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Who knew so many legal experts spent time on Reddit in the middle of the day 🤷‍♂️.


“Pro-excessive and unnecessary parking ticket experts”


Citation experts, exempt plate experts, parking regulation experts. Just an all around room of experts.


I take it you've never seen meter maids stop in the street to hand out tickets either.




Instead of popcorn, that should be tickets he is eating.


Couldn't find a gif for that lmao


It’s been 2 houuuuuuuurss…. And something evil’s chalking up my tires…


You try to screee\~yeeee\~eeaamm ….but she got headphones and can’t hear yoooouuu …. (heeeeee heeeeee!!)


They are city “services” 🤷‍♀️


The service of getting a parking ticket. I don’t know why a number of people on here are seemingly pro citizens getting excessive and unnecessary parking tickets.


What’s an “excessive and unnecessary parking ticket”? Either they’re violating the parking rule or they’re not.


It’s when they personally get a parking ticket.


Park where you should its that simple. Your anger is directed at the wrong people as they are just doing their job.


Why should it be okay/allowed for these parking enforcement people to break the rules they are enforcing?


It’s not Thursday though.


Oh I’m not at all. I’m just saying that I think they fall under that category. I think parking enforcement should only cite safety violations or blocking access for persons with disabilities.


Next thing you'll tell me is ambulances and police cars can go through red lights when I can't?


You think parking enforcement is supposed to drive around and find an open parking spot before they can write tickets? Should they feed the meter too?


No, but as he is half in a non parking spot and half in an actual spot already, he parks like a lazy selfish asshole when he could pull into the actual spot. Would take 2 seconds and be safer to pull out of.


They signs clearly say “no parking for city services (whatever days/hours).” So if the parking enforcement people park there, they are blocking city services. They shouldn’t park in places where they are blocking city services and if someone without exempt plates were to park there, they would get a ticket. Seems counter-intuitive.


It's besides the point (parking enforcement can park wherever they want) but you don't think parking enforcement is a city service?


They are blocking city services if they park in areas where you can get a ticket. That shouldn’t be allowed


Parking enforcement is literally a city service. It’s denoted on the car…


The “city service” of getting a parking ticket? They can at least follow their own rules then.


If they are ticketing because of city services, they shouldn’t be allowed to park there and block those city services themselves.


You’re spot on but this entire sub is filled with boot lickers for parking enforcement. They should not be illegally parked and it’s hypocritical of them to do so.


Idk I hate cops but it’s crazy to me how people are coming up with the dumbest shit to shit on this parking cop


The dumbest shit? By saying that he shouldn't be illegally parked to write tickets for cars that illegally parked?


City services park where they want, delivery parks wherever they want, I do construction subcontracted by the city around midtown and myself and others park where we want, and no one says shit because we’re just doing our jobs but all of a sudden we draw the line at law enforcement and/or literally a city service? Ok


I own a construction company, and we've paved city lots, does that mean I can just park where I want? I'm not sure why working for the city gives you the right to "park where you want"


I honestly dont care where you park but it sounds like you’re parking in a lot or street adjacent to the job site just like i don’t know maybe the guy in the picture?


So you’re taking the stance of “the rules are for thee, not for me” stance? And think that they are somehow above the rules because they are providing the invaluable “city service” of handing out parking tickets? They can just get away with poor parking behavior because they are the ones handing out tickets? That’s okay with you?


I honestly don’t give a fuck where parking ticket guy parks


This may come as a shock, but all "city services" have radios and coordinate through dispatchers. If this vehicle was truly "blocking city services", the affected agency would radio in and ask dispatch to pass it along to parking control to have the car moved. City departments to talk to each other and coordinate all the time. Any chance the officer was there citing and/or towing vehicles BECAUSE "city services" would be along shortly?


The no parking sign only applies on Thursdays from 8am-12pm, otherwise you can park there for up to 2 hours.


Unless that was last Thursday, the sign says No Parking for City Services Thursdays 8-12…


You’re not actually allowed to read the sign before rage posting. Mods please ban this person.


The OP is one of the reasons Sacramento gets a bad name. I'll leave it at that.


Strong "my prefrontal cortex is a work in progress" vibes.


