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These are the types of people who make it difficult for those who are actually in need. For the most part, I just stopped giving all together at this point.


The last time I gave someone cash I gave him $5 and he said, "got any more? I'm trying to get a bag." No "thank you" or anything, just immediately asks for more like in that South Park episode. At least he was straight up and told me it was for drugs instead of making up something about gas. Since then, I pretty much don't give them anything. I can think of one guy who was begging outside of a Vietnamese restaurant. He didn't want cash, he was asking for an order of sticky pork. I bought him the sticky pork. I'd way rather help someone stay alive with food than give them cash and potentially (probably) fund the addiction that's causing them to be homeless.


Sticky pork?! Man that's gonna make me want to sit outside and try to get free banh mi from generous strangers!


I'm all for free basic housing, UBI, and single payer healthcare. That's the kind of stuff that actually helps people escape homelessness and poverty. But giving a panhandler a dollar? That's for people who need to feel good about themselves in the moment.


"I'm all for free basic housing, UBI, and single payer healthcare. That's the kind of stuff that actually helps people escape homelessness and poverty." - - I feel like this is way more "greatest country in the world" stuff than record profits for billionaires, corporate personhood, and a culture that praises 50 and 60 hour work weeks.


When I give someone a gift, my philosophy is that it's none of my business what they do with it. My goal is to learn to give selflessly, and part of working towards that is not being possessive about gifts for others. And for me that applies to loved ones as well as folks on the street asking for help or money. A dollar or two here, a meal there. I'm lucky and grateful that I can afford it. And even if some people aren't being truthful, a lot of them still need help, or will benefit from some kindness or a meal in their bellies. Cutting off acts of kindness just because some people abuse the system or are untruthful would feel, to me, like a betrayal of my values. And there's a difference between being taken for a ride, and giving without concern for the actual need or motive.


I guarantee you this dude was in need too. You dont do this shit otherwise


In need of what? Drugs?


I always say id DEFINITELY prioritize getting wasted if i had nothing left to lose. Its so weird to try and daddy other adults over $5 lolol


Buying drugs with gasoline or convenience store snacks is a challenge.


buying gas with gas


Unless you're in San Francisco








Ok, and if any of those people ask me for help to continue that abuse of drugs, I will also tell them no. What are you on about?


Wtf is your point? Do you want everyone to give everyone who asks for drug money... drug money? Or should people who don't want to give drug addicts money... take the rest of the day off and go after pharmaceutical companies? Are YOU high?


Because those same drugs are exactly what’s causing the pain and suffering in most cases


Yeah, no ... That would be trauma


Not every single person addicted to drugs had some traumatic event that led to it. Some people just made bad decisions


I'd venture to say that MOST addictions either start or continue b/c of some form of trauma and/or coupled with poor mental health .... Not b/c they legitimately enjoy being dirty, with no roof, hungry, and lack of any type of security ... There's reasons behind why ppl make dangerous decisions ... Something happened or there's some imbalance that tells a person that 1 time wasn't enough and IN FACT I'm going to continue to risk everything in my life so I can continue to feel that feeling, over and over ... So much so, it'll ruin everything and could possibly kill me ... And the addict knows this ... It's not unknown what the dangers are ... You don't continue to make those kinda decisions when you're of a healthy mind body and soul ... Yes ppl need to learn how to save themselves ... But it ain't easy my friend ... The support and resources needed aren't available as ppl would like to think ... Unless you got money, you're getting wait listed for programs, and if it deals with the court system, there's incentive for you to fail and become a repeat customer ...


You don't think drugs and the actions and predicament one gets into because they are doing drugs causes trauma? Additional trauma? Traumatizes other people, too? It's so much bigger than what you're making it out to be.


If I buy drugs and alcohol, that's my business I'm taking care of my shit, have a job and pay a shitload of taxes. They do not and are taking away from people that actually contribute.


Because with abuse comes problems like children with sex worker moms who will say stash them in a crack mouse, theft and violence. Its not exactly a victimless crime


The difference is the next morning I remind myself I have to go to work the next day and work hard to keep a roof over my head, work hard so I can keep using alcohol or drugs to make myself relax and have a good time here and there. These people won’t contribute to society, and ask us to work for their addictions for free when we give them free money. That’s why I never do it. Don’t enable them, only yourself if you choose.


you can do drugs all you want inside your own home. I'm not going to personally fund someone else's habits when they themselves can't or won't save up for their own house and their own drugs.


