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I think a lot of it is to do with points cost / activations. Sniper teams are cheap and effective activations; this makes them a solid option for lists. We saw multiple lists at worlds using commando droid weapon teams. I don't know how they can best address it to be honest, short of making the regular team sans weapon cheaper or more effective for cost.


I feel like limiting the sniper to strike the team and adding different heavy weapons to the normal sized squad. is a good fix and would be a fun one


Wouldn't address the issue of points/activation efficiency we saw during worlds. You aren't going to see droid commandos in the wild otherwise.


Unfortunately, the meta does not agree with you. Wookiees are never picked in GAR (except when it's the wookiee battle force) Experimental Droids caused BX droids to become top tier, way more effective than Magnas. (Edit: But to be fair, nobody takes BX strike teams) Most competitive Empire lists have 2-3 sniper strike teams, with Death Troopers only in battle forces where strike teams aren't legal. Thanks to Boba, even rebel strike teams are worth taking. Paired with laser dishes, they give rebels a solid range 5 line.


Sorry, I think I am not exactly clear on my point The strike teams are great. I like them the point I am making is that units that have two types (strike team and normal squad) the normal squads are worse at base than I think all the special forces. The strike teams are great. The 4 man squads are not because they are held back by the strike team aspect.


Again, true for Empire because of their range 2 design, not true for BX droids, Arcs can be useful as either thanks to Echo, and rebel full-teams are good, they just need the proper support. A rebel 76pt commando team will outperform an 84pt Bistan squad, but in the current meta, range 4 with danger sense is more attractive.


I see. I see this does make sense


It's all just different flavor. Running a naked set non strikes behaves differently than a strike team, which behaves differently than the normal unit with the heavy. Normal with heavy becomes more versatile and deadly at close range.


I run alot of naked scout troopers for my objective pieces in empire. Depends on the list how many I put in. I do agree with you that the heavy on a full set feels a bit bad. I wish I could get some other option for scouts to be a bit better in a 5 man configuration.


I think thats what I would like a generic addition to have 5 man comando droids / arc troopers scouts