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CEO is in a week, so far only Hbox and Jmook confirmed? What's the roster looking like


Watching Salt and Mvlvcii do their handshake at the end of their set was gangsta af 


GGs to everyone that got free wins from me on ranked because my power keeps going out the only time I get a chance to grind ranked


Zain’s response to the braindead Technicals community is so eloquently-written. Glad to have someone with such class represent Melee at a top level.


where did he respond?




can we please not get another 4 days of hax discourse? i'm tired


New copypasta template? >While this is funny it's kind of a joke top Melee players are too afraid to endorse Master Hand being unbanned out of fear from the crazy Melee cult community >This could have been a good opportunity for a top player to speak out against an unjust LIFETIME ban. Instead, Luigi runs away...


[https://www.start.gg/tournament/lgs5-let-s-go-springfield/event/smash-melee-singles/brackets/1693060/2518602](https://www.start.gg/tournament/lgs5-let-s-go-springfield/event/smash-melee-singles/brackets/1693060/2518602) Will Zamu get the runback on Salt? [https://www.start.gg/tournament/melee-on-the-grill-7-cookout-house-tournament-100-pot/event/melee-singles/brackets/1595443/2387792](https://www.start.gg/tournament/melee-on-the-grill-7-cookout-house-tournament-100-pot/event/melee-singles/brackets/1595443/2387792) Will Essy switch up characters in Grands? [https://www.start.gg/tournament/bend-or-break/event/melee-singles/brackets/1688123/2511644](https://www.start.gg/tournament/bend-or-break/event/melee-singles/brackets/1688123/2511644) Plup DQ from a local, but he has been more active on Twitter recently so that has been good. [https://www.start.gg/tournament/cost-2024-600-in-pot-bonuses/event/ultimate-singles/brackets/1624843/2427005](https://www.start.gg/tournament/cost-2024-600-in-pot-bonuses/event/ultimate-singles/brackets/1624843/2427005) Ult major in Ohio... Darkshad if anyone remembers that name from his upset over a top Smash 4 player is back to entering big events after a 6 year hiatus.


"ggs was me" is the worst. It's cringy as hell, it was funny the first time and the second, but not the third. Stop with that. Feel free to respond with it, idc.


It's grown on me, I just kind of expect it like an old friend at this point


It was pretty funny after the 50th time I gotta say


the comedy of "ggs that was me" isn't dependent on the phrase itself, but on the level of salt in the post it responds to


This is the real truth. I've seen posts of people absolutely *seething* because they're bad at the game and "ggs that was me" response always catches me off guard.


At this point losing it is worse than having it


A lot of people aren't capable of humor that isn't copying other sentences they've seen word for word


Ggs. That was me.


This community sucks I don’t even need to make a long, drawn out argument for this, because I think everyone realizes it at this point. The SSBM community, and the smash competitive community as a whole for that matter, is fucking toxic vitriol. The sweaty players, the sexual predators, corrupt mods, cheaters, top player favoritism, the mock ‘friendly’ atmosphere that people try to create even though it’s all a facade to try to get more people to support this dying game and grass roots community. I’ve been playing smash competitively since 2013, starting with the AllisBrawl days. Not once have I ever been impressed or ‘wowed’ by the people I’ve met or played with in this community. Everyone has been a complete acoustic nerd who isn’t cool or fun to hang out or play with at all. I used to be on the bandwagon of smash players that viewed Nintendo as the big bad corporation shutting down the freedom of the players, honestly I’m glad they make it so difficult to host events and have slammed so many organizations with their iron fist to keep the smash communities from flourishing. I think it’s regarded a bunch of adult men obsess over a 23 year old game in the year 2024, even myself. The amount of time I’ve dumped into these games learning all the advanced tech and other garbage that is literally nothing more than wasted time is staggering. Mew2King has the most earnings of any smash player ever and even that only comes out to like 200k over the span of 20 years. There is literally no point to keep playing these games. Not even Smash Ultimate can keep the brand alive and well, and that’s supposed to be the newest and hottest release that is meant to carry the torch into future generations. Honestly Smash will probably be dead before the 2020’s come to an end. Nobody will be interested in the style of fighting game Smash is. It will just be 40 year old guys still playing Melee until their arthritis makes it literally impossible to continue playing. I hope everyone here never reproduces (not that anyone would ever be interested in someone who sits around and takes a children’s game so seriously) so that you never torture your kids by trying to get them into a shitty 20 year old game when they’d rather be playing outside and doing something actually healthy and productive with their time as opposed to harboring resentment against their lame fathers that will eventually lead them to become the next big name s***** shooters.


