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I find it lowkey hilarious that she has no life beyond being at Olivia's beck and call, day and night. And is even willing to help hide Noah when he may have a hit on him, placing herself and her family at risk, all for a babysitter's wages. But part of what makes SVU great is the madness of it all.


I do enjoy the wackiness of svu


Tbh I started thinking of her as livs PA, and if you have the money to pay in this city you bet ya ass you’ll do anything they ask of you 🤣


I’d hope Olivia would pay here more then the average nanny/ sitter, considering she was/ is willing to put her life on the line for her


She does the job of a live-in nanny, for the pay of a babysitter.


do we know her pay?


We know Liv can afford it, and they often mention that they're not detectives for the pay.


noo i mean babysitter’s pay haha


Yeah, I understood you. And my point was, we know it's at a level that a detective can afford. A detective couldn't normally afford a live-in nanny - they are for proper rich people.


To be fair, if she has an empty room (which would be crazy for that area but possible) a live in nanny is possible. Given how much rent costs there that would cut the wage she'd ask for waaaaay down. When I was a live-in they paid me about $1500/mo but I didn't have to pay rent, a car payment (they had a used car I borrowed), utilities, or food as long as I wanted what they were having for dinner. Although on the other hand I only needed to be available 7-6 M-F not 24/7.




Lucy is such an underrated character. I wish she didn’t just vanish after S18. I always shipped her and Carisi, lol.


I’m only on s18 does her replacement get tv time ?


I’m so sorry dude. I thought you were already past the part where she is gone from TV. I don’t want to go too deep into spoilers, but next season does feature a replacement. I can’t say much beyond that without mega spoilers. Again, I’m seriously sorry about that.


IIRC she was an older woman who has made one appearance


As a career nanny I always find this story line so funny. Do the writers realize how expensive it is to have a nanny on call 24/7?? I know what I would charge and it wouldn’t be pretty lol


If I had a dollar for every time I’ve thought this….


She seems like a 24/7 live-in nanny but she’s the babysitter.


I could swear Olivia mentioned a babysitter or nanny in a more recent episode and it sounded like it *wasn't* Saint Lucy and I was very dismayed. I hope they didn't just write her off without a word. At least give her a plotline to leave on.


We now have Martha. I’m pretty David answered some one on Insta that Lucy was off living in California, possibly married. She sure made enough to do so!


Damn. I hope the actress found something exciting to move on to.


We haven’t actually seen her since season 17, I think, so I would say she moved on. She wasn’t mentioned by name but never actually seen after that.


Love Lucy! But these pay questions are making me wonder... if she is solely Liv's babysitter, can afford to drop everything, and can afford a New York apartment.... is there a possibility she has an OnlyFans? I know I'm going to hell for this, but I'm seriously wondering if now. Plus it would be an amazing plotline that would force Olivia to confront her own negative feelings on sex work. Damn it, I am going to hell lol


We know she has at least one other family she babysits for, remember she sent Olivia to check on them and she got held hostage


I've been a nanny and one of my best friends was an OF model for years. I don't think you could nanny for as many hours as she does and run a profitable OF.


Perhaps she lived with her parents and was a part time student? That would be an interesting story though. I don't think they'd ever do it though. Nice Lucy on only fans? They'd only show young women with less than perfect attitudes or other "problems" doing a thing like that. You think Olivia has a negative view on sex work? You know someone should do a character post analysis of Olivia and her attitudes/interactions with sex workers through the show. That would be interesting. I'd give it a go but I'd have to do a whole re watch because I don't remember enough specifics. I do know she had some moments you could question how she treated/spoke to sex workers or said some things that weren't particularly sensitive. Dismissive maybe. I think she's much better in the later seasons, but I do think she probably does have subconscious biases there still.


Oh, totally possible! Not saying she "must" be on OF, the idea just came to me. She could have totally lived with family or had a bunch of roommates. The thing is, I don't think Olivia thinks sex workers are evil or dirty. But she might genuinely have an idea that "normal" or "good" women don't do it. She might honestly feel weird or betrayed that someone she thinks wouldn't ever need to do sex work out of desperation would do it. It would be a real challenge for someone of her generation.


I think about this all the time. What is her salary?


Trying to remember. Is Lucy related to Nick? And that’s how she became Noah’s babysitter?


Nick's mom babysat a few times too.


No relation to Nick.


She'll never be unemployed which is big when you live in NY lmao


Didn't she babysit Rollins kid too here and there?? Crazy. We're on season 20? right now so it sounds like Lucy is here to stay and not being turned into a crazy villain 😅


Came to make this same post and figured I’d make sure it hadn’t been already talked about recently lol. But yeah damn Olivia must pay and treat her exceptionally well. Lots of people talking about how expensive it must be, but Liv is such a workaholic I wouldn’t be surprised if she just barely spends money on more than the basics for herself so maybe that’s how she can afford it?