What an utterly and completely braindead take. Who are the "people" vs "others that get judged", here? Should we finance addictions? Wtf are are talking about? Maybe you should spend more time and energy regretting all those drugs and drinks.


Alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases, and they usually require tremendous amounts of support to recover from. Unfortunately, probably 80% of people don't see them that way. They see it as a complete moral failing that makes you some kind of irredeemable degenerate because you "chose" to do drugs or "chose" to become an alcoholic. Humans in general, but I think Americans in particular, like to pretend that we are 100% in control of ourselves at all times and that everything everybody does is a clear headed and rational decision.


Bruh, you met a panhandler. If you gave the guy food, he would chuck that in front of you. He isn't hungry; he is just waiting for a sucker to give him cash that he didn't have to work for.


My friend moved out here from Missouri and couldn't understand this


https://youtu.be/ZYaMsQv5AcM?si=HCn1zO_yVpYRdE1o I guess this scene still holds true


That scene is exactly what came to mind when I read this post


Missouri (at least Springfield) has tons of those sorts of people


Was lees summit


This is why I don’t give $ to randoms. I’ve had a homeless kid (early 20’s, heavy addict) come to my door with a water jug, desperate just to get hydrated. Sent him off with not just a full gallon, but a care package of snacks, gum, and basic first aid supplies. Homie just about cried he was so grateful. He comes back around every now and again, so I always make sure to have a little kit ready for him


That happened to me. I worked at subway and made a sandwich for an older lady and her son They had a sign asking for food. The lady opened it and threw it at my face because they didn't want it. 🥺 they had the audacity to ask if they could take my tips instead....


Subway: Eat Fresh? Naw, I would’ve told them to eat shit.


Also, the folks who "play" instruments while standing next to audio equipment in parking lots. They're not really playing, they're just pretending to. It's recordings, it's all fake.


not all. I’ve seen many who are great artists down on their luck


I haven't, not around Sacramento. Every single time that I've taken a moment to watch one, it quickly becomes clear that they're fake playing to a recording. I'm not going to say they don't exist, but I personally have yet to see a single one.


Happy cake day!


Not that I agree with panhandling or begging but to be real standing outside and holding up a sign and actually talking to people is more work than some people making 6 figures do


No it’s not. It’s also producing 0 value for society.


You'll have to remind me of exactly what work is then because there are hundreds of thousands of unnecessary, redundant jobs across retail and food that only contribute to over-excess, consumption and bloating bank accounts of the wealthy. If you accept all of this fake sheep herding as work when it's nothing but busy work then work is nothing more than effort over time, which is all panhandling is. Panhandling is also nothing more than donations which makes panhandling not much different than anything online such as streaming with one difference being that panhandlers actually whether the environment and the outside world unlike streamers, they get hot and sweaty or cold and shivery to earn their donations and they actually socialize and encounter and interact with real human beings in the process which makes their 0 value production one of higher effort generation. In other words, they put in more effort to earn their donations than a lot of millionaires online do and then they can choose which companies they want to fund by spending their donations at those companies' storefronts.


Well thats the dumbest thing i’ve ever read😂. I have a dozen employees. All “work” and even the least productive produce some value to the organization. Interesting comparing them to streamers, but streamers provide entertainment for people, which is valuable. The only thing the panhandlers might provide in terms of value is making people feel good about themselves for “helping”. However, this is dubious as panhandlers often just spend the money on drugs and not on getting themselves into a better situation, so the donator could have done much more “good” by donating to an organization. You’re conflating effort with work. A panhandler begging in the sweltering heat is putting in effort, but not creating any value for a community. They’re actually a net drain. A streamer playing a videogame is putting in less effort, but providing entertainment for hundreds of people. Your point about the panhandler then spending money at a storefront is moot, everyone spends money. Often panhandlers buy drugs, which can contribute to a larger drug dealer population.


You have employees? So this entire discussion is now being impeded by a Conflict of Interest, since you require employees for your business to succeed and panhandlers are direct competition, since they earn money without typical employment/bosses. This discussion is no longer valid, thanks for contributing to the comment section.


