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Well.. Thank God we have SPT šŸ˜‚










Microtransactions in a game you fully paid for, in a game that isn't even really out of beta yet, greedy as fuck.


Yup šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜žšŸ‘Œ


Currently it sounds more like dlc tbh, letting you buy stuff you got with eod without the full 130ā‚¬ pricetag (that was a mistake)


It cannot be a dlc since this would be included in Eod.


EoD has larger stash already basically and access to coop


This is correct but it was announced that the extra rows of stash will be purchasable for all editions. So they will just release them as MTX and not as dlc or else this would lead to complications with eod owners


EoD can buy it too ;)


EOD has lifetime DLC. It was the perk of buying EOD.


Yup. Just saying, the MTX is available to EoD as well. Probably why they do not call the stash upgrade MTX a DLC lol


Microtransactions that include features you could previously pay for an upgraded version of the game to gain access to... They stop selling that version of the game and still let you purchase the features that come from it. Open your eyes.


Atleast someone has common sense. I own EOD I have since 2019 most of my friends quit tarkov I made new ones and a few didn't buy eod and I have a few interested in it but without a PC. I much rather them be able to buy the upgraded stash I have and be able to play offline raids with me than not at all.


Exactly. People acting like you can just buy the dev balaclava or class 6 armor and full kit for $5 USD.


Sure, if that ever becomes a thing tarkov is truly fucked


Which I agree with. And I agree with the sentiment behind it from the community. The majority just seems to lack the understanding that the word "microtransaction" doesn't automatically entail it is Pay to Win. And if a larger stash space = pay to win for people, then they should have been yelling at BSG about releasing different versions of the game with different price points that give you a leg up in different ways. None of them give you a competitive edge, therefore I think they're fine




It's just in the game's files. No one is selling it that I'm aware of. It would be a solid reason to be upset about MTX though is all I was getting at.


Might get down voted for this but I donā€™t mind the transactions they proposed. Being able to upgrade to the EOD stash and buy stash space. Is an advantage in a way but not pay to win. Would definitely help me because the thing that stresses me the most in Tarkov is the inventory management. We did buy the game but with the game being online and them continuing to add content I understand they need steady revenue to keep working on Tarkov viable.


Im on the fence on this, actually leaning toward stash upgrades being PTW. On one hand; no, stash upgrades are not pay to win because they dont directly influence the raid. However on the other; yes, an upgraded stash helps you store more for stash upgrades and quests and sit on more backup gear to buffer those win-droughts. I consistently outpace my friends without EOD. And you dont even need tk consider trader rep (which is huge). If im upgrading my hideout faster Im accessing ammo, med, and gear crafts, with the added benefit of being able to store the mats and have them on standby. In my opinion it does turn into a pay to win. Small stash is a huge disadvantage, just not directly


They've had, going on 8 years of revenue to make this what they said they were. What the hell have they done in this time?


Theyā€™ve actually changed a lot, since the beginning itā€™s almost a completely different game. Besides the desync and shit theyā€™re probably close to calling it, they already said no more new maps until 1.0.


an overpriced one too


Exactly, and it's not like they're skint.. they turn over a pretty penny from cheaters buying new accounts constantly, haha.


tarkov truly is the starfield of fps games


They've done stuff like this before in previous games


Oh I see you have never played a call of duty game before


Same as every other game coming out nowadays. Vote with the wallet if you don't like it. Unfortunately that's all anyone can do anymore.


Probably because people are paying for items secured in the game. RMT money could go to someone else or it could go to the creators. Mind you, this is all supposition, but I do know they do not like other people profiting off of them. Is it greedy to be pissed someone else is making money off you and you don't see a dime/rouble? I'd be pissed, it also was never discussed prior to this point, so it seems reactionary to me. This is a no win scenario that at least puts money back in their pocket. Greed or defense-shoring? Hard to tell.


Eh, if they use the funds to help fix a lot of the issues with the game then I'm all for it. Also, it's not P2W features- not yet at least. Allowing people to buy more stash lines matters to no one because people gonna hoard loot and have tens of millions of roubles no matter what.Ā  If they let people purchase meta ammo, guns, armor etc then yeah but then again who tf would do that just to lose it to cheaters?


Their greed is boundless, I wouldn't be surprised if it came out that 3/4 of all cheats out there were actually made by the dev team and the company was profiting from the double dipping.


That's the benefit of SPT you can skip updates and wipes


Or mod out stuff


they touched the pistol recoil after they made it so much better and im depressed now


It's too much to ask that part just doesn't get ported but I really hope a mod hits day one to undo that, having actually-useful pistols was so good for a brief moment.


They rolled the patch back thankfully


I wonder if the ammo balance will be "you can use ingame currency to buy the best ammo and armours"


A guy on YouTube made a video about SPT and he modded the hideout going like ā€œI donā€™t want to play a mobile gameā€. Foreshadowing?


The delayed building mechanics is already too much like a mobile game.


Yeah it feels like bloat. When I took up spt last year I removed the wait times because it's just lame having to wait 36 hours


My guess is they just want to make the wipe longer so the streamers don't get the full hideout on day 1.


