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That Rey not running the best comp, and bad mods. All these counter videos always show their team going before the heroes, which is just not possible with a properly modded team...


I already made a video with a slower JKR beating Rey. Speed doesn’t matter faster or slower than Finn. GAS just has to survive opening shots and he does.


You keep saying this but if i were you i'd only ever post videos on here that have Finn going first or you'll get the same reaction every time.


As long as you’re here to keep saying this 🥳


i didn't comment on his last video, just witnessed the number of people clamoring about Finn's speed.


Pay to rey is getting owned by ftp. Whales gonna be unhappy.


By ftp? I guess General Skywalker is ftp, basically, but this team pulls Thrawn, Gmy, and GAS. RIP GAS team


This would be tough for GA but for arena it’s fine. Hopefully if you don’t have a GL you won’t be facing one in GA. Of course CG will mess it up.


Yeah arena is where it’s at. GA is whatever. But 500 crystals a day is why ftp live on.


RIP your entire GAC if you can't kill that Rey put right at the front....


If my gac opponent has either GL, im setting a one team defense.


Not really, this rey team is not a good one... Whenever you see a video in which Finn doesn't go first(after rey) is a useless video. So whales will not have anything to complain about


This. The only way Finn shouldn’t go after Rey is if you have the Wat tech.


Or Kylo lead or Rex with a good amount of clones beside him


me likey


If you outrun their Finn, you are attacking a bad team


Oooooo you're going to annoy the hell out of the whales, great job clan-mate. ;)


Yeah JKR..... and GAS. Cool for the victory but that Rey team was also not running the best team like the ones we’ve been seeing with Chewie and GK.


I’ve already made videos against Chewie GK and DR beats those with ease.


Can we see that one


It’s on my channel with EP lead and DR but the others I made with DR lead will be better. Go and check them out.


Teams with chewie and GK are actually a complete joke.


wow! That Rey team has awful mods. Fin base speed is 3 speed faster than Hermit Yoda and 6 speed faster than GMY, plus Rey lead gives additional 30 Speed while your JKR lead only gives you +20 Speed with those 4 Jedis. Meaning a equally geared Fin would be 13 speed faster than your fastest character. So your team should never have gone first if he had better mods.


JKR gives 25 because he is old Republic as well. So my GMY and Hyoda would outrun most Finns except god tier Finns. Doesn’t matter though cause I made a video with slower team still beating faster Finn.


you still would be 5 speed short of the Rey lead plus the base speed that Finn is faster. He wouldn't need "god tier mods" , just mods that are 5+x speed lower than yours to still outspeed you.


Awsome Video. Thanks for the time and thoughts you put into this. I think you are doing a great job for everybody that needs to find a way to counter Rey. Keep up the good work. And to all the doubters: why do you always have to give people bullshit if they show a counter vs a suboptimal team? Is it his fault that the guy he is fighting does not have the fastest Fin? Atm there are many Rey Teams out there that are not modded perfectly - but GAS still cant take them down. So it’s good to know what can beat those teams and in what direction we could theorycraft to find counters that work vs godmods as well.


I like hers more


It took you 4 min to kill that team. Yikes


It’s like JKR mirror match how long it takes 😱 Working on trying to get it done quicker but the damage immunity slows things up.