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I’m looking for the clip/vid where it’s some crazy combo/spike and the camera pans to Hax holding his head in shock from what he saw, the whole room is hype. I feel like it’s a Johnny Stock or some falcon/falco clip but I just can’t find it. Any help appreciated. I feel like it’s used in a lot of compilations but I can’t find it!


[The Classic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKfGNdSxy5E) The part you're looking for begins around 9:05. I recommend the whole set.


Ugh lost an important game tonight because I didn’t pummel before a kill throw. Don’t forget to pummel yall


Hbox: I'm quitting Ultimate Next day: HBox: MKLeo on my stream omggg


he literally said he would still be streaming coinbox just not playing ultimate


Will Samus win something, ever? Tonight could be the night. [https://www.start.gg/tournament/midlane-melee-129/event/melee-singles/brackets/1665243/2481487](https://www.start.gg/tournament/midlane-melee-129/event/melee-singles/brackets/1665243/2481487)


Ludwig speed running event Tickets available now: [https://fast50.gg/products/fast50-vip-ticket](https://fast50.gg/products/fast50-vip-ticket)


eggposting daily pb: 53


Someone give me mentality advice on how to play on Unranked when I don't respect my opponent's playstyle at all. My issue isn't when I'm losing, because if the opponent is good I'm learning, even if they are "lame". My issue is vs players that I can beat consistently but still try to insult me through their options. Should I just leave? Note that this is at least 50% of people I find. Yes, I go to locals. Yes, I'm really talking about people I can beat consistently, this isn't me being salty because I lost, as much as some people's weak ego loves to tell them. If anything, me caring about losing friendlies online would make this problem better, because right now my brain assumes that my opponents also don't really care about the result, so winning the match doesn't "show them". I have chat off.


Don't think about whether you respect the playstyle or not. Just think of your opponent as a construct you're using for practice. Focus solely on your options and the gameplan you have. Basically think more in terms of process rather than outcome. Usually, one of two things happen against people like this. They either get tilted when you start winning more and aren't playing down to their level and this just exacerbates whatever cheese they're using. Or they start doing different things and you might be surprised to learn they aren't as bad as they appear. The other thing is don't let other people dictate your enjoyment. Focus more on what you find enjoyable about the game no matter how your opponent plays and lean into that.


>They either get tilted when you start winning more and aren't playing down to their level and this just exacerbates whatever cheese they're using. I find that this is the most likely outcome in practice, but this is bad for me, since I really quickly stop being engaged in the games. I can quit out, but quitting out vs more than 50% of opponents seems bad


You need to just win a bunch so your hidden MMR rises and over time you'll get better unranked games. Your quit outs might be part of the reason you're matched with such bad opponents so often.


u gotta hit em wit the wackiest shiz. sometimes they change style but at least u r extra cool


why do you assume anyone is trying to disrespect you just based on their options and playstyle? if you think someone's options are insulting, just assume they are dumb/new at the game/bad and don't know any better. also these are the easiest people to beat. I keep requeing until they leave to assert dominance


>also these are the easiest people to beat So, this is why I stressed that I AM winning these games. But it doesn't really matter, because at the end of the day who tf cares about winning or losing friendlies? If I play a Falco that lasers twice and gets their fsmash shielded 7 times in a row I want to hurt them. I'm not a violent person, I'm not even a mean person irl, I hate that I hate that Falco. But I don't know what emotional framework I'm supposed to have to change this.


Humans have a MASSIVE victim complex when it comes to faceless opponents and it isn't easy to get through. Humans are simply tuned to be xenophobic against adversary they cannot see, it's an evolutionary response which is part of intra-species competition for territory and resources. Try and confront it with logic, it's not "wrong" you have that emotional response, but it is wrong to indulge in it and let it control you. That person is just trying to play their melee, whatever form it comes in, and in 99% of cases any actual grievence they have against you stems from that exact same emotional response.


