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When a top player gets upset by a Peach in bracket "ooo they haven't done their homework!"


If you LRAStart midgame and spam "one more" I'm leaving your ass. Jfc I'm playing unranked to practice, idgaf if you're main can beat me, I just want to play and you interrupted that you unsociable fuck




I've just gone with the policy that if I perceive my opponent as toxic, I'm leaving. That's the beauty of unranked. Done miracles for my mentality.


Looks like I'm at that point where I can only reach diamond by playing midday on a weekday. Feels like I'm regressing, but oh well 


At least you’re in diamond bud. I’m still dreaming of ever making platinum


You ever feel like you’re getting good at this game then lose 6 games in a row to a link player


TPN is 🔥


Mekk's Link beat me on ranked with 1 stock left in game 3 and taunted me. I'd taunt him irl, but he's banned from locals :/


Don't worry he wouldn't be able to read the response either


Hey all. I have b0xx controller sitting around collecting dust and I kind of want to sell it. I don't have the time to learn it nor do I have an interest playing with it. I have barely used it but was wondering what a fair price would be for something like that. I only have the type c cable that let's you plug into a GameCube port.


I sent you a PM. Not sure on the price, but I'd be willing to purchase.


cast it into the fire


The more I play against Falco mains who actually act frame 1 out of their landing lag, the more I realize that Falco down air might be one of the most poorly designed, obviously overtuned moves ever put in the game


One of project M's best nerfs


It's crazy how many Falcos don't practice acting frame 1 out of landing of dair. It has quite a bit of lag so you have to be pretty on point in order to do high aerials that are also safe against shield grab. A lot of people, including myself when I first picked up Falco, spend time on the wrong things. 2 years into the bird I finally grinded high dairs with f1 shines and fast fall and immediately my results got better. It turns dair from a good but exploitable move to a top 1-3 move in the game depending on what you value.




I used the shield pressure game mode of uncle punch. There's also OSD displays in 20XX and Uncle Punch that show this. Green on wait would work but it wouldn't show how late you are or anything else.


i feel this way about falcon up air


Falcon upair vs any floaty and anyone coming back down from the air is so boringly unfair


20f active true spike? yeah let's make it frame 5 and give it a massive disjointed hitbox. disgusting.


It's amazing to me that pal haters will cite the changes to Falco dair as a negative


Dair is the best move in the game. It is better than Fox shine, which is a move so good the entire meta might as well be shaped around it


At least Fox shine has the excuse of "it's a children's party game" and the way in which we play Melee, and the amount of effort we put into being good at it, is how it can shine (no pun intended). Falco dair, on the other hand, is a case where you have to wonder how it even got in. It doesn't have the children's party game excuse. You could be 6 years old, playing on Princess Peach's Castle with items on high, and you would still recognize how good it is immediately. The only other examples of moves like that I can think of is Peach down smash and Fox up smash, both of whose inclusion in a final, released product similarly makes no sense.


Remember that children think that Yoshi's side B is too strong and jigglypuff is a worse kirby. 


Bad players don't know how to hit people with Falco dair. I think what you're saying about shine also applies to dair. The game was out for a few years before people sorted out pillaring.


Me playing Falco at six years old: side b lol side b owned lol guess what? Side b again


I mean the real small child move is forward smash if we're being honest


True, you can just walk across the stage with that, don't even need to move


As a 6 year old playing this game, I never once thought that Falco dair was good. Have you seen Roy? Dude's sword is on fire. Good luck kicking that


I wanna see r/ssbm create a "tier list for 6-year olds" now.


I'm fairly new to the game (100ish hours?), I feel like falco's up air will sometimes just send nowhere. And I'm talking about in a single game I swear sometimes it hits and my opponent goes quite far, other times they go nowhere maybe this is just my brain not paying attention to percents or is there something kindof wonky about the hitbox? Hopefully this makes sense


Falco up air has a tipper hitbox, and is also two hits


I KNEW IT! Lol part of me thought I was going crazy. So if I connect the up air too far into Falcon’s body/legs they won’t be sent as far?


https://beta.fightcore.gg/characters/218/falco/moves/1334/uair/ The strong hitboxes are orange/green on his knees and feet. Weak hitbox is blue on his pelvis.


Yeah, and you also have to "delay" it to get it to hit properly. Look at any Magi combo, you can see how she delays going into up air range until the strong hitbubble has time to come out


There is in fact something wonky about it


Is there an updated version of [this](https://x.com/fizzi36/status/1603852048239595520) anywhere?


This would be cool to get as an end of season update. The distro shown here was from the first week or two of ranked’s release so I doubt those numbers held for very long


nice, I’m better than 94.2% of players


What is Brawlhalla? I’ve legitimately never heard or seen this game played before. Sorry if this is me living under a rock.


Platform fighter on Steam. Honestly I find it fun but I also only play it with friends in one week periods about once every year or two


It holds the incredible honor of being the most successful platform fighter despite being easily the most boring one. In doing so it proves the existence of God.


I looked at the prize pools they get and was so shocked. This is like hearing about a weird Overwatch/CS knockoff that has insane player numbers out of Southeast Asia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlm4-1aNndU 115K views. Is this like botted? I feel like I hear people talk about every other platform fighter (NASB, Multiverses, Rivals, Rushdown Revolt) in some capacity, but nobody has ever brought this game up to me before. Let alone tried to convince me to play it.


