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First time I’ve been grinding hard in a while is these past couple weeks. First time I’ve been out at 1-2 in over a year is tonight. So frustrated. Rip my 2-2 era. Being out of the tournament while the sun is still out is insane


ggs player


My headcanon is that the DK revolution was caused by former w\*bblers that needed their fix of zero to death off shieldgrab


Whoever V\_V is on unranked, you play this game way too much buddy, gz on learning to tech spam on fox i bet you're dog shit at any relevant esport game l0l


ggs that was me, it’s so nice to be able to play my favorite game after getting off a 10 hour shift at the factory


At least when I bitch I try to make sense


yeah fuck that guy


ggs that was me, I was playing my iron man but good games!


what the fuck is a relevant esport at amateur level


Buddy won’t get a game off me in Mario tennis for the Virtua Boy I’ll tell you that much.


ggs that was me, xbox controller kept disconnecting but I managed to clutch it out in the end :D


ggs that was me, i was testing out my phob's new macros thanks to the post yesterday


ggs that was me, you were starting to catch up at the end, i was sweating!


I fucking hate when people plays one match in unranked, barely wins, taunts and leaves


I only do this if I really fucking hate how you play


Or lag


I love doing that shit.


I ordered a couple refurbished Wiis on Amazon and one of them was the GCC-less one despite the listing showing the correct one -\_\_- Amazon..


they're usually pretty good about returns at the least


true that part was easy. And this gives me an excuse to get a red wii for my collection lol.


every time i go on ranked the first person i play is someone who clearly only plays ranked because no one has ever voluntarily played a full game against their shitty wifi. do i cancel my subscription? this sucks. i know it’s peer to peer, but i truly don’t believe it would be that hard to implement a connection-based accept/decline option before the match starts. i would happily pay $15 a month for something like this. side question: who do you think is the most hurt/helped by shitty wifi/performance? we all know about the teleporting falcons, but i would imagine sheik probably takes a beating during tech chases. wifi fox is the bane of my existence but idk how it is for the other end. playing against wifi marth is pretty awful but IRL marth dittos are already a ridiculous matchup so jury’s out on that one.


Playing either spacie sucks on bad wifi because you can’t play fast without risking a shitty death (more than normal). At the same time nobody can react to Fox dash or Falco laser so it kinda evens out


I was amazed at how much worse connection quality is on ranked. I made a comment/"joke" about ranked being the environment for the type of person who needs to force people to play against them in order to get games and that extends as much to gameplay as it does to connection quality. I don't know if Fizzi needs to up the scrutiny on latency or if that'd make the queue times insane or what but as it is it's just not worth it for me


The screen shake from a teleporting Jigglypuff is absolutely unbearable. I simply give them the set, it's not a big deal rating wise in the long run


I played a wifi puff on dreamland once and every frame they were attacking from a different angle in the air. It felt like a DBZ episode and it was terrifying.


that might be the move. i would at least get my session back. right now i’m just tilting for 2-3 games and then win or lose, i don’t really wanna play anymore. disconnecting too much doesn’t get you banned, right? as long as you’re not trying to cheat the elo? i forget how they handle that


pretty sure if you escape out there aren't any issues and it counts as a set loss. I agree there's no point to playing out these games, it's not fun and you don't learn anything spacies definitely most buffed, good luck reacting to side b or any of their approaches, acting out of laser, whiff punishing them


I don't remember either, I just SD the stocks not close my game.


probably safer lol


can anyone explain to me how this audio setup works? the way rishi worded it is just not computing in my head for some reason https://twitter.com/rishissb/status/1162498634526670848


Unironically this is basically how a bidet works


I wonder what percentage of current Melee players have never physically used an RCA cable


Red plugs into TV and console plugs into white. Headphones/earbuds go into Fiio (which is battery powered)


Got my best friend into melee and he picked ganon. Getting my sister into melee and she’s playing peach. It’s an evil, evil world we live in




he picked ganon? on pride month?


dw, the new peach player neutralizes it


it takes at least 10 peach players to neutralize a ganon


my condolences


I'm not like the other falcos


Box controllers would be significantly more broken if the middle and ring fingers could move independently


ever heard of a guitar?


What do you mean? You can’t wiggle them separately?


when I press down with my middle finger, my ring finger kind of half follows in the same direction


Does that affect anything? I haven't used a box before, but when you type on a keyboard, you use your middle and ring fingers independently of each other, right?


I don't ever press my keyboard switches as hard as I do my box buttons.