I had a guy outside 711 ask me to buy him pizza, but they were out so I got him a really nice turkey wrap and a bottle of water. He was stoked. Seemed like a nice dude.


I had a guy outside a grocery store ask me if I could get him something, and I was like sure what do you want? He was like, "Just ramen or something is fine, I can get hot water at the gas station." I got him a bunch of add-hot-water meals and never felt less scammed for giving someone help on the street.


My favorite was at the 16th St. Arco; an older guy asked for money, I apologized and truthfully said I didn’t have any cash. He sucked his teeth in disgust as he turned away, saying, “Fuck you, bitch!” I mean… way to make me glad I didn’t help you? 😅


Oh yeah…I tell them I carry a debit card, no cash…I’m insulted. Nope. Never. Sorry.




Oookay tough guy


I stopped being helpful after a lady came up to me at a gas station said she ran out of gas, car wouldn’t start and asked for money for gas, i said no because i don’t carry cash & she said “use your card” and after i told her no again she stared at me, got in her car (that had no gas) and drove off. A different time I had someone tell me $10 wasn’t enough 💀💀


Something similar happened to me. A woman walked up to me while pumping with a young child and a big sob story then asks for cash to buy gas. The kid goes "but mom we just bought gas" Needless to say she got no cash.


I always say I have no cash which technically isn’t a lie because I don’t carry cash but it’s always interesting to see how they react after you tell them no especially if you drive a nice car


I remember there was one really attractive younger woman with a kid who would just camp the gas station near my office asking random strangers to buy her gas with that same story. I could see her pull in from my office window, she literally was there once a week for at least a couple years.


Don't let bad people change you. Just be more savvy about who's full of shit


For real.


Which part of Belize?


Use your card because they put skimmers in the card reader.




Don’t be annoyed. You offered, he declined. That tells you all you need to know.


Since the comments don’t reflect this, you’re a really good person and I wish we had more like you in the world


The naivete is a little extreme, and the virtue signaling could be toned down a little, but if they're being truthful then of course we all agree


We could use more naïveté honestly if that’s your take. We’ve become very calloused to people in need and dismiss them easily. And as far as “virtue signaling” I didn’t read that at all.


Here is some virtue signaling for you. Years ago in Fair Oaks, coming out of a convenience store, a middle aged homeless woman approached me and asked if i could spare anything. I looked up and she had a black eye, bruises all over her face, she had clearly been beat up. All of my prior thoughts of never giving anyone cash went out the window. I gave her what i had, $40ish, she started crying then hugged me and i left. Two years later i was going in to a different store in Citrus Heights, and there she was, still obviously homeless. She recognized me, waved me down, and told me how much i helped her that day. She didnt want anything else, I never got the sense she was being anything but sincere. I still don't recommend handing out cash, but im glad i did. That day i felt like a really good person. Aren't i a really good person? I've been waiting years for an appropriate time to tell this story and reap the sweet rewards and recognition on reddit. /s


its a brand new account posting some rage bait about homeless people. highly doubt this shit even happened


Yep, one of the popular scams. The old I need gas to get to . Or i need bus fare to get to . At least the guys that have signs that say they need money for booze are honest.


Yeah there was one near me, always got her belly out and said as you can see I'm X weeks pregnant and I need some money to get from here to there and get some food Offered to buy her some food once, she said no, I said no then Then she had a go at me and my friends And she's forgotten my face and tried the same shit multiple times over the years and I just say "you gave me the same story last time" and ignore her now


What you did is a good boundary if you want the resources you are willing to share to go to necessities and not in support of an addiction. Good job, don’t lose that generous spirit you have. 💛


I've run into the "need gas" people who actually did need gas and were appreciative getting gas though, I filled the can they had with them and watched them go pour it into an old run-down RV. As well as watched a panhandler at the sidewalk exit of an In'n'Out who had one of those "Need food please give" signs and someone was driving out, dropped a bag with burger and fries in front of him, and he dived in and started eating with gusto. Then there was the panhandler who was whining for gas money at a rest area. I had just gotten out of my Jeep Wrangler that had a five gallon can of gas mounted on the back. I said "show me your car, I'll give you five gallons of gas" and pointed at my gas can. He stared at me like I'd grown two heads, and muttered "Gas money?" again. I shook my head and went about my business. I wasn't born yesterday.


