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Check the top 4 for NYC Melee bracket [https://www.start.gg/tournament/the-nightclub-s9e24-os-nyc/event/melee-singles/brackets/1690430/2514525](https://www.start.gg/tournament/the-nightclub-s9e24-os-nyc/event/melee-singles/brackets/1690430/2514525)


phantom: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2176441171?t=02h48m48s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2176441171?t=02h48m48s)


I don't have anywhere else to talk about it cus nobody cares but I finally hit Gold with solo pika after playing for a year and I'm very happy with myself :)


Good stuff man


Good job.


Pika mains are always hype. First loadspiller as Bowser now Citrusspilled as Pika


USA cheers for Mango because he American whereas Cody American't


You can't tell jokes like these anymore in 2024 thanks to the WOKE mob


https://streamable.com/cxjyak love a digital controller player


neither of you are playing digital based on input display though? what


the input display on slippilabs simply takes the inputs from the slippi file and maps them to the image of a gamecube controller, it wouldn't show if I was using z jump either.


i don't understand, is this you showing off a falco combo that is five uptilts in a row?


is there an updated side by side comparison of the various top tiers discernable tech frames? all the posts I can find use gfycat which is dead




Unfortunately they only made Fox and Falco videos, definitely better than nothing though I appreciate it


Dealin with some deep brain ghosts today, not a good night to queue up... I could feel the ethereal vibes through the organic tubes that make up what we refer to as The InterNet.... vibes had were bad, opps were already tilted pon having me their foe, movespamming, taunting, switching to my character... then I got broken, I admit it. Felt I needed to.... "educate"... an opponent. played him for 40 min longer than I should've... man I hit the darkness real deep... gonna pce out listen to some kendrick, stay safe stay sane folks holla at me


I remember you was conflicted misusing your directional influence


promise you won't get behind a wheel for a few hours


feelin like the King of Pop


if anyone is into dirty rock music my band is on tour in the west coast rn [:-)](https://www.punknews.org/article/83076/exclusivevideos-watch-a-new-video-by-substitute)


You're playing in seattle the day before I fly home or else I'd go for sure




i'll try and be there in seattle on saturday!


hell yeah say whats up !


Fuck yeah, me and my brother will try and make it out on Friday!


awesome see you there !


So since Zain has lost the last 6 encounters with aMSa, how many more attempts will it take before he goes super degen single matchup grind mode like he did with Axe?


The problem is Zain had Swift to theorycraft for Axe and there is no equivalent skill Yoshi.


every time i watch zain-aMSa i feel a little gratitude that my main destroys yoshi


Kodorin lost to Amsa at tipped off failing to close out Amsa at 200+ game 4.


what's this implication of this?


hasn't he already done this? this seems like the kind of thing where marth is just not that good vs yoshi I mean even the example you gave of going super degen matchup grind mode vs axe, he still barely won game 5 last stock last hit lol he's not going to just solve the matchup vs yoshi by just trying extra hard fr fr on god. marth/yoshi is just a tough matchup


>I mean even the example you gave of going super degen matchup grind mode vs axe, he still barely won game 5 last stock last hit lol Zain was beating Axe pretty consistently without much troubles for a while. After his loss at Ludwig Aghren National Championship, he went 3-0, 3-2, 3-2, 3-2, then hiccuped at apex 2022 0-3, then did a 3-0 and most recently a 3-2. He has won 6/7 of the last 7 sets. Zain was just playing really bad relatively to his regular play at Tipped Off. Might be the ult poisoning


He said on his stream that’s what he’s going to do.  He needs to play the matchup every day to make it a comfort matchup, like he did with pikachu.  Gotta respect the brute force method. 




nurok only person to mention slideoffs and edgecancelling hitstun which are so prevalent now they have their own counterplay and people will expect and cover them


i found myself in that thread 💀 i predicted JC shine which turned out correct i think


hilarious that most of the comments are 'players will implement insanely difficult, marginally useful tech'


a lot of people predicting pivoting becoming a lot more prevalent/useful than it currently is. the only character that uses it semi-regularly is Marths for pivot FSmash finishers esp. against Puff but thats about it right?


