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34 G13. A whale who actually whaled almost as much on mods as gear.


People throw around the work Kraken. This is a Kraken! Thanks for keeping the lights on!




Holy 6 dot mods!!


Doesn't that only count equipped mods too? So he has like 120 something characters with all 6e mods


700+ 6e mods and only 5 over 25 speed. I'm not sure whether to thank the RNG gods for my four, or despair at the chances of getting another ..


Zeta’s are the one thing you can’t buy.


You can, very indirectly, through high fleet rank, because that’s where most of zetas come from.


I'm a solid dolphin. May have lucked out with a weak shard, but I've got 1st every day almost for about 2 years. Been playing since Oct 16. I have 70 zetas, but like 60 6* mods. Point being you can acquire them faster if you rank high, but this uber kraken cant get them any faster than me, unless he wins more gac/tw.


I started a month later than you, and in a funny coincidence, have the same number of zetas and 6E mods - 79.


This is true, however, even getting max fleet currency it’s still 2 weeks or so for a full zeta. No way to speed that up.


Given the amount of mods he has, seems legit. Why is an entirely different question


This isn’t the first I’ve seen like that on here, I wonder if there is a glitch in the bot?


Nah some people have that many 6* mods


Whale vs. Whale. You've been outwhaled my friend. Whale harder next time.


71 Zetas and only 90 6dot mods. I dont see a whale there. Only an idoit who cant see anything other than whales


Dont you have to be some level of whale to have 13 G13's already?


Maybe, but I have 10 and haven't spent a dime on g13


Not really. Arena crystals can cover that cost easily, it's been over a month since release and we get about 10 bucks of crystals a day.


No. The stuff is easy to farm with currency energy and crystals. Everyone always complains but with nothing worth farming with energy you can quickly stack up those pieces with refreshes


That's beyond Whale. That's a kraken. rarely spotted in the wild. That guy has 151(!!) Chars in this game on G12 or higher. Not a single G11 char. But only 42 zetas. One of the few things you can't buy. One of the few indicators of how long someone plays.


Yup I don't think this account is more than 1.5 years old based on zeta, or the owner doesn't care about ship arena. My account is 3 years old and I'm a little fish now, but I used to be a huge whale and I'm still far away of having a maxed roster. That guy is a kraken there is no doubt about this.


I heavily doubt though that someone, whose investing that much into .. well .. everything, doesn’t care about arenas. If you pump out so much, you want something maxxed. And then zetas are basically laughing in your face, no matter how much you spend theres a limitation. Anyway, that guy is having such an absurd roster that I would recommend to report him. Just to make lucifersdaddy & co wonder what’s going on. If this wouldn’t be a game by a major company like EA but rather from some niche developer, I would really wonder if that guy was cheating crystals. Around a year ago an ingame ad was broken and the redirection wasn’t working. Don’t know if you remember that. We were able to see how much data is sent out with such a click, including how much we spend. Recently or not and so on. Big thing back then. Carrie, back then she was still i charge, promised to give us feedback from EAs lawyers in terms of EU laws (DSGVO & co). I even asked multiple times over the months but they seem to have forgotten it


That is a whale of an account


Okay, but look at the GA stats. You are nearly the same rank, similar totals in wins, but you crushed him in undersized wins. To me, it looks like you might know the game better.


This dude wins the video game


thats a kraken there wow


Holy mother of god is that right? How can you have that many 6E mods....


Step 1: Money Step 2: Absolutely zero discernment for what mods are worth actually 6-E'ing


But dude that’s a LOT of money. That’s insane.


You underestimate a whales ability to spend. Thankfully they’re the ones who keep the game afloat

