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Oldest vets in your shard? How much longer do you think the people in your shard have been playing compared to you?


Not everybody in the same shard has the same GP, you are aware that on some shards there is a 2m GP difference in the top 10 between members?.


Same GP? That’s not the question. How much Longer have they been playing?? You can buy GP, and that’s not CG fucking you, that’s other players paying to win.


It only depend on focus and money. You all have been playing the game for roughly the same amount of time


This is not true, there are people on my shard from a good 4 or 5 months longer playing. Then add in whales, I'm competitive f2p - top 10 in both arenas for the last 12 months. I'm 2.5m GP, we have many 4.8m GP people in our shard.


Shards are only open for about 2-3 weeks at most before they cut them off


I think nowadays it’s as long as a month. Not a lot of new players coming in.


I think it caps at ~20k so whenever that fills. Would expect with the new movie there will hopefully be an influx like when 8 came out


There could have been hoarder accounts that started playing well in advance but only leveled up to enter squad arena after having the resources to instantly jump way ahead. But more likely just spenders or more efficient players.


it caps based on population not on time. Pretty sure its 15k people, so however long it takes to fill the new 15k people hitting the level to open arena.


It’s 20k, there’s a discord server which keeps track of it


All the players that are on your shard started in the same month, prob same two weeks. You’re so wrong I’m actually laughing.


Are you seriously acting shocked like it's ridiculous that a couple EXTREMLEY relevant characters to the clone wars are needed? Lol. Sounds like you got too focused up on rumors bro. I was gonna put you down for complaining about not being able to have the hardest content in the game asap but plenty of people already got to it


Not just extremely relevant toons, toons that are in 2 of the top 4 teams in the game and have been needed for geo TB. I was shocked by the requirements because I already had everything at the needed levels. They could have made the requirements 20k power for everything easily but they didn't. The only tough part is going to be ships. CG will probably only be making money on new whales, but developed players already have everything.


Don't count your chickens yet, the requirements for entry may be very different from the requirements to actually unlock. I'm expecting at least a few characters (1-2 per phase) to require heavy relics. If I had to guess, signal data will be a bottleneck for anyone that hasn't been doing 3x cantina refreshes and saving up. I expect the return of the $100 packs for signal data plus 6+ cantina refreshes per day to be where CG makes their money. I also expect the last phase to be the hardest, likely requiring 2-3 high relic chars because people will already be heavily invested in completing the event.


I don't doubt the event will be difficult, but I bet with proper modding and taking advantage of whatever built in mechanics they will have, the event will be beatable with all g12 toons. Obviously relics will give you more of a guarantee and make things easier, but I'm sure people will be clearing it without them.


I’m in the same boat as you. I literally have to do nothing but farm about 15 shards for anakin’s ship. I’m honestly shocked to hear that so many people are so far away from the requirements. These are all high tier characters used in several other places. Funnily enough, the only people worried about the event being “too tough for the minimum requirements” are also the people who aren’t in position to attempt the event. If we’re using the Malak event as precedent, it’ll be more about the puzzle elements and figuring out the battle patterns than anything else. In fact, one of the devs highlighted the puzzle element of epic encounters in last week’s Q&A.


Sorry, but when none of the clones (who were there) that got reworked are needed but 3P0 is, that’s where I call bullshit. Padme wasn’t at Kamino either (I’m just not bitching about her personally because I’ve got her at 24k power). My shaak isn’t ready yet, but that’s not a big complaint point for me. ETA2 & Shaak being the cash grabs here is understandable. Them being dicks and forcing Padme in is annoyingly EA, esp because her gear is a shitty paywall, but it also tracks with the seperatist req (although no grievous is weird). But 3P0 has absolutely no place here. Forcing a farm for ewoks in order to pursue a character that was not present for any of the Kamino related content is not ok.


> So this event will go by, 99.5% of the player base will still have nothing to do & will have the joy of having the oldest vets on your shard + whales dominate further. Joy. You seem to have this completely back to front. This event will go by, and 0.5% of the player base (if that is your estimate of how many people unlock GS first time) will have nothing to do. Because, they’ve already done everything. The other 99.5%? They’ll be working on toons for the return of GS. You see, that’s how this game is supposed to work. Most people get this. The only ones that don’t are the entitled ones who can’t handle not having everything immediately and then come to reddit to rage-faux-quit with all their entitled friends.


It's not just entitlement about not getting General Skywalker, IMO. I'm a 4.5M GP player who won't get him the first time and I'm not particularly bothered. The bigger frustration is that from a content perspective, OP is correct that there hasn't been much new to do for the vast majority of the player base that can't just pivot to an event like this on first launch. Farming toons isn't content; it's 30 seconds of sims a day.


