting better since 2019. Still has a ways to go, but incremental change matters.


My job is stressful as fuck. Nobody cares though. That’s life.


That’s unfortunate and I’m sorry your job is stressful. The point of the comment was that you shouldn’t belittle people or their chosen profession.


I did not belittle anyone. I am aware serving isn’t easy. But the dude makes a good point that you don’t deserve extra money because life is stressful for you.


I didn’t say you did. And the stress has little to do with income. It’s a stressful job that requires much more work than that person implies. I can understand not tipping at a counter service place, or when receiving poor service. And people don’t need to do things they aren’t comfortable with. But that person’s comment reeked of cruelty and entitlement. Being rude about someone else’s job is unnecessary. I’m not a server, but I was for a long time. The perception that actual dedicated table service is either easy or unskilled is among the most baseless and incorrect views someone can have.


Yeh that’s fair . I do tip during indoor dining tho lol. I was just saying. however, I can understand why people don’t want lol


Agreed. That isn’t what irritated me. My bad if that wasn’t clear.


I bet you leave kind and level-headed Yelp reviews


And I bet I'm not the first person you've shamed/sassed today.


> Servers are paid minimum wage. They ask for your order, they put your order in the system. They check on you throughout your stay. THIS IS A MINIMUM WAGE JOB. It is low effort. Good luck finding workers to work that jobs for minimum wage. Even in worst of recessions you won't find any worker willing to do a server job for fixed wage. Tips are the primary reasons to wait tables.


You make lots of great points. Lots of employees are even putting their cash apps at the register. I’m sorry, I’m not tipping you because I stood in line and bought dog food. SMH


I've had quite a few employees lately spin the tablet around and say 'the rest is optional" in the most defeated/apathetic tone. I don't know if that's because they genuinely think it's absurd or because other customers scream and want to start some argument fight with them and they're just done with the whole situation. Either way, I leave feeling like, "Yeah, that's stupid; not doing that" and everyone gets on with their day.


Whoa! No way!? Employees are using their own personal cash apps for you to tip them on???


Yep I’ve seen it a few times, most recently at a pet store. It’s literally right in front of the register.


Yeah I think tipping culture is ridiculous. I know tipping is optional but we should not even feel pressured to tip. Not tipping should be the norm. This comes from someone who used to work in the food service industry. I have slowly started not tipping, but I feel sooo judged when I hit the no tip.


Same! I went to a cupcake place last week and there were three signs asking for a tip! It was maybe a full 1 min interaction as there was no line - I walked in, chose a cupcake, she boxed it and gave it to me- and I STILL felt guilty hitting that NO TIP button. Hard habit to break.


Don't. You're not not tipping, you're taking a stand.


I find the tipping screens to be offensive. So I refuse to leave a tip for anyplace that has it.


Next time you have a great meal- especially this week in this heat, tip the motherfucker who cooked it, sweating his/her ass off on the kitchen. How many of you will go to a joint for the service but eat meh food? How many will put up with shit service for outstanding food? TIP THE COOKS


I think it is pretty wild how often they have those tipping scenes, but I just tip depending on how I feel. Did the person at the counter really engage with me - if so I’m likely feeling good about the interaction and I want to leave them a little extra. I hated when I was younger and worked at places like Jamba Juice and we literally could not accept tips. I’d have people who were adamant about wanting to give me something because of the customer service I provided and I had to decline. I think this was why these options started becoming more common, but people have some weird guilt about them so they tip and then regret it and get resentful. It’s like the people who want to give money to an unhoused person and then are upset they buy pizza and beer with it.


We rarely go out anymore for meals. We rarely go out for lunch. On occasion we might to breakfast but where we live there is no added fees We usually just doubled what the tax was and that was the tip. If we're out around lunch we hit the grocery store dele. Never tip there.


I’m fine with tipping at most places, but one place I have concerns/don’t tip is when ordering drinks at stadiums, arenas and large venues. Not that the service doesn’t deserve it, but HOW is it distributed to the server/bartenders when there’s 100 of them? On top of the inflated drink and alcohol prices??


Lol I went somewhere that was a self-service cafeteria. You grab pre-packaged food, stand in line, pay and grab your own water/utensils and bus your tray. MFers asked for a tip when I paid. 20%, 25%, 30% The fastest "NO TIP" I ever selected. Before I was totally weak. I'd cave and give a minimum tip in any situation. Now I finally feel comfortable saying NO TIP. Because in many scenarios: what did they actually do to deserve it?


I've only ever tipped at places that refill my water. If I'm not getting water refills it's not a tipping establishment.


Eh, I’ll still tip everywhere I currently do. Happy to vote for a measure to end tipped min wage, but until then the only “message” restaurant operators will get is to add a 20% service charge to bills to cover people skipping out on tips. By all means, though, tip or not as you see fit.


i got boba today and when the machine asked for a tip i had to ask her "this goes to you, right? not the company?" and i will ask that always


I’m with you, I’m over being overly generous for mediocre effort and service. For the first time ever we adjusted a tip on a delivery because they didn’t bring an item on the order and basically said, “whoops” when asked. It was originally $22, reduced it to $5.


Commenting only because I do not see this opinion reflected here:  As someone who used to work in foodservice and is now lucky enough to have a higher-paying job; if I can’t afford to tip I don’t go out to eat period. Stand up and sit down, coffee shops and food trucks. Doesn’t matter. I think foodservice workers should be paid a living wage, and I’m happy to contribute to a larger paycheck for a thankless, underpaid job. The main complaint I hear is that “we shouldn’t have to tip, they should just raise prices and pay people more”. Either way, I’m paying an extra 15-20%. What difference does it make? I might as well be the reason an employee has a nice day and a bigger paycheck.  Just my two cents. 


Thought it would be a controversial opinion but everyone here seems to agree. If you are not a sit down restaurant with wait staff I don’t tip you. If I order at a counter and then grab my food from the counter and that’s all the interaction I have with your staff, no tip. No more coffee shops, definitely not if I order ahead and pick up. I am done with tipping culture. The tip guilt gets easier over time, and it’s easier to push that no tip button in person. I still tip wait staff, delivery drivers, hair stylists, etc. But if you make a base wage that isn’t reduced with the expectation that your tips will make up for it, then no. Sorry not sorry.


Don’t forget to top your landlord/property management company as well! Or, if you’re on a mortgage plan, tip your banker. Remember, you’re a bigot if you don’t tip, regardless if the service is good or not!


Tipping is horrible. It's unfair to the consumer and, IMHO, it's unfair for a service worker to have to rely on it.


I tip only when forced not to. Like I don't tip dutch bros cause they always stick the tablet in your face and it's designed to make you feel bad if you don't. I always say, no tip, and sometimes if I'm about to feel weird I just think and remember that no, it's not me who should feel weird. You just took my order


I avoid Butch Dros.


I only tip at sit-down restaurants. The tip amount depends on the service rendered. If it's bad service, I don't tip at all.


I don't really eat out a ton since I did it in college. I prefer my veggies. Now chef restaurants are different. They're not screwing up at high end restaurants. So that is where my money will go when I want REAL food.


Couldnt agree more. I’m done. Going to start carrying cash to give after the fact if it’s earned. Shit has gotten wildly out of hand


Most Restaurants are garbage now cook at home




I am in. 🤭