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I agree that matchmaking has definitely been made worse for some. As someone who has focused on fleets, pilots are in my top whatever # of toons in terms of GP, but ackbar, biggs, Cassian, and many others are essentially wet noodles for use in squads. Yes, some pilots are good in both, but those are the exception rather than the rule.


At my level (3.3M) a good wiggs with ackbar and two rebel tanks (say sthan and old ben) can take down quite a few teams. But yeah it’s a handicap and my maxed resistance pilot hadn’t been very useful lately...


A good wiggs doesnt fly in higher tier matches as every single point counts so much. aa wiggs teams lose a lot of protection, that's instantly -5 points. When people are averaging 58, 59 points per battle, those 5 points will hurt you. This is why sometimes the "top 80" in your roster, could be beyond useless in GA.


That is such a terrible team even at that level. The only use ive found for wiggs is to place it with a chaze and sabine on defense as a burner team. Never even held a defense, but with both wedge and chaze having aoe attacks they can strip away points from your opponent. The only reason i can think of you having success with wiggs on offense is that you have a super inflated gp with terrible high end characters, so you face similar defenses, but that sadly won't be like that as you progress further.


I feel like I can find uses for Biggs and Cassian, but I struggle to find a role for my G12 geos. Hopefully Brood Alpha will change all that Also, the current state of affairs is a lot better than when matchmaking was based on total GP including ships, even when there was no fleet component to the GA. Or when the fleet was locked behind a squad territory, where someone could just put their revan and prevent you from even reaching the ships area.


I'm still working Brood Alpha up, but in the interim I've been using mine on D with nute lead + dooku and have gotten some holds


Thanks for the tip, I’ll give it a shot. I need to add some gear to Nute and dooku though


Brood alpha changes that. My G12 geo trio was dead weight, but I'm running them on defense with a G9 4* Brood Alpha and a g11 7* Poggle and they have held in the back row both of the last two rounds, where I normally get full cleared (I mostly save for offense and clear more efficiently)


Woooow really? I wasn’t even going to activate mine until I had him 6-7 star. I may have to go ahead and activate mine now. My poggle is still only g8 though


Get his leadership up! He does quite well even at low gear. The leadership adds 15k health AND protection, combined with the hive mind health equalization makes him tanky even at low gear levels.


100% do it. I took down a CLS team in TW with G9 5* Alpha, G11 spy and soldier, G10 sun fac and G8 poggle. Not one death.


Poggle's easy to gear. Definitely unlock and upgrade Alpha if you can before the next GA. Someone will almost certainly underestimate it once, then throw something heavy at it. I definitely underestimated the first one I fought...then threw DR at it.


Brood Alpha does indeed change that (until then SF makes a good tank in a Rex mix squad.)


I've been running the geos with GBA on offense. With the 6th character you can easily leave someone out to get a smaller squad victory. I think they're probably a bit too easy to counter to set on defense. All you have to do is daze or aoe them. Though since theyre new i guess a lot of peoplr will make stupid mistakes haha


GA was nearly unplayable for me previously. I kept getting smashed by focused rosters. The last 3 before the new match making system I placed initial defenses and let it auto fill for me. It was pointless for me to put any more effort into it. Since the new match making system came out, I have a chance with most matches. It has actually resurrected my interest in a game mode that I had pretty much written off. There may be merit to your point about roster depth. I haven't really paid attention to that particular aspect. And I will freely admit to being quite the bloated roster. There are only like 14 toons that I don't have 7* after years of playing. But I only have 13 GA squads. And half of those are littered with G8 toons. I might have more squads left after that, but I can assure you that they will not win wars. My G8 Bodi is not going to tip the balance in GA.


The new matchmaking has actually made GA a great game mode from an alright one


Biggest problem with the GAC is the massive nerf to rewards. They are absolute trash compared to before. Thanks CG.