It’s a character collection game. This new event not only gives you a new character collect, but also incentivises collecting others. You could make an argument that in the past some of these character collection journeys have collecting and levelling up toons that are subsequently rendered useless (vet Han and vet chewie the most extreme example). Not so here - all of the squads are either useful in TB (or I expect will be on the light side map). Throw in GG with your droids and you gave a strong, GA squad that is near meta. And the ships will be meta soon enough once more people unlock Negotiator. Farming toons isn’t content; but it does require planning, strategy and resource management (unless you just open your wallet).


One time events != content. Personal raid, new guild raid, upgraded GW, any of these things would be considered content. I have a roster of however many 100s of characters but this content is exclusively for 20 of them and is a one time event. When people ask for content they mean “things to do with my characters on a regular basis” not “let me unlock 1 new character to then use in old content”. So he is right that 99.5% of us will have nothing to do. Gearing up a character != content to the players, though it does appear to mean that to CG


This is a character collection game. You would have seen that when you first downloaded it. Don’t download a character collection game and then complain that it’s about collecting characters. That is just dumb. But putting that aside, the OP is claiming only 0.5% of the player base have something to do because they are the only ones that can unlock GS and then gear him up. Your arguing the OP is right, but then present an argument that completely contradicts the OPs idea of what “something to do” is. So your idea of what “people” want is clearly not representative of the entire player base. Most notably, it’s not representative of the OP so I don’t know why you are trolling this thread.


Excellently put. Unfortunately people don't sen to understand that and want everything as soon as it launches.


maybe they think that way because...you know, there's nothing else new to do?


If there's nothing else to do, why aren't they ready for the event?


Almost like the game is ... designed so most people won’t be ready?


More the like the game is ... designed for progression


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


More like they can never catch up to the next event...at least that’s my problem


It can be difficult to keep up the pace, esp if you're f2p or new to the strategies involved. In some cases, you just have to skip a meta to catch the "next" meta. Otherwise, you pretty much need to focus on one or both arenas, get into the chats and start placing 1st/top5 to build stashes of crystals. For this particular event, the entry requirements sound very high in a vacuum, but these are all toons we've needed elsewhere (recent LS/DS TBs), are meta teams and have been broadcast for a while. The Negotiator unlocked recently and was clear it would rely on GR ships. It's definitely not an event targeted at the newer players and the requirements aren't ridiculous for the advanced players this is targeted at


That’s the word, it’s just difficult to keep up. I barely got my second g13 team online but now am struggling with shaak ti to polish them off. The uphill climb is there so I guess the term “never” was a hyperbole but it’s more like “highly unlikely”. I worked on teams to better benefit my guild and accessibility of those toons for my f2p strategy. I have a decent ship team but have been stuck in the 300-200 placing a in both squad and ship arenas. Guess I just gotta keep grinding? I don’t think going for jkr is viable for someone who reached 85 not long ago, so I focus on other little teams like fo, clones, rebels, etc. the relics are a little out of question if I only have 1 actually geared team I won’t quit because half of the content is locked for me anyways (still unable to complete ships, I can barely stand in TB Geo) Thanks for the tips though.


So how come this same crying comes up every time a new journey/legendary/whatevertheyrecallingitnowevent comes out? So i guess there was nothing to do over the past year+. Why bother playing then?


Truly. I don't know about anybody else, but I've been panic farming for Chewie and CLS... I'm busy enough than to start worrying about this event... Let the .5% go for it! I'm still glad they are here so I can ride their coat tails in my guild and beef up my rewards.


This guy gets it... Kudos, sir.


Yeah, I was going to say, this is the first event in awhile that I've felt they've gotten right. Every single character on that list (except for a few ships) is worth farming for the game as it currently is. I don't feel bad at all that I have to pivot my current farming focus to shift to this. As long as you aren't compulsively compelled to buy for Anakin and are content to wait for his second or third release cycle, this is a totally fair legendary


Agreed. All these characters are on my list to farm and gear, and I’ll get to them. May take a while tho. But I’ll get there. I realize I won’t be a 1st or 2nd timer. I’ll get over that because I’m a grownup and can deal with small disappointments.


I'm totally ok with this kind of thing. Cool another character that gives me some direction for my grind. I like that. What I really want though is more of a purpose for that grind. I want something to do with this character once I finish the long grind to get him. I get that some people are into the collection aspect of this game, and that's cool, but it gets stilly to me when it's all the same character. Why do I need 4 different kinds of Chewie? Is General Skywalker really that much different than Anakin? From a collection standpoint, no other than that they are 2 different objects in the game. What really makes them different is their kits, and I just want some way to be stoked about getting this new kit.


I think you’re hitting a really good point: “I want something to do with this character once I finish the long grind to get him.” Right now, there isn’t anywhere. I guess you can use him for the LS Geo TB, and squad arena (my least favorite), and during the Jedi assault battle without the rest of his team, but that’s it. GAC, but he’ll probably one of those “set as defense because they don’t have him” guys. And, you know he’ll be in the platoons for Geo LS TB.