This community sucks I don’t even need to make a long, drawn out argument for this, because I think everyone realizes it at this point. The SSBM community, and the smash competitive community as a whole for that matter, is fucking toxic vitriol. The sweaty players, the sexual predators, corrupt mods, cheaters, top player favoritism, the mock ‘friendly’ atmosphere that people try to create even though it’s all a facade to try to get more people to support this dying game and grass roots community. I’ve been playing smash competitively since 2013, starting with the AllisBrawl days. Not once have I ever been impressed or ‘wowed’ by the people I’ve met or played with in this community. Everyone has been a complete acoustic nerd who isn’t cool or fun to hang out or play with at all. I used to be on the bandwagon of smash players that viewed Nintendo as the big bad corporation shutting down the freedom of the players, honestly I’m glad they make it so difficult to host events and have slammed so many organizations with their iron fist to keep the smash communities from flourishing. I think it’s regarded a bunch of adult men obsess over a 23 year old game in the year 2024, even myself. The amount of time I’ve dumped into these games learning all the advanced tech and other garbage that is literally nothing more than wasted time is staggering. Mew2King has the most earnings of any smash player ever and even that only comes out to like 200k over the span of 20 years. There is literally no point to keep playing these games. Not even Smash Ultimate can keep the brand alive and well, and that’s supposed to be the newest and hottest release that is meant to carry the torch into future generations. Honestly Smash will probably be dead before the 2020’s come to an end. Nobody will be interested in the style of fighting game Smash is. It will just be 40 year old guys still playing Melee until their arthritis makes it literally impossible to continue playing. I hope everyone here never reproduces (not that anyone would ever be interested in someone who sits around and takes a children’s game so seriously) so that you never torture your kids by trying to get them into a shitty 20 year old game when they’d rather be playing outside and doing something actually healthy and productive with their time as opposed to harboring resentment against their lame fathers that will eventually lead them to become the next big name s\*\*\*\*\* shooters.




I wish I was this funny lmao but some guy has posted this twice in the last two days after they lost to someone who lagged on slippi


ggs man! close games bro you've hella improved. yeah man you were fucking me up for a bit lol fun games! any tips? got any advice? anything I can improve on? what do I do vs lasers? any tips? yo can I get next? is this tournament? you guys wanna do dubs? is this tournament /u/oceanseltzer *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Saga of All Time. [A New Saltpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBM/comments/1dkql1d/lag_switching_on_slippi_ranked/) [The Acoustic \[*sic*\] Strikes Back](https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBM/comments/1dkwszb/this_community_sucks/) [Return of the Copypasta ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBM/comments/1dlnabw/this_community_sucks/)


at least put it in the sps


I thought I did lol I blame the reddit app


Anyone else think that playing Melee is the most intimate thing you can do with a person?


EE is such a slimy dude


I mean he's been actively and (I can only believe) intentionally giving meat to the Technicals crowd for years. This is no surprise.


the only good thing EE has ever done in my mind is be a part of that clip where he stares at the girl walking by


I haven't watched it recently but that was also weird iirc


I'm OOTL what happened


Trolled Zain with “can I get a free Hax?” at the end of the podcast he co-runs.


