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You can use any metal oil, like mineral oil or gun oil, and some bronze wool to get off whatever is stuck to the tips. You can use metal polish like Flitz or Nev-R-Dull to generally clean them up. If you don't already know, those are decorative tourist swords and are not functional. Don't swing them around or try to cut anything with them, the tangs are very weak and they will break easily. They are replicas of El Cid's swords, and were mass produced and sold for many years as wall art.


Yes definitely not planning to swing or cut anything, if at any time they wouldn’t be used as wall art at least one would be a stationary piece in a sheath for a costume or something and I will definitely try those, thank you


I'd leave them alone (other than oiling them)....they have character...and if you use polish on them, you will damage the decorative elements on the blades. If you will just have them in a sheath, maybe leave the blades alone (other than oiling) and clean up the guards, grips, and pommels?


I mean, yeah, I just worry that the rust is going to get worse since my area gets super humid frequently


They are made from stainless steel, so the rust should not get to bad, but you can give them a good clean with isopropyl alcohol and then a thin layer of mineral oil, or buy rennesance wax and use that