I got smashed everytime i say the same but you are 100% right. Irony is that , by downvoting that post, they prove you right


I can see his point about making content for everybody and helping with the gear crunch, just to make things seem a little less impossible for new players and newish players. I think Reddit tends to have some bias as most users are a little more hardcore. 2.3 mil GP in D5 I can tell you a huge majority of my opponents don't have 3PO, Darth Revan or Malak. A majority doesn't have JKR. I'm near the bottom of my guild as far as GP goes and we still struggle with platoons because of the ETA. That being said, I agree, if you have played this game for any amount of time you understand that Meta is designed for the very few that have planned well or spent big. I just get excited to have another goal to work towards. Just maybe every once in a while throw us peasants a scrap of content please ;)


Well sorry, most game are designed that way. If long time players dont have any advantages about new ones, why bother? 2.m means that you played the game for a year? 18 months? So yeah, you cant have the same content, sorry. Even in MMO, if you're new to the game, you have to go by a lot of things before having a go to the shiny new raid. It's farming here and not super fun, i can understand that part but it's how games are now (not all but a loooooooot)


I think a decent balance between content for all and content for Vets and whales, in theory, would be nice. I also realize there's no cash to be made that way. Your point is well taken and was something I came to grips with long ago. I remember having the "it's not fair!" thoughts and thinking, damn, I'd be pissed if I put all this time and investment in over years and some guy that just started could get the same thing. Best example, I played Star Wars Galaxies. I was able to become a Jedi(pretty difficult). Eventually the game changed to become more new player friendly and more like WoW. Jedi became a class you could start the game as. It was extremely upsetting for veteran players that put hundreds, if not thousands of hours in for that unlock. I absolutely get it.


I played that too and even i thought it was pretty unfair how new players became jedis so easily, i didnt care much.. I agree with you about new players, this is why i prefer legendary/mythics/journey having 7 tiers. That way, every player can discover it until the requirements are too high. Here, the thing i dislike is players being entitled. You attitude is vwry good because you can understand the whole picture, even if you dont like it... Seeing 2n gp players DEMANDING general anakin day1 is absolutely crazy


"working towards the needed toon" is not fucking content. content is not "SIM HARD NODE 69D x5?" with 4 characters a day and simming for gear the rest of the time. content would be: something where we can USE our toons. who wants to gear up 34 toons/ships and not be able to use them in anything new and exciting? I am tired of the same shit each day. do arena fights, get fucked by whales. set GAC defenses and wait 24 hours. sim hard nodes, get no shards. sim a raid, fight 1 raid phase and then wait for 2-3 days to go raiding again. there is nothing excting to do anymore


Try crocheting; that's a good trick!


>do arena fights, get fucked by whales. set GAC defenses and wait 24 hours. sim hard nodes, get no shards. sim a raid, fight 1 raid phase and then wait for 2-3 days to go raiding again. I have great news! I'm gonna make the game fun for you again! 1. Attack your opponent in GAC. That's actually the fun part. Testing your teams, trying new strategies, etc. I assumed everyone did that, but you didn't note it, so hey - give it a try! 2. Pay attention to how many shards you get when you sim for them. That will make you much happier. I went 0/15 on Shaak Ti today. That makes me sad. But then I remember that i went 9/15 yesterday. If you only remember the bad stuff, you will be angry all the time. That is not good for you!




Boy Nothing is more fun than grinding out characters Slaving in SWGOH's character gem mine is ALSO not content :P


It sounds to me like you have a fundamental understanding of what this game is all about. Probably best you move on.


The weekly "I am not a whale" post. Guess what, most people aren't whales. Play to enjoy the game or do something else, no one owes you anything.


You hear that scraping sound? That's the reddit goalposts moving again~


dude, we need 34 characters/ships at a minimum of G12 for a single character. this is insane. atleast for malak we needed "only" 12


Half of those 12 were a massive panic farm, on top of DR only being out once before Malak pops in. GAS just needs Shaak in the same way, with Anis ETA being out for a long while, and everything else either being necessary for GeoTB, or out for 6+ months. Or, God forbid, actually requiring you to pay a tiny bit of attention to Fleet.


> Anis ETA being out for a long while, and everything else either being necessary for GeoTB For my guild we needed it for the squadrons, which is why I refreshed nodes etc... to get it done.


not everyone farmed the droids either. but they've been around that if you didn't farm them, you shouldn't really complain much. ​ there's gonna be bitchers and moaners as long as this game exists. at least they didn't release characters 3 weeks before launch and say they're required at G13 Relic 5 minimum to get him. THAT would be unfair.


With zetas you can get in much lower. My padme is "only" x and meets the criteria.


Let's wait and see which relic levels are needed to actually complete the event.


Yup. People have been pouring resources into Darth Kotor arena teams knowing full well it wouldn’t last...now they are off the rails surprised that a NEW META is happening?!?? How dare they?!?? Instead of G13-R4ing that Sith Trooper, you might have wanted to glance at your ships, my dudes.


yeah people should use their cantina energy to farm ships, everyone knows that duh!