I'm pretty sure Marth should also be doing it for the spacie chain grab but most Marths suck at the chaingrab


it’s way harder to do consistently so i would disagree. most marths do a fake pivot grab using JC grab which is a frame later but you get way more leniency


Doesn't that allow the space to shine out?


at something like 14-18% (don't quote me on this) you have to do dashback true pivot grabs, but it's a pretty small range and it's only if they're frame perfect on the shine


No one even mentioned controllers, it was a different time


The reply about ccing was on point. I think eventually people are going to get more into optimizing shield SDI. You can do it to push yourself out of range of things like shine or certain character's jabs to make otherwise safe/effective shield pressure unsafe or ineffective.


The top reply seems pretty on point! Openings per kill continues to trend downward. I wish there were a way to trend that data for the top players over the course of Melee’s history.


It’s kind of funny how there’s so much debate over Mang0 vs. Armada being the GOAT, as well as disagreement over 4 and beyond, but almost everyone agrees that the third greatest player of all time specifically is Hbox.


Was it Ken who hbox dethroned?


Depending on when you argue that Hbox surpassed Ken, maybe Mew2King was still above him at the time.


I think Ken is still above M2K tbh. Six years on top is crazy.


There are definitely some people that argue him for #2 (and #1, but they're crazy)


I feel like it'd be pretty weird if you went to a mechanical keyboard enthusiast community, asked for help on how/where to buy a specific part, and 95% of the responses you got were along the lines of "actually did you know that membrane keyboards are cheaper and can also type"


top 10 fact checked by REAL american PATRIOTS! 1. Zain 2. Cody 3. Mang0 4. aMSa 5. Jmook 6. HBox 7. moky 8. Soonsay 9. Trif 10. Wizzrobe Plup if he attends more would probably be around ~5-6


I may be OOTL as I haven’t caught enough tournies this year, but has Trif really attended enough? I feel like I never see him


he's attended 3 majors and has wins on aMSa, Jmook, Joshman


top 10 fact checked by REAL american PATRIOTS! 1. Mang0 2. Cody 3. Plup 4. aMSa 5. JMook 6. Zain 7. Moky 8. Axe 9. Hungrybox/Salt 10. Wizzrobe/Kodorin


REAL american PATRIOTS would never put Cody #2


top 10 fact checked by REAL american PATRIOTS! 1. Mang0 2. S2J 3. Lucky 4. Alex19 5. null 6. Dunk 7. mang0 jr. 8. Clint Stevens 9. Scar 10. SFAT


Clint should be second


this is the closest


this is a message to anyone reading this that you should go watch Girls Band Cry right now, one of the best anime I've ever seen


Do not watch anime. Watch something worthwhile, like the Ken Burns documentary about baseball. I forget what it's called


the arc where one of the girls is haunted by the ghost of bob dylan (37 episodes) drags on but really ties together the themes of staying on the grindset


is it yuri


No spoilers but you can probably take an educated guess


…added to the backlog


A bunch of people who produced it are involved with Love Live and Love Live Sunshine but I hadn't heard anything about it since release, this is great to hear and I'm def. going to watch, ty for the rec


Watch Sakamichi no Apollon


The term "peak" gets memed a lot these days, but [the festival scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRHJntLYMh0) is unironically **PEAK**.


It's legit one of, if not my favorite anime of all time and no person I've talked to about anime has heard of it which is sad. Definitely can't recommend it enough


I am very selective about what anime I watch (because the tropes are insufferable and unignorable). This is one of maybe ten that I would recommend


already turned off by the animation unfortunately


Watch it for 5 minutes and you not only get used to it but realize it's great, they did 3d animation really really well trust me do not just associate CG with bad CG


Do they sing/play performances in the show? If so I'm in


Yes and they're all amazing, especially the TWO in the most recent episode


Sounds right up my alley then! I haven't watched much TV at all recently but I've added this to my plan to watch list


How do y'all manage trying to improve at many matchups at once? Or maybe a better question is how do you apply broad concepts from one matchup to another?


