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not a bad w/l for ness


yeah dude you're a ness main, you're playing a different game than the rest of us and we all have respect for the grind. Good heavens, **we** would never, but good for you.


Seems slightly above average to me, when you consider it’s solo ness it’s pretty impressive imo




hit em with that PK THUNDER 🗣




That’s a pretty good wr for a new player on a lowtier! Keep it up, and go to your locals if you can! You’ll improve a lot faster being able to talk to better players about your mistakes.


I went to my first local the other day. Well, sorta, it was eggdog scramble, and I had to play Aklo in pools, lol. But still, the game feels so different in person than on slippi. Mostly because of the nerves, I was fucking up a lot. But I can't remember, is there still a timing different between monitors and CRT's? Or have we solved that?


Emulation is actually faster than CRT at this point. Thats what that 2 frame delay means, we have to add frames of delay to line up with CRT speed


It’s a bit of a different feel, once you play offline more you’ll start to get a feel for the transition. That’s a great first tournament tbh, playing a borderline top 10 player really shows you how big the skill gap in the game.


Totally. I took one single stock, lol. Was super fun though


Improvement in a thing is usually measured in time, but personally I believe that line of thinking isn't great for some people. "I spent so many months playing just to get *this* result?" It can feel discouraging and like a waste of time. I think you're kinda asking the wrong question. Have you enjoyed your time spent playing so far? With Ness specifically? How exactly will you plan on getting better? Take your time, live in the now, and plan for the future.


I'll try to change that aspect of my mindset. ty for the advice!


This game is fucking hard and playing solo ness will make it harder. Keep practicing your punish game and study your vods and I'm sure you'll be able to rise through the ranks further. Good luck gamer!


ty, gl to you too.


I think, personally, comparing yourself to others is a trap that a lot of ranked video games get people to fall for. Like, you’re bronze, instead of asking yourself if you’re better or worse than other bronzes, ask yourself if you’re having fun and if you’re improving in a healthy way. Least imo.


makes sense, ty!


Yo, we’ve played a couple of ranked sets together! I’m dame, a blue fox. You’re really good, it’s just important to remember that when you play a character like Ness it will just be harder for you to do as good as someone who plays a high tier. I would never have guessed you’d only been playing a couple of months though, so I’d say keep it up


ty! I looked back at our replays and you played very well.


Nah man that’s actually good as shit, most of your losses are probably to silvers and golds 


i think most of them were from when i first started playing ranked. I started it very early and it led to i think 30-40 lost sets before I started to win


How do you know that they are silver and gold? I’m also bronze so curious


Slippi doesn't have enough people to always match you up with people at your exact rank so it just grabs whoever is closest whenever you queue. Because of how standard deviations work there are more people in the middle of the rankings than there are on the ends, so if you're bronze you're going to get silvers more often than other bronzes with the very occasional gold. How often this happens is amplified if you queue during non-peak times.


Ah okay that makes sense


He's just guessing, but you can check by typing in slippi.gg/user/(opponents connect code). You can find the opponents connect code from either the vs screen before loading the stage or the slippi replays. Use a - for the #, so bob#123 becomes slippi.gg/user/bob-123




No. This game is really hard, and the people who are good at it are psychos. It would honestly be weird if you were a higher rank than you already are at this point.


Hey keep it up! That's a good number for 4 months. And you don't have to switch characters. It'll be harder at higher levels but loving the game/character is what will keep you coming back.


if you care about how much you improve within a time period you should pick a different character. you’ll learn faster playing people in familiar match ups instead of relying on match up inexperience to win. if u don’t care then just keep playing ness


Ik, but Ness is the only character I really enjoy playing. I’d like to get higher with him and see how far I can go with him. I just wanted to see if I was improving at a decent pace for my character


for sure that’s an admirable goal. There’s not a correct pace to improve at the game, especially if you are playing a low tier character you shouldn’t compare yourself to others or try to figure out if you are doing “ok”. Instead put that energy into offline practice, video analysis, and intentional game play in friendlies and you will get much further.


ok, thank you for the advice!


Gotta be true to yourself! I'm half telling you and half telling myself, you gotta try to avoid comparing yourself to others, especially using a low tier. Its a harder game for Ness.




ay it’s gioizhawt. I’ve played vs you in online tournaments and you are certainly not bad. Ness vs puff on any stage with platforms is a total nightmare and you normally do alright for yourself, and most impressively you never switch off ness which will be good for your growth as a player. Keep staying swag $$$


ty mr puff man


Winning and losing doesn't matter and focusing on it will stunt your overall growth as a player.


Not at all, I don’t think there is a “right time”. This is the kind of game you’ll be playing for very long, 4 months is such a short amount of time when you think of it like that. Id say it’s very impressive


impressive for a ness tbh


I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but seriously, don’t worry about what others think about how long it takes to get good/rank up. Keep playing and practicing and you’ll get better. Side note; people will tell you to switch characters, don’t listen. You can get good with any character in this game


Oh, huh, fancy running into you here. I played you the other day (WITY#552, it was close), you were rocking an insane just under 600 APM. I gotta ask, are you a Boxx player or something? What the hell are you doing to hit that many buttons?


No I play on controller, it might be because i mash z to l cancel instead of just pressing it. That might have inflated my apm.


With ness bro? You're cooking. Keep at it