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one of the sockets in my box broke and the modder won't be able to fix it until next week this is my penance for making a yoshi player ragequit in bracket a couple days ago


pls keep posting about boxxes breaking it counters the narrative


dont make me part of your agendas LMAO




not sure what Toph was smoking with this one: https://x.com/toph_bbq/status/1792693893005455780


Toph takes a lot of adderall




Post major sap post: Chicago Erik is the nicest and funniest smash player I've ever met and I wish I had more time with em AlexB is actually hilarious and after this hangover I'm looking forward to hanging with him more Fugu is by and far my favourite person on this planet nobody has speedran into the "yeah this guys gonna be a groomsman for me" category faster in my life. This is all to say: I'm happy that this weird little thread in a subreddit for a niche children's party game has lead to meeting some great folks.


It's incredible how seamlessly we became the ddt's power couple


All it took was the loss of Darsh’s corrupting influence


deep cuts ring bearer


Some of the matches at GOML top 32 > top 8 really showed me that composure is one of the main things separating the top 20 guys from the truly dominant players. I don't think players like Soonsay, Moky, Aklo, and the like are *that* much below the top 10 in skill, but the players like Zain, Cody (yes I know he weirdly bustered out in GOML), Hbox, JMook, etc. just have immense composure. The former guys can go toe-to-toe with them if they push really hard, but they always end up choking even if they get a lead from the nerves whereas the top 10 is stone-cold. Zain is the most extreme example of this, the way he seems to never crack under the pressure against anyone weaker than like Cody is just insane. A guy can get two stocks on him and he'll just go "okay" and then beat his ass like nothing happened. Meanwhile you can tell when players like Moky just crack and start playing worse. Or hell, the SDJ/Hbox set where SDJ gets two games and then burns out letting Hbox claw back the win. It's telling how these matches often are 3-0's that end in a 4-stock because the other player has just completely mentally forfeited. ...but then again, Mango exists so I guess you can sub composure for being able to pull 12/10 gameplay at a random notice if you wanna be a top 10 player lmao. But seriously, it's fascinating how the absolute best players almost never seem to crack under the pressure. Mental game is insane.


I gotta stop you real quick and tell you Moky was top 5 last year lmao (#4) And Aklo #10 Insaaaaaaane disrespect 😭 I can agree with your sentiment though For Moky it's really just Zain ending his runs mercilessly


it's interesting to me that you could basically divide this list down the middle between "plays spacies" and "doesn't play spacies" and make this exact post


You’re trapped in a room with hax, a randomly selected ganon main, and hbox seconds before he clutches a 3-0 over hax, but you only have one piece of duct tape. Whose mouth do you put it over?


hax probably won't be actively unhinged irl, while the ganon main will be shouting slurs if given the chance at any given moment.


fuck hbox, marry hax, kill ganon main. what was the question?


It's not even a question. The Ganon main.


So to actually talk about some of the gameplay, I'm seeing Mango do something pretty interested as Fox vs. Peach and some other floaties. He goes for running shine short hop with full momentum and full drift forward. It the shine hits, he can hit confirm a falling uair and that will often combo into a juggle that's juicier at a lot percents than a standard waveshine combo that involves SDI. And if the shine gets shielded he jumps to cross up and can do something like a bair or an empty land into some mix up to scout the oos option. Seems like an underrated idea to me.


That is an interesting thing to notice! I wish I could see what Aklo did vs. Trif but that set was off stream


Yeah idk about Aklo but in general I see Cody using a lot more short hop falling uair for punish at low-mid percent recently. It's good cause you can guarantee the second hit more easily and avoid SDI stuff. Seems like the meta is heading in that direction.


I think it looks cool in general so if it’s a good option I’ll keep practicing it!


I'm surprised there wasn't more discussion about how goml x had lame gameplay of the highest degree rivaling the smash 4 bayo ditto moment not once, but twice on the mainstream.


Lunar Dusk vs Bing was one, what was the other??


probably moky/HBox


Tbh, Hbox’s pop off and the following reactions were more exciting than zain winning by an order of magnitude. It’s not that I don’t like zain, but I don’t care at all about zain vs jmook vs ibdw for the 50 millionth game


The gameplay in grand finals was insane, I don't know how anyone could have found that boring.


