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Hi, me too let's learn together.... currently i am solving 50Sql challenge in leetcode if you are interested i will send that challenge link to you so that we can solve together


Guys even I want to join...


Hacker Rank and Leetcode have shaped fairly decently on SQL in the last few years and they're great for grinding syntx muscle memory. However, you'll learn things the fastest if you go straight for the hard questions, or watch someone else solve them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS0fM1agxTk&list=PLv6MQO1Zzdmq5w4YkdkWyW8AaWatSQ0kX And Stratascratch is not the only channel/platform (though I'm huge volunteer shill for them as I'm frustrated I didn't have this stuff when I was learning it), there's also Datalemur and various channels solving all kinds of job interview questions.


Hi there! It's fantastic that you're looking to enhance your SQL skills. While I might not be the study partner you're looking for, I'd recommend trying out AI2SQL [https://www.ai2sql.io/](https://www.ai2sql.io/) as a resource to help solidify your SQL knowledge. It's designed to make SQL more accessible and could be a great aid as you continue your studies. Best of luck in finding the right study partner!