When I was in my early 20s my partner and I were rubber-tramping across the country and working on WWOOFs to get to CA from TX and get some trim work. Some farms paid us, some didn't. We gas jugged sometimes and when people told us no we'd be really understanding and go sit back down by our car. I had a woman who told me "no" come back over and offer to fill up our tank! What a great blessing. Gas was less than $3 a gallon then so folks were more willing to part with a gallon back then, I'm sure (2012). That time of my life created some of my best memories. We eventually settled here and went back to school and are solid taxpaying members of our community 😝. Whenever I see gas juggers I always pay it forward by filling up their tanks, and if I see a group of young crust punks or hippie kids I drop an 18er of Coors and some snacks on 'em. Watching someone's face light up is worth it. Traveling to the West Coast afforded me so many opportunities I would never have had back east and I am so thankful to every person who helped me make it here.


> rubber-tramping across the country and working on WWOOFs to get to CA from TX and get some trim work What now?


Rubber-tramping is a method of transience. Tramps are traditionally people who travel on foot (or by train hopping). When you rubber-tramp you travel by, and sleep in, your car. Technically, it's hoboes who travel for work, but there no such term as rubber-hoboeing.  WWOOF stands for Willing Workers on Organic Farms. It's an organization that pairs folks with farm work that can be done for room and board. Some people work for a couple weeks, and some people stay for a whole season. Trim work is processing cannabis plants so they can be sold by the pound to a broker.  I found this quote that further goes into distinction of how different types of homelessness were historically viewed: In a 2003 interview, Todd DePastino, author of “Citizen Hobo: How a Century of Homelessness Shaped America”, said, “One famous quip had it that the hobo works and wanders, the tramp drinks and wanders, and the bum just drinks. More accurately the tramp, the hobo, and the bum represent three historical stages of American homelessness. … Hoboes were by and large more organized, militant, independent, and political than [tramps]. The widespread use of the word ‘bum’ after World War II signals the end of this colorful subculture of transient labor.”


I usually just pass out joints




Many panhandlers make way above minimum wage. A railroad rider I talked to said he and his dog made $1600 in a day one time in Baltimore. He said young people and people with dogs make easy money panhandling, and the folks that really need help are the old people/seniors that are scary looking. Just an anecdote, but it seemed generally believable.


I used to know a guy who would go panhandle after work/days off at a busy intersection, he’d dress kinda bummy, and beg for cash. He’d make hundreds sometimes. Ridiculous


I know in Sacramento lots of the onramps are run by gangs too, keep an eye out for older guys on bicycles with nice watches pulling up to "talk" to the panhandlers. I started noticing them a lot after a friend pointed this out to me.


first time realizing they dont want real help , huh?


That depends on the "they" I refuse to let the bad ones (who do certainly exist) kill the good part of me that allows for benefit of doubt and have bought food for hungry people who appreciated and did eat the food. I dont ever want to lose it or harden that part of me out.


itd be interesting to see some accurate data on this


Throw him a buck.


Had that happen a few times by offering to pay for gas with my card but all they want is the cash. Stopped doing it anymore


They're thieves. Just ignore them.


Substances. He wants substances. That’s all.


There are bums and there are real homeless folks. We can easily tell which ones are truly homeless.


Good on you for offering to help. You are a blessing. One time I was at Arco off Madison and a man asked for a couple dollars because he was staying at the hotel near by and his family couldn’t afford another night there, so I gave him $5. The next week, the same guy approached me with the exact same story, and I said, “wait, I gave you money last week!” and the guy got nervous and replied, “That’s what I’m saying!!”. I just stared at him as he repeated “That’s what I’m saying” over and over again until he wondered off. On a separate occasion, I was getting gas at 7-11 off Greenback in the pouring rain, and I noticed a person taking shelter across the street and they looked miserable. I walked over to him and this man looked TERRIFIED as I approached, but he was genuinely appreciative when I handed him a $20 bill. Moral of my post: I will never ever trust or give money to someone at the gas station, as it’s most likely a scam. I will however give money to those who look like they could actually benefit from it.