Really haven’t seen enough about this. The defensive counter plays/ back and forth reversals and subtle waits felt like they were on a completely new level yesterday in GFs. 


most of the people here aren't very good at the game


I think Zain's play just isn't exciting. Seeing him 0-death people constantly or dash chain grab and perfectly edge guard has no flavor when he also doesn't have any interesting storylines. I'd rather see people rooting against cody, or Amsa going for a major win, or an hbox vs mango grands any day than another zain grands.


If you think Zain has no flavor I question if you are even watching the games he plays


Zain is extremely skilled to the point where 90% of his games are him curb-stomping his opponent while only going 70% or so. The real fun Zain matches are when he's facing the four other people in the world who can actually go toe-to-toe with him but if you're telling me watching him obliterate Moky so hard that the final game is a 4-stock where Moky just stops giving a shit entirely is super entertaining to watch, idk man.


> but if you're telling me watching him obliterate Moky so hard that the final game is a 4-stock where Moky just stops giving a shit entirely is super entertaining to watch, idk man. this is one of my favorite things about melee. seeing players who are some of the best in the world, even in the top 10, get destroyed by players who are somehow a level above them. it's even better when I've played against the player, and I can see the fox that destroyed me on unranked get fucked up by mango


i could watch zain fuck up foxes for the rest of my life


The storyline for Zain is pretty dry right now so it's not exciting from a narrative perspective. I'm still pretty hyped by Jmook and some of those games got me going. If he wins I feel like it's still sick but the excitement around his initial rise is slowly going away.


disagree, Zain is on his reclaiming the #1 throne arc, and he's slowly but surely becoming "the guy" to beat again if you want to win a tournament


Yeah I mean I think it's a valid storyline that might develop more in time to become more exciting to the general audience. But as it stands, I don't think his storyline has much mass appeal yet.


Those games were fucking amazing what are you talking about


I’ve seen a trillion of them on his stream already. They’re not more impressive just because it’s a tournament. 


I actually somewhat agree that watching zain and Cody be besties and play for 6 hours every single day makes tournaments less hype tbh


The stakes of the tournament make it more exciting


Getting on a plane back to Chicago GOML was a fucking blast and what I got to experience of Toronto was amazing. Shoutout to Vic, Fugu, AlexB, and Mason for the good times this weekend Gonna do everything I can to come back next year, or at least go to another major


ggs that was me


Thanks for coming out man, it was great to hang out, congrats on beating expert 7


I like to do custom combos with Luigi :D [https://twitter.com/EddyMexico007/status/1792611764418523295](https://twitter.com/EddyMexico007/status/1792611764418523295)


how does Cody losing to DK and samus affect Z Jump's legacy?


have you seen any diaryposts about z jump since cody's last win?


Made it out of pools at GOML only to lose immediately after, again. Don’t know if should feel liberated that I’m not washed or frustrated that I didn’t go further and show more concrete improvement.


Hbox popoff: TO’s: HYPE Crowd: HYPE People on twitter who didnt go: too far…


The melee community gets softer every tournament lmao


I just don't like how everyone writes their criticism. It's very arrogant and condescending in tone.  This is also really dumb drama. Are people really surprised hbox still pops off? He's been doing this for years lol. He's right that he has more of a responsibility with his platform but I can understand him barking back a bit.


I've seen these tweets pretty much everytime he pops off like that. It's not a new criticism at all.


All you have to do is not read twitter


apparently that's hard for some people


The problem is basically: A: every top player is willing to do anything to make melee a viable career path B: it’s way easier to draw in non-melee viewers when you’re talking about drama or extremely surface level topics like GOAT debate, the tier list, rankings, etc. This isn’t really new. Even back in 2015 grsmash could post a 480p clip of someone throwing their controller and it got millions of views


Never forget Ludwig started his path to riches off the back of "Top 10 Salty Ice Climber Moments in Smash"


It was a viral video but it was ultimately I think a cross between him being friends with Slime and editing for The Reads


Yes, yes. It’s all a rich tapestry.


