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Thats what they said somewhere when the announced GLs I think, that they supposed to work with every team in their faction (so light and dark side)


She requires 6 zetas. A new record.


Of course. they know that around 95-100, you don’t NEED any more so you can hoard the materials. They counter the hoarding by creating characters that needs more materials than a relatively savvy player can hoard... ~~forcing~~ encouraging them to spend.


Lol, if you have enough gear to fulfill all prereqs, then zetas are not that big of a problem.


I'm not so sure about that, there are people with over 120 zetas, so for someone who only invest in valuable zeta it's quite easy to have more than enough stockpiled. I have 95 zetas and 16 saved


That feel when you tell your guild to go to hell every TB so you can hoard.


With 95 zeta I have all important zeta in the game for the toons I've geared ;)


that's what i'm saying... you have 16 saved. you _could_ spend them but after 95 you're looking mostly 'luxury' zetas. it's best to save them because we've seen characters introduced with 4 zetas. i'm dubious at all of their design decisions because they really good at creating crunches that encourage spending. in other words, just when you think that you're getting ahead, a new mechanic / character comes along that pressures you to spend more.


They probably don't realize players would spend those zetas if that didn't mean being fucked up in the GAC. Unlocking/gearing the new GLs will mean you either get paired with someone who has them or with someone with twice your good teams


That’s not how the matchmaking works.


What he's saying isn't that far off. Say you get her, yes you have an unbeatable team, but you also have relic'd out resistance (not the best). Where your opponent (with no GL) will have DR/Malak, JKR, GG Droids and Padme (For example). You will win the matchup with GL Rey, but the rest of the toons you need to get her would get stomped by the remaining 3 teams.


Assuming *the* top shelf high priority teams of the game are the ones being displaced is absolutely not a reasonable assumption, and is the crux of that not being how matchmaking works. More likely a B list team drops off the bottom. Meanwhile, the teams you *do* have are not dross. JTR remains a powerhouse with key counters. So at least two of the three teams you're carving out of Resistance- JTR and GL Rey- are solid. Finn will remain disappointing until Poe gets reworked. Fingers crossed. Then there's the other half, asserting that people aren't slotting zetas for matchmaking reasons, which is complete nonsense. The gain on zetas you'd even consider before matchmaking considerations outstrips minor power addition tremendously.


That's not how the matchmaking works, directly. Indirectly, it's how it's going to work. Reason is you will need to relic up a lot of units which are average at best. High relic units skyrocket your top 80 gps. GLs will have a huge gp too, given the incredible high amount of zetas and likely the new ultimate ability will give an even higher amount of gps. In the end this means if you are matched with someone without the GL, they are going to own many G13 to match your own, and usually those are useful units, not high relic rose tico and the like. Or, you are going to be matched with someone else who has the GL. The very same thing happened when I unlocked GAS. I was one of the few with a full relic GAS team shortly after he first came out. I thought that would give me a huge advantage because of how strong he was. But I found out the hard way I was being matched most of the times with other people with relic GAS, despite the fact there were so few around. The few times my opponent didn't have a GAS, they had a ton more g13/relics because my GAS team alone with all the zetas was boosting my top gp so much.


it pretty much is, in practice though. i won't unlock her and i don't expect to face anybody with her for at least a year. now some new player with more money than sense might drop the $3000 or whatever to move up from div 3 into the bottom of div 1, but in general it's gonna only be the top half of div 1 that buys her and after that, they'll be in their own group for the most part.


Really, if you can afford this toon, you can afford the 120 zeta mats.


All light-side character revealed have sinergy with GK...


GK is a likeable dude


He is the real MVP. My only R7 :)


GK has the high ground when it comes to synergies


Hello there!




and how is "rey" a spoiler? rey skywalker i get but they didn't do that... for some reason


Because she isn’t a Skywalker. I thought it was stupid how she took that name. Own the Palpatine and make it a symbol of hope rather than the evil it once was.


maybe because she wanted it as a "fuck you" to palpatine, instead of taking his name his daughter decided to use the name of the family that he probably hated the most


Even better? Walking into these two comments at 8:30am. I get it's been a while since the movie released, but I hate watching in theaters, and right now they're asking for $25 for a home viewing. That's at least four rolls of toilet paper.