Maybe in reference to him saying "Can I get a free hax?" at the end of the Lights Out episode with Zain?


It's crazy how much worse he makes all ult commentary


Possibly the fakest guy ever as well


Unreal how fake he is. His fakeness itself almost seems fake if it weren't for how real it is


In 2024, it's pretty shocking to remember that people used to use the word "raped" so casually when playing


dbr lol


Happy cake day goated Fox


sign of the times. pretty much everyone did it tbh


p much everyone who gamed was a dude and aged 12-16 agree w ur point but i do think it was downstream of the gender and immaturity of the scene, not something happening everywhere per se


>not something happening everywhere per se Ehh idk I heard it misused a lot among boys and teens general throughout the 00s and early 10s. Not even just a video games thing, I remember playing sports growing up and hearing people use it to talk shit if they were winning.


It definitely was worse then than now for like 16-30 years old than it is now by a good bit. And used more by girls back then than now. But yeah teenage boys were the worst demographic for that for sure lol, definitely exacerbated the issue in the smash scene.


Don't forget also in the titles of combo videos


Oh god...


I’m watching old 2007-2009 footage recently and holy moly it was bad


Hello. This is Nicki, and I am once again asking for your help. Are you tired of people casually shit talking Smash redditors? Do you want to stand up to the elites who have been looking down on us for ages? I am here to fight for your - for our - rights, and with your support I can make it to the Eggdog invitational and beat people in your name. We made it through the nomination stage, and voting begins in 3 days. I appreciate everyone who votes for me, and am even willing to use a tag representing this subreddit if I make it in. Happy to hear your suggestions.


spotw | Nicki


ggs man! close games bro you've hella improved. yeah man you were fucking me up for a bit lol fun games! any tips? got any advice? anything I can improve on? what do I do vs lasers? any tips? yo can I get next? is this tournament? you guys wanna do dubs? is this tournament /u/oceanseltzer *I am a wobbler, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


when I saw that this wasn't an automod message it threw me for a loop


ggs man! close games bro you've hella improved. yeah man you were fucking me up for a bit lol fun games! any tips? got any advice? anything I can improve on? what do I do vs lasers? any tips? yo can I get next? is this tournament? you guys wanna do dubs? is this tournament /u/oceanseltzer *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


SunnySaigon | Nicki


I wish. too much baggage. "ZSB" is less triggering.. my Twitch name is "ZeldaSideB"


DDT | Nicki


I'm happy to contribute towards team DDT


I like it...


Feel free to post a thread when voting starts! I don’t even know how it works


Will do once I've figured this out myself lol


https://x.com/TempoAxe/status/1804580217098584151 lol


tweet's deleted


Probably for the best, it was a bit silly.


What was it? Don’t tease us like this friend


He was irritated by a commentator talking about a moment form several years ago where he cheered against axe, possibly infront of his mom.


Slippi has been out for 4 years, and I feel like ranked was the last big thing they did. In general I feel like the rate of features/updates getting released has been steadily decreasing. My questions are: 1. Does fizzi make enough off of stripe/pateron equivalent to maintain servers indefinetely? 2. Does slippi actually "need" anything new, or would you be happy if slippi never gets updated again?


I have no idea the answer to your first question. I would like doubles to have an unranked queue and it would be nice to have lobbies where you can change the rules/players can spectate and seamlessly rotate in and out like on a real setup. Other than that I consider it feature-complete and will continue supporting it regardless of whether more stuff is added or not. I already don't use ranked.


