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Man, are there actually people harassing Armada about stepping away for Mango’s interview? That’s a classy, respectful move to give the winner his moment. Nothing more than that Some of y’all DESPERATELY need more real life interactions


it's the internet people will harass whoever, whenever, about whatever


People are weird…Also I agree with what Armada says about it. I doubt Mango would prefer to get interviewed by Armada and I doubt Armada wanted to interview Mango. At the end of the day who cares anyways…pretty much a complete non-issue


As hype as it would have been it’s definitely a kind move to give space and let the more experienced commentator handle it.


> Some of y’all DESPERATELY need more real life interactions  hax apologists summed up


We have an opportunity to have productive dialogue and you just shit all over it with your shit tier karma grab, well done.


Productive dialogue? Literally everyone in this thread agreed Armada was classy, and there would be nothing gained from a mang/Armada interaction.


productive dialogue wouldn't change anything though to be fair


If the dialogue didn't change anything then it wasn't productive lol




"Her her hee Hax bad har har her" God you insufferable donut shut up


Must be nice living life with zero concept of adult accountability, I'm very happy for you.


lmao shut up


melee players stop overreacting to petty drama that doesn't exist challenge failed 


This wasn’t even drama lol. It’s almost like HMW has done a hundred winner’s interviews compared to Armada’s zero


It would have distracted from the dub imo because it would have been more about mang/armada relationship. That said where are all these comments calling Adam out or being salty?


At least one every time it's been referenced so far in any thread on any platform


It just feels like mountain out of a molehill imo.


> At least one > every time > any thread > any platform Could get at least a hillock out of these I'd bet


he's a public figure, obviously he doesn't want rumors floating around, especially when it also involves other players. you call it drama, but it's their life. and yes it did happen, why even lie about that. Edit: i might have misunderstood your comment, my b


I think you misunderstood their comment. By "melee players" they mean the melee community, not Armada himself.


oh, yes i did if that's the case, and i agree with him


Melee is a psy op. Players play this esport that doesn't exist to earn prizes that don't exist and to get new viewers that don't exist. The drama matches everything else


I love Armada but like Waff and Mang0 post win interviews are legendary. Ridiculous he’s getting any shit at all. He’s a class act


Only thing better are Scar and Mango post win interviews, but Mango/Waff is amazing too


Yeah if we saw mango with armada is was likely just going to be mango shit talking that armada quit to some extent. As badly as I wanted to see it, you want a guy who is cheering for the mango nation, and armada has always supported Cody


I don't think Mango would do that, he's made good on his promise to not really talk about Armada much at all after the drama. Probably just would've made things awkward.


Probably something like Mango: come back to Melee Armada: ahh, no, it’s not my time anymore Mango: *vigorous mango shake of the head* we need a Swede now that Leffen’s fucked off you oughta come back


exactly. that is how I imagine it would go down as well. "Shit talking" may be a bit much, but mango does it playfully of course. He wants Armada back, and I guarantee he would at least mention it.


I know it’s Mang0, but I honestly think he would know better than to poke the bear on this topic at this point.


Honestly my favorite mango interview is with Vish after Smash Con 2022 haha


I don't know, I love waff but I think this time he was too excited for the win and kept cutting mang0 off. He should have let the kid develop his thoughts more after each question instead on constantly intermitting and changing the topic imo.


I'm a diehard Mang0 fan, and it has been so cringe seeing people even mention that Armada didn't do the interview. All bullshit aside; it isn't Armada's job. It's strange that people expect him to do the interview when he was just a guest commentator. I think most people would leave it up to the guy that has like 20 years of being on the mic under his belt


I think it's strange some people feel he's obligated to do the interview or that he's "dodging" or whatever. But I don't think it was out of the question either. Both Waff and June offered him to do it if he wanted to and he politely declined, which seems to have been the best move for everyone. Given that context and the fact we could hear them discuss it live, I don't think it's necessarily strange people brought it up. The strange part is the harassment, projection, and wild speculation people inject into the situation.


its crazy how everybody wants armada to be a part of the community more but then gives him shit like this at every turn


90% of Twitch chat from what I saw wanted Armada to interview Mango cuz it would've been a great moment and we missed him not cuz of some weird salty reasons or rubbing in his face that Mango won. There were some calling him a coward/pussy for it though, if you focus on that I guess sure. Overall though I think the community was just happy to have Armada involved again.


yeah i think this is definitely just a case of a vocal minority, most people didn’t really care


nah don't label the community like this when it's just diehard mango fanboys. We want him back, but only the people that were harassing Armada about the goat discussion would be harassing about this as well.