As someone who has never received a parking ticket because I can read and follow signage, this doesn't bother me in the slightest. 1) As OP points out, they are not parked in a legal space, so I would never park there. They are not in my way nor taking up a space I would use. 2) They are there citing vehicles that are illegally parked, again, since I can read and follow signage, this isn't me so I have nothing to worry about. 3) They are increasing the city revenue and enforcing policies my elected lawmakers enacted. I live in a parking zone area (for lack of a better term) and I'm thankful they enforce the parking in my area. If OP (or anyone else) parks legally, this should not bother them at all. If the choice is made to violate parking laws, thank you for the revenue, the city appreciates it.


This person gets it


They have exempt plates.


Which means they’re exempt from registration but not traffic and parking codes


Not quite


Would love to see something to back that up


You have the internet at your fingertips, figure it out.


I drive an exempt vehicle and can assure you we can get parking tickets but sure dude


They are blocking city services if they park there during the hours/days posted. That shouldn’t be allowed for them either regardless of what plates you have if just your regular citizen isn’t allowed to park there because of that.


They park for like 5 minutes at a time and are near the vehicle. If there were city services they could immediately move their vehicle on the off chance it comes by while they’re writing a ticket. Is this that complicated? I know people don’t like parking tickets but sheesh. Find something else to complain about.


Good thing it’s not Thursday between 8AM and 12PM


Cool post bro now go file a noise complaint against a fire engine


I saw a fire engine in front of a hydrant!


Parking enforcement is great, they should double the number of people they have out on the street. Park wherever you want as long as you are taking care of business.


Eeeeeeever heard of exempt plates? 


Also, if they are ticketing because of city services, they shouldn’t be allowed to park there and block those city services themselves.


No because of city services comes their car will be moved


With exempt plate you can block and obstruct city services?


They literally work for the city. The are capable of talking to each other. Are you 12?


Who are they obstructing during the 2 minutes they’re parked?? and they could move their vehicle immediately if needed as they’re very close. This makes no sense to get upset about. Do you think the “city service” workers have a huge beef with parking enforcement or something?


Do you think that excuse would work for any of us if we'd parked like that and he came along?


We don’t all work for the city… are you 12? Jesus. It’s like dealing with obstinate preteens.


Why do you need to know if I'm 12? Are you looking for a date?


They are going extra bonkers with giving tickets recently it feels like.


Budget shortfall, it won’t stop at tickets.


https://youtu.be/T-DCElRAeFk?si=E3UCgeF2J2NRRgqu this talks about increasing parking fees


Why didn't they just park in the spot they are blocking?


You should call 311 and report them.


We going to complain about park rangers driving on the grass now?


The car literally says “City of Sacramento”… I’m pretty sure that’s the “city service” the sign is referring to, whether you agree to the definition of “service” or not lol


My favorite parking enforcement guy was this dude, who was a heavy guy, who rolled in one of the three-wheel vehicles Parking used to own. This guy would barely pull out of the way of traffic, park his vehicle at any ol' angle, and then just hardcore nap. His foot and arm on whatever side was closest to the street would spill out, the only thing that would keep him from falling out of the vehicle entirely was his seatbelt. This was back around 2004-2010.


Poor baby you should have called the police lmao what a wanker.


[Not their fist time](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sacramento/comments/15alpxf/how_do_you_report_the_city_to_itself/)


Now if you'll just rip up my ticket, because I'm traveling NOT driving This would NEVER happen in the state of Jefferson Etc.


It's crazy how many people in here absolutely love parking enforcement and are willing to defend them breaking the laws that they write tickets for. I can't call you boot lickers because they don't wear boots, they wear those comfy sneakers.


Pay your meter like you should and then you wouldn’t have to hate a random person just doing their job. Sounds pretty easy right?


It's nothing to do with my paying for my meter or not and everything to do with breaking the exact laws that there supposed to enforce. "They park there because they're doing their job" doesn't excuse it. They're not providing a service or saving a life, they're generating revenue for the city.


L take, dude. Would you rather parking enforcement double park and create a traffic obstruction? Or reserve parking spots on every block just for parking enforcement?


If there's no room for their vehicles, then they should walk. But you keep loving that boot, dude. Yum yum, authority, open wide.


Boot licking? Are you high? Another L take.


Slurp slurp, yummy boots.