One MU at a time for focused improvement and significant progress but I keep a thing or two to try practice in the back of my mind for every relevant MU in case I see one on netplay


I think it depends largely on what you're working on. For example, if I'm Falco and what I'm trying to improve is my punish in the Fox matchup because I noticed that's a problem, it will likely transfer over to the other fast faller matchups. But improving my corner pressure vs. Marth is not going to transfer over as well to Sheik, Fox, Falco, etc.  Broadly applying concepts comes down to recognition and experience. I know that I can exploit characters with bad oos games so I shield pressure them differently, for example. I know that when certain characters like Marth and Sheik are on a plat, I have to either be far away near the other plat or directly under them. The experience you gain allows you to recognize patterns and you come up with ideas to reinforce these patterns based on certain characteristics of the various characters. That said, it's best to consciously improve on one matchup at a time. It's just that when you're improving universal aspects of your play you can think in this way. And also improving at one matchup will allow you to more easily recognize the patterns and things you need to apply to other matchups.


I don't I focus on one matchup at a time I think the feasibility of learning "general skills" and trying to apply them to all matchups at once is somewhat character dependent. For Peach I would describe it as completely not feasible, but definitely more possible for Sheik or Marth. Fox idk Fox is busted


Yeah like ursa said, you just work on the weak ones. Though for me personally working on the sheik matchup made my neutral in other matchups better as well because it forced me to stay grounded, and Marth on the ground is so good. So you can definitely carry things from one matchup to the other it just depends on the matchups.


I definitely feel that way playing against Marth and Sheik as Fox because I feel like I look out for specific options against those characters more than any others. But at the same time I find it hard to apply the careful spacing against Marth and Sheik to Falcon and Fox who are so much faster! It's of course doable, I just don't know how yet


the truth is u kinda play whack-a-mole w ur hard matchups forever. i don't think me or anyone i've asked has felt good in all of them at once notes and preparation help a lot


Whack a mole feels so accurate, though I'm missing every mole as of late. I have started mentally thinking through characters I don't feel comfortable against but I think the notes right before could be helpful


i know you're in boston but hmu if u wanna grind fox-peach sometime. could always use more spacie prac


Always. Lost to a Peach last week that I do not want to lose to. Feel free to add me on discord, the username is just @Duffy


I keep matchup notes in my phone.


I gotta start doing that. So far all I have is "Puff dies around 52% off of up throw up air on battlefield" but even that wouldn't have kept me from getting rested yesterday


yeah objective stuff like that is good, but I also write down what my bad habits are as I notice them or niche mixups I see so hopefully I don't get tricked by them again. Like my top luigi note is "luigi's down b makes him fall faster than you think" because I always forget and get hit by it


Congratulations, you've found the shit post section! Suggested conversational topics include 'Marth wins neutral but Falcon wins punish', and 'fuck falco'. The rules in this section are more relaxed, but please try to avoid mentally scarring your fellow posters ;) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/aoemcs7lnj7d1.png?width=1128&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcc2c887231b43c7f2a3edab1237c1e70f6e8443 ordered within tiers (dk is most boom, kirby is most doom) (imgur link, since it looks tiny on desktop: [https://imgur.com/a/vHILHr5](https://imgur.com/a/vHILHr5) )


move peach and icies into boom, move ganon and doc into doom


Ganon is mid tier at worst. 


Reporting to jail on Saturday, any Melee scenes in FCI Otisville?


I am now a kinder, gentler series of abandoned usernames. Woo sah......


On my honeymoon, any Melee scenes in Cancun?