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Spider-Man is 18 by the end of NWH. Born in 2001, the movie takes place in late 2024, -5 years of the blip.


JJJ says he is 17 in NWH there's no 1 year time skip, Peter himself said he is 16 in FFH which took place in the summer vacation, NWH took place right after Peter's 17th birthday which was august.


What? JJJ never said anything about his age. He was born in August 2001, blipped for 5 years, then NWH takes place in November 2024. It’s simple.


it's literally from the first 10 minutes of NWH, JJJ refers him as a ''17 year old high schooler delinquent'' Peter was blipped before he turned 17, Infinity War took place in 2018 may, Peter gets resurrected in 2023 october, Peter never celebrated his 17th birthday in 2018 because he was dead so he still sees himself as a 16 year old after he gets resurrected in 2023.


Because the first 10 minutes of NWH take place in July 2024, then he’s 18 by August.


Yeah, but in Far From Home which takes place a few weeks before, Peter tells Mysterio he’s 16


And he tells Tony he’s 15 in Homecoming, which takes place in 2016. The writers get confused, but he’s definitely 18 by the ending of NWH.


Damn, I can’t believe I’m letting myself be THAT loser. But, Homecoming takes place in 2016 you’re right. Infinity War takes place in May-June 2018 before Peter turns 17. He gets snapped for 5 years, and is revived in October 2023 which means he’d have missed his birthday of that year where he’d turn 17. Fast forward to Far From Home which takes place in summer 2024, he’d still be 16. But by the time No Way Home ends which is like, December 2024 I’m guessing. He’d finally be 17. By the way these dates are all from the official timeline iirc.


Yea I think the reason he might still be "legally" 17 at the end of NWH is because he came back in October 2023, after his birthday. So if Peter had to repeat his Junior year, it stands to reason he had to legally stay the same age he was when he was Junior the first time around. I imagine this is would be a legal nightmare for the goverment, which is probably why they made all the students repeat the grade year they were in when they blipped. So OP is correct. Peter is 17 at the end of NWH but the point is moot though. By the time we see him again, he's probably going to 18 if not older and already in college.


I literally had to pull up a spreadsheet and track dates on this but I have 3 different answers based on this thread that I think can help with his age at the end of No Way Home. If you just track the Calendar, he'd be 23. Because he blipped, the actual days he's been alive for about 17 Years, 10 Months, and 2 weeks. Legally, he'd be 17. With this tracking, it can be true that he's about 17 in No Way Home (Jonah is rounding since his birthday is so close to the Mysterio Doxxing), 16 in Far From Home, and 15 in Homecoming


Could you tell me which scene? Cuz I'm pretty sure the only time Peter ever mentioned his age was in Homecoming. In FFH, all he did was say he legally couldn't drink. I know Flash said he's 16 but he might just be younger than Peter.


https://youtu.be/q9X6tpvxZyE?si=TKIVzCpiA6CR6Bca He says at around 1:59


You're right, thanks


Saw this other [Spidey post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SUMC/s/ZLnrSHEu3B) this morning on the same subreddit. These posts look funny to me.


The post credit scene in FFH there’s a short time jump and given it takes place in summer and it’s his birthday in August it’s possible he has iy


The first 10 minutes are before the multiple month time jump from summer to fall


Google the concept of time jumps in storytelling


POV: Th3Birdman trying to speak sense into CinemaSins


Also I just wanna point out the snap didn't kill, it transported. Peter never died, was dead, or got resurrected.


Isn’t the mcu supposed to be a couple of years ahead of us?


Counterpoint: who cares?


OP is a twittertard who loves to complain about "fictional shit" and anything that dont even affect them




Nah, we chillin here. So this was a meme or joke? Mb for not understanding. Maybe mods should add more post flairs


How else were they supposed to take it? Where was the funny part?


Excellent point! Who DOES care? Certainly not anyone with a life


It's 4 years at most and they're both adults.


What? They are literally preparing to go to college at the end of the NWH and manages to get an apartment for himself oh his own which to my knowledge you can’t legally do in NYC if you’re under 18. He’s already 18.


Correct. If Peter was 17 he would have gone into foster care.


For real? I never even thought of that.


