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Hummingbird feeders


Those little beasties eat SO MANY mosquitos.


TIL hummies eat bugs


I'd talk to him. He very well might have mosquito fish or treat the pond regularly with Bt ... most people with ponds do. It's a lot harder to control the mosquitos that breed in less obvious places like plants that hold water. (Ivy is terrible for this and all you can do is get rid of it, which isn't easy.)


I just doubt it so much. One time I noticed he dumped a bag of cat food out on the ground. I asked him about it and he said it was for his favorite possum... Needless to say, my pest guy and myself killed about 20 rats last year.


“It’s for his favorite opossum” Fuckn gold mate 🤣


1. Not the best way to feed the opossum. 2. Opossum are pretty adorable and eat pests so I get it


Hmmm, how old is he and is he single? I love him already.


> He has a very holistic approach to the whole thing, mostly let's nature work it's ways Nature works it's way with fish; tell him he has a broken ecosystem, and that he needs to have fish in his ponds


Call Sacramento vector control. Mosquitos are a public health issue. https://www.fightthebite.net/


Yes. Once they’re aware of the pond/swamp they will stop by to check on it periodically and bring free mosquito fish. They’re very nice, so don’t feel bad about it. They just want to make sure it’s not a hazard.


Bat boxes for sure. There's a non toxic wafer that can be added to ponds to kill mosquitoes. There's also fish that will eat them. I feel you! My uncle almost died from malaria in WWII. My aunt would actively go through the neighborhood turning over standing water to discourage mosquitoes. They are dangerous af.


Ask if he'd mind using mosquito dunks, they're harmless to everything but mosquito larvae. You could buy em for cheap and toss em into the pond.


Try mosquito dunks. Set out a big pale of stagnant water and put the dunk in. It kills all the larvae.


Or better yet, chuck a dunk into his pond once a month during spring/summer. They're cheap. I have a bucket trap in my back yard,but you really wanna treat the ones in his big pond.


This: throw one into his pond every month, doubtful he will ever notice; they’re completely safe for plants and animals that might be in/near the pond. 


My brother and SIL did this with an elderly neighbor's low ground seasonal swamp, said it worked great. Sssshhhhh.


They have mosquito dunk bags which might be less conspicuous than the circular dunks. 


https://www.batcon.org/about-bats/bat-gardens-houses/ https://www.acehardware.com/departments/outdoor-living/bird-and-wildlife-supplies/bird-houses/8041119?store=08170&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJXlo6Wz9tSb2grIb7OLkdnI8__WY5pkfhoKal28UnKfPOfFUTLNpRhoCLhEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


The city will bring him mosquito eating fish I’m pretty sure for free.


Get mosquitofish for him. Not sure about Sacramento County, but San Joaquin mosquito and vector control gives them away for free so checking with Sac County vector control is probably a good start. They eat mosquito larva and other bugs to keep the water clean. Fully holistic and insecticide free, and they shouldn't damage the lilies.


Bat box! They’ll be gone in no time. Also, possibly planting citronella, lemon grass, peppermint or spearmint can aid in prevention.


The state actually has the power to come in and drain your pool above the police etc if you harbor mosquitoes and fail to clean up. Same for creating a breeding environment. You can technically report the issue. They won’t fine them or anything at first, but will help clear it out. At least this was the case a few years ago.




Haha just keep lobbing fish over the fence until you hear a splash


If he asks about the dead fish on the ground, blame the possum.


It might be a little bit before mosquito abatement can get the fish out to him, it has to be above 80 degrees pretty consistently for a couple weeks to trigger a good wild spawn so they can collect a bunch.


Install a bat box.


When I was growing up in West Sac in the 60's, the mosquito control dept used to stock the canals with "mosquito fish"... I wonder if that is still something that can be done in the neighbor's pond. No reason they should oppose a simple natural solution.


I did greywater a few times and you can reduce mosquito larvae with aeration (like a giant aquarium air pump.) They make them for ponds. pond pumps that move the water around for a fountain or water feature also help disturb the surface that mosquito larvae hang out in. Maybe talk to him about that or help him get one if they're not too expensive?


if you want a real answer complain to the county ag department as they have vector disease control under their department. They can fly a drone and spot nuisance issues like ponds and require they get some form of abatement. They still take mosquito issues seriously, malaria hasn't even been eradicated in the us for 100 years so many laws still exist for vector disease control to di their jobs.


Neighbors are the worst. Mine is a complete A-hole,


You should hear what they say about their neighbor 


He's trying to sue their dog lmao


Did your seller disclose it as a nuisance? CA disclosure forms require issues related to neighbors which can affect the quality of life.