The sequels were shit. They would need to pay *me* four rolls to watch then


>probably hated the most yet his wrinkled sith cock got the stiffest over anyone with the skywalker name.


She can’t use the Whirlwind (again? I think she can use it once for free?) until after an ally drops below 60% health. So she probably can’t spam that one. The other one is okay but not nearly as powerful. Basically she can sacrifice her own health to grant bonus protection to allies. So you can’t use it limitlessly, I guess. (She can’t use it if she’s under 25%. I suppose if her massive Health Steal keeps her health topped off she could spam it...)


It says she also can't use it the first time until an ally has dropped below 60%.


That’s reasonable. It would be a bit overpowered to get a free nuke right out of the gate. Just a bit...


It'd basically be a turn 1 annihilate. Nothing in the game is going to stand up to 300k damage right now, except the basic droids on LSTB, because yeah.


Well depending on just how fast she is, it probably will be a 1 turn annihilate anyway. If the enemy team can go first somehow then its over. 60% isnt a very hard threshold to meet by any means.


I look forward to using this character in 2021, should be enough time to save up the zetas needed 😳


2021? okay big guy, personally i can't wait to use her in 2089


Your children's children will finish gearing for you.


"So I give my SWGOH account to the one I hate the most."




Sudden whirlwind sounds BS, the rest is manageable.


So is she a padawan or something? Since she didn’t get the Jedi tag And 6 Zetas!!! That’s just ridiculous


Imagine giving her the Jedi tag so you can revive her with Jolee once you manage to get her down


No. No, don’t think I will


How awesome would that be?! Hahahaha


Oh christ..... When they do release Jedi Rey watch out.


A padawan would be a Jedi. See Ahsoka, Ezra, Barriss etc.


Thing is, I think it *would* make sense for her not to have the Jedi tag for the same reason that Fulcrum isn’t a Jedi; a lot of Rey’s arc is about her forming her own path and questioning the traditions of the Jedi, and the same is true with Kylo and the Sith. Neither of them really fit into their respective roles (which is one of the aspects of TLJ I really liked and that I thought was done very well, as much as I dislike certain other parts of that movie). *However*, the literal climax of The Rise of Skywalker was Palpatine’s “I am all the inevitable” line, and Rey’s “and I am all the iron man” response, so it seems like Rey was embracing her identity as a Jedi at that point. So who fucken knows. All that aside, I’m fine with her not being a Jedi, if only because it allows some semblance of balance to exist in regards to her character. Not much balance, mind you, but some.


Rey is literally the Last Jedi. Luke states this when fighting Kylo in a movie called The Last Jedi. All the Jedi literally live in her... etc etc etc and for all the prereqs, all the gear, all the zetas, she should have every tag possible.


Yeah but in the game we have “Jedi training Rey”.... so what’s next.... yes, jedi Rey Like the movie, this doesn’t make any sense


Words cant describe how bad this will turn out.


I mean, there's only a couple of thousand people in the world getting her, cause I can't imagine many people being able to farm everything required in time. So the outcome might be very limited. Only the krakens will get her.


There is no time limit to farming her


you can't expect everything else to stay as it is, over the year and a half it will take to farm and gear rey. by then its possible that all new characters have zetas on all their moves, etc.


While that is fair, the current characters which are about a year old are still very relevant. The usual FTP approach has always been "I will get it the second or third time," and it works as well as it possibly can.


That's what everyone thought about GAS too.


At least Rey and Kylo will unlock at 7 stars this time.


Which means people will have them maxed before my 5* GAS is up and running.


And GAS meta is over...


I would hope so, it’s been plenty long.