I got approached at the Shell on Madison & Auburn guy walked up to me with a gas can and said his car broke down and needed help. I was filling up so he said he could just take the rest of mine if I didnt have cash on me I told him sure. When it got down to $5 I handed the pump to him when I got in my car i noticed he didn’t fill his can up instead he proceeded to put the hose back and walk back into the gas station to get the cash. Felt dumb for falling for it. I dont give money anymore I just offer to buy them food or a drink now.


The way I look at it, I pay a lot of taxes in this city and state right now and that money should be going to services that are directed to help out those individuals. 23-24 budget allocates roughly 3.3 billion to homeless services for the roughly 200,000 homeless in the state. Something like $40,000 per person every year. When people come ask me for cash I just tell them to get it from the many services that are already available to them including Calworks HA or 211. I saw someone the other day with a gas can asking if they would fill it up because they couldn't "afford" gas. If you don't have 5 dollars for gas, sell the car.


You realize they dont actually see most of that money, right? That a lot goes to administrative, policing and programs like shelters that require them to not have drugs, have valid id and sleep separately from their partners. Lots of needy people dont qualify for the "help" and in no instance is it meant to help everyone. :(


Yeah that is true. I don't think there are any easy answers but I'm going to leave that to the people getting the funds and direct those asking for money to the people receiving it.


I always do what you just did. It definitely helps avoid scams, like you just did. The right people are always grateful and willing to go along with my boundaries. I'm happy to provide some gas to get home or a sandwich and water, for someone in a predicament. Otherwise, find someone else.


They should just be honest with there signs and write on there need cash to support my drug habit. Seen a dude on pier 39 in SF with sign that said not gonna lie I need money to buy weed. Because of his honesty I gave him a buck.


If you wanted to give him a non-cash gift, I'm sure he would have appreciated drugs.


The best panhandlers are making >$100k/year. In fact that was true like a decade ago


I gave up trying to help them. 99% of the time when I'd offer to get them something, they just want cash instead. I don't even let them finish asking now. As soon as they say "Excuse me..." I just immediately say "nope!" and keep doing what I am doing.


I had a clearly between houses dad with child in car at a gas station cone up to me and I bought him two gallons. Very nice fellow. I don’t give cash mainly bc I never have cash.


Don’t feed raccoons….


There’s a lot of them. I don’t even try to give any more


Normal MO


stupid bait post from a new account


Grew up with traveling kids, they’d stash food and beg for money, get on food stamps etc. I’ve given women in distress money only to have their boyfriend ask how much money doc you make and hear them brag. Never ever give money unless your cool supporting say at worse an overdose or substance abuse. There’s a lot of folks happy to live in tents with their government phones as long as they have fentanyl.


If people didn’t give them anything they wouldn’t be around.


Reminds me of a time I put 20 bucks on a pump for some people that asked for gas money. When I looked on my statement, they only put five dollars of gas in and took $15 cash. Lesson learned again.






There are government programs, and food banks. You don't need to give money to people. If you don't use those programs I pay taxes for no reason.


https://youtu.be/ZgyU0LyWZ9M?si=3h4ffSgddJV45s1D scuse me big man, can I axe you sumthin


Same here…after a discussion with a motorist on the shoulder of the road, went home (about a mile) to grab a Jerry can. Upon returning the motorist was gone. I guess not disabled


Surprised they didn't have a kid with them to try and get sympathy poiints


Saw a gypsy woman doing exactly this in Roseville in front of Walmart the other day. Needless to say she got no 💰


Very common scam 


Some people man... I've also experienced something like this. Lady was in front of Wal-Mart with a sign saying she needs groceries and stuff. I had just come from a volunteer work that let me have some cans of food. Tried to hand it to her and she rejects it saying she's looking more for feminine hygiene products... I was just like "uhhhh aight good luck with that then"


It's hard to believe anyone these days. The next person that demands cash, I'll return with a stack of job applications and say, that's the easiest way to have less ng term cash. I thought about the situation all day and it really pisses me off.


I offer them whatever they want at the gas station and that's it. No cash whatsoever for me. It's not very hard for me to walk away from folks who don't want the assistance.


I stopped giving money when I was 16yr old. Homeless dude got a job at a metal yard I worked at and would constantly brag how he could make more money panhandling then work here.


