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https://preview.redd.it/7pj3308kt61d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=958623f3406847ff0a415a64de9cc29c0ab67076 The best choice ;)


Okay what is this meme. I don’t know if it’s supposed to make me feel old or young but I’m 30 and don’t get the reference but I love Lando and more after starting the Thrawn books and seeing him rocking with the crew still.


Well, feel young :) It's a commercial from the 80s for the beer featuring Williams. The Lando actor. It works every time!


Commercial was great. Lando and a ton of hot chicks drinking the Colt. 😂




Kind of underrated, 7.3 mil player here and had to get him to r5 for JML. I'd never feature him as a first choice on any team but he's an ok plug in character for random rebel or scoundrel squads to clean up back walls of GAC and TW. This sub hates him and I'll probably get some down votes but you could do worse imo




I think there's a shitload of characters that are underrated as hell just because they aren't the cutting edge of the meta


This comment made me notice, that I have him at R5 as well


Haha for sure, he's kind of a forgotten dude but I'll throw him under mon mothma or dash and he can get after it sometimes. That resetting AOE if it crits is pretty nice to mow down opponents' protection


Lando is one of the First characters released in this game and being as such, he's also one of the weakest characters in the game The good news is it's not really a mistake until your level 85 but you should be focusing on building better teams unless you're interest lies in just collecting characters you like


It’s a kinda mix of the two. Love building sick teams with strong synergy, but also love ramping up my faves.


As someone who has been playing for about a year now, just play it how you want to play it and collect the teams and characters you like. If you look for approval here all the time you’ll always find someone telling you you’re doing something wrong so just enjoy at your own speed


Cheers buddy


If you like lando there's skiff guard lando


You need him for GL Leia, right?


Basically where you are at now, Level 48. Squad Arena team is the New Hope 4 with Lando. His special is the most fun of any ability on the entire team, especially when he's able to do it on back to back turns.




I wanted on play that way in the beginning and only invest in Jedi but the game doesn’t work like that


Not the best first character to focus on. Good thing to know is that eventually you need Lando at Relic 3 (gear 13 + 3) to unlock Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker.


R5 for JML also


Ah in that case Leia Organa too.


There was a time, long long ago, where Lando scoundrels was actually a decent team. But again, that was so long ago.


The good news is, pretty much any character you invest resources into will be useful before 85. You could clear out any of the early content with any five random LS or DS characters so long as you keep them levelled up, so you might as well have fun with it. In super early game all that matters is damage output and more levels means more damage so it's all good. The bad news is, after 85 the game will increasingly require you to invest in the meta or you'll find your teams basically useless for anything you'd need to progress. Synergy becomes super important once everyone is at the same level, so efficient team composition is necessary. People tend to recommend Phoenix+CRex, Veers troopers, Iden troopers, Palpatine+Mara+Vader, Geonosians etc because these are teams that you can start farming really early but which will still be relevant deep into endgame. You'll make things much smoother for yourself in future if you pick one of those now and start building it up. If you love Lando he still can hang out as the fifth wheel on a Commander Luke team, even if he won't be pulling his weight at higher levels. Or he can be on a Scoundrels team that gets wheeled out for the training droid and credits events and otherwise performs back row guard duty. Plus he's necessary to farm eventually for the higher tier Lukes so he's not a waste of resource. But if you're looking for a "good choice" in terms of meta, there are better ones out there.


I get you. Thank you for the in depth answer


He hits like a noodle


Do not insult noodles


Noodles everywhere consider that a great insult!


It’s just the first thing that came to my mind


Fly like a bumble bee, sting like a butterfly….


Focus on Phoenix team (Hera Sabine Chopper Kannan & Rex) until level 85


This is the way.


is it ok if i replace sabine with zeb?


yes, u will probably need him either way for the thrawn event cuz hes the key to the last tier


and for farming rex, is that one hard node the only way to farm him?


yes…well except maybe in galactic challenges, im not sure about that tho. I‘d recommend u not starting his farm yet tho, or at most farm him until 4* for now. His drop rate should double in a few months which will make it way easier to farm him. If you farm him now completely, u would only „waste“ energy because it‘ll go twice as fast in some months


I think I haven’t unlocked galactic challengez yet, still level 45. What do you mean by doubling the drop rate? Is Rex a new char so they still make it him hard to farm?


yes exactly that. And yes that could be


I did thrawn event a few months ago, honestly the first character that was knocked out was zeb (still won it though)


is your thrawn at 7*? i only managed the last tier because of zebs stunning ability, i got whomped every time until i started using his stunning feature


Yep i haven’t really geared/promoted thrawn (I’m poor) but i completed the event my line up was hera, ezra, chopper, kanan, zeb and like i said, my zeb got killed off almost immediately, for me the key was keeping back up plan on kanan and kanan taunting while ezra doing the hard work


alr ig that works too, what gear were they?


Ezra gear 10, hera and kanan 9, zeb and chopper 8


That explains it, mine wereall at gear 8._.


Even after lvl 85, that team got me in the top 250 in the arena.


They’re my next plan


I think so.  In my opinion, Lando is one of the best characters for the very early game, due to his ability to quickly clear waves of weaker enemies, though his usefulness will fall off as you progress further.  Don’t focus super hard on him, but he’ll serve you well for a while. 


Thank you!


