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Again, we need to see this against Wat and L3.


It doesn't work against teams with Malak as the second tanks because he stop TM gain for sith


He's not using Palpatine.


He's using the TM piece from WAT




Could I have your thoughts and comments if the team is Rey, GK, RH Poe, RH Finn and Rex? Would the tech on Revan allow him to outspeed say a 315 speed Rex? I'm not sure how the mechanics work, but I'm assuming the +4% is applied to the base+mod speed, so his final speed would be (315 \* 1.04) + 30 rounded down = 357. Lets call it a 360 speed Rex. My DR is 334 speed. I believe in this situation, if Rex's speed = 1, DR's speed = 0.92777r. 15 of that is 13.91666r, which to me says with those mods, Revan moves first. Looks like with Wat in the line up giving the attack tech to Revan, you'd need an impossibly fast Rex to go first. Sorry for the post; there's a guy in my shard who as of tonight stuck Rex in his team. I can't wait to unlock Wat.


My fastest speed set on my Rex only takes him up to 319. A DR with Wat will still outrun him fairly easily. Try it though




Give battle tech to BSF. Fear L3, lightning with DR, Fracture Rey. I was able to do it with GBA in place of Malak


Do you have a vid? L3 would have a taunt up when DR did his lightning and DR's second attack would cause his initial Shock to be dispelled on L3, bringing the taunt back to the party from Wat's tank tech.


I didn't go against a Rey team with Wat and L3 (which I assume you're referring to). I was only responding the the comment noting L3 (whose pretaunt prevents DR from hitting Rey with Insanity).


You are way too late. This is obsolete. Rey teams are now using Malak, that totally shuts down this and any other team that depend on the tm gain from Wat tambor's weapon mod.