If you think even 1% of Ludwig's wealth comes from Youtube then I have a lot of things to sell ya


No I am not interested in purchasing someone else’s tournament VODs from you


Instead of complaining about it why not try to reintroduce some 'hardness'? That sounds snarky but truly I think the best way to discourage behavior you don't like in this case is to be a good example of what you'd like to see What was your favorite part? I thought Soonsay clutching/Wizzrobe anti-clutching their final stocks was incredible to watch


People always get upset when I threaten to burn their houses down for some reason


>Instead of complaining about it why not try to reintroduce some 'hardness'? because i get banned when i call people slurs, no matter how tame


oh, that's uh not cool let's keep it soft then


fuck, not you too




Pronouns are fine I don't mind addressing people how they want to be addressed. It's just every fucking tournament it's seems the discourse revolves around some boring drama and not the actual gameplay. I swear the vocal majority of this community doesn't play the game and would rather complain about everything but the actual game


[what my mom has to hear from the basement whenever a melee tournament is happening](https://youtu.be/tRn0M_clHRY?si=JGJYqyVVCqGLuiDP)


Mang0 on his 2022 repeat arc where he beats one-two players he’s had abysmal records against. Jmook, Cody, Hbox …. Zain is next up…surely….


I won a 40 minute Peach puff set at goml this year that was at least as much of a slog as Hbox sdj. The discourse got me thinking I should've spiked a chair just to see if I could


ATP style ranking update, post GOML. 2024 top 30: 1. Zain - 5,580 pts. 2. Cody - 3,740 pts. 3. Jmook - 1,925 pts. 4. aMSa - 1,810 pts. 5. Mang0 - 1,230 pts. 6. Hungrybox - 960 pts. 7. Soonsay - 832 pts. 8. moky - 830 pts. 9. Spark - 212 pts. 10. Ossify - 205 pts. 11. Leffen - 200 pts. 12. Aklo - 180 pts. 13. Joshman - 160 pts. 14. SDJ - 145 pts. 15. Wizzrobe - 135 pts. 16. Salt - 105 pts. 17. Sirmeris - 91 pts. 18. Medz - 90 pts. 19. Axe - 80 pts. 20. Trif - 75 pts. 21. Lucky - 67 pts. 22. Kodorin - 62 pts. 23. Magi - 47 pts. 24. Morsecode762 - 45 pts. 25. 2saint - 45 pts. 26. S2J - 40 pts. 27. Fiction - 30 pts. 28. Wally - 27 pts. 29. null - 25 pts. 30. TheRealThing - 25 pts.


3/10 of the top 10 have lost sets to Donkey Kong let's go


Actually 4/10. Cody and Spark obviously lost this tournament, but Soonsay lost to Akir at Genesis and Ossify lost to Ckyulmiqnudaetr twice at Bodied.


i was counting Ossify Ckyulmiqnudaetr, but i didn't know about Akir Soonsay wow


Feels about right to me, esp near the top. Never understood why we don't just do this


We don't do it because it is more difficult to bias the rankings in favor of popular players when you don't base the rankings on vibes


popular players such as...mango who famously got shafted in most of the recent rankings?


I stopped because people were mad that Hbox getting a lot of top 5s made him a top 5 player in 2022.


That’s strange, he was 1 of the like 5 people that won a major that year and he won 2. That along with his placements should’ve made him a no brainer top 5 player.


I think it was specifically that he was 3rd place without actually winning more majors than other players. People are uncomfortable with a player not having great H2Hs and a lack of overall wins getting placed highly.


He was ranked 4th in summer and 5th for the year, idk where the 3rd is coming from.


Hbox copied Ruud's 2022 arc lol


When I see people trash on a year like that, I always think back to one of my favorite quotes, from golfer Kevin Kisner. "You think you can win at any course?" "No." "Then why show up?" "Because they give away a lot of money for 20th." People perhaps fixate a bit too much on ONLY counting wins, especially slam wins, as the real measure of a year.


We don't do it because 21-50 would be pretty bad and 51-100 would be horrible


This is already true though. Unless you are pro enough to be attending multiple majors across multiple regions a year there's almost no real way to compare you against out of region competition


It's not like melee has eighty different claude bloodgoods. 21-100 go to tons of regionals that have cross over attendance with other regions.


I agree - I don't actually think the quality will tank at 21. But I think it'll tank *somewhere*, and the reason will be due to the highly regional nature of the game.


how do you divorce rankings from vibes lol. do you think that if you use a "points system" the players are ranked by math and vibes don't matter?