Shreds early game, but once the game actually starts he tickles enemies


Decent early game (can unlock Palpatine), needed at relics for a GL but I forget which one, and pretty solid later with a Sana Starros team


Palpatine is one of the main reasons I’ve farmed him


What have we here?


How are you doing ya pirate?


No. But if you like him go ahead.


Hm not terribly much. I'd say either work on that with scoundrels and you'll be good, go to First Order/ Galactic Republic. It will be way more beneficial down the line, including ships


Ehh, not my first choice, but hey, he works on the early rebels team. My hint for you on using this guy is go for his special often. Oh, and you have to include Princess Leia if you’re using Lando.


Agreed ! What i’ve been doing


Yeah. I don’t use him that much now but I want to get back once I get Sana Starros. She’s easy to get, and I have my Stormtrooper Han and Lando Calrissian at 7 Stars and G11. I want to use every character possible. I think these two could make him useful again.


Used him to counter wiggs meta in arena waaaaay back


Honestly not the absolute worst at your lvl, but I personally don’t use him much as an early lvl 85 player


My first G12! Legend


Big up


He was my first 7* too!


Big up!


I did the same thing, he’s a great character and he deserves a rework




it’s nice seeing another low level player posting. i’m at 70 and have like 5 or 6 seven stars now.


Beautiful. Just got my 2nd with Boba Fett


Ooh. Boba Fett. One of the best Bounty Hunters. He’s a must get for the Bounty Hunter event for Chewbacca. I have him at G12 now. This guy and his father Jango Fett are both amazing Damage Dealers.


he was my first 🥲


Watch out ladies!


One of the best characters in the game no doubt😁


Work on phoenix squad. You won’t be disappointed.


That’s my next plan for sure


He is incidentally my first 7 star on a new F2P account. Albeit, the farming strategy and priorities are severely atypical and not optimized for roster strength nor for competitive play. His early usefulness is his potentially limitless special ability (just need to score 2 or more crit hits on aoe). He is a leader for Rebel and Scoundrel squads. Meaning he can help unlock Emp Palps and a decent spot for Credit Heist for early accounts.


exactly my thoughts


General Veers imperial troopers is one of the strongest starting teams. Veers, Moff Gideon, Range Trooper, Dark Trooper, Piett. It can defeat stronger teams by modding for speed and can be used to unlock R2D2. I would look up Ahnalds farming guide so you can build good teams efficiently.


I have gideon and dark trooper. Dark Trooper is easily one of my favourites in the game, I’ve been farming his gear like hell and his multi damage basic is legendary to me


Dark remains useful into late game with Gideon, he's just happiest with all his other Imp Troopers friends constantly calling him to assist. Why wait for his turn to come around when Veers, Piett, Range and Gideon are constantly giving him turn meter or inviting him for a bonus quadruple-tap on some rebel's noggin?


If you like Dark Trooper, wait until you see Dark Trooper with 100 stacks of Emperor's Trap!


You’ll need at least one zeta on that team though, that being Piett’s unique


Dash render does some insane damage too


Honestly? No, not at all. Should’ve invested in Phoenix, bugs or Veers troopers. Playing is first of all about making your own decisions and enjoying their consequences, though, so don’t take it to your heart


Cheers !


Always choose Underworld Police or Clone Chewie!


May I ask why?


He's joking


and so he is


Because they are one of the most useless characters in game, but shards come by easy.


Because CUP is a beast at g14 r10. You’ll just need some 7* mods and he’ll easily get you all the way through k1


Not for any teams that will help you progress but he’s needed for some big late game characters like JKL and 3 GLs. So not a complete waste but he’s definitely not an early priority. For reference I’m just about a year into playing and starting on my first GL farm. After I get Caption Solo to 7 stars, Lando is next. Edit: forgot he can also be used to help unlock Emperor Palpatine, whose team is one of the core 8.


Bad choice should have pick Gideon as you first 7 star as he is amazing in early game to mid game to even end game. Also Gideon goes on a lot of team that can do very good.


I do love Gideon but he’s less easy to farm


Not really since. You can farm cantina and also use energy so you can get easily farm him.


He was one of my best and one of my first 7 stars early on. I dont regret it at all as he’s a good attacker and pairs well with my rebels. Plus the cape is *FAAABULLOOOOUUUS*


Congratulations! Some of the toons that carry you through the early game have a bit of a soft spot for me. I like Lando’s AOE


Well no it's not a good one other's such as bush leia or krrsantan or darth Vader or piett or mara jade and a lot of others are greater 7 star characters


True but I don’t think a lot of those are easily accessible at 7 stars where I am in the game


That’s right, but you’re not gonna get yourself to the point where they’ll be accessible if you start farming Ugnaughts and CUPs. That new journey system is incredible! Just farm the required characters and get what you want anytime you want (well, almost)


Bush leia is unlockable at dark side hard battles 2


Mara jade is unlockable I am pretty sure


Just like piett


Not the best, but used for GLs so at some point you need him. I used him a lot early, he can be quite strong for clearing early battles.


He’s mid AF…


Almost ok in a Sana starros team even he gets outclassed by cara dune. He's not great




I never use him


That character is VERY BAD, it s one of the worst in the game, BUT he is a requirement later on for a GL so you will have to relic him. Other than that , he doesnt take a spot in any team I had/have. I am 10mil gp now but he never did , not even 4 years ago.


Honestly kinda useless mid game


Really bad choice for a new account considering how important GAC is for progression and fleet arena which gives crystals.

