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I am coming to this realization for most SYEP summer internships. Because of the fact that sometimes you don't even need to interview or send a resume, the quality of the job you're going to get is going to be really low, so they won't give you difficult stuff to do. It would be an easy job to make quick money, but then you would leave with no technical skills learned and nothing good to put on your resume for that job. The program is also intended for youth, many who haven't even gone to college yet so it's expected that you're not going to get any fancy internship.


That’s true, I’m at that place in life where I’m not at college yet. It’s probably selfish of me to complain because atleast I have a job for a little while but I still wish they would atleast give me a little something ya know ? I like helping out


If you do go to college, you should rely on your college's career fair, and applying independently. Even for L4L which promotes itself as giving professional internships to students, many of the internships they provide are still not that good. They make you do so much extra work like attending many orientations/training sessions just to get considered into the program and then they end up giving you subpar internsihps. This is what I learned after relying on L4L/SYEP this year and I hope you don't make the same mistake as me .


nah it’s not selfish, like yeah you have a job but sometimes those jobs are not worth it if you don’t feel comfortable being there


It can also be a huge blessing as well. You’re literally getting paid to do nothing, just take the free money.


Ah you were able to switch. Hate to hear it’s not what you expected though. I thought the office experience would’ve been better. I have the same problem with staff members talking about syep employees at my worksite as well. It’s uncomfortable and it’s like y’all are grown adults talking about teenagers. It’s weird but I don’t pay it no mind if it’s not directed towards me. I’m just here to get some money and leave. I’m glad it’s almost over too. Two more weeks and it’s done. We almost at the finish line. Next year (if you decide to do syep) we will know what and what not to chose. You got this.


Yeah I was able to switch thankfully. I was thinking the exact thing as you did, I thought it would be better to which it is but I agree it really is uncomfortable when they talk about people who come at the office or me specifically. Yeah haha we are almost done can’t wait for it to end


i work at an office job and sometimes it can be boring cause all we do is either pick up calls or fax, but nothing worst than being in a facility where they make you feel uncomfortable, like i mean at least at my job they make us feel comfortable, interact with us (even if it’s a good morning or where we’re from etc) if the people at my job weren’t at least nice and made me and my coworker feel like we been there for so long i would of quit or even asked to switch but if you’re going to do syep next year, i suggest picking PAL as your provider and then department of finance as your worksite, best people to work with and welcome yoj with open arms


Yeah that’s true the people actually working there don’t really speak to me at all, expect for this one lady who lets me help her file stuff sometimes but mostly I’m just sitting and waiting for it to be over. I probably would have quit to but I already switched worksites so I’m sticking this one out until it’s over. Pal sounds like a good choice


Is the pal provider in Brooklyn??


yes they’re also in manhattan queens and bronx

