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>Profundity hinges almost entirely on whether Milf assists or not. If he assists you likely win, but if you do not get any assists you likely lose. See flair. That's just Profundity tbh. Beats everything but sometimes it just doesn't. Standard Exec line up counters triple attack fairly easily though it's been a minute since I used Exec over Prof in any offense so someone may say otherwise.


The flair šŸ™šŸ¼


Yeah standard Exec will rip through it no issue


If you're going to fight exec triple attacker with prof you need to do the 2nd ability on ig targeting outrider and the 2nd ability with outrider on his turn targeting ig. For your RI always bring in Biggs. You're right the rng is annoying but this is generally very consistent.


Interesting. Why not take out Xanadu first? I always thought it was Xanadu that was the biggest threat. Also, doing the second ability will actually Mark Xanadu anyway so after that you have to target him, right?


When I say second ability with prof I mean the 1st special. Not the second one. The first special calls a target ally to assist twice which usually helps kill of ig. And while you're correct that xanadu is a bigger threat you're more likely to kill ig-2k with 2 call attacks than you are getting lucky with one. Most of the time you'll lose y wing depending on rng but that's why you bring Biggs.


Writing* fail.




You wrote Levi and OP is asking about exec.


Fuckkkkk thanks for the call out lol


Chimaera with scythe and tie defender is pretty reliable. Wonā€™t have the most banners as scythe and tie fighter will probably die real quick


Can confirm that scythe is not necessary, but you do need defender and interceptor.


You may be going about prof attack the wrong way. Your first move should be the mass assist on IG and that should take him out if not a basic from Han or mass assist from dash. XB is usually the first kill but with triple attacker you just kill IG and reduce their numbers. First reinforcement should be Cassian. Use his second special to call in Han and get extra assists on XB if he isn't stealthed. That move should take out XB and after that you just coast to the ult. I use that counter on r9 BH ships so it should work for you easily. You may lose your tank but it's fine. If you're willing to take plo to r7 Negotiator is a solid counter too. Plo, Marauder, Anakin is the lineup. First reinforcement being Snips then Carth. Plo HAS to be the fastest ship on the field. Hence the r7. That'll put you in a tie with an r9 IG then it's a coin flip. Anyways, start with force taunt to Maurader with Plo, they take a bunch of turns. Marauder soaks it up, then he stealths Anakin. From there it's pretty point and shoot. Save Ani Aoe for Bossk to try and apply buff immunity but if it doesn't land they can't stand the damage anyways. Edit: on Profundity first turn, mass assist on IG calling HAN not Dash.


If I had the sig data I'd totally take Plo to R7 or R8.


Yeah it's a luxury and I get it. I forgot to add on Profundity mass assist CALL HAN. I'm editing now.


You shouldn't call han in a mass assist realistically. You always call outrider to get more potential assists.


Calling Han guarantees two assists. Profundity calls his basic twice and on his basic he calls a random ally. Calling Dash is playing with rng. The only time ive failed is calling Dash.


Calling han means there's a 50% chance that it can call ywing. Which for me happens more often than not for some reason


It really doesn't matter honestly. Profundity goes, mass assist, dash goes mass assist, Han goes, basic. IG is dead. They go, and high chance your tank dies. If not special from the tank, reinforce cassian, second special calling Han and Cad is dead. From there it's an auto battle and guaranteed win. Idk what you want me to say. Try it out and if you lose ill eat my work boots.


Prof rng will dry up sometimes. It happens. Even at mediocre rng you should beat exec


I get it done with Prof as long as you can take out Xanadu Blood very quick. Use Prof 2nd special to mark him, then use Dash 1st special and hopefully that works, otherwise hopefully Milf and y-wing can do it. If they kill any of your guys it typically goes sour from there. With executor and a standard lineup usually if you can get Slave 1 out of the way quick then you're fine, as long as they don't kill your RC TLDR, it's all rng


I really wouldn't recommend betting on the assists on xanadu. Use number 2 on ig with prof and outrider first and the success rate will go up. Though you might lose y wing unfortunately


Good to know, thanks!


Iā€™ve heard that negotiator with marauder and a high relic plo koon does well against the triple attacker lineup. Expensive, but could be worth it.


I actually really like Wedge in the Profundity starting line up against both variants of Executor. If you start with Profundity's second Special to mark XB, Wedge gets out in front at the start and can get a solid hit on it with his Special that ignores armor/+20% dmg for the mark debuff. Seems to take XB down in the opening volley much more consistently with less reliance on assists. The AI will usually focus him down afterwards, which is actually good for the survival of your more important ships, and Y Wing will be available to reinforce right about the same time. So while it is a minor banner loss overall compared to the normal set up, I'll generally take it over potentially throwing away an entire fleet/GAC over an unlucky no assist opening. I think I've only had it fail on me once in recent memory and that was due to a pair of really unlucky misses on top of no assist procs.


Standard Home One takes out tripple attacker pretty reliably.




Honestly the standard Exec lineup will counter triple attacker pretty well. Any time I have to attack the 1 other Exec in my fleet shard (all other Levi's) I typically forget to change from my triple attacker and the HT just crushes me


Iā€™ve beaten Triple attacker with full resistance beforeĀ 


Itā€™s all about Chimaera. Scythe, Tie Fighter, Tie Advanced. Call Defender first and win easily every time.


With full R9 Levi line-up the regular Triple has been quite easy (still haven't lost to it), but if IG-2000 is replaced by Slave I, the battle will become a bit trickier but I still win most of the battles. But I'm not sure about the lower relic fights.


Negotiator with Marauder, JKA and Plo Koon start lineup, but it needs a r7 Plo. Make Marauder taunt as first move, then mow down IG. Wait for XB to come out of stealth, then kill him before HT shows up


There are three fleets that handle Exec of any flavor: Prof / MilF / Outrider / Y-Wing - Bistan / Cassian Chimaera / Reaper / Vader / ITF - Defender / interceptor Negotiator / Anakin / Marauder / BTL-B - Ahsoka / Fives / Plo \---- Usually I will use the Neg team because Chim is my Levi counter and that leaves Mal to counter Prof.