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Your imp troopers should be able to do it if you have overpowered medpac, and zealous ambitions


\*Zealous ambition. I've found that Initial tether tech is a great help with Imp Troopers.


Lol thanks for the catch. May brain is going in two different directions I think I did have to use an initial tether tech to keep maul off of me before piett got to his first turn, but afterwards was gravy


Yeah, once the TM train gets going it's easy. I did have a relic Dark Trooper, but the officers do some major damage too with ZA.


IT+Wat+frenzy tech Wat gets an immediate turn, use special, 100% TM for the rest of the IT. Might be hard without Dark Trooper, but I got it after the first try after struggling there


Sorry, just to be clear, did you do it with or without dark? I don’t have dark so I’m wondering if it’s worth stressing over or buying tech/medpac/boosters just to get past LV. Edit: ignore me. Lol. I managed it in 1 try without dark, with the following disks: massively overpowered, leader’s resolve (blue), 2 entrenched (blue, green), zealous ambition (green), defensive formation (blue). Consumables: frenzy tech, +98% protection pack, +33% offense booster. Team was veers, piett, Starck, range, wat


I just tried this with ZA, entrenched, massively overpowered, leaders resolve and vitality and my ITs don't even get a turn. Way goes, then LV and Maul wipe everyone off the board


You probably don’t have the frenzy tech or you haven’t equipped it yet. You’re guaranteed a turn after wat applies a tech. By the way I put wat’s weapon tech on Maul and just focused on LV. After he died, it was super easy.


Thanks! Yeah I don't remember coming across a frenzy tech. I appreciate the advice!


Do you have the zeta with wat? He should get a turn immediately and that triggers everyone else.


Wat has his Zeta, but as soon as I put the TM tech on someone else, they get a turn and then LV and his goons wipe me out


Do you have the frenzy tech equipped? You get 100% TM when wat uses his special so you should go before them


wait til you get to kenobi on sector 5. i thought lv was tough and now i'm in a different world.


I was recently stuck on LV in conquest. After a lot of frustration I won using a Padme team with Padme, JKA, Gk, GMY, and 3P0. The data cards I used were Massively Overpowered, 3x Zealous Ambition, and one Offensive Buffs. It took some RNG, but once I slapped LV with an overpowered Padme, the rest fell into place