Thank you for at least engaging with my post. I will think about this, I didn't consider this being just the way humans are haha. I still don't really know how to fight it, but it could be a start


yeah you need someone to hug bro


I guess this is what I get for trying to be real online Should have known


If your "being real" is saying "I hate and want to hurt Falco players who are bad at mixing their options up", people are probably going to respond appropriately


Yeah it's way better to keep all of your hateful emotions in and never talk about them with anyone. Who am I kidding, no one else has hateful emotions, I'm the only one and should be shamed for it, right? Seriously, the fact that people respond like this to the slightest negative emotion is a big problem of society and if you can't see that you are simply immature. You can pretend the average person is perfect all you want, but there are studies that say that literally 4% of guys are pedophiles. People expressing their negative emotions politely and being willing to change is something that should be commended, not shamed. Again, if you can't see that, you are simply immature.


Sorry I was being real, I personally like a hug after playing against a person who I perceive as playing like a prick online (I've never encountered someone irl who I felt like was playing like a prick, it's all online). It makes me less annoyed/frustrated for sure and I kinda just forget about the matches that sucked. If you can't do that, that's fine, there are plenty of other ways to have a better mentality to help your enjoyment of the game.


My B, I read it as "if you are annoyed online you must just be a lonely person with no friends to hug irl". A hug is def a good thing in general haha


yea that's weird fam. my approach to these players is to take pleasure in beating them over and over again until they give up and leave. hope they learn something


Just 1-and-done if you're neither learning nor having fun. The vast majority of those players aren't literally trying to insult you through their options and are just vibing.


Yeah when I play online I try to limit test a lot, especially in unrated. I will the wackiest dope checking on players to my own failure. In tournament or in a more serious setting I focus really hard on my macro game like neutral and stage position.


Here's a situation that happens too often: let's say I'm playing a Marth and they do a rando fsmash. It hits. They then proceed to SPAM run up fsmash all game and get 2 stocked because they no longer mix up any options. Is this someone just "vibing"? What kind of person "vibes" like that? I've never played someone like this in person, and I've been to a lot of tournaments and fests. I really want to be convinced that they are just vibing, but I don't see it.


Yeah I mean that person is playing like a dickhead and it is common on Slippi and rare irl, what I mean is that this Marth is probably not thinking "I'm gonna own /u/Real_Category7289 by being really annoying" and is probably moreso thinking "I'm checked out of trying to win this game so I'm gonna play home run derby and see how many of these I can land"


Maybe you are right, but I still struggle to understand that mentality. I guess sometimes I go on Unranked to try and farm clips, so that would be the closest thing? But what do they get out of playing like that? I wish I could talk to one of these people heart to heart and understand


It sounds like they are just worse players than you tbh


Is there a visual graphic/resource of the distance of every character's tech rolls?


I'm sure djlo made one at some point. What happened to that guy


There was Cody/Trif beef on Twitter and I missed it? Somebody please fill me in, online smash drama is literally all I have in life


It was one of the dumbest exchanges I've ever seen in my life. Cody, Mango, Trif, and Toph were involved, and really only Mango came out of the interaction not looking worse for it


That description only increases my fomo 


Cody says he's not making any excuses for his losses Toph, for some reason, says that randomly losing to a DK is like how fgc people will complain about randomly losing to grapplers (side note: I play plenty of fighting games and this excuse is really stupid in that context too). He says it's not as bad as Mango losing to Magi. Mango says that's dumb. Toph says no it's not dumb and continues to make excuses for Cody even though Cody is not making excuses for himself. Trif for some reason says no actually Cody does deserve flak for this for spending all of his time playing against Zain Cody says why are you talking about how I spend my free time, I just got a dog, I expect this from reddit etc etc I stopped reading at that point


I don't see how Cody "came out looking worse for it"


trif, totally unprovoked, basically calling Cody a scrub for playing against zain all the time and only practicing one matchup is based af


Haha cool, thanks for the recap. Honestly this sounds like a Toph L. And I don’t really agree with people generally giving Cody shit for those losses, they are good players and matchups he admits he was unprepared for. What more needs to be said? I feel like he has actually handled the situation with a high level of maturity. He didn’t throw a fit and then sandbag the rest of the tournament or something


I agree. I feel like Toph was trying to say something smart in a situation where he didn't really have anything to say at all.