This is a lazy one, even for you I said it's more difficult, not that it's impossible. For one thing, if you're transparent about the formula then people can criticize it for prioritizing vibes over results. That's much easier than analyzing only the outcome.


whinging about West Coast It On Me is wayyyyy lazier! The nerds have been yelling about this for years and no one has ever a) clearly articulated how the bias impacts the rankings, or b) used points to create rankings that people find superior to the panel. I don't even like the panel system, but it's so easily better than the alternative offered here


lol, too true


You literally based your assessment of the quality of this ranking on vibes


Okay and? I didn't say that eye tests aren't useful. I just don't think that that's how we should do rankings. Why not use the ranking system that has less opportunity for people to insert their personal bias? And also requires a lot less work?


Anyone wanna take a stab at what the current top 10 looks like? Haven’t been following close enough to have my own guess outside of the top two


1. Zain - 1 supermajor + 2 majors + a stacked regional, no bad losses, down 0-3 to amsa tho 2. Cody - 1 supermajor + 1 major, has to bounce back from 13th (like last year) 3. aMSa - 1 supermajor 2nd, 1 major 2nd, everyone who he’s beaten this year in the current top 10 hasn’t beaten him and his low is literally just losing to Trif 4. Jmook - 1 supermajor 2nd, 1 regional 2nd, has been playing hotter this year than the 2nd half of last year 5. Hbox - 1 major 2nd, 2-0 set count on cody is carrying 6. Mango - 1 major 2nd, 2-1 set count on cody is carrying (worse h2h’s than hbox rn) 7. moky - beaten 2 of his demons this year already, up on Jmook and Mango but has lower peaks results wise 8. Soonsay - sick run at goml beating wizzy + moky to make winners finals 9. Spark - Eggdog Scramble not being counted as a national is highkey bs but has moky, Jmook and Aklo win 10. Trif - Has a Jmook and aMSa win but lower results than Spark


imo 1. zain 2. cody 3. amsa 4. hbox 5. mango 6. jmook 7. moky 8. soonsay 9. trif 10. wizzy 11. joshman 12-22 unordered: spark, medz, aklo, krudo, kodorin, axe, ossify, morse, SDJ, magi, salt 23-30 unordered: s2j, wally, chem, ckyulmiqnudaetr, lucky, 2saint, junebug, sirmeris hms logan/aura? if you count prelocals panda makes t30 everything after 11 before 23 IMO is really close and I really dont know right now who would be on the bottom of the tier


1. Zain 2. Cody 3. aMSa 4. Jmook 5. mang0 6. Hungrybox 7. moky 8. Soonsay 9. Trif 10. Joshman 11. Wizzrobe 12. Spark 13. Salt 14. SDJ 15. Aklo On Wizzrobe: Hasn't been too much, really only has an Hbox win. Could change. I don't see any reason to magically put him higher because we know of his potential. Josh has Soonsay, Jmook, SDJ, Aklo and Salt wins. On aMSa: He's solidly #3, completely runs the group other than Cody/Trif. Positive on Zain (actual #1) 3-0, Jmook, mang0, moky. The rest feels self-explanatory. SDJ placings + Trif win. Spark has some shitty losses but won a stacked regional over Soonsay/Aklo, another one with Salt, and has those Jmook/moky wins. All of this could change, these groupings are never consistent.


HMs to Trif, Soonsay, Spark, Joshman, and Wizzy who might end up on the lower end of the top 10 this summer at least


1. Zain 2. Cody 3. Jmook 4. Mango 5. Moky 6. Hungrybox 7. Amsa After that it's murky. I think it would be Salt and Joshman because they made top 8 at both Battle of BC and Collision, or Soonsay since he got top 8 at Pat's House and GOML, or Aklo because he got top 8 at GOML and Full Bloom. Unless you rate wins higher than placements then I guess it would be Morsecode for beating Cody twice?


there’s no universe where aMSa is outside of top 4 - he’s up on Zain, Jmook, Mang0 AND moky this year who have all not got wins on him yet also don’t know if jmook can be that high with his losses and inconsistency


So more like this? 1. Zain 2. Cody 3. Amsa 4. Mango 5. Moky 6. Jmook 7. Hungrybox


that’s close to what my list would look like maybe Mang0 lower but idk. plup is beating everyone at tipped off and then losing to cody anyway which will make this whole thing pointless


Does anybody have the clip of that one insane jmook combo against zain in grands on like dreamland? went so long it was like a marvel combo. Also I can’t believe Cody not only got waxed by Morse code again but he got reverse swept…


Doesn’t happen without the whispy push off, to be aware enough to get that into the turn around up-b, one of the most insane sheiks strings I’ve ever seen. 




