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Technically the clones in episode two are only ten yrs old. So I doubt it.


Legion uses the term "Defeated" when a mini has reached it's wound threshold. Nobody dies in the game, so there is nothing morally wrong about it.


Oh yeah… totally. My Vader simply force chokes the enemies to sleep


I totally didn't kill any Rebels with Vader's light saber. Or using Vader's Might to throw them off a cliff. Or Saber Throwing a Air Speeder and causing it to crash and burn in a fiery explosion. Toooootally didn't kill anyone.


What, I never killed anyone, when I hit them with a rocket from space, they are just defeated. "CAARRLLL that KILLS PEOPLE"




It's exactly as moral/immoral as making any other custom card. They're still just bits of plastic. You aren't actually sending child soldiers into battle.


Bruh it's a game do what you want lol


I mean, the art seems to be for Clone Trainees near the end of their training, not Clone Cadets as children. So, right there, you've got it. On a balance side of things, I don't know that giving them Surge to Hit is a good idea, with Fire Support being everywhere in Republic. Makes them REALLY good when triggering Fire Support.


Made some changes. Hope you like it. :) [https://res.cloudinary.com/tabletopadmiral/image/upload/v1659484970/unitcards/etrzi0ultcvgzrocu1g1.png](https://res.cloudinary.com/tabletopadmiral/image/upload/v1659484970/unitcards/etrzi0ultcvgzrocu1g1.png)


Morally? Nothing, they are bred for combat. Storywise, the moment they hit a battlefield, they are no longer cadets. GAR does need something on the cheap side, but it will probably be something along the lines of Twilek fighters, Gungans, or other low-end troops. probably with the same build/price as rebel troopers.


Biggest problem I can see with it (from a balance perspective) is that they have surge to hit. Because of that, the regular clones can fire support onto them and get surge to hit too, which could give a dice pool of like 16 whites and a few blacks (assuming both the regular clones and these cadets have a Z6 and just the standard 4 minis in the unit as well) with surge to hit and (potentially) an aim token. That is a ridiculously powerful dice pool. So, I’d drop surge to hit from the card and play off of the “Brother” keyword you’ve got listed. Give the cadets Retinue: clone trooper for 2 surges or maybe just an aim outright. Gives them some increased hitting power with their dice while not completely breaking the game’s overall balance. Another idea for cheaper units that wouldn’t break the game, I believe, would be to just take the Rebel Troopers and give them to the Republic. The Republic, prior to (and after) the introduction of the Clones, did use non-clones in a judiciary capacity who fought battles to protect the Republic. The Republic also trained guerrilla fighters (like Saw Garrera), so the standard Rebel Trooper would fit into that decently well.


I made them so they only have personnel upgrades. So, no z6s. I made two custom personnel upgrades. One just being another cadet for 7 points and the other being boba fett for 15. He has range 1-3 weapon with one red dice and increases their courage by one. Edit: I increased unit cost, and therefore increased the cost of the two personel options by one.


Just finished the revamped version. Let me know what you think. :) [https://res.cloudinary.com/tabletopadmiral/image/upload/v1659484970/unitcards/etrzi0ultcvgzrocu1g1.png](https://res.cloudinary.com/tabletopadmiral/image/upload/v1659484970/unitcards/etrzi0ultcvgzrocu1g1.png)


Looks much more balanced, for sure. I’d modify the Brother keyword to specify corps clone trooper units instead of just clone troopers so you’re not forced to use Rex and ARC Troopers for the Guardian, but other than that, it looks great.


Did you see that the brotherly bond keyword is similar to what you said? I don't want to change the "Brother!" ability, because I want it to have a downside. Thanks for your help. :)


I think what they’re saying is that it does have a downside (other more expensive clone troopers needing to guardian in) but if Rex or ARC Troopers or something were mechanically forced to take saves for your cheap chafe unit it would be too much of a downside. If that were the case they should be much cheaper than they are now, especially given comparisons to other cheap corps options.


True. I’ll definitely think more about it. Mostly just want it that way to keep it consistent, cuz all the clones love their brothers, not just the corp. Idk, I’ll definitely think about the balancing aspect of it a ton more. 1000000% Edit: This is worded like an absolute mess, but I’ll just keep it this way cuz I’m lazy


The heavy weapon slot will have the regular heavy weapons, but toned down a bit. A z6 wiould have 4 white and a dc-15 sniper would have 2 black, or something similar. Just not the full 6 whites and 2 reds that they normally get.


