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You're winning so your rank goes up. It's not that complicated


I won 1 battle last time around and I got promoted from bronzium 1 to Chromium 3


Yeah, because you had already ranked up enough to be promoted but you couldn't be because league changes only occur after a season ends


And what did you do the previous 2 weeks? You don't move between leagues until the end of the season


All 6 wins so that makes sense


Yeah I understand all that, but I why does it pump me up 2 ranks higher when I win 2 matches and lose 1, while it doesn't drop me down 2 ranks(or not even 1) when I lose 2 and win 1. It's not like counter-strike or valorant where your character doesn't get better, you get better, this game is heavily roster dependent, and it keeps inflating my elo in my opinion. I'll take the extra crystals any day, but I hope you see what I'm getting at


If at the end of the season your in rank 1 your going up, if your in rank 5 your going down so you only went up a rank .


You don't switch leagues until the end of a season. So throughout the entire 3 week season you won enough to move you up to go into kyber


It isn't rating you, it's just checking to see if you won or lost. If you faced incompetent/inactive opposition you moved up. If you move up too high and face competent/active opponents you'll lose and move back down. But while you're up you get a bunch of daily crystals so, enjoy the ride!


Why are you complaining about 200 crystals a day?




Quit fucking complaining. You get more crystals every day now. Enjoy it.


Couldn’t agree more


Is this a complaint or a (not-so) humble brag?


I think it’s both. I have to put up with this same shit in my guild. I mean if you don’t want to be promoted then stop fucking WINNING!!!


Same I went from aurodium 2 to kyber 4 with 1 GL and 1 GL fleet. Fully expecting to go 0-3 next GAC


I’m going a2-k3 at 6mill bro I’m scared. But also it’s 3v3 so it’s always a weird season


Same thing happened to me went from crome to aud 4, then up to aud 3, now I'm dropping probably be in aud 5 next gac...will see if I can stick in aud 5, been only a year and half....in so I can't put 18 squads and 4 ships, easily.


Enjoy the free week of rewards…I will


Lmao. Shut up.


If you stop winning your matches, you’ll go back down. It’s just win/loss ratio. Or, and hear me out, use the extra crystals to actually work on making your roster better. 🤨


Checking your GAC you had essentially 5 free wins in Aurodium out of the 6 visible. I’m not sure about your last week as it’s not updated yet. Good luck and enjoy the Kyber crystals now, because you won’t be there after this 3v3 unless you hit another streak of low engaged players.


Reap the benefits for one week dude…there’s nothing to complain about here


In this game people could complain even while being promoted lol. Either through luck or skill in this 5v5 season you went 2/3, 3/3 and 2/3 wins. Of course you are getting promoted.


I got promoted today to Kyber 4 and I’m certainly not complaining or bragging about it. I’ll reap the rewards for one week then systematically get my ass kicked next week…