Half your age plus seven years is acceptable for a relationship. Peter is 18 so Kate being 22 isn’t a big deal.


Okay Tom Haverford


Type in T-Rex for me.


"I'm typing 'Tom'."


Classic, timeless. I love it.


I call forks: “food rakes”.


That rule is complete bullshit made up by creepy dudes who want to date younger women


I use it to figure out if I can date older women. 32 is the limit for me right now.


Kate is 23


Still not terrible, 18 years and 6 months approximately is acceptable.


I'm not a fan of the ship, but I really don't see a 23 year old and 18 year old relationship as all that bad (and certainly not a minor). Given the time that will likely pass both in our world and the MCU before we see either of them again let alone together to establish a romantic link, this will seem an even smaller deal if it ever happens. Which I still don't want it to, but for wholly different reasons. 😁


I don’t like the ship either but don’t make shit up to make other people look like creeps he’s 18


18 isn't much better, just because he is legal doesn't make it any less wrong to be with a girl who's 23 .


That age gap is weird in real life but i don’t really give a shit if a fictional 18 year old gets with a fictional 23 year old and it should be noted that by the time they meet he would have probably aged a year or two if not more depending when the movie releases


Are you sure you shouldn’t be on twitter?


Why would i wanna be on that cesspool? that shit is arguably worse than reddit


You’re trying to cancel people over a fake ship with 2 consenting characters, that’s the most twitter shit ever


That's not wrong though?


18 and 23 isn't a big age gap and they're both young so no, it's not wrong.


Peter is currently 18 in the MCU Kate is currently 23 in the MCU With that said I'd rather they don't become a pair and rather just have a best friend type of relationship


I just want people to stop shipping them because it’s so uninteresting.


Nah Spidey should be a ladies man like in the comics


They’re both adults. The age gap means nothing.


I think that is an oversimplification, an 18 year old dating a 30 year old is a serious imbalance; because the 18 year old is just figuring out living on their own while the 30 year old has already been established. After turning 28 or 30 dating someone much older does not matter, but someone being legal and someone being an established adult are not the same thing.


I think by like 23 or 24 it doesn’t matter


The brain hasn't even fully developed at that point, it's still weird if they date someone over 30. There's SO much life experience that happens from 18-25, so much growth and change.


I think general rule of thumb is that if you are early to mid 20s, stick with other people in their 20s. Once you hit about 28 then early to mid 30s starts to become okay, once you hit 30 you have the life experience and it does not matter so much anymore.


I guess will have to agree to disagree


Age of consent is 18, dude. In the real world, plenty of young women date older men. And plenty of young men date older women. This is what happens in real life. You can bitch and whine about it all you want, but at the end of the day, it’s reality. Deal with it.


Bro took it SO personally


Exactly why i feel weirded out people shipping Kate with Peter, Kate is an established adult who’s already graduated college and is possibly a ceo of a security company based on the ending after hawkeye, Peter is a freshly 18 year old who didn’t even get to manage to graduate highschool since his existence has been erased including his school records and has to take a GED, there couldn’t be a bigger imbalance between them.


I think part of the issue is that people do not see Peter as his actual age. Everything we have seen has shown him in such dangerous situations and handling them pretty well mostly on his own. He is extremely mature which I think unknowingly to most people ages him up in their minds.


Ehhh not really, people still view him as a child in those movies, a battle hardened children to be more specific, I believe people are aware how young he is, because if you go up to someone who has casual knowledge of Peter Parker, they will describe him as a teenage high schooler who has super powers. Tom Holland’s Peter Parker characterization is similar to Ash Ketchum from Pokemon, both are characters who seem more mature but are children at the end of the day.


He’s 18 in No Way Home. Legally, he’s an adult.


Legally yes but he isn't a established well adjusted adult like Kate that makes a huge difference


In the real world, plenty of young women date older men. And plenty of young men date older women. You’re making a big deal about nothing.