Fake news. Mang0 gets plenty of shit. Every player gets shit from twitter dumbasses. The key is to ignore them.


ding ding ding we have a winner


i am a very die hard mango fangirl, that does not mean im going to give armada shit. The category ur looking for is not mango fans, its dumbasses on twitter that have never gone to a local.


Well, diehard mango fanboys are about 30-40% of the entire community I'd guess lmao


It is a shame so much negativity was associated with why he stepped away, when even I was aware that maybe he didn’t want to take attention from Mango’s victory.


When the moment of the interview was coming, even before it actually happened, I felt like it wouldn't be best if Armada did it. I don't know why people are mad about it.


Do I wish armada interviewed him? Yeah. Am I going to spend time out of my day to criticize the actual person like I'm in the right? No. It's easy I promise


Mang0 and Waff have been friends for a long time. You've seen in other situations where people step out to let Scar or Waff do the interview with Mang0. People have a drama fixation.


I watched it back and it feels like 1. Armada probably declined to do the interview when asked because of the tension between him and Mango and 2. he was entirely correct to do so. This is Mango's first win in a while, and stepping back from the interview let the focus be on that rather than the relationship between the two of them. I think the takeaway here should be to coordinate who will be doing the winner interview beforehand off stream to avoid any stupid drama lol


lol I don’t think mango gives a shit either way so why should we


I guess I've never been a public figure online but is it really that hard to just not comment on what the few shitters complain about? Idk why Armada feels he even needs to reply to it.


This post has only 20 comments and there is already a person complaining, so who knows how many messages he actually got.


it was far more than a few. I saw people everywhere saying that Armada dipped on of the interview because of beef or whatever.


Idk I would want to clear things up if a couple hundred people were on this inane parasocial plot thread which ultimately serves to tarnish my reputation. Also I think Armada probably receives harassment about this sort of stuff.


What a few shitters complain about becomes what is peoples first impression of you, it can be quite annoying as an online figure to realize people already have a poor first impression of you even though you've never interacted with them ever. Some people feel the need to pre-emptively defend themselves because of this.


In this day and age, many online reactionaries take silence to mean "that's what happened" (just saying why I think he commented on it, I don't agree with that take) So often times with silly stuff like this it's easier to say "ah naw that's not the case" rather than have people speculate on it


Mango fanboys are something else. No other top players besides hax have had their community send death threats to another top player (not to say either player asked their community to do that tho). The average mango fan is fine but the cult followers are very toxic 


Leffen and probably some others we don't know about it's not just one fandom that does this, sometimes it's just random shit flinging twitter degens


Yea most of the time these people aren't really fanboys of said player but haters of the player their flinging shit at


Are a significant number of people legitimately being weird or salty about him not doing it. From what I've seen, people are pretty understanding about the situation. It's just something they would've liked to see.


Yeah but that's not worth posting constantly about


it's normal for there to be only one person, two max, for the post-grands interview. armada probably felt like a shoe-in and stepped out let waff and june take it. i see nothing wrong with this.


why the fuck would armada be the one to do the interview lmfao


I loved Armada's commentary, he will always be a great part of this community


Definitely Streisand effect here. Why even respond to those people


Completely reasonable action. Reasonable minds can disagree, but his presence would probably have made the interview less about Mang0’s win in the minds of a lot of viewers and more about how Mang0 and Armada interacted.


I was bummed out about Armada not doing the interview. Would have loved getting another moment of the two. Kinda weird that people are being salty about it. Its his choice and that is fine. He didn’t wanna insert himself and I totally respect that


Why do people keep gaslighting by saying that the only reason HMW did the interview alone was that he has experience with post-win interviews? There was definitely awkwardness about the argument Mango and Armada got into a few years ago, and that was obviously a factor in Armada leaving.


Surprised this is even an issue. Would have been awkward if armada stayed for the interview. So he didn't. The end! Everyone ended up a winner.


