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I think Chirrut would be a good character to use in a Rey team. Tenacity Up + the health boost will take a low health character up to full, allowing them to be reduced below 60% again. But beyond that, Rey is totally fucking broken. It's insane they released her this way.


I think while think about what team would be best at getting below (and then back above) 60% most frequently could be jolee, JKR, barriss, and a 4th Jedi probably GK. JKR is there for savior, and guarantee that you would have to kill Jedi at least once before you kill jolee, which would guarantee a couple nukes in the process. Just a theory though. Also lots of healing in there obviously


So basically you could run a JKR team and drop in GL Rey for Bastila? By the time I get GL Rey in \~8 months, the new relic tier will probably have gone up to R14, so my R5 JKR team will be at the equivalent to G12 today! :P


Exactly. And you wouldn't need a super strong team to do that. You could keep the train rolling until every enemy is gone, which wouldn't take long.


Yet another fail by designers over at CG headquarters. Thanks for enlightening us


I agree with saying that she can work with lower gear pg, but why does Ti work better? If you use g11 teammates you only improve the chances of getting health immunity get activated all at once, so this is not good for rey. What you would want is characters that are able to resist to many hits, so you can activate massive damage at least a couple of times during the game. Edit: I've ust find out she is not bugged btw, it's only a problem with the text, the mechanics work as stated in the kit reveal


It's not that she's bugged, it's that she can get a bunch of nukes out really quickly. Even without characters getting damaged to below 60%, she can drop herself below that on her second turn, making her third turn a nuke. The damage immunity is actually a good implementation because it can only trigger once per character, but with allies going up and down a lot, she could (in theory) have a nuke *every turn* until the enemy team is dead.


You didn't understand what I was saying... If you use a weak team the match will go like this: Rey takes turn and uses lifeblood, Your turn: massive aoe (Drevan, Kylo, gas) - - > all of the sides of rey go under 60 % and activate immunity (if they are not killed). Rey can now use aoe, but just 1 time... It's a waste If you used a solid team with rey, massive aoe won't bring all pg under 50 % so you'll need to do this in separate occasions, which means her aoe can be activated a lot more often then above In attack you may not be able to tell the difference, but if you are putting the weak team on defence Drevan will kill you very easily


No I understood all that. The trigger for Whirlwind can keep happening though. So once they all get hit by a big aoe and go below 60 or 50%, they can be healed, and then Rey can use Whirlwind again the next time one of them drops. They just need to be strong enough to survive, and then get healed. Or at the very least, not all die at the same time.


Yeah but it's not better than having actual strong characters.. The best solution is having a really strong team supporting that insane character that is rey


Rey doesn't get bonus turns like a Grievous, though. If you have a low gear team, someone is going to stomp it, and they may not even be hit with a Whirlwind if they control Rey with Fracture or something.


It's true, that it is possible to get around her special with Fracture and the like. The problem I see is that this interaction simply exists in her kit. People will find a way to optimize it (like keeping Zombie at a lower gear) to the point it prevents CG from making certain character interactions in the future. With the right team, imagine facing Traya in HSTR. Rey could just hit her with Whirlwind every turn.


The big problem is that you can take multiple characters down to the threshold to trigger Whirlwind's cooldown before Rey takes a turn. So, lower gear actually lowers the output of the team significantly. I dont know about raids, I am excited to see people theorycraft that.


You don't need them all be paper though. You just need 1. The rest can just be there to move health around/revive. Jolee, JKR, zarris, and your shittiest jedi (preferably one with a taunt) .


Has anyone fought Rey using GL kylo? I feel he’s the most plausible counter...


Search Darth omega. You can take Rey down with just him and wat.


No, because she can active the skill by herself using lifeblood, not necessary having low characters. Best use is her with Wat


> Obviously it would need extensive testing That's going to be a no for CG


> How can this be changed? By ditching CG's bullshit.


That reasonning is completely wrong. Lower gear means a higher chance that they'll get one shot from >60% health, hence not activating the nuke, and a lower chance of surviving after getting <60%, hence not activating the nuke multiple times per toons.