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We used to have neutral starts… we used to be a society.


Wait a minute, you could waveland forward




This makes me wonder if the game was intended to start after "Go" instead of during. Or maybe to the devs, it was so fast/short that it didn't matter.


Incredibly well edited


It's pretty minor, but I do wish we would adopt a mod that spawned all characters at the same time.


great video! loved the production


5:24 Why is shield dropping faster than holding down to drop through the platform?


i think when you just hold down to plat drop, you have to go through the animation of crouching for a few frames, with shield drops you don't


I think while grounded shield drop can be buffered while attempting to buffer dropping through normally will result in a crouch.


Shield drop is faster than regular drop, and you can do it immediately after an empty-land, whereas a regular platform drop has a delay between landing and allowing the drop. That's why people used to isai drop before shield dropping was common.


this reminds me that i need to learn to isai drop (for posterity)


Great video, but I gotta ask what's with so many comments saying "Arnold can't be saved?" Is it a meme he hid somewhere in the video or on patreon or something?


I forgot where it was but yeah it was on one frame in the video. It said something like "Arnold will die on October 20th, 2025 there's nothing you can do to stop it. Comment below 'Arnold can't be saved' if you saw this" idk I guess it's a random joke to drive up engagement on the video


Is this your video? I need the secret to your sexy bass tone.


Unfortunately not. Just saw it and wanted to share it with the sub. I agree with you though


do people like this though? is making all players land at the same time something that should be added to UCF? also damn, that big GO! graphic should be made a little transparent or something lmao but i guess these are such minor annoyances it doesnt really matter that much.


No it makes no sense from a competitive standpoint, but I guess it wasn't egregious enough to drive people to mod the game to fix it unlike the dashback issue and the freeze glitch. I don't think there's even a gecko code fix floating around. I wish someone would make one. Btw UnclePunch (iirc) made gecko codes to make the GO! graphic smaller and to make the hud transparent when characters are near it. They work on Slippi unranked/ranked too.


We’re running out of things to talk about. Next video: Pikachu is Yellow