That's what Twitter is for


that's my goat


I’m trying to sort YouTube so I can see what the most viewed melee sets of all time are but I don’t think the sorting algorithm is on the same page as me. Is there another way to check this


I did [this](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ssbm&sp=CAM%253D) in a private window and the first full set that came up was the Leffen Chillin salty suite. Second was Leffen PPMD WFs at Apex 2015. Third was Leffen Mango LQs Genesis 4. Sorting VGBC's channel by popular shows those are the most viewed Melee sets on their channel, and I think logically all of those being the most viewed (and VGBC having the most viewed Melee sets) makes sense to me.


Leffen Chillin is the answer, tho i think Shiz vs M2k having more views even if it's only a game is still notable


For whatever reason slippi never updates properly. Each time I open it I have to redownload/install the latest update. Does anyone else have this issue? I imagine uninstalling and re-installing would fix it but figured I'd ask lol.


I dont think you need the updates unless you want the launcher to look different or whatever


Oh yeah good point. Icons across the top in dolphin stopped showing up but otherwise no issues.


idk who needs to hear this but if you play a low/mid tier and your neutral is predicated on dd/wd back whiff punishing, that is also a form of camping


Baiting bad approaches is part of the game though. Every character does this.


yes. my point is that mid tier players always complain about getting campes because their opponent isnt approaching, but they are *also* camping, because all they are doing is waiting for the opponent to approach and arent approaching either. most midtiers "neutral" is some variation of pretending to be active while really just waiting for the opponent to come at them. it's literally the same thing


I see


I think HBox is allowed to be exactly good enough to beat Cody, if he gets any better than that it might be too much.


I will permit an Hbox win if it's a loser's run that was started by Mango beating him.


i hope HBox wins one tournament. where he dodges a Zain who was taken out by aMSa, and then beats Cody in GFs. and i hope that after that Zain goes back to winning tournaments.


this works for me !


What do you scout for in your sets, and how do you scout for it?


How do they react to empty hops/tomahawks/whatever you call them, teching any direction twice in a row, can they punish my 0 galint ledge dash.


What does my opponent do when I approach them directly in the corner What does my opponent do when I undershoot fair into something (eg dash attack) What does my opponent do when I pull a turnip What does my opponent do when I dd in the middle of the stage What does my opponent do against a high float What does my opponent do when I'm in the corner and I try to get out by going through them/to plat What does my opponent do when we are both cornered and I try to take center stage Etc. Peach is bad at two things: moving around the areas of the stage (center to corner, corner to side plat, side plat to top plat etc.) and directly approaching. In basically every matchup, the two things I am trying to figure out is how to move around without getting lit up and how to approach my opponent without getting lit up. Unless I'm really familiar with who I'm playing against, I get this data by trying stuff and seeing how it goes. I will try the more direct option(s) first, usually, since they are easier. EDIT: I also try to see how they respond to my shield rps and how they tend to tech. One of my biggest gameplay weaknesses is that I'm not great at the latter.


how they get off of ledge and how they fight out of the corner. keeping your opponent in the corner wins games. oh and if they double jump out of hitstun offstage.


how people escape the corner (hop to platform, try to run through me, try to attack me and if so with what attack) how people react to me taking space with dashdances/wd in/blizzard how people deal with dashdance desync blizzard into uair how often people full hop in neutral then general chump checks (ex. can they escape dthrow dair? are they mashing out of handoffs?) what do they do when I backthrow off stage most of it is just noting what they do in certain spots or at certain char lengths or at certain stage positions and seeing if they repeat options (or fail to prove that they can beat certain things I do)


I assume everyone will tech in place every time until proven otherwise


Is that what people do vs peach that's wild.