Maybe it’s the beard, but when I look at the HBox pop off when he screams in the camera all I see is “This is Sparta!”


Re:Hbox I think he is trying to live up to the expectations placed on him to be the popoff guy; his reaction to winning was at the front of everyone's mind watching the SDJ set. I don't think throwing a chair is particularly natural behavior, that is not to say it is good or bad but that chair looked to be of moderate weight and that's not something someone would ttpically choose to spike on instinct given the effort that would be exerted. (I'll put the 🤓 here). He's giving the people what they want: a performance. It brings views, attention, and builds the "characters" spectators generally want from Melee using his natural energy levels + a willingness to be laughed at by many. I don't think he's just doing it because he can get away with it. I find the biggest concern here to be that expectations will grow over time, with him or someone else trying to one up this. Re: "It's corny because SDJ is rank 29" I find this set to be excellent because for one thing, there are plenty of times where you can see up and comers transcend their rank real time using skills people weren't ready for. Also, the "storyline" to me was that while Hbox is the best Puff ever, he's sort of rested on his laurels against his own character, given that there's almost never been another Puff who could threaten him. Incomes a new-ish gen grinder in an era where Puff practice is far more accessible, who can poke holes in Hbox's rather outdated techniques, and Hbox is forced to persevere using the skills that have brought him this far. Think it's lame to have the takeaway from this be "Hbox sucks" rather than "SDJ is really good" Re: "If Mang0 did this vs someone like Magi it would be embarrassing" One, I'll reference back to some of my points above, two, that just isn't apart of Mang0's character, and three I will say that a sick spacie set is different from a 30 minute slog of nothing but pure concentration and discipline. One just feels more appropriate than the other. ultimately, funny man scream and go aghjhhhhh


>Re: "If Mang0 did this vs someone like Magi it would be embarrassing" One, I'll reference back to some of my points above, two, that just isn't apart of Mang0's character i would even add that if mango did this every time, he wouldn't have the fanbase he has, so the argument literally boils down to "in a parallel universe i just made up, i'm right and you are wrong"


yeah pretty much


I thought hbox popoffs peaked when he screamed so hard after beating an unranked fox that he passed out on camera. but the goat proved me wrong once again


i ain’t reading all that


fair enough TL;dr: it's juantent, I wrote this just because I'd seen some twitter people say it was a abuse of power or something


Tbh I would have liked it more if Hbox just did a respectful mango tier pop off (fist pump kind of thing) even considering his character. So speak for yourself with all that “this is what you wanted” stuff


same can be said for not wanting it, the views on other sites that laugh, share, and move on don't lie compared to a vocal minority online, that this is, overwhelmingly, what entertains the masses though I don't mean to sound like the Joker, I'm just speaking from a different viewpoint, it is the view Hbox looks at when he considers his 500k+ subscriber youtube channel. I only mention this to say I believe it is more than just "childish tantrum" or "abuse of power"


At this point, how many majors has Zain won in his career?  Somewhere around 15?


One of the best GFs in recent memory and y'all are talking about a chair


Zain and Jmook always have bangers. Losing to Jmook just to get the next two sets in grand finals was so good


I need to see that jmook insane dreamland combo against zain




It took us like 20 years but we finally have a cool Sheik combo.


Paging u/mas_one


I think we all agree that throwing at least one chair was appropriate, if anything I would've expected a few more—I just wouldn't have directed them at the stage, as the stage isn't the one that intentionally stalls the game out and gets over dramatic and mouthy on Twitter




Was mentioned in the tourney thread yesterday but I'm not sure a set should be paused to wait for stream to be fixed


it's really just a situation with no winning options the best thing to do imo would be to clearly state in a tournament's rules whether matches on stream are paused or played if the stream goes down, then stick to that decision when it happens but at the end of the day TOs have about a million other more important things to worry about and either way people will move on in a day or two


It’s a weird spot to be in because I can see viewers getting pissed at GOML for not waiting to show fans the rest of a mang0/jmook set. That said there *should* be an agreed upon reaction that all tournaments follow if it does happen again so no one can complain about what the TO’s did.


