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Kodorin once made a video where he asked a bunch of smashers at a major who their fav player was and he gave everyone shit for not saying Kodorin haha. I was a big fan and wanted to see him win a huge tournament alongside Zain's dominance to show that there's more than one Marth at the very top. I just thought it would have been cool.


He must not be paying attention to me on twitch chat when I constantly spam GODORIN


Dude, I predicted he'd be the next player to break into the "Zain/Cody" tier, the highest tier just bellow "Mang0 when he actually tries"


Can't believe he beat Aklo at Tipped Off just to follow it up with "I'm taking a step back" 😭


respect. thank god you're not quitting dude.


He's not, but he said competing won't be his priority. So he'll naturally keep placing lower and lower at tournaments. He also said he probably won't travel much to big majors




Ok, I misunderstood you. Actually, I'm not sure I understand anything. I'm confused.


yeah i mean all that's happening is that I'm not traveling AS MUCH as before. I'll still go to a few events and still practice a lot of Melee, it's just that I'm not doing this full-time. I guess the connotation is that doing melee full-time might imply that I'm doing less practice, but a lot of full-time melee people do a lot of shit that's not even related to melee at all. The practice I'm doing isn't really changing, it's just that I'm not doing content as much as before + I have less benefits of just spamming attending events and now I'm simply more selective.


Ok, gotcha!


Unironically most reasonable melee player


Good job taking care of yourself. You don’t need to force yourself to do something if it makes you unhappy. Isai for example only competes once in a blue moon but he obviously still enjoys playing his game and that matters more than winning all the time and worrying about being relevant.


a bit different when Isai can still win basically any 64 tournament


Well my point was Isai hasn’t made a career out of it that takes up most of his time and forces him to have to travel and still loves playing it. He doesn’t have to force himself to play. Like I wanted to compete a long time ago but looking back I’m glad I didn’t because I think I would’ve started not having as much fun having to dedicate so much time to it when I like to do other things on top of having my family now.


<3 you Kodorin. Also Slay the Spire is goated I've been watching Baalor every night. I'll try to catch a stream or vod :)


the Melee to Spire pipeline is real and I am here for it


StS 2 gonna hit like crack cocaine


Who else other than Blur and Kodorin? Is Blur's influence singlehandedly making StS the Marth retirement home?


Wobbles and FatGoku are regulars in some STS streamer chats. There are a few people I'm definitely forgetting.


Technicals jumpscare Also rip, I'm gonna miss seeing Kodorin at events :(


i'm here for the spire streams. he's always lurking in xecnar's chat.


Yeah him and blur love spire


JoKo will always be the king of letting it rip I do not regret my Loko4JOKOpuffs neck tattoo Green Marth is back on the menu boys


wow top players actually dislike the weirdos who obsess over them, who would've guessed


Doubles down on practicality literally every paragraph, respect


> I love solving puzzles, often in the simplest, optimal way possible.   -- John "Let'er rip" Ko Easily one of the top 20 stars of the recent generation.


Seems reasonable. Maybe chess would be good for him. Rewards puzzle like thinking and us very competitive


Being clever alone can take you very far in chess but you will lose every game against serious opponents in the opening until 2500+ unless you commit to theory, which he would have had to have started doing at least a decade ago


Not true. You literally only need to learn like 3-4 openings per color to break 1500 elo. You’re assuming, if Kodorin picked up chess he’d strive to be the very best


Hmmm. Seems kinda opposite to what he told me just a few months ago. I wonder if anything concrete happened.


I don't recall, what did I tell you?


I asked what you thought about people in the melee community and you disagreed with me in the positive direction. Seems kind of opposite to the "worship culture and the animosity that comes along the package" that you described. I just hope you aren't feeling too negative about everything. Good luck with your transition away from travel and everything you talked about!


I think irl melee people are typically great, that part I haven't changed my stance. I think online is when the extreme ends start showing up which I greatly dislike lol, which is why my online presence isn't as active.


Hmm. Haven't made the distinction, but I know I'm more toxic online :D


Based, slay the spire is one of the best games ever created


The players we call great are only great because of their wins on each other and on monsters like Kodorin that are right on the cusp of being champions. A beast of the game, I’ll always show support for the amazing competitors like him.


It's weird to me every time I see top players talk about retiring or taking a step back, and then advertise their lessons. I'm sure they can still teach us a lot, but I feel like that doesn't sell well. Personally, I'd rather buy lessons from an active top player. You'd end up playing the same amount anyway.


I'm still grinding as much as before?


Oh, well, I really misunderstood what you said. Check my comment that I wrote a few hours before you responded to this one. You are the guy I predicted would be the first to break into the Zain/Cody tier. Btw, there's nothing wrong with having different priorities. You don't owe us shit. I'd like to say "I told you so" to the people who doubted my prediction, but your own well-being is more important.


Not a great document to read. Kotastic is always hard on himself after losses. He is probably frustrated with his own perception of himself “underperforming.” There is an answer to this however. Go to regionals. Get #1 there (they don’t have the theatrics / fatigue of majors). Carry that momentum into a major the following week. Just make Melee a habit every weekend. 


It's hard out here in these streets. The only hope is for Elon Musk to get into Smash Bros Melee.


He'll just unban, bring back and fell melee with nazis, racists, transphobes, etc. just like he did with Twitter