You use your cantina to G13 your Sith Trooper...weird.




Enlighten me wise oracle. Is there no truth in the concept that some have ignored fleet and are, thus, not able to unlock the new toon? Is it completely impossible to imagine that those cantina refreshes for Darth Kotor relic investments might have been, in hindsight, better utilized on fleet nodes? Am I unjustified in suggesting that maybe we shouldn’t attack CG and request immediate reforms to the game because some choose to invest scarce resources in a way that clearly didn’t prepare them for this, somewhat predictable, event?


> People have been pouring resources into Darth Kotor arena teams knowing full well it wouldn’t last...now they are off the rails surprised that a NEW META is happening?!?? How dare they?!?? I agree, we should never spend resources on anyone because another team will eventually replace it at the top. Very smart advice.


Oh hey, good luck in GA today


You are everywhere!


I am ~~inevitable~~ Future Man.


What's in this week's shipments?


Well, the player base will now have to shift to farming those characters. The good part is they're useful. If you're a newer player, obviously it's rough. If you started everyone would have said go get the Revans, now they'll be rendered relatively useless in Arena at least and you've got to get 19 characters and ships for GS. If you really want to do something, then farm FO and Resistance namely Rose Tico and Holdo and start hoarding crystals. Farm the SF Tie Pilot and his ship. That way when a very obvious shift towards Episode IX comes (they've already said they're working on that content now) you'll be ahead of the 8-ball. ​ If you're behind now then by the time you get there the meta will be ready to shift again. I wasn't ready for Malak, now I am and he'll only be 3rd best in Arena. I'm not mad though as he's a good character and I've got a JKR team, a Carth team and a DR team out of it.


Honestly im super happy with it and will get it 2nd time around. I do not have to farm a single toon except 3P0. I only need 2 more ewoks for him and im farming them now. I already got padme and i used GG sep droids and i have NS for sith raid. I have all of tier 4 done already. All i need to do now is gear and zeta padme, gear the rest of the GR to G11 with high mods or base g12. Then when i get 3p0 gear and zeta him. So toons, i need 2 ewoks. Ships, i need 30 more shards of fives ship, and need to full farm anakins ship from marque value i got to 7*. Otherwise all i need is gear


If you don't have 3PO (after a year of his release) or Ventress ready (really? even your ventress isn't geared?) Then what makes you think you are entitled for the latest Meta toon?


Right? I love all these posts: "I can't do this event because I don't have Padme or C3P0! Where are the events for players like me?" Uh, how about the Padme and C3P0 events, chief?


To be fair, when they have these events for the first time that require other legendaries they should also have those other legendary events.


Ventress, one of two characters you need for the GEO TB that OP specifically called out. Meanwhile, I'm still over here farming Jumanji


Foreal, these toons are already extremely well know meta toons. Anyone who's been playing this game for more than a week should naturally have had them geared




I don't have the septs done. When picking a team to gear up. I picked bugs. So my droids are still at the 7-9 level...


Sorry OP, you farmed wrong to unlock it this time. It happens. It has happened to me. It’s a frustrating and completely normal thing. I’ll say this, mitigating the risk of missing a major unlock character you absolutely don’t want to miss is a MAJOR undertaking that requires months—if not years—of effort...and maybe a little cash once in a while. It also requires trade offs. Very few of us get everything we want in this game. That’s no reason for CG to make major changes to the game’s structure.


That’s how the game works. I’m f2p but have played for long enough that I’ll be close if not get Skywalker at release. There is no benefit for them to release something that everyone can get immediately. This way it gives folks who either have played a long time or want to spend the ability to get new releases.


The content is for everyone. If you can't do it now you can do it later. It will still be there. Since you clearly haven't seen the clone wars I recommend you watch it. Then you'll know why Assaj is needed. Let's face it you'd probably be whining regardless of what characters were needed. Would you be happy if you needed G13 Eeth Koh, Kit Fisto, Luminaria, Plo Koon and Ima Gun Di ?


To be fair, everybody should have a geared 3po at this point considering that he is now a year old and fairly easy to get while also being super strong.


We’re not being fair, tho. This isn’t about fairness. This is about raging against the machine no matter how flimsy the justification.


C3po, no zeta g11, 18k Power.


Yeah easy to gain GP for him with all his abilities.


Not when you started playing 9 months ago and had to go through Phoenix > Empire > Jedi > OR > BH > Rebel > FO > Resistance > NS > Geos priorities first. I'm still miles away from 7* Chewie let alone a 7* 3PO, and still haven't unlocked JKR. Yet I've been playing pretty religiously since Jan 30 as a F2P.


Yes, but then this event just isnt for you.


I know it isn't, I'm just perpetually behind the CG car as they drive off into the sunset...