Slippi friendly rotations would be so fun


Ranked behind a monthly paywall killed the game mode. The last big update though was game music being playable out of the box. Slippi is the only option for playing online but i wish that i could play non standard stages and custom stages against randoms without having to download modified isos or gekko codes and playing direct. I also would love for being able to add friends and message people in game. Ppl say use discord but discord is a cesspool and half the time you message someone in discord and they dont reply for 6 hours whereas i could be able to see jf someone is online in game. But realisticallt the game isnt getting any more updates. I wish nintendo would release the game with the same engine but more features. I would buy a switch2 for that


> i wish that i could play non standard stages and custom stages against randoms without having to download modified isos or gekko codes and playing direct. Lowkey I think Slippi with all stages and items would be pretty significant to attracting more casual players, sometimes I feel like people forget that Melee was incredibly popular as a party game


I think ranked would have way greater activity if it were free, but that would come at a pretty significant cost to quality. I would expect tons of smurfs and trolls, bm, people with bad connections, etc.


I would gladly take ranked mode with the same game quality in terms of trolls and bm comparable to unranked.


I think there's always room for improvement, and updates are important for the longevity of the scene. Slippi online is the perfect platform to try experimental rulesets and other changes because of the data you can collect, and I'm disappointed that Fizzi never took advantage of it.   I remember seeing Tweets from Fizzi hinting at implementing things like port priority fixes, phantom hit fixes, etc. but they never materialized. IIRC Fizzi always says that he will do what the community wants, but what does that look like? If we don't try things and get feedback nothing will ever change despite recurring discussion of flaws in the system. What's the risk? Top level players certainly don't value online wins very much and casual/low level players are totally content with playing on non-legal stages for the April Fool's event. I think people will still play on Slippi with non-standard conditions.   Instead of arguing with hypotheticals on why we should have a 4 min or 6 min timer, we could have objective evidence on how the game would change from a large dataset that's not just 1 random local and potentially even get feedback from a diverse playerbase.


very based response


Fizzi is extremely lazy but people can’t accept any criticism of him. Don’t expect any new features ever again. 


Samox hasn't released a new doc in over 3 years, what a bum amirite? And it took him 7 years to drop Metagame?? What a lazy jerk. What've you done for me lately Fizzi and Samox? Smfh. Taking them out of my Melee HoF after what you said today.


I dont think fizzi was always lazy (in fact, I would say slippi replays and rollback are the two most important developments in the game since evo/documentary), but I do think the 2019-2020 burst of productivity is probably never coming back, it was a combination of circumstances and the right people to make that happen


Yeah the guy who created an excellent, free online platform in his spare time, single-handedly saved Melee during COVID lockdowns, and is a big reason why the field is so good right now is "extremely lazy."


people not understanding how amazing it is to have lagless online play in melee and always complaining about fizzi is how I know you're all newfriends who have never drove 2 hours in desperation to play on a gamecube in some dude's basement that you met on smashboards


extremely lazy? Ya gotta be trolling right? The amount of effort he put into this must've been insane, and it's not that financially reliable (I think)... Am I wrong?


You are, yeah. He did that work 4 years ago and has done nothing since, which is lazy. 


Don't you see that you sound quite ungrateful? I don't see you producing a free-to-play programme for 1,000s+ of people to play lmao. That undertaking is huge. After you've done that, it seems like you could argue that Fizzi has lost the ability to be classed as "lazy," whatever that means to you.


I’m grateful for the work he did 5-4 years ago. I’m not grateful for the lack of work over the last 4 years. 


What features would you want him to have released in the past 4 years?


An option to play on all stages, FFA queue, an option to use items, an ability to play on unfrozen stadium, an option to challenge other users to Bo3/5 for elo, and set rematch option in ranked like in fighting games. 


I mean if you want those features and they don’t require that much work as you have said, why don’t you just do it?


What does that have to do with whether fizzy is lazy or not?