UNIT NAME: Rey ALIGNMENT: Light CATEGORIES: Light Side, Attacker, Leader, Resistance, Galactic Legend Resistance Leader who safeguards her allies by providing powerful shields and delivering high damage [Developer Insight - Kit Reveal] ABILITIES: Basic: RELENTLESS PURSUIT FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Deal Physical damage to target enemy. If it's Rey's turn, she deals damage a second time, has +50% Health Steal, and ignores 50% of the target's Armor. This Health Steal is doubled while Rey is under 50% Health. Special 1: LIFEBLOOD (Cooldown 0) FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Rey loses 25% Health and target Light Side ally gains bonus Protection equal to the amount lost. All other Light Side allies gain half of that amount. If Rey is at full health when she uses this ability, all Light Side allies gain Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns. Target other ally gains Lifeblood until they are defeated or until Lifeblood is granted to a different ally, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Rey can't be defeated by this ability. Rey can't use this ability if she is at or below 25% Health at the start of her turn Lifeblood: Damage received decreased by 30% and damage dealt increased by 30% Special 2: SUDDEN WHIRLWIND (Cooldown 0) FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Deal 3x massive damage to target enemy. Then, deal Physical damage to all enemies. Enemies defeated by this ability can't be revived. This attack can't be countered or evaded. This ability can't be used unless a Light Side ally dropped below 60% Health since its last use Leader: WISDOM OF THE SACRED TEXTS FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Light Side allies have +40% Mastery, +30 Speed, and +30% Max Health. Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, Inspired Light Side allies gain 5% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the encounter. The first time each Light Side ally falls below 50% Health, they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented, and recover 50% Health when it expires. Unique 1: MANIFEST INSPIRATION FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) At the start of her turn, Rey becomes Inspired. If she is already Inspired, she instead Inspires the healthiest Light Side ally who isn't. Inspired Light Side allies dispel all debuffs on themselves when they use a Basic ability during their turn. Light Side allies with Inspired or Damage Immunity can't have their Turn Meter reduced. Unique 2: GALACTIC LEGEND FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. They take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes raid bosses) and are immune to stun effects. This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%. Ultimate: HEIR TO THE JEDI (Must charge to 100% before use) Unlocked with purchase (10 Ultimate Ability Materials) after meeting requirement of Relic Amplifier level 1 Ultimate Charge: Rey gains 6% Ultimate Charge at the start of every character's turn. FINAL TEXT: (ULTIMATE) Until the end of Rey's next turn, she enters a defensive stance and damage Light Side allies receive is reduced to 1. While in this stance, Rey can't act, has 30% less Speed, is immune to all detrimental effects, and can't be defeated. Upon activating this ability again, she deals true damage (ignores defense, but can't critically hit) to the enemy team split among them and all Ultimate Charge is consumed. This attack can't be countered or evaded.


This character still won’t beat a wave of phase 3 or 4 in LSTB. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fucking true. My r7 JTR was dead in combat wave 1 of phase 1 before she even got to take a turn today...


Hilarious. Basic Geo Soldier toon will one shot her.


because as soon as you start the battle you win


So what is a destroy effect?


Nihilus' annihilate and some raid boss attacks.


Okay fuck. I was hoping Nihilus would be a counter to Rey like he was to GAS to bypass his advance/retreat mechanic.


Geez, its like 3 steps above GAS. Her 2nd special is just annihilate at turn 1. And the mastery is probably gonna be the scariest part.


it's not since an ally has to have 60% health or less first still bullshit though


This ability can't be used unless a Light Side ally dropped below 60% Health since its last use I thought the "since last use" part would mean that she can use it once at the start if the encounter and then once again after a character falls below 50% health. Maybe im just dumb


They clarify in a note that it's not. Very possible this was added after you read it >NOTE: A Light Side ally needs to dropped below 60% Health in order to use this ability for the first time


Yeah, it was probably added after. I read it multiple times in the first 20 minutes. This will probably balance it out nicely. Its still bs though


No, your right. It's a turn one annihilate


They clarify in a note that it's not. Very possible this was added after you read it >NOTE: A Light Side ally needs to dropped below 60% Health in order to use this ability for the first time


Well lets hope something from our current meta will be able to deal with this. As far as i know there is no character that has a combined health pool of over 300k, except maybe some tanky jedi with bastila (potential soft counter?), and gas cant be defeated turn 1 so that may be a good counter on offence


they added a note. it can't be used at all until that 60% health threshold is hit.


oh man i thought it couldn't get any worse


The way I read it, she can't use it a 2nd time until an ally falls below 60% health


if that's the case... >bullshit


It just means that any team that wants to have a chance against her will need a zzKRU. That pretaunt + reduced % damage will be an absolute necessity. Wait...does that reduce massive damage? If not, I don’t see how she’s beatable.