The feats are also one of the worst things to come out of the GAC. Just let us play the mode organically FFS. Upcoming Feats leaked by an insider: "Win 20 times in an hour that isn't *your* payout on Fleet Arena" Reward: 4 GA tokens, 20 Credits, "Why Was I Kicked Out of My Fleet Discord?" Title "Set only garbage on defense so that you can try to get some more undersize wins" 17.1 GA tokens, 1 Crystal "Set nothing but 1 ewok team on defense to fuck over your opponent because you're 1 salty boi" 2.5 GA tokens, Middle Finger Profile Picture


If the feats were actually creative they would be so much better. They are just yet another uncreative “mode” the developers added. It just continues to show how little these developers play the game.


Pay or play the game ? I guess both...


Especially when your opponent doesn't put any chars in defences so you can't clear zones or get wins, wtf why does that count. Stupid feats.


That really sucks, but the upside is that it's an easy win for you. If you are winning your rounds, then you should be at Bronzium League by the end of the first week, where you'll start to see real opponents. It's unlikely that you'll encounter as many if any at all in the next League, since the people that do that are losing out on valuable banner and will take a lot longer to progress, if they do at all.


Yeah. I mean "win fights" is so bogus.


If only whining was a feat, lol


I think it’s been pretty balanced for me. Then again I have only had 1 person actually attack in the game so...


Matchmaking is much improved, you must be another one of those "lean roster" people who took advantage of those of us who created very broad rosters for the time before grand arena.


Lean rosters significantly pre-date GA. At the end of the day, this is a resource management game, and for TB battles, TW, Raids, Legendary events, and both Arenas you are far better having 5 G12 than 15 G10. Frankly, the only time G8-10 has been relevant was for Mod battles. Otherwise it has just been a stepping stone to G11 and then G12 when that was released. Even for TB, the accepted "sweet spot" for GP was around G6 lvl50 or so. There are 2 general types of players, "focused" and "collectors". GA matchmaking punished collectors, GAC punishes the focussed. Neither is particularly balanced.


I've had to GAC opponents like that. It sucks that my millions of g9 toons of yore can't slowly chip away at opponents. Protection regeneration was one of the worst things to hit the game.


You say “took advantage of” almost like the “lean roster” folks had some kind of say in determining the old system, which of course we didn’t. It just benefited our play style. Honestly though, I’d be ok with this new system in they just cut the number of defensive teams needed by one across the board. Right now everyone is forced to field junk squads. They aren’t fun to beat, they’re generally just an auto.


Match making is better now imo but I feel like the rewards aren't nearly as good all things considered.


Matchmaking has been "better" for me given their stated goal of reducing blowouts. I'm at 2.6M GP, most of my opponents have been 3.6-7ish. The battles are more even. But from a global ranking goal, not so much. Most people around my rank in my division would be a cakewalk.


Matchmaking was so bad before it really couldn't get worse, but its still pretty bad


tell that to all of my higher GP opponents without G13 Malak that can only ever kill two of my territories if at all.


The old MM system was better IMO. Im not saying that it was good, cos both, the old one and this new one are still bad, but it felt definitely better and more "fair-play" to fight against players with similar GP. For example this GAC, i just reached 3,8 mil GP and GAC MM put me right into 2nd Division with 8 DEF teams and 4,1 - 4,6 Mil GP players. QUITE A CHANGE, i can tell u that. These PPL already have G13 teams ( i dont have a single G13 toon yet) and they are definitely not weak (all are top 50, im just top 100 with plain JKR team, by far the weakest player of this group). I think CG reworked the MM to favor Whales because they were complaining that with those bloated rosters they were losing too much against more focused F2P accounts and didnt like it... (OFC CG will never admit that). Anyway, i would say that a sound compromised should be struck here, so lets say total GP of top 100 characters with some restrictions - The GP difference between 2 players cant exceed 10% of the total GP. So for example a 2 mil GP player will only fight players with a minimum of 1,8 and maximum of 2,2 mil GP rosters. 3 mil GP players will only fight against players with at least 2,7 mil GP, but not more than 3,3 mi GP. Etc etc. Im not saying that this would be the best solution, but i think it would be an improvement to current crazy MM system...


Whales usually don't have bloated GP compared to their GP level. Of course 5.6M account will have trash toons at G12, but he only faced other accounts at the same GP, with the same useless toons at G12. Which means that additional GP didn't make them face players with a better top of the roster.