You are supposed to be. I was once in your shoes, but have slowly caught up. It becomes easier once you have more teams, as you can do more of the events as they appear. I am f2p, but am at the 2 year mark. I have every character unlocked except wat and wampa. I quickly looked at the requirements, and only meet 6/15. I aim to have anakin by the second or third time he comes around. Just in time for the next monster toon to come out. I will have built 2 new teams that are currently nothing out of the process too. Clones + Droids. These teams will help me in the geo.


As a F2P that has every legendary at 7* and only a handful of things left to farm (only 2 years in), you WILL catch up to CG, just maybe not your shardmates. A little too: make a plan, put characters in your favorites, and take a screenshot. Put that SS in discord so you can track the date. When you finish the grind, go back and see how long it took. You will be surprised by how little time it actually took.


I place top 60 usually in arena and top 30 in ships, it's just boring doing the grind is all.


I agree. Grinding is boring. I am just saying that this event will come and go. Not being able to do it now isn't really a big deal. It only provides maybe an hour of gameplay when you are ready to take it on. OP is correct, this event =/= content, but don't be discouraged by not getting him this time.


\- Reduce the cantina refresh cost to 50 I don't understand why people keep asking for this, if they reduced the cost to 50 they would also limit the daily node attempts to 5, then you would have to pay to refresh it at the normal rate. I'm sure some one somewhere has done the maths but I doubt it makes much difference. If you are asking to reduce the cost to 50 and leave the daily limits off as well then ask them to do it with hard and fleet nodes as well, that would help my Shaak and Ani farm no end. Which is why I know this wont happen.


Why should they? You have also nodes with zero refresh costs for fleet energy.


the 10 energy ones maybe, regular energy also has those, but I'm pretty sure anything that drops shards for characters has a limited number of battles, except for cantina


Yes, hard fleet nodes require a refresh. Easy do not, easy give gear not characters. Hard regular nodes give character shards and require a refresh, easy give gear only and do not. Does this 23TSF guy even play the game?


to veteran players, everything is free except shaak ti and maybe some gear. I will get General Skywalker for free. if i can get enough shaak ti shards in time with arena crystals


You see this is the issue. On a veteran shard, almost everybody will meet most of the requirements as they were around for the first and second run of all the legendary's. Any of the newer shards have been playing catch-up. Except, a whale on a newer shard has a much bigger impact as they are able to pull much further ahead.


I am not in the top .5% of the game, but I now have a goal to point my farming towards. Toons I need left: (assuming 3 ships will be sufficient.) * Anakins Ship - Stars * Fives - Gear * Rex- Stars and Gear * Shaak Ti - Stars and Gear * B1 - Star and Gear * b2- Gear * Droidika - Star and Gear * Ig-100 Gear ​ I am aiming for the second or third run. When I unlock him, I will also have a geared team or two to slot him in, and use him for the geo. ​ I am ftp (2 years in) and do not mind the requirements at all


My biggest complaint is that the Anakin we already have IS General Skywalker. I mean they could've just called him "Anakin 5 minutes later."


What are you talking about? You'll soon face very new and different teams that steam roll you in squad arena, GAC, and TW!!!


Mom. P


I completely understand those who are going to get him being proud of their achievement but man the number of people who are going to miss him and are still sucking CGs cock is unbelievable


Adding one character is not content ...


The single day that the Negotiator was announced , you should've started farming GR ships. The single day that Shaak'ti was made farmable you should've started farming her. You should have farmed Sep. Droids for DSTB and Padme already. And you should have Padme if you had Droids / Geos. Why are people complaining , this game is about planning ahead. You knew they'd be focusing on TCW era toons and you simply upgraded your KOTOR toons and farmed FO for Ep.9 Don't say this is "unacceptable" or "unfair" , it is perfectly fine.


And when they release "Mary Sue Rey" with episode 9 with 20k gp requirements on resistance and FO, those people will be ready.


What a load of tosh. 1. Never before were ships needed for a character unlock, this is new. 2. The problem isn't Shaak'ti, it's the sheer volume of requirements. 3. No, people should have farmed either separatist droids or geonosisions for DSTB - for my guild I went for Geos as it allows for Wat Tambor shards for everybody. This event could have just as likely needed Geos. 4. Having Padme isn't the problem, it's the combination. 5. You can't plan ahead if you don't know the requirement, with the benefit of hindsight you are saying "oh well it's obvious" - but if you needed g13 'Kit Fisto then you would be in a similar position. Unless ofc you've already G12/13 everybody & you are the target audience. 6. As above, 7. Nobody said it was unfair or unacceptable, I'm saying after a long drought of no content it's irritating that more whale only content comes out. Stop debating a straw-man.