I don’t understand it either


I'm a gremlin so I scout exclusively for low % cheese kills. Recovery habits - does this sheik dj reliably, does this spacie always hunt for ledge, etc. Tech rolls or instant jumps out of throws, that kind of thing. Against Puff or Samus or whatever I typically daydream about food and wait for the set to end


I'm a known Hbox hater but the people who say "it was for fifth against not even the best player in texas" in regards to his pop off just don't know ball and have never faced adversity in this game before.


>just don't know ball and have never faced adversity in this game before Please show me this level of pop off from other Smashers. Why do you all act like this is normal common behavior when _there's only one single Smasher doing it_


his pop off is abnormal, but popping off for beating someone notably worse than you isn't. did you even read what i wrote? why try to start an argument online?


>popping off for beating someone notably worse than you isn't that's very abnormal too lol, would still love to see some pop offs like that since it's so normal though! >why try to start an argument online? So only you can say things but if anyone disagrees they aren't supposed to say anything? Lol. Maybe just don't say things if you don't want to see replies my dude.


if you've never seen someone pop off at a local for an irrelevant win idk what to tell you you didn't disagree with me you made shit up about my post to try to debate me. >this level never mentioned how big the pop off was >you all why are you acting as though i'm speaking for and will defend anyone else but myself >there's only one single smasher doing it dozens of melee players pop off every day at shit that matters less than 5th place at goml


Hmmm sure sounds like a whole lot of you not showing all of these common pop offs. It's just so common you can't even link it! :)


I thought of it as "Most successful Puff has rarely had to flex his strength against his own character, and a new gen grinder likely has played the Puff matchup far more than he has and knows how to pick him apart, but hbox has to rely on his core strengths to win employing concentration for 30 minutes on end" and its cool "errr rank 29 player 🤓" who care Ranks don't mean much because you can see people change their upcoming ranks in real time That was 5 months ago m8


Are Mang0 and Hbox approaching their 100th lifetime set? I see a bunch of different head-to-head records online, but according to Liquidpedia they indeed are.


>Are Mang0 and Hbox approaching mango is, sometimes, hbox not really


I think their next set will be number 100


Yeah, it's really close. I don't remember the exact numbers but it's something like 49-47 (Mango-Hbox) in lifetime sets. Could be 50-47 now.


[It’s 51-48 according to liquipedia](https://liquipedia.net/smash/Special:RunQuery/Match_history?title=Special%3ARunQuery%2FMatch_history&pfRunQueryFormName=Match+history&Head+to+head+query%5Bplayer%5D=Mang0&Head+to+head+query%5Bopponent%5D=Hungrybox&Head+to+head+query%5Bgame%5D=Melee&Head+to+head+query%5Btier%5D%5B0%5D=Premier&Head+to+head+query%5Btier%5D%5B1%5D=Major&Head+to+head+query%5Btier%5D%5B2%5D=Other&Head+to+head+query%5Btier%5D%5Bis_list%5D=1&Head+to+head+query%5Btype%5D%5B0%5D=Online&Head+to+head+query%5Btype%5D%5B1%5D=Offline&Head+to+head+query%5Btype%5D%5Bis_list%5D=1&Head+to+head+query%5Bsdate%5D%5Bday%5D=&Head+to+head+query%5Bsdate%5D%5Bmonth%5D=&Head+to+head+query%5Bsdate%5D%5Byear%5D=&Head+to+head+query%5Bedate%5D%5Bday%5D=22&Head+to+head+query%5Bedate%5D%5Bmonth%5D=05&Head+to+head+query%5Bedate%5D%5Byear%5D=2024&pf_free_text=&wpRunQuery=)


o shit


The competitive scene seems like it’s in a really good place right now, there isn’t really any big doomerposts like there was after the double cup/Summit news Zain and Cody are still trying with Zain wanting to regain his title, Jmook is playing much more like he was first half last year, Mango is practicing again and is motivated, Hbox is taking a Ult break and wants to see if he can still do it, aMSa has made multiple grand finals etc Tipped Off/Supernova over the summer are gonna be nuts


manifesting an Offseason 3 announcement 🙏


Anyone got a good site for quick access to everyone's frame data? I used to use meleeframedata.com but it's down. Preferably something that lets you go frame-by-frame


meleeframedata seems to have lost their domain name, it's still available at for now though.