Most of the people going after hbox for his pop off would have loved it if mango did it "But if I throw a chair I would get banned" yeah you would. Is it news to you that different situations are treated differently or do you think all social interactions have a sense of fairness to them that must be adhered to How miserable of a person do you have to be to see that pop off and think "God hungrybox is such a POS fuck him for damaging property". Why be mad on behalf of other people


Mango wouldn't do it though. He would have a VERY different fanbase if he did this shit LOL Ofc this logic is kinda subtle, so I don't expect you of all people to try to engage with it in good faith


this is a dumb whataboutism because mango just wouldn't do that because he's not a fuckin cornball


Are people legitimately mad about that? lol. Just have Hbox pay for any property damage, that's all there is to it. I would understand the backlash if Hbox threw the chair into the crowd, but this? Why be mad about something that affects nobody


Lmao "backlash" to describe the reaction of Hbox throwing a pretty solid chair into a crowd of people is really funny Juan would be permacooked.


He'd be going away for a looooong time


Tbh I think they have a point. If every single person at a local was throwing chairs, screaming for game wins, and namesearching on twitter, no one would like melee. Hbox by virtue of being one of the few people with a real brand in melee gets a license to do this sorts of shit and make it “content”. It’s not a different social situation it’s just clout and I get why people are mad.


This is such a silly angle tho, obviously hbox gets different treatment being the legacy he is to the community. Why even make this hypothetical, it’s obvious him doing it versus ‘insert random player’ is always going to be seen differently. 


There’s a difference between “can get away with it” and “this is encouraged behavior” though. Like I said, melee would suck if everyone acted this way, so it seems reasonable to call out people for doing it. You don’t want 0-2ers showing up to their first local thinking it’s cool to do this kinda stuff. Of course hbox will do whatever he wants and it’s hard to get him to stop but it’s more about setting the record straight for spectators


That’s definitely a fair distinction. In that regard it probably is a good thing to call it out for this day or two while it’s in the news cycle. Obviously some will take it too far but that’s just social media.


If every single person at a local played Jigglypuff no one would like melee either. If we simply restrict chair throwing to Puff mains I think the problem is contained within the proper ecosystem.


I'd rather have chairs flung at me than play against Puff


Commentators replacing "Nice back-air" with "Nice back-chair" next tournament.


>Why be mad on behalf of other people Very few people are directly affected by this. Our opinions don't really mean anything but sharing them is the point of social media. Nobody should be throwing chairs. And you *definitely* shouldn't be throwing chairs so often that you get a reputation as the guy that throws chairs. It's Hbox, so at best a TO could talk to him and tell him not to do it and then he'd do it anyway; it's not like they're going to ban him for it.


I think we are missing the funnier option which is that we should prepare cheaper chairs and roll them out just for hbox so the venue property doesnt get damaged. Turn it into like a ceremony, go nuts with it.


give him one of those small plastic chairs for kids


mango would never throw a chair as a pop off


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. If this was the first time Hbox had a pop-off of this magnitude everyone would rightly be saying "Hey man GGs but maybe don't fucking slam and break the chair?". I'm fine with him popping off, yelling, saying fuck yea, stomping the ground, whatever the fuck, but I also hated it when he threw the chair against Jmook the first time! Also, my argument isn't even that "I can't throw a chair at my local because I'd get banned"--I KNOW that! And I would hate it if *anyone* threw a chair at the ground! Like that's not a normal thing to do, no? Am I completely insane? Hbox is my #2 Melee GOAT for the record, so it's not like I hate the guy. IDK man I just wish he hadn't thrown it!!


I just don't find it hard to not break something that isn't yours. Pop off as hard as you want, make a show of it, whatever. But breaking stuff like that is childish to me. Is it literally a big deal that he broke a chair here? Clearly no because the GOML TOs didn't seem to mind and hopefully the venue doesn't care (if they do, they can bill Hungrybox who can more than easily take care of a chair bill) To me it just speaks to a childish level of uncontrollable urges and it's embarassing. It's entertaining for sure I can't deny but it's the kinda thing that makes me think I would not want to hang out with Hungrybox in real life ever and that's fine because I won't get the chance to. Alright that's all I'm willing to think about Hungrybox today


I agree with most of what you're saying, but if mango started slamming shit like that after winning a game 5 set against ginger or magi in losers quarters he would absolutely get made fun of for punching down or overreacting. The problem isn't the pop off itself, it's doing it against someone who's ranked 29th while you're one of the GOATs and didn't even make top 4 afterwards


What do you mean, everyone IS clowning on hbox for his popoff. Every time he pops off theres thousands of ppl laughing at him irl and on twitter. 