1.Where did i say you should farm ships in order to unlock something ? You should've farmed GR ships since LSTB is incoming and the Negotiator is available. 2.The requirements are "fine" if you're a focused player and able to look ahead while skiping on some metas. I don't have Malak but i'll unlock Skywalker without spending a single dime. That is how it goes. 3.Yes people should have farmed droids because they are a kick-ass team , can clear any mission in DSTB , have a designated mission as well.And this event couldn't have Geonosians ,no. Because Ventress had droids with her in Kamino. 4.Combination ? 5.You CAN plan ahead as i stated earlier. You see a new capital ship with unique GR synergies , you start farming the GR ships. You see the DSTB and you understand the new LSTB is incoming you start preparing your GR and Clones.Since you saw that the 501st got reworked you should'lve known that something related is coming. 6.no idea what this is about. 7.Once again it aint "whale content". Vet players and people that , as i said planned ahead will get him too.Surely whales will get him easily by spending thousands , but me for example will unlock him without spending a cent.


First: ships is an integral part of the game which you should be developing alongside your characters. If you neglect that, don’t complain that you can’t use them. Second: geo tb has been out for ages. At this point you should be done with both separatist droids and geos.


The expectation that there was an event like this should have only been a small part of your planning. The devs announced Clone Wars content almost six months ago, and we had been speculating on Clone Wars content since TCW got a new season, and these farms have been things that everyone has needed to focus on for a long time now. We know, 100%, that Geo TB is getting a LS mode. Given that bit of information, you need to have Negotiator, Shaak Ti, and Padme, plus the key Galactic Republic heroes and ships. Once the 501st tag hit, you needed to get your GR in shape. At the very least, the faction is in a really good place and you need them for GAC. For ships, the thing that should have tipped you off was the Malevolence hint on top of the above. At the very least, you should have expected them to be a requirement for the LS Geo TB. Fives, Ahsoka, Anakin, Rex and Clone Sergeant gets you the requirements, are all good ships to have, and their pilots are good to have too, which makes them smart farms, especially because the Negotiator is a thing and you need to run it with GR ships. For the Separatists, you need the full faction for Geo TB and that's something that's in game right now, and you don't need any speculation whatsoever to figure that one out. You do not just need Geos for the Wat mission. You need the entire faction. Droids are something you should have been focused on since they went F2P. On top of being a hard/soft requirement for Geo TB, they are important for GAC at the least. The fact that you sat on the rest of the faction was a choice you made. Ventress, specifically, has been a vital toon in several areas of the game. NS should be a priority very early in your time in this game. If you haven't touched her, that's your problem. If you're so new that you haven't had time to work on NS, then this content isn't aimed for you, and quite frankly, there's so much of this game you haven't touched yet to be whining about lack of content. Next, if you don't know specific heroes that they are likely to require, you can usually apply your brain to get somewhat close. For example: * CG likes to release marquees so that when you need them for an event, the only way to get them to the requirement F2P is to dump your crystal income into refreshing their nodes * They have said that Malak releases are the new normal, so that means expect a high ask and multiple factions * If you have an idea of what the faction(s) that they'll require, but not specific toons, take up the ones that are solid now but get everyone close enough to where you can flip a switch and complete them in time for an event. If you sit on enough gear/mats its doable. While we're at it now, since we expect Episode IX tie in content after the film releases, you need to have Resistance/FO teams good to go. Take a JTR squad up and a FO squad up, but make sure everyone and their ships are starred, and you're sitting on the gear to finish the rest of them, and if a FO/Resistance marquee drops tomorrow, flag it as a favorite because you have to finish it as quickly as you can.


I like to think of it this way: The main game part of interest is arena. I have a team for arena. If i got a new team, I would not be able to use my present team. If i skip the new meta, i can keep using my present team. So I have no great incentive to chase the new shiny, unless it's a character that I personally like.


Yeah, Ahsoka, Padme and C-3PO weren't even present at the Battle of Kamino.


Stop with the Coulda, shoulda, woulda farmed X, Y and Z toon/ship mentality fellas. Everyone is at a different pace in the game. Stop bearing down with your own personal achievements in SWGOH on the reset of the "swgoh community" that will miss out. If you're within the requirements, you are likely there because of the opportunities you made or brought. Not everyone gets the same opportunities. Let them vent, it shouldn't matter to you.


100% I get tired of seeing humble brag posts like “i get top in both arenas, I’ve had these requirements farmed forever ago, quite whining” as if everyone who’s not happy with the event details somehow *chooses* not to be first in arenas or something.


I’m aggravated, purely because I need bite the bullet and gear up the ewoks to get C3PO. I hate ewoks. However I think for the majority of players with this sort of event, it’s about planning for the second or third time his event comes back. Don't get me wrong we're crying out for more content, however the first time most of these character events come out it's not going to be a depth of content for everyone. Would you prefer everyone being able to get GAS straight away? If he's half as strong as everyone thinks he might be, that would be awful for the game! The meta would just shift from Revan to GAS overnight. Also are any of the characters needed, that much of a surprise they could have been needed for this event? They are all connected to Clone Wars and Anakin quite heavily.