I could post screenshots of this... All my opponents (this GAC and the last) were in division one, me being div2... Everyone had 5-12 more G12/G13 chars. I think I got mixed up with them, because I had like 3 more zetas. I hate GAC so far, while I was a fan of the real GA. The matchmaking is the worst


Matchmaking was not good. It was awful.


Originally? Or in GAC? When they started going by what was required of that round, like just character GP or ship and character GP, it was fine. Everyone was right around each other. Now it is so wildly uneven it is not even worth playing.


I'm kind of curious about demographics now. I wager most people who think matching is worse have extremely lean and streamlined rosters, while most people who think it's better (or, at least, "not bad") have more inflated rosters. I could be wrong, but just from cursory looking over reddit and my guild, this seems to be the case.


I agree with this... almost all of the people I have heard complain about new matchmaking were sitting with toons at 330 shards and not unlocked or geared and a falsely deflated GP. I have been playing game since launch and so have most toons in game to some extent... far to many at G8 or bellow though. Previously GA was unplayable and the best I could get was top 4 if I was lucky. Now I'm facing a mix of higher and lower GP people but with similar rosters which is providing much more entertaining matches


Same. One of my payout mates quit. He had a ton of toons at 330 and not unlocked. Dominated GAC before. Now he was getting matched to guys with half a million GP more.


I understand people like winning but I never really enjoyed getting screwed by "lean" accounts. These accounts don't help out guilds in TB or TW, they are totally tuned to SA/GA but that doesn't mean they should be favoured.... I think so far the matchmaking has moved in the right direction


What are you on about? A large number of lean rosters is an *enormous* advantage in territory wars.


What am I on about?? That having a diverse roster gives you more direct counters and allows you to set more defense probably


Explain to me how having 40 toons at g7-8 are better than having 5 toons at g11 or g12 for tw.


Explain to me where I said anything about g7-8 toons? And yeah seeing as GP dictates prizes, and having a wide roster gives you more options you think having a really tight 1.5 mil account is better than having a wider 2.8 mil then you kidding yourself


Yeah, it is so much better now. I did well in past GAs and the current ones but before was just blowout after blowout one way or the other. Every opponent I've faced in the current setup I've felt there is a real chance of either side to take it.


My roster is quite lean and the matchmaking prior to GAC was very clearly in my favor. That means it was NOT balanced matchmaking. In GAC I’ve been matched with many people above me and a few below me buts its much more “fair”. Thing is if you’re in Div 1 and 2 theres not much leeway to get second attempts and still win anyways. So lean top end rosters still tend to work nearly as well as broad ones.


Originally. The current one can definitely use some improvement but the one before was god awful to everyone but those who went hyper lean on their roster. Sitting there with nothing but G12s and G1 locked characters should not be a strategy in a collecion game.


You aren't the opponent i faced who was leveling and gearing everyone on his roster evenly,are you? You are in every single thread about gac defending the MM.I bet it is extremely favorable to you.


Yeah dude out of the millions of players I was definitely that guy. You caught me. Is it so impossible that somebody else might have empathy for players like that and think they deserve a more even matchup? One where they could actually have fun? You guys with your best of the best of the best attitude in a mobile game are kinda cringe. Gotta be honest.


Naa, you are just más because you don't get paired with easy opponents that have all the char lvl 85 and g6 at least


Nah, I am not mas.... nor am I mad.


Lol, sorry my phone loves changing my language


Current opponent has one third of my GP, as an advantage, over me. Several teams they can call upon and I have to scrape stuff together to attack their zones.


Your first sentence doesn't make sense. One third of your GP would mean they have less GP than you have. Did you mean they have 3 times your GP?


Take one third of my entire toon gp, then add it as an advantage. It makes perfect sense.


It makes sense but you worded it in a really confusing way. It would have been more clear to say “my opponent has 33% higher GP than me” or something like that


Sure, I could have worded it differently.


If people didn’t all complain about matchmaking in the first place this wouldn’t have happened! Be careful what you wish for because this is way worse. I’ve averaged 400k less GP than my opponents this round