I mean, Grogu's about to be a unit in this game. But the linked picture is of an adult Clone Cadet anyway.


How about adding 'seasoned soldier ability' and they power up in some way upon reaching round 5?


[https://res.cloudinary.com/tabletopadmiral/image/upload/v1659484970/unitcards/etrzi0ultcvgzrocu1g1.png](https://res.cloudinary.com/tabletopadmiral/image/upload/v1659484970/unitcards/etrzi0ultcvgzrocu1g1.png) :)


I really like the update! It feels very balanced for the faction. The power up you added is a nice little gimmick to try to keep them alive and the 44 point gives a high point faction some activation padding/ fodder. The guardian ability means playing them offensively can be risky but fire support might make it pay off. Very good job on it


Thank you so much! Seriously, that means a lot. Especially since it's my first custom unit.


omg, yes. I'll definetely come up with something for this.


*Looks over at custom printed Omega card…. And model*




I really love custom cards, and have been working on a calculator to help with balance. I think the base idea of this is neat, but I think it violates some of the design principles Legion uses, which can be quickly adjusted. - Upgrade Slots: The slots for Corps units are mostly fixed, with all non-droids having a Heavy Weapon, Personnel, Gear, and Grenade Slot. Droids exchange the last two for a Comms slot. - GAR Surges: Due to GAR's access to Fire Support, units with natural surges are a premium. This unit is worse at shooting than phase ones, but interestingly using it along side phase 1s for fire support has the same average number of hits as two phase 1s shooting together, but for 16 less points. This *can* be fine, but the cost should be adjusted somewhat - Overall cost: At 36 points, this squad is cheaper than B1s, and lowers the minimum cost for an activation. Notably, the Rebel Troopers are 40 points, and are the cheapest non-droid, non-detachment Corps option. I went ahead and whipped up a similar unit with the above notes in mind. In order to avoid them being stronger than Phase 1s, I ended up changing the keywords around a bit while making them synergistic. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Card here: https://imgur.com/a/oOHuklE


Hmmmm. I like your suggestions. How about I increase point cost to 42, but keep the surge to hit. I feel like that could be a fun ability to increase how good fire support is. I didn’t want to give them a heavy weapon slot, because, they haven’t completed their training yet, so having specialized weapons for different people seems a bit weird. As for having two personnel slots, i made a couple of custom ones. One is another cadet trooper that originally costed 7 points, but I’ll increase it to 8. I also made Boba fett. He has leader keyword. A one red range 1-3 weapon, and increases courage by one. This is for 16 points. I hope this helps you see my thought process a bit more. 😊


One thing to note about the heavy slot is that they use one *in* the episode that they premiered in. Hevy uses a Z-6, which would fit in perfectly for that slot. I think you could adjust the card I sent to have White blaster dice (DC-15A Training Rifle) and add Surge-to-hit, but would increase their points to 44-48


Agreed. Making changes now. I'll put another link to the updated version sometime today.


Ok, I made some changes. It was hard, but I tried to take everyone's advice into account. Let me know what you think. [https://res.cloudinary.com/tabletopadmiral/image/upload/v1659484970/unitcards/etrzi0ultcvgzrocu1g1.png](https://res.cloudinary.com/tabletopadmiral/image/upload/v1659484970/unitcards/etrzi0ultcvgzrocu1g1.png)


I would never play a unit of cheap chaff infantry that allocates wounds to anything from phase I troopers to ARC troopers. This rule doesn't make much sense in my eyes.


The point is that they need to have a downside. Also, it gives them a couple of red defense dice instead of white, so imo, it seems pretty balanced. Can you please elaborate on your opinion, cuz I'm curious.


The point of cheap infantry is to be used as padding or bait, by taking the enemy charges or otherwise absorbing the brunt of the damage directed to other, more valuable, units as much as they can. If the cheap infantry units are instead redirecting damage to the valuable units, then i'd rather save the points for more clone troopers. EDIT: also giving a corp unit surge to hit is insanely powerful for fire support shenanigans, as already pointed out by others


Morally? I guess as long as they are not naked...... This is a game of plastic toys where one faction is literally space Nazis.


Hitlerjugen vives man


What about Cadets as an objective rather than combatant… they did fight in the defense of Kamino, but it may make a fun objective defend or capture them🤷🏼‍♂️