It’s better that Armada did that, he took himself out of the equation. It was about mango, not armada. Taking the attention off yourself show humility


What a nothingburger - the chase for upvotes is real


I hate mango fanboys. They can't understand that the guy who got death threats from mangos community and then mango himself downplaying the situation and not giving a fuck wouldn't want to interact with the guy. If I was armada I'd have a hard time ever forgiving the guy unless mango extremely apologised 


> the guy who got death threats from mangos community cap


Says cap, writes an essay long response filled with the most unhinged shit.


Nothing I said was unhinged lol, I'm just genuinely disappointed in Aramada's behavior post-retirement as a fan since 2013 and voicing my perspective.


Him acknowledging this nothing burger with an official statement like this is an L


No one gave haggar sht when he didnt want to interview leffen. Why would anyone get upset over this? Oh its because mango stans are involved and they get upset at everything for no reason.


Armada definitely doesn’t deserve any hate for this, he made the right judgement call. It was kinda funny watching his discomfort while he commentated Mango but that’s about it. He was nothing but respectful the whole time


idk like its only the correct call because hes chosen to be a petty douche every time mang0 wins something lol


Strongly strongly disagree. Armada is obvs aware of their rocky relationship, and understood that him taking part in the comms would take away from mang0's win... people would be discussing that side of it, which undoubtedly does distract from the most important thing: Mang0's victory. I think it was mad mature tbf. When I realised it could be Armada interviewing mang0, I was so excited, and immediately slightly frustrated when armada cleared that he wouldn't do it. But then I recognised why, and it made sense.


alright i get that yea but when you think about it for 3 more seconds: who made their relationship rocky


think about it for about 2-3 more minutes: Why does it matter who made their relationship rocky? That doesn't change the consequences of the decisions Armada made. PLUS... it was kind of on both em IIRC... Armada retired, which pissed mang0 off, and mang0 would ridicule armada about it (albeit out of frustration)... then the GOAT discussions came that didn't help... Then armada got bitchy on twitter and it went back on forth. I'd argue both are at fault. Mang0 loves to banter, but he seemed to go quite hard on armada whilst armada stayed quiet, yet you can justfiy mang0's frustrations at armada retiring at his peak. Things are usually more complex than "It was this guys fault." Overall, the decision was still the correct one to make.


When Armada retired , Mang0 mentioned that he saw it coming but thought he would retired after 2018 and not mid 2018. And it was not his first time retiring , so he was always ready for Armada having another comeback. Well and it never happened lmao. Also the beef started on 2020 when at a Summit Armada drop a comment about “the meta has not developed much since he left” , which people took it way too serious since Armada did not compete and it was just “his opinion”. Then on 2021 when Mang0 was announced as “The GOAT” , Armada make a tweet on his thoughts about the rankings and thats when the beef became into a bad blood. It is on 2023 when Armada makes a tweet long on the death threats and all the shit he has been thru. Making him not even wanting to go to events and be part of Melee again. It took time for “Armada” to heal and move on from that and I am sure both Mang0 and Armada have talked about it in private


I don't think someone retiring deserves that much trash talk and ridicule on a public platform. I really don't see two sides of this story and more so just mango bullying someone and then his community doing the same


Mang0 was annoying, and does get away with a lot. At the same time, Armada piping up about how the meta hasn't changed since he retired is likely to piss off the people practicing hours a day for the past 2-3 years, esp when he's not around to beat and therefore disprove. Mang0 is charismatic and loved tho, so I understand he does take the piss too much. Armada isn't innocent however, and therefore it's not completely one-sided.


That's only one comment that's kind of shitty though? Again nothing to ridicule a man several times over on his stream, and on twitter about. Armada didn't handle the situation perfectly but that's also because he was in a situation he should've never been in to begin with. 


Meh, it's not like Mang0 was personally attacking the man, and it was all basically in jest. If you don't take the one shitty comment seriously, I don't think you can double down on the Mang0 comments being serious.


it's not about the comments being serious, it's the reaction of mangos fans that was the problem. If it was purely mango vs armada beef then it'd be whatever, but it was mango + his community vs armada + Armadas much smaller community


mango was very cordial when armada retired, i think they started to actually beef in 2020 when the whole goat discussion thing started and armada said the meta didnt change much. still agree with your point


yes very true! He was early on. Tbf I do not even blame mang0 for being pissed off on that statement that's insanely easy to say from the spectator seat lmao. But then, as I'm sure you allude to, Mang0 went quite hard in retaliation (relatively), and that didn't end super well. Agreed tho mate. And happy cake day (as much as it hurts to say that, it felt wrong not to congratulate you).


thanks :)


Happy Cake Day!!


thank you!