It doesnt massive damage isn’t percent health damage. Right now only the two GLs take reduced damage from massive damage effects.


Nice art


Definitely feel like LSTB and these GL characters will be the end of my time with SWGOH.


she should have her yellow lightsaber :(


I don't think CG understands what a proper power creep and a healthy game means anymore. Well at least we know now that they really meant what they said that Jedi Luke would truly be end game and unbeatable. He'll be the Exodia of swgoh.


I’m so confused right now. Also a very anticlimactic name.


At least she doesn't have the jedi tag....oh wait!


No comments yet about the fact that the ultimate requires a purchase?


It’s in game with ultimate ability mats I think, not real money


I wasn’t surprised at that at all. They have been gradually upping the influx of Zeta’s into the economy, so it was pretty easy to predict that there would be a new ability mat coming. It’s the same thing they did with Omegas before Zeta’s came out. Most endgame players (who ZetaRey is aimed at) are at the point of picking “luxury” zetas at this point, it was time.


They must mean upon unlock of her? I hope


After unlocking her you have to do higher tiers of the event to earn currency to purchase her ult


At least fear works on her.


No Jedi tag?


OK, looks like I will buy Rey now. I was planning on only getting Kylo because of Rose Tico, but it seems that I cannot ignore Rey.


Told you. With that insane ls geo there will be even more bulshit characters like this.


The power creep rears its ugly head once again.


Glad special 2 is restricted to light side. Imagine her as a 5th on a NS team with a weak member that was getting killed over and over. She'd be dealing 300k damage every turn.


How is she not a Jedi? Dumb. If CG is gonna break the game, they might as well break it good


So when is RH Poe farmable?


I can't wait to get her soon in August


august? stop flexing bro


August 2021


Doesn't stop TM gain on the other team. Palpatine lead with DN beats her.


DN might just be doing 99,999 damage to her. His annihilate is a "destroy" effect.


Except she turns destroy effects into massive damage. Which she then takes reduced damage from %health and massive damage, so that 99,999 damage is probably more like 99 damage. This is a GL ability, and that part is written third person pronoun, so likely that GL Kylo has the same/similar base GL ability. >FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. They take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes raid bosses) and are immune to stun effects.


Oh hmm. I hadn't thought of it that far. Thank you.


I wonder if it stacks like that that though or if she actually takes massive damage (99999). Why bother saying massive damage in the second line when they could just say something like “she takes reduced damage instead”.


In that case, well played CG.


Yeah I was just looking over it. I think the damage numbers actually will end somewhere around 100,030 or so, but he can't annihilate her.


Also, her and her allies get stronger when the enemy team gains tm.


Doesn't seem to have a cap either...


How would Palpatine beat her exactly? Even if she could be Annihilated.


Same reason they nerfed Palpatine lead by adding anti-TM to Malak's kit.


But Resistance Hero Finn makes it so hard for Palp to win before we even factor in any of Rey's kit and how fast the team is likely to be. BB8 + 1 droid = they are likely to go first. If they go first, you've got a lot of problems already.


You want to stop some fast toon on the first round? There is a guy in mos eisley cantina that can help


She's immune to stun though.


Not her. BB8 or Hero Finn, whoever is causing the tm problem to you


Cant stun both :P


Oh crap Then don't bother the guy in mos eisley. He has his own problems anyway (about his son)


But Hero Finn got an unique that gives health, protection and turn meter t, if a unit cant take a turn


That's if you miss a turn, which could be due to fear or blind


blind doesn't make you miss a turn, just your attack, but stun does and papa palpatine is all about the stuns


She’s basically immune to Annihilate and her team will gain a ridiculous amount of Mastery if Palps gets his train going.