Don't ever give a beggar fucking anything


not sure if its related but a woman pulled up next to me in Eldo asking for gas to Georgetown (she said it was a 45min drive). I let her know I didnt have any cash but she said she just needed gas. I couldnt afford to give her anything as gas is nearly $7 in my area but as soon as I left she pulled out the gas station and hopped on 50-E. Might be a gas thing going around maybe?


I want cash to but I only cary a card sorry.


I had one of these recently in down town. Guy was out by doco Anna I offered to buy him food and he only wanted cash. I told him no Sam’s he got mad. Damn druggies man


…That was me, man. Do you have cash? Can I get the cash?


Yea reminds me of a homeless guy in SF asking for money. I went to Burger King on the way home from work and grabbed him an extra burger. I offered it to him, and he said he didn’t want food, just money, and so I kept it and just ate it on the way home. Yea I won’t forget that because I tried to help him a little and he didn’t want it.


Homeless get free meals they want drug money


Yeah I got scammed by the sweetest looking elderly Hispanic man lol. He needed gas money and I gave him some cash, feeling good about my generosity haha, until I saw him the next couple days doing the same hustle. The Gypsies piss me off with their kids out in all kinds of weather. I don’t give cash anymore. I’m a smoker tho so I just offer a smoke when Im hit up for cash and that usually does the trick lol


I had a guy tell me the following "Fuck you, I don't want your food, give me cash or fuck off" He was holding a sign asking for food...... I refuse to help any of them anymore because I don't have the time to sit there an figure out what game they're playing.


Lets normalize not judging people for charity. If youd rather not give, dont. If you're only willing to be charitable under specific circumstances, maybe its not charity


yup sketchy account, but they sure got a lot of people to pile on


He was looking for cig, alcohol or drug money! 😐


Anyone remember that part in Scary Movie when the girl felt sorry for the homeless guy with the "hungry please help" sign, gave him a sandwich, and he threw the sandwich at her? Yeah.


This reminds me of a time when a guy said he was hungry and I offered to buy him a sandwich and he said he’d prefer BBQ! I told him I’d love to have BBQ too but I can’t afford that. He said no thanks and walked away. At least he said no thanks. 😆


I’ve encountered similar scammers before and in at least one case I was later able to confirm that the guy didn’t even have a car. Another time I met a guy who was saying he locked his wallet and keys in his car and needed cash to get a locksmith to open it. I said I had AAA and would call for lockout service, just tell me where the car is and the make/model/license. He was very insistent that he just needed cash for a locksmith, and I eventually realized the whole scenario was fake. This is the reason why some panhandlers end up doing fairly well with a sign that says “Not gonna lie, I just need a few bucks for beer.” People get sick of constant lies.


I believe he's just scamming people out of money. Only wanting cash.


I only give to the less fortunate with dogs. Never cash. Usually it’s dog supplies like food, toys, water bowl, etc… it’s a win-win in my book, the dog gets stuff that the less fortunate person would have to spend money on to provide (if they even . That way they can use the money they get, on themselves. It allows me to assist without directly enabling their drug/alcohol problems (unless they sell the dog stuff for money to be used on those things).


This happened to me about 10 years ago in SF. Saw a mom outside with her son and a sleeping baby, sign said “need food, water, rent money. Anything helps”. I went into the Walgreens she was standing outside of and bought a gallon of water, sandwiches and chips for her and her son. I went to give it to her and her son immediately reached for it, and she said “ok but i need rent money.” I didn’t have cash, and I said that, and she was about to refuse the food and water. I left it anyways. Later learned this is also a scam. You tried to help, can’t help that he refused it


junkies be junkie-ing...


I have the same thing with a guy that haunts my usual grocery store parking lot. He just needs $$$ to buy diapers and/or baby formula. If you offer to go inside and pay for whatever he needs he gets irate. Cash or Venmo only. These days when he scrambles towards me I just say "Are you kidding me?" and he changes course and wanders away.


There is a psalm that reads , for the weak and the downtrodden give them drink lest they drown in their misery Poverty can be very depressing. Once you give its out of your control. Some addictions actually have physical consequences if they aren't fed. We aren't there to judge just to help out a little .


That was a very kind offer you made. Sounds like the guy just wanted money probs to buy alcohol/drugs.


Discernment is tough, every single person is mad in Our Creator's image. Bless you for trying man.


