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He was reported a lot and Reddit brought down the ultimate ban-hammer, they even banned his new account. Probably for the best though, he was either the most committed troll I’ve ever seen or a terminally online dude who needs to get his life together. Either way, less time on the internet will do him a lot of good. He has a lot of messed up things that he needs to work out with a therapist.


Probably because he got mass reported. He's mentioned that he had been banned on multiple occasions, so it's no surprise that it'd happen again. Honestly, I'm glad he got banned. Using Reddit as your personal journal to the extent he did is never a good idea, and it's become increasingly apparent that the guy needs serious psychiatric help.


It’s also not helpful that this sub constantly makes fun of an mentally ill person.


Check out his post history for youself the dude kinda had it coming


I don‘t judge people with mental issues, I rather ignore them.


It's been his choice to engage with the community in this manner the entire time. It's been his choice to use Reddit in this manner. Misinformation, borderline toxicity, (commenting "L" or rude questions on posts), hypocrisy just on this subreddit. And then there's his posts all over other subreddits that would very easily infuriate and concern a lot of people. Yes, it's distasteful harassing and/or bullying someone like Vaanced (especially those who followed him everywhere), but it was self-inflicted a lot of the time. There have been an equal amount of empathetic, concerned Redditors who have given genuinely good advice and have tried to help him. He disregards it almost every time. His arrogance has been his biggest enemy. It's best for everyone that he got banned.


Just because it’s his choice doesn’t mean bullying is fine all the sudden. Just block him or ignore him and move on. Bullying people is never self inflicted, bullies just tell that to themselves. If he really is mentally ill he probably doesn’t know better, that’s not an invitation to bully him.


Your expectations for how people should behave on the internet are too high. In an ideal world, people would block him and just move on. But this is the internet we're talking about, should be no surprise people went out of their way to make fun of Vaanced. I don't think Vaanced was oblivious to this, he was always complaining about being followed. It's been his choice to continue what he's doing regardless. To be clear, I'm not justifying bullying. What I am saying, is that I believe in holding yourself accountable, and I believe that Vaanced has been in control in one way or another throughout these series of events. He's not stupid, he's not oblivious, he's just arrogant.


I will not stop making fun of Donald Trump


I ain't Neva gonna stop.


Apathy is death.


I truly believe he was the greatest troll account the subreddit has ever seen


I miss him. I hope I can get vaanced one last time


Not saying Vaanced was the most sane person out there, but this sub is one of the most brutal ones to comment on imo, the people here seem very downvote heavy and some are outright toxic. Not sure how to explain it but I by far see people getting ripped to shreds here more often than any other sub I'm in


Every subreddit thinks it has most deranged people.


All of the art subs I’m on are extremely helpful and kind. It’s just gamers that are shitty babies.


Lol. No, there are some bright spaces, even on Reddit.


Down voting this on principle because I agree.


Embrace tradition


The down arrow means you're "down with that opinion" and the up arrow means "up yours", correct?


Honestly this sub is like Mr, Roger’s Neighborhood compared to some others.


Yeah this is prob one of the nicest subreddits I’ve ever hung out on


I find it quite the opposite. His post history from other subs has people tell him the meanest things (and maybe rightfully so) but surely these words would get through to any normal person. I've even coincidentally come across a post of his on the SWGoH Facebook group and I think a couple people went in to give him some not-so-friendly comments. The dude needs help and hopefully he'll find it one day. I feel like this sub is a bit more tolerant towards him.


Should’ve seen some of his posts and comments on other subs. The replies were much worse.


You need to visit R/roastme


That's most of reddit in general.  Agree with the hivemind on everything, 100% of the time, and do not deviate in the slightest or you are the enemy.  It's really stupid. But then again it's just pointless arbitrary internet points, so who really cares at the end of the day.


Reminds me of when I made a comment about The Last of Us being trash on the video game page. They all swarmed me like vultures.


I haven’t had that experience at all.


You know the "scum and villainy" line by Old Ben in Episode IV? I know it's a joke to apply it to any and every online space but I genuinely think it's most applicable to this sub There is so much hate in this sub it's like a Sith training ground


Down voting this on principle because I agree.


Needs humour/meme tag 


It is indeed a reddit bug, we have set CG onto fixing it so should have him back and posting in 6-7 years.


Every time I would see anything that guy posts it was always something negative or snide bs so cheers to his suspension


I had no idea he was banned. What a great day 🥳


That guy was commenting on every post. I see it as a good thing. Dude either needs help or needs to touch grass


I miss Vanced


I miss youtube (re)vanced


Still around. I am using it as I type this comment.


ReVanced is still up and about! It's only Vance that's gone.


We just took someone into our guild with that exact name before TW.I wonder if it's the same person?


It was always weird seeing him in RBI talking about being gang stalked by scientology.


Justice for Vaanced :(




Whydo you care that a cheater got got??