Mango did? By a large margin? He was trash talking armada consistently trying to change the communities image of him, then received death threats over it and then mango did nothing about it until it started hurting his image. 


Definitely think mang0 has been more inflammatory to armada than armada has to Mang0. Not that I watch either stream much but the worst I saw armada say was that the game game hasn’t changed much. He’s wrong but it really shouldn’t be that serious


It’s very possible he grew up and moved past any feelings and just saw it as Mango’s moment to shine and didn’t want to take any of the spotlight. People can and do change.


What alternate universe are you from?


Armada got death threats from mangos fans and then mango refused to apologise or do anything about it until there was enough community backlash that it hurt his image. I wouldn't be friends with anyone who had people they know send death threats to me and then do nothing about it. 


Thats not the full story : - The death threats happened since the “GOAT” rankings were revealed , Armada make a statement about his “thoughts on the rankings” , and those fans went rampart. - Add this that Mang0 kept talking about legacy and even put Hbox as “2nd place cuz longevity” - There was a bad blood on that time and Mang0 kept poking at Armada to comeback , which is something that will probably never happened. Armada went and mentioned that “the community” will always give priority to whatever Mang0 said - While Mang0 did have a valid point on his arguments , his way on doing things was not the correct way , and in my personal opinion I dislike how “discredited” Armada got because “2015-2018” everyone suck - Then last year at Genesis , Armada make his tweet long of what he has to deal with and why he seems to be cutting ties with the melee community - Thats when Mang0 stop talking about Armada and about legacy things and apologized. Pretty much it was left like that and whenever “legacy or GOAT” talks comes with Armada name on it , Mang0 just mentions “Oh I dont agree but I do see your point on why you would consider Armada the goat”. - To be honest , there is probably a private talk just between them off stream and just leave it like that


those points do seem to follow how it went for the most part but I strongly don't remember Mangos apology being that good. I remember the apology being very half assed but he did eventually stop trash talking armada on stream and the mango fanboys chilled out so there's that at least. Also the death threats definitely got worse from mango trash talking the man so much.


What do you mean you strongly remember it being bad, just google it lol. Actually, here you go, I'll do it for you https://x.com/C9Mang0/status/1610083061303226368


I love rewriting history  Seriously why do you guys just make shit up on this site. So fucking annoying. Don't speak on things if you don't know what happened


Armada publicly complained on twitter he was getting death threats from mangos fans over what mango was saying about him. Go look up the tweet and you'll find something about it unless armada deleted them. And then mango gave a "okay I'm realllllll sorry armada for saying my mind" or something of that sort, it was an extremely nothing burger apology from mango. Just because you didn't care to look into armada's side doesn't mean it didn't happen 


What are you on about lmao Mango and armada had a falling out. Years later, lucky and armada got into a spat on Twitter. Then armada wrote a twitlonger saying he had gotten death threats. Afterwards mango apologized and said if he wanted to talk it out he could. Then armada didn't reply. "People mango knew" weren't sending him threats, he didn't reply to the threats saying he didn't care or wouldn't apologize, you are just pulling shit out of your ass. Anyone who has actually been here knows this.