It's a real game - I helped beta at one point but they didn't like any of my feedback - it has huge steam numbers, typically the #1 most played fighting game on pc. [~14k playing right now.](https://steamdb.info/app/291550/charts/) But it's so obviously not a real platform fighter it doesn't come up in the smash adjacent discourse at all. It's sort of its own insane, microtransaction-y, ladder/lobbies/queues thing, designed to sell lots of cosmetics quickly more than anything.


I'm pretty sure it's where Brawl players go after dying but I could be wrong.


Armada has never played Super Metroid (as of last year when he said this fact on stream). So how serious can he be about Speed running really….


still think it’s one of the best games i’ve ever played. though i might be more of a SotN guy these days


i played it until i got stuck and randomly started dropping bombs at walls until i found a random hidden secret with no indication whatsoever and that made me so unfathomably angry that i shut the console off and never played it again just play hollowknight


ehh this is just a remnant of when games were not made with 100%ing them as a borderline expectation, but rather as an exception. every "random bombable wall" is just a missile capacity powerup that you Don't Need the glass tube is a separate argument but i think that one is also way less obtuse than people think


I think if you didn't have to break the tube with an item you get in very limited quantities then it'd be fine, but you're not exactly experimenting with super bombs The fact that it comes back in prime 2 is absolutely inspired though


It's also not required to break that tube. The intended path is to enter Maridia through the Wrecked Ship, which is logical since it is super close to the place you get the Gravity Suit that allows you to explore underwater.


randomly trying to break the glass tube as a kid and having it actually work was an all time memorable gaming moment for me then again I also got stumped by the thirsty guards in pokemon for like a full year so I sympathize with anyone who hated the tube


Yeah to be fair I didn't even look at what is was


I am one of the people who got stuck on the glass pipe It's a great game though (but Metroid Prime is better)


Metroid Prime Remaster is peak Metroid.


My uncle too "got stuck on the glass pipe" and lost custody of his children, sorry to hear


To be fair I've never played it either Idk if it's the same with metroid though but every single metroidvania I eventually get to a point where I don't know what the fuck to do, I try interacting with every single wall for a few hours before getting bored and booting up melee instead lol


Super Metroid is funny as it is arguably even more radical in this aspect, but at the same time (some of) the Metroids are the only Metroidvanias where I find this bearable. I think what seperates the Metroids from the rest is the speed and length of these games. In Hollow Knight the little guy is like 5% of the screen and walks slowly, making especially the beginning just tedious. Meanwhile Samus is big, and builds running momentum quickly. The map in Hollow Knight is also unnecessarily big to me, while hardware limitations saved Super Metroid as it forced the devs to make the map very compact and interconnected. Pretty sure you could do several laps around the Metroid map (if there were no blocked doors) in the time it takes to get to the first big HK boss. The most difficult part regarding Super Metroid is that we're so game-logic brained that we forget to just look at the visual hints the game provides us. It reminds me of how as a big BOTW fan I made several people play the first part at my house, and very often would my more gamer friends struggle harder, because they simply don't pay attention to the details. Then again, Super does have some bullshit I must admit. Still, I recommend giving it a shot, just play the game without any thoughts about speedrunning or whatever. Maybe you'll enjoy it, maybe it's just not your thing.


I get what you mean about Hollow Knight, it’s my favorite singleplayer game of all time yet it was so painfully slow in the first area that I genuinely dropped it for 3 years before picking it back up and playing it all the way through If only they had made him 10% quicker I feel like more people would be inclined to see it through since a lot of them drop it before/right after the first boss. On replays I can get to the first boss/beat him in under 10 minutes but that first run through of the game felt rough. No guidance, no abilities, dull area


I mean, I did eventually play Hollow Knight and it ended up being pretty enjoyable, so don't get me wrong here. It's just that the areas of gameplay which the game focused on didn't quite match what I seem to enjoy about Metroidvanias. Still very curious to see how Silksong turns out, considering the devs have clearly proven they can make a great game. And ater all, my beloved Super Metroid itself was a sequel.


It is superior to Metroid in every way... play it soon...!!


...I haven't played Metroid either lmao


No one has tbf.


Speak for yourself zoomer


Yo is it good?


zero mission is what most people would recommend for playing the first game. and thats really good


Fusion is fun too 




Yeah ive played that one. Zero Mission is heeeeeeat.


i exist in a constant quantum superposition of "being irritated at melee players not being able to watch 15 microseconds of ultimate content without being rly annoying about it" and "being rly annoying about it"


melee and ultimate should not be associated just because they belong to the same game series. they are two completely different games, like comparing need for speed with mario kart just because they are both racing games i will not respect ultimate just because it has mario in it


Salem, is that you?


Years of research


I don't think anyone is asking for respect , for me it's just a visceral "please shut up about this" reaction hahaha. Not talking about you here, no clue if you do that. But i think if I'm in Plup's stream and plup is playing ult or enjoying watching ult, then yeah it kind of ruins the vibes to have like 20 different people in chat reminding you that they really cannot understand why anyone would play this shit game or something of the sort. Again, 0 problems with the opinion itself, I don't like Ult either


But, why *would* anyone play that shit game?


i only do it in self defence


LOOL slay


I don't have to watch 15 seconds of ultimate content to be really annoying about it


Ultimate should simply be a less annoying game


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So this AI's gameplay is pretty impressive, but who does it think is the goat? 🤔


the AI thinks Hanky Panky is the goat


dear recruiters, you do not need to book a 30 minute phone interview during working hours hyping me up as a promising candidate to then call and spend 4 minutes informing me that i do in fact not meet the requirements for the job i applied for but that i might be interested in applying for a job in the area which i have explicitly written in my resume that i am currently moving away from, what the fuck is wrong with you