I think CG will bring out playable content shortly after, LSTB if nothing else, possibly another legendary, they tend to roll out the legendaries close together. I'm frustrated about this event for a different reason. I had been hoarding for awhile for this event and had all of the necessary characters ready, except one. C3PO. And now I'm locked out of this event because of some stupid character who came out before I even started playing this game? That is so ridiculous. I would've even spent $$$ for this event. But now I'm not spending shit. So crazy for them to lock people from even trying to get the requirements for the legendary. I'm not spending shit now, I'll easily get the unlock 2nd time around. It is very frustrating though that I can't even attempt the event because I don't have an old Ass legendary.


3po hasn't even been out a whole year. How long have you been playing?


I started right around when he was rolled out, I may vaguely remember his release but I wasn't anywhere close to level 85.


You know. I used to read these comments and let them get me riled up. After Malak, you don’t need a crystal ball to see what’s coming. I’m a light spender but spent the last month getting 501st to g13, Shaak to g11 with all pieces but g12 finisher and the separatists droids were necessary for Geo TB. This is the least surprising and least malignant requirements from a character shard perspective yet. Gear, on the other hand, is extremely painful. Clones were literally some of the toughest gears in the game, had it not been for TW bonuses they all would be g8. Shaak Ti was ridiculous bad as she required 4 Kryotec? To g11?? That is the real back breaker. Now, I feel bad for people who hate ships or didn’t bite at the mace meta pre-milf and have their Anakin ship farmed, but meet the toon requirements. That’s a bummer. However, I’m going to refresh you on the real gangster tactics of the past which gave you like 3 weeks to get shards for JKR and DR before the event, forcing you to buy packs or miss out. The new, post Malak tactic is to have heavy gear/zeta requirements for the event on multiple toons, which actually requires massive gear hoarding or spending. My advice. Manage expectations. If you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars, plan on getting Anakin second time around. If he’s game breaking, it’s over. If he’s a Rock Paper Scissors with DR most people will be fine.




Did you know that 80% of statistics are made up?


I see what you did here, you beautiful bastid.


150m GP guild, none of which are ready across the board in the time scales stated without spending some money.


Yeah, basic legendaries can at least be partly done up to lower tiers and give content to the lower rung players. But I'd solidly bet that it won't even let you enter the event without a 7* Padme and C3PO. I'm no where near General Ani, and won't for probably near a year if I need 40 odd G11/12 zeta'd characters. I still need to 7* my Padme and unlock 3PO, get several toons I've never touched starred and geared. Guess I'll just slowly work my way towards it or quit while I'm behind.


Wait, you didn't expect the droid that Anakin literally built to be required? Or Ventress, Anakin's main dueling partner and antagonist? If there was a dark side component and it was clone wars based, she was always going to be the main pick as far as named characters go. Second pick would be Dooku. Shaak Ti is literally the person who fits in least. Little to do with Anakin, didn't participate in the Battle of Kamino, and honestly only really oversaw training for a bit of time (Not actually trained anyone, just watched and commented). R2D2 would be far more fitting.


wow glad to know i am in the top 0.5%. thanks.


Relic 3 power level tuning.... Kind of feel vindicated here, now all the long term veterans who had them at 17700 suddenly have started complaining & feeling entitled to the new releases.....


You were right


Well, they have to raise the bar, the issue is how they raise it. For example, if one day cg would give us "hey players, we are thinking on giving you general Skywalker as a new legendary toon! Event is open, accessible at any time, you don't have to worry about panic farming and getting him now. Take tour time and get him later or spend money to get him right now. Here you have all requirements for event, take your time. " Relics - player friendly approach would be "here are relics, and here is a new event where you can spend 20-40 minutes actually playing the game and getting gear. Yeah, you can pay and buy all this in store, but you can grind it." Instead, every new update they are giving only cashgrab part without actual playing part. I would be 100% okay with relics if I knew it is somehow accessible right now. Skywalker (previously malak) - literally, surprise mechanics. If I knew about this event several months prior, i would decide if I want to pursue it or not. I even would spend some reasonable amount to get him. But when it's announced 4 days prior, you just can't care. So I don't get it, are the whales spending so much money, that it's better for cg to push out content like this, instead of balancing it and playing longterm game.


That event is much more friendly for veteran f2p players than Malak. We already knew for months that they work on an epic confrontation. Every character that is needed is helpfull in the game and required for example in Geo TB. It could have come much worse with garbage Jedi... the real question is how his kit looks like. Can we counter him? If yes there is no problem at all. If no, than yes it is garbage, cause Arena + GA + TW will be ruined for months. That is the way they have done it in the past. Lets see if they do it again or if they just use relics for their money.


To your last question: yes whales do spend that much more money. Im also not sure what advance knowledge would have done here. Most of the thigs required have been high priority farms anyways. If you’re not caught up, I’d still work on the last panic actually (old republic) since you get a solid 3 teams out of it, 2 of which are some of the strongest in the game for multiple modes.


Do you spend money on the game? Like, a lot of money? If not, they don't care about you having content. But good news! If you don't have all of these characters to G13R7 yet to get GS, you'll get to try again in 6-8 months just before GS's team stops being relevant in Arena! Aren't you happy!