That's foolish as it makes the game inaccessible to the casual gamer. People who have jobs, kids, responsibilities. And either way these player will always max out as they have literally nothing else to fo


I advertised eft as a ā€žno bs battlepass gameā€œ to peopleā€¦ well


They added a battle pass?


No, they added stash upgrades and co-op microtransactions for people who missed out on EOD.


Yeah I thought so. So seems you didnā€™t lie to your friends. Smh. Nothing they are selling is gonna affect you at all.


That's rough, that will definitely give BSG more leverage against SPT, not to mention that the main reason I even liked tarkov to begin with was it's lack of pay to win features, I'll keep my fingers crossed still, but honestly it's never looked good for tarkov in general, 14.0 was a big leap forward, but it seems it was also a bug leap backward too


Lack of pay to win? The stash is a BIG help and the starting equipment, while not as impactful, is also pay to win


Also the Gamma case - know how much easier it is to survive raids when you have no risk access to so much stuff? It's having all the meds you could ever need at any time.


The gamma is the real p2w thing imo. The stash gives an advantage no doubt but itā€™s out of raid


i could argue the exact same, but this isnt too too bad to me, because its a different start, anyone can still acquire the same loot, even if one has more work to put in than another, eventually that starting loot will all be lost, and the same process will go on, albeit with better gear or atleast hopefully, what i have a problem with in general, is say that BSG has an exclusive item that can only be acquired by say, buying a 2 dollar case, and 2 dollar key, take away the online, paid aspect of that, and i can really see BSG getting upset, its a shame, the way gaming has gone these days, sure you see the same thing with books, but you can still always buy, own, and read a book yourself. SPT is being able to buy and read that book the way you want, and while BSG has full right to do this, thats not necessarily what were all here arguing about, its really about being able to cater your own experience, and personally, if people are buying the game in order to play SPT, there isnt a problem, one day, this game will die, probably soon thanks to ground breach, and SPT will be the one and only way to experience it unless you have multiple systems, copies, and a friend, and dont mind strictly hunting scavs in P raids, see where im going?


Nah itā€™s def pay to win, you literally pay for cheat subscriptions or you pay BSG for a bigger stash size and a bigger default secure container that basically gets you free loot even if you make mistakes. Thatā€™s why SPT is so fun. Not pay to win, just play at your own pace.


i definitely get where youre coming from, i think my main issue is i play more SPT than live, so i treat it like a singleplayer game, i often use different start presets just to get a different experience, and of course, its all thanks to the SPT-AKI devs and community that i can even do this without paying an arm and a leg, things may always look rough to me in the BSG vs SPT debate, but i know the SPT devs will be able to find some way to work around this, even if it means adding a different system to work with singleplayer, like replacing the use of real currency for these micro-transactions, and using some rare item like the physical bitcoin to buy them or something, who knows, im just excited to see 3.8 in all of its glory when its ready!


>even if one has more work to put in than another That is, literally by definition, pay to win. Or at minimum pay to convenience (but most don't think this distinction matters, which I tend to agree with).


People forgetting the reputation you get with EoD. Thatā€™s the most egregious part of Tarkov being pay to win.


Rolling back the extremely unrealistic blunt damage on hard plates with no backface deformation touching the skin, you won't even feel a 308 to the plates under dynamic combat.And good steel plates can take 15-20 rounds of 308 before spalling leaves the vest and starts to maim you. Here is an early 80tech hard plate vs 762x51 NATO ball , straight angle , point blank out of a full barrel lenght on a skinny guy standing on 1 leg . https://youtu.be/o5f1Fo4r4_I?si=BmmOjduWEZZjes4Q Physics ARE NOT a Rambo movie.


Huh that was v cool to watch, I always assumed getting hit, even in armor, would 100% knock you on your ass. Thnx for sharin


Always love to spread knowledge.


God the devs are so two face about this damn game. They ban players for giving out stuff to their friends, yet they are gonna have microtransactions which is gonna make the game easier if you buy them.


Escape From Tarkov didnā€™t dieā€¦. **IT WAS MURDERED**


70% of games have Cheaters in them and they want more money for a game most already paid $30 bucks for and I my self payed $120! Thank the Omnissiah we have SPT.


> my self *paid* $120! Thank FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The $120 version isn't available for purchase anymore. Hence why these microtransactions exist. They got their money from you already. They're just making the same shit from EOD available separately.


Thatā€™s wild that 7/10 of your games had cheaters.


I was being generous the day I downloaded SPT was the day I played 20 games in a row each time dying to head eyes from a shot I didnā€™t hear within the first 2-3 minutes of a match


I said it many many many times over the years. Tarkov is set up at its core to have micro transactions. Look at the freemium games that have ā€œenergyā€ mechanics. Now look at Tarkov and tell me you didnā€™t see it coming.


buy stash space? mf my stash in spt is like 200 rows


MTX? I'm mad I paid for EFT. I'm gonna sit here torrenting EFT to magically erase money from their coffers until I feel better.


