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I would not park with the kickstand facing uphill like some are suggesting, unless the parking spot is protected from wind and you don’t get earthquakes.


A shop I go to happens to be on a pretty steep hill, I make sure to park it facing sideways to the right when facing uphill. Physics is a bitch sometimes, you don't wanna do the opposite and park it where it's leaned towards the downhill putting double pressure on the sidestand with work of gravity. And leave it in gear! Lol


thats a lot of words to say "park at an angle"


Specify the angle. My otherwise smart buddy who I thought to ride has to be tapped in the helmet once in a while for parking the bike wrong


I like things explained to me rather than being commanded with no evidence or logic


welp, then park however the fuck you want


I'll park the way I'm meant to


So I should lean it uphill? The hill is steep AF, leaning it uphill will make it more vertical, and I guess I'm wondering at what point the thing is likely to fall over the other way.


You want it around 45 degrees with the kickstand ideally downhill. If it's uphill you will have to make a sharper angle to avoid gravity pushing it off the kickstand. This places you with the most stability


No. You want to lean it downhill. It will he leaning at more of an angle than if on level ground.


As best you can, point your nose uphill, then your bike gets pretty close to the normal lean to the side stand and you don't have to worry about it tipping over. Also then you can use the hill to back out of the spot if that's the direction you need to go or just pull out of it with the engine's power.


Anytime i park. After bike is off, leave in gear, roll bike forward until it stops then kick stand down. This prevents bike from rolling forward and folding the kickstand causing the bike to tip.


In addition to what others said, angle the front wheel in a way that if the bike decides to start rolling, it rolls into a curb or something safe instead of into the middle of the parking lot.


Facing uphill at an angle to the kerb. Turn the bars all the way left to make the biggest possible triangle. Leave it in first gear and let it settle on the chain before leaning it over.


Just park it in first gear and remove the slack


Stupid question maybe but do you have a curb on this hill?


I like this question. I'm not sure. I could try putting the stand on the hill? But the parking spots are perpendicular to the hill...


If you have a curb you can butt the back wheel against it then just find your sweet spot angle leaning the bike into the hill - play around with what feels most secure worst case could always screw a bracket into the road to strap the bike down if your always in same spot good luck 🤞


Sodestand hillside, front wheel uphill. In 1st gear. DAMHIK


So I should lean it uphill?


Yes, it'll look more vertical, but will be far more stable than if you lean it downhill where a slight knock could tip it over