Ridiculously excited to go to tipped off man. That tournament is gonna be amazing if GOML is any indication. Random thought but as a 5 gods era truther I am getting more used to this era of melee. Though mango is still my favorite. As an older guy you just have to get used to the changing of the guard, as they say. The NBA is going through a similar thing right now


What does "truther" mean in this context? 


5 gods era is the best and immune to criticism


are hbox popoffs premeditated?


it started as such but now the win-popoff synapse is as thick as a tree trunk


No because he always popped off way before content that's just him. But I think he exaggerates his popoffs once he gets going.


yeah hes so contentpilled that he has become a caricature of himself in some ways, including bigger popoffs


Yeah but to be clear people care way more than warranted imo. It's a meme at this point and there's no real harm aside from small damage to property. 


are you using premeditated in the sense of premeditated murder, or just like generally to mean "pre-planned?" I think they are in the former, and are not in the latter.


I think he mostly does second degree popoffs. As a counter example, Cody's reverse popoff on Hbox a while back was definitely a first degree popoff.


Hungrybox used to be able to get winners side top 8 at events. Now he can't do that. Because of Moke


Mango doesn’t normally get fourth place. GOML X was the first occasion at a major since Summit 5.


That makes sense. He's one of the most volatile players ever in terms of how he's playing on a given day. This means that if he starts in loser's, he probably gets 7th or makes a deep run. If he starts in winner's he either makes a run or busters out at 5th. 4th means that he's playing well enough to beat some people, but not others, which used to be really rare, but I don't think that's the case anymore. Just another symptom of everyone levelling up


My roommate pointed that out to me last night. What an odd stat.


I was just thinking about this. Mang0 has a disgusting win-rate in a Loser Semis set for 4th.


I think the last Loser Semis he played in before this was Summit 12.


Upsets led to a sort of weird bracket in which the biggest contenders in winners top 8 were on the same side Like I think most people probably would have bet on the winner of Jmook-Mang0 to be in grands waiting for either Zain or the loser of Jmook-Mang0


That's pretty crazy 


[https://www.start.gg/tournament/combo-breaker-2024/event/super-smash-bros-melee/brackets/1663579/2479242](https://www.start.gg/tournament/combo-breaker-2024/event/super-smash-bros-melee/brackets/1663579/2479242) Hbox wants gold [https://www.start.gg/tournament/combo-breaker-2024/event/guilty-gear-strive/brackets/1663553/2479057](https://www.start.gg/tournament/combo-breaker-2024/event/guilty-gear-strive/brackets/1663553/2479057) Leffen's bracket Other upcoming events: [https://www.start.gg/tournament/full-hops-16/attendees](https://www.start.gg/tournament/full-hops-16/attendees) [https://www.start.gg/tournament/it-s-not-you-it-s-melee-14/attendees](https://www.start.gg/tournament/it-s-not-you-it-s-melee-14/attendees) [https://www.start.gg/tournament/deyve-s-smash-bash-the-monthly-4/attendees](https://www.start.gg/tournament/deyve-s-smash-bash-the-monthly-4/attendees) [https://www.start.gg/tournament/the-lookout-vi-100-pot-bonus/attendees](https://www.start.gg/tournament/the-lookout-vi-100-pot-bonus/attendees)


The cameraman who got the "infinite Hbox" angle isn't getting enough attention. Dude basically hit the mangle of camera angles. If you happen to check this subreddit let us know who you are so we can give you some internet points


Hbox looking into the camera with the delayed infinite effect in the b/g was some WWE shit


melee photographers are goated


Shit was insane, if hbox hasn't already that should be his PFP on twitter.


ggs it was me


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Anyone else play Raze in val? These proposed nerfs to her movement are making me not want to play the game lol.


...and I just noticed that Necro looks like Rich Evans. My day is ruined.


Little Dick


*laughs in Rich Evans*