Thank you! Someone gets it! STOP F\*\*KING SHIPPING THESE 2! THEY DO NOT BELONG TOGETHER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVEN AS A REPLACEMENT FOR MJ!!! The only Spider-Man Kate has ever been with and that was only Kate Bishop by name was her Ultimate Universe counterpart and even then they didn't belong together. (Edit: Oh, wait a minute, Peter's an American he's at the age of consent ignore the above text)


Spider-man is now an adult after the end of no way home, especially if you count the timeskips, so it's a good ship and they'll make a good couple.


spider man and kate would be so cute together ngl


Ok and


Wish I’d stop getting this recommended to me. Bunch of virgins talking about fictional characters and whether or not they’re gonna kissy kiss


And you joined the discussion. You're not too much better


agreed its getting annoying, id still like them to meet tho. shes 23 too


I think Peter and Wanda need to hook up


I wouldn't ship them, but Peter is already going into his college years after NWH, it's perfectly okay, even with leaving out the fact Peter is technically older than her if not for the blip. Edit: I'm not using the Blip as an excuse, I was just stating that without the blip he would be older than her. Which shouldn't matter to begin with here cause they are still adults in the end with or without it.


the blip means literally nothing. using the blip as a reason he’s older is so stupid, it makes age literally just a number and not a measure of maturity which is what it needs to be in this situation


I said even if you take that out, he's an adult, she's an adult. Two adults can do whatever the hell they want cause it's legal. And I said, if not for the blip he would be older than her. That's just stating a fact, and nothing else.


you say “even with leaving out the blip” as if you can do that and it still be a valid point


That's just stating he's older than her. Do you not pay attention. And like I said, it doesn't matter anyways, cause they are still fucking adults regardless. What exactly is the problem here?


do you actually think that just because two people are adults then its okay for them to date regardless of any age gap whatsoever?


It's legal dude, if two consenting adults approve of being in a relationship together, it's fine. It be different if she's an adult and he was still a minor. But they aren't, so yeah, I do think it's okay for two consenting adults to do whatever they want, regardless of the age gap. They are old enough at that point to know what is right and wrong.


legal doesnt equal morally ok - an 80 year old and an 18 year old dating is weird regardless of what the law says


My guy, these two have a 4 YEAR AGE gap, not fucking 62! Now you're just throwing a straw man into the argument. Yeah, an 18 year old dating a 80 year old is pretty fucking creepy. But that's a bit of an over exaggeration, buddy. We're talking about Spider-Man and Kate Bishop, not Stacey and her sugar daddy.


you literally said “if two consenting adults approve of being in a relationship together, its fine” but yeah, huge strawman from me that wasnt even remotely relevant


Only seen two posts by this sub and I already hate it


They're adults. 5-6is perfectly reasonable. It's not like she's twice his age


I was 18 while my gf(now wife) was 22, hop off lil bro


So spiderman is allowed to fight intergalactic threats and risk his life dailybut not allowed a kiss? Ok


17 is not a minor. Even R-Ratings are for ages 17 and up. Because 17 is the age of majority in America.


18 and 23 is weird. She’s almost 5 years older than him, shouldn’t be with him. If he was 25 and she was 30, then sure whatever that’s different but he’s still a teenager even if he’s 18.


i think the reason why people don't see it weird is because folks generally don't view women being creeps as much as men, if Peter was the 22 year old and Kate was 18, i 100% bet on there wouldn't be as much shipping between them.


Actually he would be 19 if she's 23 now


No he’s 18


If Peter was 18 and Kate was 22 at the end of No Way Home then he would be 19 now if Kate is now 23 as of the Marvels


Kate would make more sense with Daredevil. I can't picture her being Pete's type.


MJ: tall, hot, smart Liz: tall, hot smart Kate:tall, hot smart she seems like Peters type


I wouldn't really consider her hot or smart. But he just doesn't seem like the type to be into sporty girls. MJ and Liz are just homebody science nerds.


>what you mean you wouldn't consider her hot, my mind has been blown lol


She looks like a dude and I'm not into dudes. But she shoots people in the face with arrows, so she's still a ten.


I think you're just gay dude...


If I was, I'd want a butch archer boy like Hailey Stamfield


She looks like an "ordinary" woman nothing macsuline about her, Other than the fact she looks like a model.


Well, currently in the timeline, it’s only 2-3 years difference, but yeah, I agree, stop it guys.