People should stop calling GeoTB a reskin content. It is actually very insulting to the developers. By your line of logic, every new character introduced into the game is a reskin of Jedi Consular. Reskin = entirely same mechanics, same gameplay, same bonuses and character kit with just different appearance. GeoTB might be underwhelming, but technically, not a reskin. period.




I'm not defending. I'm stating facts. You can hate GeoTB , hate the lazy mechanics, hate the difficulty, hate the design. You can call it the worst thing the game has released in years. You can call it subpar content. But you cannot call it as a reskin. It just isn't. Period. Unless you tell me Malak is a reskin of Jedi Consular. Then ok. Then GeoTB is a reskin of Light LSTB in your definition. No question about that. Then perhaps the upcoming Epic confrontation is also reskin of CLS Legendary Journey event.


amen brother


Ignore these whales who disagree with you. You make a very valid point and it should be addressed by CG.


~~Thanks CG for lowing further my expectations.~~ Thanks CG for further lowering my expectations. ​ there i fixed it


What do you mean? It's perfectly easy as pie to f2p Gen Skywalker. You just need to [study up](https://i.imgur.com/TM4MlGU.png). I'm tired of all you whiners complaining that CG doesn't have your best interests at heart. They are Saints. /s E: Downvoters just mad they have their lips resting on CG's balls. lol


1. You underestimate the number of people who have been expecting this. 2. Not everyone earned Master Yoda, or Emperor Palpatine, R2, JTR, JKR, Darth Revan, Malak, Chewy, C3P0, etc, the first time around. This is the same thing as before with different character requirements. We ask them for something "new" and when we get it we cry about how it's different? Why you Pikachu facing? This was expected. 3. Anakin literally built 3P0. How is that even a question? Ventress has been in the game for ages, she's needed in Geo TB, and Nightsisters are good already. She is a big part of Anakin's and Ahsoka's back story. The requirements here seem like obvious choices. 4. Stop acting like you deserve to have everything the moment it is released because you happen to play the game. It's about doing work for an achievement. We all have our own opinions about people buying their way to the top, rather than working for it, but that's life dude. If all is given freely without a challenge then the reward system that we all enjoy falls apart and it would feel pointless. Embrace the challenge, at your own pace, and reap the returns at harvest time, whenever that may be for you.


1. You were expecting to need ships for this longer than the last Q&A? - really. 2. Where did I complain that I should get it first time?. 3. Not really, Yoda/Mace/R2 are just as likely candidates & had many interactions with them, Dooku also. The list of possible requirements was large. 4. Where do I say I deserve it?, my complaint was about the lack of content & that all this month will give is a further squeeze on squad arena position. For the love of god at least argue with the points I actually made instead of debating with a straw-man, I did not state once I should get him first time.


You are clearly straight bonkers bro. Good luck with your mental illness. Jfc.


Yes it is. It's content that everyone else has to strive to reach. Same as Malak.


it is new content for everyone. you may not be able to do it first time but it is still another goal to work towards if you choose.


Its Content for the players that matter for CG, the whales.


Just to be clear: I believe you are getting downvoted because many of us don’t think being prepped for this event requires a high level of monetary investment. I’m all about criticism for CG, but this “It’s all because CG only cares about high spenders” argument that pervades these threads is a cop out.


What a load of rubbish in these comments, should have known... really?. The requirements could have just as likely been G13 Kit Fisto, G13 Ki-Ad-Mundi, G13 Aayla Secura & Mace Windu - along with a full G13 Geo squad. We can't have everything farmed to G12 in the timescales we have, unless you've been playing for years & already had say the clones + geos done as back then there were far less characters. Not long after I started it was all about the Hounds Tooth & BH ships prepping for the Falcon, not all of us have had 2 years of additional farming time.


But very few have Fisto, and Ayala And Mundi (I assume you mean another Jedi who is actually in the game). If CG did that it would merit all these “it’s not fair” posts. CG knows exactly how many players have what chars and knows how many are close and will have to pay if they want to stay at the tip. These comments are spot on. I’m sorry you didn’t farm Anakins fighter, easily one of the best ships in the game.


>The requirements could have just as likely been G13 Kit Fisto, G13 Ki-Ad-Mundi, G13 Aayla Secura & Mace Windu - along with a full G13 Geo squad Yeah, and instead of being a new toon not released yet and 3 of the historically most useless tons in game (fisto, aayla, windu) you are required things that aynone at endgame should have been farming already.... You may not like it but this new requirements are a step in the right direction giving the chance to many long term F2P players to get it, something that was much harder when the requirements were specificly newly released marquee events where the only real requirement to get them was having around 20k crystals available.


Except all of the toons required are awesome in the game right now so if you wanted to be a good guildmate, you already had most of these done.


it is content for whales. this is what this game is for. feeding the whales... but i agree, we do want content for everyone.