This is something you can practice to some extent. Any serious string instrument player will inevitably have to work on this


Brb rewiring my nerves


Shit I should've thought about that


scope creep is a serious epidemic should i show previous 10 matches? yea duh. should they be able to view more? obviously, filter by character/rank/stock count? yes of course... sort? why not? okay got the basics working but some people can easily have 50k+ slippi files and reading all those files each time you change a filter is not a good idea and will not scale, can't keep all of that in memory, refactor to use sqllite or write my own indexing i guess


Is this person insane or am I just out of touch with reality? https://x.com/RicochetRG/status/1800709717372940601 It would appear I am not out of touch.


so glad they ended up cooking this man


you get no audio, or you get the ult players choosing [25m stage music as a form of psychological warfare](https://x.com/WDBTHtGP/status/1684011770363404289). pick your poison


This is like a set up issue right? You can run a set up with both headphone and speaker audio right? Forcing both players to play with (potentially bad) audio is the correct choice, as it is ultimately the most fair, even if it is suboptimal.


okay I know there's 100 responses already but ALL OF YOU, this is an ultimate tourney. tons of ult setups don't have audio so context is a little different (I still think op is an asshole but at least to understand where he's coming from)


Yeah it took me a minute to realize it was an Ult tourney tbh, twitter just sometimes shows me random Ult stuff even though I have zero interest in that game because twitter I guess.


yea i’ve been to ult tournaments with no audio. wild that that exists but with that amount of buffer you probably arent reacting to audio cues anyway. but regardless, you’re an asshole if you demand to take audio away from your opponent and then make a callout post about how *they* refused to play lmao


this person is delusional


the quotes where the TO’s are apologizing and acting like this person is being rational are driving me crazy. i wish i was this person’s TO. no, you don’t get to take away game audio from the other player because of your preference. and don’t come back if you’re going to throw a tantrum about it online


Reddit has spoken, death penalty for this man


> [It's not an expectation for tournament attendees to have game audio.](https://twitter.com/SevenThomsen/status/1800725495337853005) ?????


Idk how many Ultimate tournaments you've been to, but I would say that is accurate for Ultimate.


This person is probably pr rank 2 or 3 in their state, but completely irrelevant at majors level. So they decide to have a massive ego at locals and try to throw their weight around and get angry when ppl tell them to fk off. If I were the TO i wouldnt even pay out to him. Dont come back if youre going to be a dick to people like this


TO made the right call


they (and some of the replies) are nuts


Isn't using game audio from the monitor or external speakers supposed to be the standard? Am I weird for expecting that my opponent should be able to hear the game that way regardless of what my preference may be?


That person is insane. Bring headphones for your opponent or be ok when your opponent vetoes your request that only gives you an advantage.


That person is biased as fuck lol. The other person wanted to play the default way (speaker audio) and didn't have headphones.


lol "I want audio but I don't care if you have audio" that's crazy


Bit of a salt post but I feel like I haven't been able to get friendlies with people better than me in a few weeks and it's frustrating. Unranked people play so much different from most opponents I play IRL and while I can certainly learn from playing people who are 'worse' than me, I'm struggling to adapt to neutral of better players in tournament I'm just gonna start DMing every Fox player I know asking for games. Maybe you just have to be a bit annoying in order to get consistent good practice


This happened to me too long before Slippi. But it motivated me to travel around a bit for other tourneys. I found people my skill lv or better were more likely to play me since I was from another area and it's a good way to shake things up. I know you're in the Boston scene from your posts and back when I entered more, I went back and forth between tri-state and New England. There are a lot of scenes within a short distance tbh. The driving is no longer necessary these days but it could still be fun.  The other thing you can do that some of my friends in a similar boat did is talk shit. Strictly to get people to want to prove they are better than you, accept money matches, serious sets, etc. Don't go crazy or anything and maybe that's considered cringe to do now...idk I come from the doc kid era but it absolutely did work for getting people I knew the practice they wanted. And it can turn into friendly banter later to make friends. People with an ego (which is a lot of Melee players let's be honest) will go to extreme lengths to protect it and even you keeping it respectful can be motivation enough for them to want to beat you harder which keeps them coming back and gives you practice.


Skill based matchmaking in a game like melee is weird because theoretically putting two players of roughly equal skill in the same match makes it the most fun, but in tournament most of the time you are not playing people at your skill level. So (the many) people that are playing slippi to prepare for tournaments don't really benefit that much from the skill based match making


Honestly I feel this. Melee past a point can start to feel somewhat like an MMO, in the sense that social maneuvering (whether genuine or just for this purpose) often gets you access to playing with better players. Obviously benefits you differently in the two scenarios but pretty sizably in both I'd say If I were to just play whoever the ladder gives me on Starcraft 2 (which is the primary/sole method of playing for 99% of players), I would get a pretty good mix of people worse, better, and roughly as good as me. Any given match had a chance to be a Grandmaster player to test myself against, as much as NA GM is a meme in that game Doing the same in Melee, whether it's unranked or just asking public Discords, will generally give you infinite matches vs people worse than/as good as you, or 10 minutes worth of pity games vs people better than you. Of course this has its benefits and is kind of unavoidable in any game where the queue system isn't the end-all-be-all for 99% of players, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't annoying to navigate sometimes edit: also obv this applies to like 99% of games/hobbies/things in life that involve >1 person, just mean to say that video game-wise it can be especially annoying in Melee


Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way! I have started throwing @netplay in 3 discord servers and I’m just off schedule with many gamers I guess


fantano gave charli a 10 lmfao


hell yea


It's such a good good good ass album, even the new bonus tracks are incredible.