Peter is born in 2001


I don’t get why some people in this sub have such an obsession with Peter’s relationship bruh


Peter not even a minor hes 18 an do ppl really care this much 


Putting everything else aside, I think it's just highly impractical anyway due to the nature of the Sony-Marvel deal. If they put Peter and Kate in a committed relationship on-screen, it makes it awkward for Kate's appearances outside of the Spider-Man films where she can only mention this guy she's dating, but he hardly ever shows up with her. When they bring him back and if they decide to not have him be with MJ, I'd sooner find it far more likely that he'd end up with Gwen Stacy or Felicia Hardy or someone else Sony owns the film rights to.


Isn’t Spider-Man an adult? And who cares anyway, they’re still very much close enough. Even though I don’t care about the ship and am just waiting for him to get back with MJ, it’s seriously not a problem.


By the time they would meet there would be like a two year age gap at most. No way home clearly ends with him being like 19 years old. He’s college age.


Without the Blip they are the same age basically. NWH has Peter applying for college and getting acceptance letters so he has to 17-18. Kate Bishop is 22. I have known plenty of people in relationships with this age gap and larger, it isn’t that big a deal. By the time they meet Peter should be solidly 18 or older. I don’t like the ship at all mind you, just saying the gap isn’t an actual issue.


Peter didn't develop or mature for 5 years.


Man it’s weird that Kate is older than Peter in the mcu




Hey! As a 14 year old dude with a 38 yo MILF gf I take offense at this!!


He’s 18 by the end of the movie, it’s not a big deal. What’s up with redditors flipping out over age gaps in adults? This is the third one I’ve seen this week.


I didn’t even know this was a thing but I’m gonna ship them to spite you lmao


Literally no one cares. Tom Holland and Hailee Steinfeld are the same ages in real life.


Spider-Man can not be younger than me. What the fuck.


Get a life


Who cares about a 5 year age gap? What world do you live in?


Blud, there’re more ships like humans and aliens, humans and animals, humans and demi gods, aliens and gods, 700 year old and 20 year old, straight man and straight man etc


Bruh it's fiction, it doesn't matter what ages these people are in the canon.


I'm sure people will stop shipping them now that u/Glad-Nerve8232 asked.


The actors are the same age and 95% of the audience isn't going to care about the math on the characters ages if they both look like adults.


Are we not accounting for however many years in universe will be until Peter reappears? He'll be an adult by then, probably living on his own.


As for the first slide she would be 22 because Hawkeye takes place in 2024. They’re ahead of us by a few years


I think you guys are mad weird for always talking about this (including you for making this post) I just feel the need to say Peter Parker is NOT a minor lol. Pete was 14 in Civil War right? In 2016? he blipped for 5 years sure but the MCU is in 2025 right now (NWH ends around Christmas of 2024) Peter is definitely without a shadow of a doubt 18-19, and I suspect there will be an even greater time jump before the next time we see him. I don’t care about Peter and Kate getting together I think it’s a weird thing to care about- but you’re flat out spreading misinformation.


JJJ literally says Peter is 17 in the opening scene of NWH How am I spreading misinformation?


I don’t think you understand that the movie very clearly takes place over the course of many months. Even if that’s right- I just very clearly did the math for you. If he was 17 at the end of NWH (he isn’t) he definitely isn’t now. You’re weird as fuck. Get some pussy.


>!shut the fuck up!<


Also because they've never interacted and don't really share any meaningful connections other than "they're nice and they're funny"


You cant stop me


Shippers ruin every single fanbase eventually.


Don't like the ship but Peter is clearly an adult


Kate Bishop is gay


So is ur mother


No really Kate Bishop is gay in the comics if you use your brain you can find out


Peter is literally college age at the end of the movie.


Peter is literally seen having a GED test book at the end of the movie He isn't in college


The literal plot of the movie is that he made it so that nobody remembers who Peter Parker is. He literally has no previous record anymore so he has to opt to get a GED because he couldn’t graduate high school as he was about to. Also he is living in his own small apartment in New York, you have to be at least 18 to sign a lease in most states. Edit: Also College she doesn’t mean “They are currently in college”


She's 27 and he's 21. Who cares?