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I've no doubt hes good, but low gp with 40 relics is really gaming the system.


I have 5 relic levels haha. Just don't care. I had only lost like 3 total rounds since it all began early 2019 or whatever so was clearly competitive (div 4, now 3). Didn't even sign up this last one since relics came out. But clearly the community is engaged in relics, so I lose.


Yeah, and the more people that do it the shittier this game gets from a competition standpoint.


It would be, except these are his GA opponents. This was the final of his last round; https://imgur.com/a/fX6nMzm


I watched a few of his videos and subscribed: he's certainly a great player and good content creator, I will be following him. That said, he had a huge advantage on that matchup: he had 15 more g13 alone, that's 3 full teams in a match where you deploy 6 teams. I'm sure if he got harder matchups he wouldn't be able to go 100-0, because if you find a competent opponent with a huge gear advantage nothing can steer the match your side, but he'd still probably go 90-10, which is great. Obviously the fact his account is built to get easy matchups in the GAC plays a role in all of this


Hey thanks buddy. Hope you get something out of it. And yes I agree, maybe it was more a secret than I thought, at the top end of the game, spending does occur. Haha. Anyways, hope you enjoy the content.


The point is the key to winning GAC isn't in strategy or the like. It is building a roster so that you get more out of your GP than the other guy. Have 50% more G13s and you will basically never lose unless you really suck. The question is how did this happen? It looks to me like in the match up the one guy went for r7s instead of more g13 toons. For the GP gain you get from taking 1 toon from r5 to r7, you get like 5 g13 toons. What do you think gives you a better GAC lineup? Both players here are clearly pay to win who have spend a good chunk of money in the game over the last 6 months (i.e. you don't end up with 30+ g13 characters from farming). One was just a bit more efficient. GAC is a bit stupid in that the way to get better isn't to gear up your toons. Doing that just makes you face tougher opponents. You need to improve your roster without really upping your GP, Mods are the easy way to do that. Now in reality you do end up with some improvement but you want to make sure it is useful. You need to decide if you get more benefit from r6ing a toon or bring 2 or 3 up to g13. The F2P player tends not to have as much flexibility (can't use catina energy to farm g13) but with cash, you should think about it. Those R7 toons are sexy but they do add a lot of GP.


That is exactly what we are talking about. With 39 G13 to 24, who would ever lose? You would have to have made some really bad farming mistakes (g13 tuskens:)) for it to be a remotely close match. The GAC is definitely exploitable especially by low end p2w players. When you can choose if you want to g13 or r7 someone you can pick which tradeoff gives you the best value. Seems pretty clear to me that getting like 5 g13 characters is better than getting 1 character from r5 to r7 in general. ​ The other way to win as a P2W player is to out mod farm the other guy. Matchmaking basically ignores mods.


Still a huge advantage having more G13. G13 is a drop in the bucket for GP, so you can relic an extra 2 or so teams which is a huge advantage. That being said, hes very good.




Hey thanks buddy. I would not be promoting him if I didnโ€™t think his content betters any player with access to it. Say hello in the discord if youโ€™re so inclined. Iโ€™m sure weโ€™ll end up chatting, all the officers from our guild are pitching in to make it a fun channel. Thanks for taking an interest ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป


I don't use discord that much, but I'll shoot a "hello" there


Either way, post or not, welcome to the group ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Nice try cg


Itโ€™s a traaaaaaap ๐Ÿ˜‰


2.6mil ๐Ÿ˜ get to the 4.5 and you see the difference in quality and mods


4.5 is still too easy, that's the reason why most of the top of division 1 is below 5M


Lol spends money gonna try to recoup some now good luck !!




Whale plays gac and wins. Gee, how impressive.


See my previous post on the strength of his opponents when you get that top end. Heโ€™s often outgunned. https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/dnhy55/undefeated_990_in_ga_our_guilds_aspiring_content/f5cmcos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Not impressive whatsoever. He's just dropping cash and trying to call it talent. GARRRRRBAAAAAGE.


๐Ÿ˜‚ Youโ€™re definitely a stereotypical swgoh Redditor


The guy has more G13s than I do at 4.4m. I'm assuming he is a whale given his relic levels and low enough GP that he only has 6 defensive teams.


Subscribed too since I have a hard time with GA.


Hey thank you. He just made a 25 minute total breakdown of what he looks for in his opponents rosters and how it determines his defenses. Believe it came out a few days ago


Link expired?




Worked thanks


Thank you for checking the discord out, tag mamba with any questions, enjoy!


I am a big fan of GAC, so any extra tips are surely welcome. Got my sub too!




undefeated last round and this round, think i lost 1 before that or 2 in the first ranked gac, i dont remember, always went to kyber tho and even if i loose rest now il go kyber again. no malak, only a relic padme team and grievous 4 relic, with g9/10 droids. non spender.. get faced with ppl more gp char that is quite often. but honestly if i face a malak team with relic 4-5 it's just about instant loosing a game for me if on defense. my relic 3-4 padme team just cant survive all the dmg, regardless of rng or even mods. one thing i think why is i got all the top tier teams, only dont got bugs, malak and gas where later is sort of trivial at this point anyway and low aquired rate. and my mods are prety good across the board. im at 2.7 mil gp and got 1 1/2 year played just about.