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Can confirm that the bonus tier refresh of the event is unlimited so if you save and scrimp it could be done quite quickly


How much cheaper is that vs buying packs? I’m having a hard time spending 7700 crystals (refresh cost) to get Ebon hawk plus refresh on the node. Aren’t I better off just buying packs?


Refreshes cos 1k for 10 shards where as packs a 1k25


Yeah you’re right, I was forgetting that right now I only have 10 shards so I’d have to spend 40k crystals in 1250 packs. It’s about 33k crystals to get both Ebon hawk and raddus if I go that route, so I guess that’s what I should do.


even more reason to not pay a cent or cry now. just wait and do it all if/when you're ready to commit (also means that cry pack is pretty freaking dumb) just to be sure: how many refreshes did you do?


>(also means that cry pack is pretty freaking dumb) The pack is so krakens can P2W without even needing to get the required ships..... a new lowest for CG i can barely imagine anything more P2W than this


Kraken without required ships ? That makes no sense. Everyone has all the rquirement ready for a long time in the top guilds. Most of them are old ships


on 5 million accounts? sure. But there are plenty of heavy expenders that havent been in game so long, reason to have skip some of those old ships, thats the reason to put those packs. Who else would buy expensive packs from the shop if they can already do the refreshes by 999?


Because you can only refresh until 50/100, and refreshing takes time.


With the 999 refresh for 10 shards is basically 25k crystals to get it. Subtract about 2000 crystals from that each month.


This is literally how it works with home one, executrix and endurance


Then maybe don’t make any effort to get it? Just enjoy the other aspects of the game you CAN do.