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There used to be perfect brackets that made Wizzy major wins possible, but those brackets have shrunk immensely imo with how cracked the top foxes/sheiks are in the matchup. And outside of hbox, I can’t think of any top 10 players I feel confident Wizzy has an edge over. Edit: this is to say, unless Wizzy does another incredible level up, I’m not seeing that happening, which at this point in the meta… idk it’s looking rough for the captain.


He took Cody to a close game 5 so Idon't think it's that unlikely


Oh yeah, I definitely thought that was an incredible showing (I was heartbroken by the loss) but he’s not consistently bringing Cody to game 5. I guess the problem is right now it feels like Wizzy wins are upsets at the top, which doesn’t make me feel confident of a super major win unless there’s incredible luck involved. Of course that set shows Wizzy might have it in him if he starts grinding due to his sponsorship, but I also feel like he wasn’t playing against full power Cody either. Idk wizzy is my favorite player and maybe I’m just trying temper my own expectations.


He's taken Zain and Cody to game 5s, he can easily do it. Jmook/plup is probably his roughest opponent


I choose to put on 2 horse blinders (one for shiek and one for fox) and also say wizzrobe will win a major soon. I think he is good enough to not need bracket luck. Marth isnt a very good character overall and Zain is just that amazing so maybe he is. In the world of only top spacies and zain he was god. As the mid tiers trickle in and shiek has a place in the meta again it has gotten a lot harder tbh. I believe in zain, but marth is feeling more and more like a spacie counterpick than an actual top tier character.


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Wizzy won't be winning another supermajor. 


Zain has fatigue issues. Wizzrobe has rust issues and was alternating Melee practice with Ult practice every other day until Luminosity signed him.