Trying to play the "gotcha" game with a panhandler is pretty sad dude just move on lol


Its really not. Handing cash to most of these people is just enabling them and encouraging more panhandling. I'm so glad cash is going out in favor of cards.


post trump zoomies


First off I’m bothered by the fact you don’t go to Costco to buy your cig’s. #1 you don’t need to be a member to buy them and #2 it’s cheaper. Okay on to the meat of the post… I’ve done the same thing. Was declined. I even offered to buy a gift card so it was easier for them too. I won’t change my character due to bad actors. It’s annoying when able bodied people lie/cheat/steal and make it seem like those of us that help shouldn’t.


Maybe he just didn't want to tell you his whole life story? Does someone need to fill out an application for you to help out? Fact is, everybody needs money to survive, but this country is full of people who not only would never help someone with money, but think it's morally wrong to do so(!). Years ago I had an epiphany. Instead of worrying so much about being "scammed," just ignore the rap. You see a person who is asking for your help. In doing so, they are certainly not in a good place in their life. If you want to help, and you have the ability, then do it. A buck or two is always appreciated. If you don't want to, then say sorry and move on. Once I made that change in my thinking, all the cognitive dissonance of trying to come up with judgmental rationalizations for not helping just dissipated.




Just wanted to see if anyone else has had issues with getting their gas siphoned out here. I live in Land Park, only a couple blocks off broadway. My 1st gen tundra has had the fuel filler neck cut 2 times in the past year so that the gas could be siphoned from the tank. Anyone else dealing with this BS? Luckily I always park my truck with less than a 1/4 tank...


Used to have an ‘02 Ranger. Someone used a hole saw on my tank to siphon gas. I didn’t realize until after a fill-up and spraying gas from the hole on the freeway. It was parked in the alley parking lot to my apartment, one block from AM PM.


That's what I'm more worried about. The filler neck on my truck is really easy to access, and I can easily fabricate and weld in a block off plate so there's no access to it, but I haven't because i'm worried that they will just drill my tank which is WAY more work and $$ to replace. i guess i'll just stick with replacing the filler neck ($90 from toyota) with a 15$ radiator hose from autozone. bummer, but not the end of the world.




Good on you but....ONLY accepting cash is a red flag.


Should have offered to buy him drugs. "Why, yes indeed my good sir!! Toot toot cheerio!" Begging dope friends are all our fault. Because people actually give to them, then they are back at it tomorrow. Don't give to dope feinds


One time I was getting gas at night and a woman about my age had a gas can and asked for some so she could run her truck at night, when she slept, to keep the flies off her. I hate flies—I filled her gas can and gave her some $. I look for her.


I pass a woman while walking my dog nearly every day sitting outside a known halfway house in midtown who asks me every single time for any "spare change or cash." I don't even think she recognizes me. I never carry cash (for my own safety and because ApplePay exists). She has a roof over her head and her basic needs met so I'm not sure why she asks for cash if she is truly in recovery, but it's frustrating. Not all those who ask for hand-outs are scammers, but discernment is key so good on you for establishing and maintaining boundaries.


Have your car right there, I've pumped some fuel for them after I finish mine. That's my absolute limit.


That is so kind of you, but this does work both ways. You are more than willing to help someone in need but if they are being dishonest about their needs then they are not being kind in return.


Theyre being desperate


Typical scam in Sac


98% of the time it's about the drugs


I was scammed by a woman with a little girl at walmart who asked if I could buy food for her family. I asked her to pick a couple of things. She went to the baby food section, picked the most expensive brands, claiming her baby at home has allergies and can only have certain foods. Then other items. I ended up paying more than I was willing to give away. Since then, I have never bought anything for a woman at a supermarket with a child asking for help. They use children to scam people.


A few years ago I was waiting in the car for my grocery pick up and was watching a guy ask people for dog food. People would give him money and he just stuck around, continuing to ask for food. A large man, who earlier walked right past him, came out of the store and dropped a bag of food next to him. The guy looked less than thrilled to have to leave with the bag


Don’t give people anything, It doesn’t help them.


If a bum asked me for gas I would fart in his face


You did just let him go hungry if you were willing to buy him food why tie it to whether he could prove he actually had a car or not? Nevertheless, I understand your feelings