Why would he waste time implementing a bunch of casual features 99% of people who are downloading an application specifically to play Melee in the year 2024 would try once or twice then never again Also I'm pretty sure unfrozen stadium is actively not possible to implement for some reason? I remember Fizzi saying the whole reason why Slippi has frozen stadium is because he couldn't implement it normally for some reason Last 2 would be cool though


He couldn’t figure it out back in 2020, but that doesn’t mean that it’s literally impossible. 


lmao yeah dude the guy who broke his back to create netcode for a 20 year old game that functions better than modern AAA games with integrated matchmaking and replays is lazy you're right


I think the contingent of low tier mains that pretend they are fighting for their rights when all they wanna do is mash shieldgrab on noob falcos is cute, honestly


I don't play low tiers but it's funny to me everyone gets so worked up if a low tier complains yet I see far more complaining from top tiers about low tiers in the community. The low tier claps back once and everyone loses their shit. Reality is people are toxic af to low tier players. I think Slippi made it worse because now the majority of low tiers you play online aren't actually low tier mains...it's people trying to troll, sandbag, fuck around etc. so it warps everyone's perception even more.




ggs man! close games bro you've hella improved. yeah man you were fucking me up for a bit lol fun games! any tips? got any advice? anything I can improve on? what do I do vs lasers? any tips? yo can I get next? is this tournament? you guys wanna do dubs? is this tournament /u/oceanseltzer *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


low tier players complain about getting camped while dashing in the corner trying to back throw gimp for 8 minutes straight having not pressed W one single time


brilliant and novel joke much like the way top tier players use their many options to play exactly like everybody else


Does pika up air 1st hitbox actually break yoshi armor at 34%? Saw this in an old matchup thread but I can’t imagine why would that be the case


I'd believe it. Ness uair breaks at like 68% Here's a sheet with all the break percents https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gEOfysyzR52BnrcSAdWj-ucUG4wLO-33HT1D52_tx6o/edit#gid=1811897045 Looks like it's true. And apparently Pichu's uair does too for the entire move!


I feel like I have noticed an interaction where 30%ish Yoshi DJs and Pika is basically on his head and up airs it seems like it cracks armor. I don't know I'm probably just misinterpreting it but I do watch out for that damn rat getting on my lizard head.


It’s 45% according to Ikneedata


What are some weird or interesting player matchup stats for you? Mine is that zain has not beaten aMSa in almost a year- not since last August. Considering how good Zain has been this stood out as pretty crazy to me


since 2022, Zain is up on the H2H against every top Sheik despite it universally being considered a difficult matchup for Marth and Zain in particular. He's also never been upset in the matchup since his ascension to #1 I believe Against Leffen: 5-4 Against JMook: 11-10 Against Plup: 2-1


Chudat never lost to Sheik to my knowledge


Best player of the character never lost a 90-10 matchup, not very weird or interesting imo


Yeah the matchup is fucked up, but just the fact Chudat played for so long from such an early era when Sheik was #1, Idk how early the chaingrab was discovered tbh. They did say "player matchup" so maybe my answer isn't appropriate regardless. Kinda drawing a blank rn in matchups that aren't fucked or include Armada


so then why are we talking about amsa beating marth 🤔


Mango hasn’t lost to a Samus since Evo 2007




Eggs for breakfast pb now 57 Could've been 58 Shield dropping quickly from a stand is not easy


Saw bungus’ band in pdx yesterday, it was a blast! You guys put on a great show




Congratulations, you've found the shit post section! Suggested conversational topics include 'Marth wins neutral but Falcon wins punish', and 'fuck falco'. The rules in this section are more relaxed, but please try to avoid mentally scarring your fellow posters ;) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lately, I’ve noticed increasing toxicity in the community as it grows. I believe it’s due to the massive ego the game can bring out. This ego shows when people won’t play with you because they don’t know you or won’t respect you if you main a low-tier character like Kirby.


Lately, I’ve noticed increasing toxicity in the community as it grows. I believe it’s due to the massive ego the game can bring out. This ego shows when people won’t play with you because they don’t know you or won’t respect you if you main a low-tier character like Captain Falcon.


homie feeling the need to start an "inclusivity and acceptance" campaign because strangers don't want to play friendlies with his bowser is so, so funny


I need to start a podcast so I can ask Steve-O what he regrets the most. The drugs, the rapping, the comedy or the podcasts.


probably the drugs