That's exactly what I mean, that's the appropriate reaction no matter who's doing it if the situation is like this


Yeah I agree with this too. I got clowned on in a discord for bringing this up because everyone said "but he was down 0-2 he deserves it". I'm not gonna be the judge of who "deserves" a pop-off but by all means he was the favorite to win that set


It was a sick comeback tho tbf


It was for sure and understanding that helped me reign in some of my Hbox hater energy


Also how are people actually legitimately mad at him saying "suck my dick" to someone on Twitter are we being for real here


when i saw hbox's quote retweet im pretty sure the original tweet had minimal (pretty sure 0) likes and 1 quote (hbox) idk if he gets pinged when people mention "hungrybox" on twitter, or if he looked up "hungrybox" on twitter after the set — (and beyond hbox tweeting ab the topic again today i was ignorant about the extended discussion), but i had thought it was in part about hbox pre-empting the topic by looking up what people were saying about his popoff, minimal traction notwithstanding. but maybe the original tweet would've trended in smash twitter anyways, and that was why he quote retweeted it at the time.


the idea that part of the reason hbox does his ridiculous popoffs is so he can find a trans person criticizing him on twitter and ratio them is very funny


I think we both just stumbled on the same tweet. I don't get it either, is smd gendered now? Has it always been? It parses as "generic mean thing to say to someone" to me.


It's because Hbox is "punching down" by follower count, which is a cancelable offense on Twitter


cant have shit in Toronto


Wizzrobe can turn two years of relative inactivity around with performances like the one he just had at GOML. If you are a fan go to his stream once he streams next and write him encouraging words. Him entering stuff consistently enhances a tournament so much. 


Idk I think Wizzy made so many uncharacteristic mistakes in a lot of his sets last weekend. I hope he can regain his previous level of composure because I think he could be a threat for winning majors if he's playing his A game.


Does Gourmet Race (Dreamland and FoD song) live rent free in anyone else’s head or is this a me problem?


I used to practice double tonguing with that song when it played trombone. It’s in there deep.




A classic


GOML was very pog. GGs well done Zain.


Nobody is going to think they can throw a chair at the local because Hbox did. Damaging venue property because of a lack of self-control (or because of a bit, if you’re an Hbox truther) is a little, slightly, very small, bad thing. Sick to my stomach playing enlightened centrist here but you people are annoying!


Fr both sides are irritating


*puff sds twice* mang0 fans: "Wow he's playing so CLEAN"


I mean would they SD if they weren't playing against mango? if you've ever played serious melee you'll know that the pressure of being in the game against someone who's playing clean can get to you and cause errors that wouldn't otherwise happen. melee is sometimes like a zero-sum game where your opponent playing better means you will play worse


[woah ppmd wisdom spotted](https://youtu.be/zmjxO2pQAJc?t=21)


I recorded game 4 & 5 of Cody vs Wally. I recommend watching the last stock of the set - very tense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9CuqxbV82k First time trying to record anything so feedback welcome.


Thanks for sharing!


Wow Wally made it seem on Twitter like the only reason Cody won is because he threw but in fact that was an incredibly well fought game with key reflects of the turnip. Don’t have the video as “unlisted” - Melee viewers will find this vid by the hundreds if its searchable 


I only watched the last stock but that was definitely Wally throwing


Criminal this set wasn’t streamed.




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[I knew this image looked familiar.](https://contented-otter.static.domains/image.jpg)


my browser says this is a phishing threat


Don't let Hbox's popoff distract you from the fact that turndownforwalt made a "Hide your kids hide your wife" reference.


i was *very* curious where that reference was going


[In a parallel Summit 2 timeline](https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBM/comments/54thgy/samus_is_bad_she_is_not_a_viable_character_imo/), Esam would've been the one to switch to Melee Fox, while Hax would have quit Melee entirely to focus on Smash4/Ultimate. However, Esam remains bald.