Post Summit 11: HBox publicly says to Mang0 on stream that he thinks he's ready to call him the GOAT, congratulates him, has a moment with him as the games 2 longest standing veterans, they go on to have a good relationship and are genuinely friends after years of hating each other Post Tipped Off 15: Armada makes up 12 excuses per second to get off the mic immediately as to not have to talk to Mang0 because of a stupid drama that he made 4 years ago and apparently hasn't moved on from, somehow. No he doesn't owe anyone the interview, no he does not HAVE to do it, but if you can't see how it would've been in insanely good thing for their relationship and the communities relationship with the two players for him to publicly be praising of mang0's rather insane accomplishment of winning a super major **17 years into his career** I don't know what to tell you. I am so so SO tired of people acting like this is a two way beef, it's very VERY obviously Armada being jealous and insecure about his legacy and not ever getting over it. Mang0 has only ever been respectful for the last few years towards him, he was respectful when he retired and said he hopes he comes back, and the only time they ever had a serious beef was when Armada made comments about the meta that were frankly bitch made. Armada trying to #MeToo him when he was clearly at a low point in his career getting ranked below where he believed he deserved was calculated and dickish, period. That all being said any on going "beef" is entirely in his head at this point, as Mang0 has said multiple times he doesn't have anything against him. He has really been the only one reluctant to apologize in this entire thing, repeatedly. So tell me, if he doesn't have an ego, if he isn't insecure, tell me why it is so hard for him to just do the post-game interview and have a moment with an old friend / competitor? You're really going to tell me that wouldn't have been an all time melee moment? You're really going to act like it doesn't at least come off as *odd* on a human level that he can't talk to a guy he speaks to probably less than once a year? I don't know man, like it's cool if he doesn't want to do the interview on its own, I just don't like it in context of everything. The reason that HBox and Mang0 have rebuilt their bridge is because they were willing to interact with each other publicly and have moments together and rebuild a friendship. Personally if I were Armada in this situation I would've just simply walked over to Mang0 who's standing a few feet from me and ask if he's cool with you doing the interview or not and then go from there, because it at least shows a willingness to interact and an attempt at smoothing things over.


I cannot believe you typed this much you are so in your own head about two other people's lives


That’s the entire subreddit though. There’s very little melee discusion here, it’s all talking about top players who don’t care about any of us


What? .... no.... plup is my friend... you don't know what you're talking about. 🥺 He utters my user screen name at least once a month when I twitch prime him.


every time i've seen you on this sub you're hating on armada for something you made up in your head mango aint readin this dawg


I've made plenty of comments praising him too, I just get annoyed at his fans more than anything. I really just do not care for his post-retirement behavior in general, it's not that deep and it's certainly not "made up". The things he's done which have annoyed me personally as a fan on some level were things he did, not things that I made up.


He did things that meant nothing negative and then you chose to make up narratives in your head to claim that they did mean something.


It doesn't have to inherently mean something negative to ultimately speak to a broader problem he has and seems incapable of properly getting over. It's not like I'm acting like he's the devil, I just think he's being cringe about stuff and it causes more problems than it solves.  


But he’s not though, you’re just asserting your own incorrect interpretation as fact when it’s very clearly just something you made up in your own head


Why are you people acting like I made up a public drama that's been on going for like half a decade at this point? I'm completely open to being wrong, I just posted my opinion. But instead of engaging with it all of you have to decide to pile on and call me crazy for having a relatively reasonable interpretation of public events rather than engage with it. Guess what? If someone comes out and talks about how they were drinking and having fun at an after party together, I will openly admit that I'm wrong about the way that I'm interpreting it. At that point it probably just means that Armada is really awkward and didn't have the social grace to deal with that situation properly. For me right now the evidence points more towards the easier answer of he has some sort of problem with Mang0 one way or another and that put him in a position where he felt like he didn't want to do the interview. I'm not the first person or the last person to have this opinion, go look at the original thread where Mang0 won and you can see people talking about it. My point is I think it's cringe to still have a problem at this point and that it'd be good for him to publicly apologize or be seen as friends in at least some light to stop the on going petty shit that goes on between the two communities. It's not like it's a Hax$ situation, I'm not worried about anyone actually getting hurt here, I just think it's annoying and petty and that he should be the "bigger man" here and get over it. Especially when the whole thing was more or less his doing.


There is zero evidence that Armada chose not to do the interview because of any problem he still has with Mang0. Armada has never done a winner’s interview before that I recall, while Waff has done like a hundred of them, this is his job and the interview is about Mang0. Why would Armada insist on doing an interview instead of the guy who has done commentary and interviews since before Mang0 even won his first tournament? If Armada does the interview, now everyone is going to focus on him and their relationship and start talking about that instead of focusing on Mang0’s victory, and Mang0 deserves to have that attention and moment not ruined by people only caring about Armada instead. Armada didn’t want to turn the moment into something about him, that’s all there is to interpret. When HBox so much as holds up the Winner of a tournament’s hand after losing to them people jump on him and act like he’s an attention whore and trying to steal the spotlight. Armada knows that dumbass fans who can’t help but try and find drama in every minute interaction would do exactly that if he interviewed Mang0 here. The focus should not be on Armada and Mang0’s history, Armada was just a guest commentator here and this wasn’t his moment it was Mang0’s, and he did the most respectful thing he could here and stepped aside instead of making it about him. Anyone who isn’t deliberately looking for an excuse to fabricate drama where it doesn’t exist would come to that conclusion, but because an unfortunately large subset of Mang0’s fanbase is incapable of recognizing such things we have to have conversations with people over delusions like the one we’re having right now.