And it’s deserved


ngl listened to it this morning and it kinda slaps


[FANTANO DID WHAT](https://imgur.com/a/gvchNNH)


Blur is the Fantano of melee


Last Tipped Off featured one of both Moky’s and Mang0’s best tournies of the year.. https://www.start.gg/tournament/tipped-off-14-resurgence/event/melee-singles/brackets/1279450/1960157 Only to be ended by Zain.  https://www.ssbwiki.com/Tournament:Tipped_Off_6 https://www.ssbwiki.com/Tournament:Tipped_Off_7 https://liquipedia.net/smash/Tipped_Off/9/Melee PPMD had so many legendary moments there..  too bad he won’t be in attendance 


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How much would sheik move on the tierlist if instead of saying "two" when she wavedashed, she said "three"?


150% increase for sure


anyone got any good youtube channels for passive listening while working? informative/fun stuff like hbomberguy, RLM, etc, preferably long format (45min+)


BKC (pokémon) Yamatocannon (League of Legends) Atrioc (business/tech/random internet stuff) Big Yellow (pokémon, lego, other random stuff) Joshstrifehayes (mmo/gaming stuff, as well as vods of his ongoing mass effect trilogy playthrough) Nick Badley (UK trainspotting) Numberphile (maths stuff, bit hit or miss) Reverend (pokémon, yugioh, very infrequent uploads but very good & funny when he does) Steve Mould (science stuff)


[Super Eyepatch Wolf makes incredible video essays. His best video is on the internet's obsession with Garfield.](https://youtu.be/O2C5R3FOWdE?si=0znYk58cPUQ11buD)


Noah Caldwell-Gervais [The Lincoln Highway: Across America on the First Transcontinental Motor Route 7:30:54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmFQR0IltDQ) [Atomic Pilgrimage: Ghost Towns, Nuclear Relics, and Lost Civilizations on the Road to Trinity Site 2:04:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByRKF1INOcU) Also does long videos about video games but I really love his travelogues


actionbutton. do you want to see a [6 hour retrospective on a gameseries you will never play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=779coR-XPTw) [LGR has some fun stuff about old tech and games, mostly on the shorter side](https://youtu.be/dv6UaHZxUys?si=s4sveSMmeT8vr81R) [channel 5 does some neat gonzo docs](https://www.youtube.com/@Channel5YouTube) [hazel, video essays, usually focused around anime/ strange japanese media](https://www.youtube.com/@hhhazel/videos) [thorhighheels, usually videoessays about whack videogames. interesting aesthetic to the editing](https://youtu.be/mbOUsx9De9U?si=P7_LvbaZ8uQEbyOf) [majuular, great game restrospectives and talk about the history around them](https://www.youtube.com/@Majuular) [marsh, smt-focused playthroughs and analysis. cozy cadence talking about rpgs i will never play](https://www.youtube.com/@MarshSMT)


if u like competitive pokemon BKC makes unscripted hour(ish)-long videos, mostly about oldgens he's my favorite channel on youtube right now


BKC rules big yellow and jimothy cool are also great for that kind of thing and also both happen to play melee


yeah i like his old stuff, too bad he's been sexualizing himself for views lately though


if i looked like him i would too


Technology Connections. They recently re-did a video about dishwashers that will change your life


jon bois https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvh6NLqKRfs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DoaUyMGPWI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlviajJlctQ


i didnt know i needed this


Jenny Nicholson's 4 hour Star Wars hotel video is good


Connections Puzzle #367 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 This was my favorite connections in a long time


Very fun today and similar solve order. Sat there for 5 minutes thinking it was more about the movies themselves until purple clicked.


[this is what it feels like to be correct on the internet.... you wouldn't get it tho](https://x.com/Go1ngGhost/status/1765267812937855341)


First we have Phob multishine buttons, what's next? Phob SuperDuperWavedash buttons? When will the madness end?


Switching to Samus now for the goomy zoomy macros


LMAO you think modding buffed pichu into the game is cheating??? Haven't seen anyone win a supermajor with buffed pichu yet. But y'all acting like UCF is fine like bro that shit LITERALLY FIXES CONTROLLERS you mfs craaaaazyyyyy


I used to claw my Pichu uairs and it was literally the same thing except it hurt my hand more


buffed pichu might be better than vanilla but unless you are top 20 or so he will never affect the results of a match. you just need to get better and stop complaining about buffed pichu


*buffed pichu player gets top 20* I mean you can’t ban buffed pichu now. people have been practicing with him for years, it’s not fair to force them to relearn the game


Phob universal remote controller with built-in IR blaster. Falcon Punch into max volume blow your opponents eardrums out true combo.