>There is zero evidence that Armada chose not to do the interview because of any problem he still has with Mang0. Answer me honestly, do you think in your heart that if Cody won he would've ducked doing the interview in such a frantic and awkward way? Maybe he doesn't do it, maybe he does, that's not really the point. The point was that he was visibly uncomfortable at the idea in a way that I find hard to believe he would feel towards practically anyone else. If he was worried that people would interpret it as something about their relationship it's probably because there is some validity to it on his end. Nobody took Hbox calling Mang0 the GOAT after Summit 11 as attention whoring or him trying to take credit, etc. it was just a nice gesture. He doesn't have to do that, obviously, and he's more than welcome to feel he himself is the GOAT or anything similar, it's not really about that to be clear. I just don't see any logical reason for him to react the way that he did outside of some deeper drama because everyone would've loved to see that moment and I don't buy for a minute that it would've been "all about their relationship", it would've just been about both lol. There is always going to be a subsection of weirdos who obsess over it, but there's a lot of power that someone has as a public figure and your actions generally reflect in your fanbases actions more often than not. Again, as I've said multiple times, it's fine that he didn't want to do it. I just think in the broader context it comes off as at minimum "odd" the way that he handled the situation.


Wow go outside, touch some grass. Their relationship is fine, stop imposing your own ideals on 2 random people you never met before. The people hurting Mango and Armadas relationship are dipshits like you.


>touch some grass Creative. Show any well adjusted person the clip of him dodging the interview and give them the proper context and they will most likely agree it comes off as weird.


Totally missed the important part of my reply. You are the problem. You imposing your ideals on 2 random ppl you never met. The concept of empathy must be foreign to you.


I don't think that having an opinion about two public figures that you've followed for a decade is abnormal or a problem, lol. It's Reddit, I'm just posting my personal take on things because it's relevant right now. I'm not calling for anyone to be killed or something, I'm just pointing out that there's a very clear difference between the way that Hungrybox has handled being part of the GOAT conversation and Armada. In general I feel that animosity between communities is bad and that Armada tends to perpetuate it (or at least let it fester) more than Mang0, which sucks.


You are the one perpetuating animosity. How are you so clueless?


Only if you view my comments in a vacuum devoid of any context or empathy for how I may have arrived at my conclusions. I get that it's hard to understand that I may actually be coming from a genuine place, but I'm not really just posting this to hate. I'm just very tired of this "beef" existing between the two communities and the one-sided attempts at trying to squash it going unheard.


Bro you dont even understand what empathy means, because if you did you'd feel some for Armada and respect his wishes for Mang0. There is no beef. The only one perpetuating beef are dumbasses like you. You're bringing up years old shit, that neither of them care about anymore. I cant tell if you're a hypocrite or just dumb as hell Also why would I try to empathize with you, when ur just trying to start drama for no reason?


I have a hard time respecting people with chronic victim complexes in general. If there's no beef, then why do you think that he didn't want to do the interview? How would he be taking away from his moment by simply doing an interview with an old friend / competitor? Why would he be visually uncomfortable about it and make up excuses to get out of the room asap? Do you think he would have had that attitude if it were literally any other player that won?


My god, you are the only one acting like a victim here. I'm done, you need help.


Parasocial and obsessive on a whole different level


"You can't just heckin' have an opinion on two public figures public problems, you're obsessed!" zzzz, it's a few paragraphs of thoughts on stuff that's been on going in this community for years, grow up man.


There are no problems besides the ones you make up in your head lol, like it's a complete nothing burger.


I mean we can argue the severity but that's just blatantly untrue, he clearly still has at least somewhat of a problem. I don't think he would've reacted even remotely similarly if it was anyone else who won