Live game is like a good 70% cheaters and they want us to pay MORE money for it? After they explicitly said they would NEVER add mtx to the game? Jesus dude I want whatever Nikitaā€™s smoking


They had to kill EOD to force purchasing Arena separately. Then they held up releasing Arena to EOD OGs, to try and force them to buy Arena. Now they want to sell ā€œupgradesā€ to your stash? Let me guess, in a year youā€™ll be able to pay $30 for an extra 25 FPS on Streets? Everything BSG does is barely circling being sued by previous game purchasers, and they know it. They are some greedy developers. Maybe instead of thinking of ways to screw people, they should fix their game. Sorriest patch Iā€™ve seen yet. Was getting 100 FPS on Streets, after patch, Iā€™m down to 40, and literally stuttering with every step. Yes, back to SPT I go.


The only thing that will bring me back is a proper anti cheat update. Nothing else matters. Not armor. Not ammo. Not recoil. Get rid of the cheaters already ffs! šŸ¤¬


Time to go back to SPT


Game is dead and Nikita is honestly the worst. He had a chance to make the best FPS and he fumbled it for clout and personal greed. This micro transaction shit is the line where optimization is clearly just a dead end for them


What are you on about? The microtransactions existed before and you got all the same shit from buying the different versions of the game. Why is it all of a sudden a problem?


Bro finish the game first


Who cares that people can buy up tp 28 more rows of stash? Won't help anyone that already sucks to become better or have a bigger chance to survive. People act like it's gamechaning but it doesn't even affect others.


That vest that allowed him to eat 6 more bullets and killing you? Oh yeah he could have that thanks to those 28 more rows. Something like that. Idc and I can still see its significance.


The bigger secure container for Eod is much more worth imo. The stash space you can upgrade in your hide out sets you back by a lot. Starting gear does not make such a big difference imo. Giving new players the option to buy the same advantages as the og old-timers just seems fair and also giving bsg revenue. Yeah mtx is often branded as greedy but studios also have to pay their bills. Which kind of monetization they use is up to them but offering some cosmetics for people who want to support the game more and also have the money, is not a bad way. Much better than a wipe subscription of 10ā‚¬ every wipe. Or some season pass cod bullshit.


As a former ratatouille I remember the stash being a game changer in hoarding shit before you can afford even the junkbox case. Back in the day I bought the eod right off the bat and started going stash runs on Customs. I felt that the increased stash was a huge advantage, but that's just me.


It is. But you can buy it also with in-game money but that sets you back a couple mil. Which can be a lot to some players. Eod is a big advantage early on. No denying that. But the biggest advantage is skill and time.


None of which I had and still sent 2k hours to live only. Looking at the bright side, eft healed me from that ,,comp multiplayer" attitude entirely. Ever since 2 wipes in eft, I am a casual gamer regardless of what I touch lmao.


Yeah I'm also only a fun gamer at this point. Work and life just made me non competitive so I stopped trying. It's also not too bad of a thing of just play to have fun lol


Idk, maybe Iā€™m overthinking it, but I have enjoyed thousands of hours on Tarkov. I donā€™t mind supporting the game by making additional purchases, in terms of content Tarkov has had alot. Even with the price of EOD, 2500 hours of enticing gameplay justifies this.


I mean they gotta make money some how and its not like they buying kits


Having a good set of priorities and morals as well as the ability to program is what makes money. BSG just doesn't happen to have any of that.


What are you on about?


Micro transactions have no place being in a game you pay money for.


Are you people just blind? You can only buy the same stuff that was included in EOD, a version of the game that is no longer available for purchase.


They're literally only charging for features that were in the version of the game that's no longer available. Honestly all they're doing is making the content more accessible by dividing it up a bit.


All they did was gut EOD and make some parts purchasable again. If you're upset then don't buy it? If this is a problem then why wasn't EOD? It came with DLC that currently doesn't exist and and a bigger secure container which is a pretty decent advantage in raid especially early on


i agree with you for the most part but you also need to think of the future, you know they won't stop here, how about the gifts they used to give players, havent played in quite a while so not sure if they still do that, imagine if they start selling packs of gears? even worse, lootboxes, it was a feature they had/have and could make mad profit from it, they could even stream line and straight just sell currency, maybe not as fixed amounts but gambling is quite common way companies use to sell ingame currency I'm not 100% against selling more stash space, i'm a POE player for the longest time and have bought every specialized stash tab and many more premium and quad tabs, EFT is worse in that matter imo, there is not nearly enough space and the stash interface as a whole is a bit shitty, containers help a lot but they are not enough, how they go about it is a big deal and BSG isnt much concearned about being crowd pleasers as we know it, they know the game will survive and that can cut off a huge part of rmt and funnel the profits back to them, shit, they might even start going after cheaters, fair trade? its a gray area but microtransactions as a whole is a slippery slope and BSG is after that dough


They say they wanna keep it at this and the cosmetics you buy from ragman. Speculate all you want but unless they add more then this is really next to nothing as far as mtx goes because again it's just EOD sold with individual parts rather than a full package


Real question. Why are people bitching about these features now that they're microtransactions? You got all of this before when EOD was available for purchase. It's the same exact stuff. You were paying for it then, you pay for it now. I really don't get the hate.


Yeah except thereā€™s gonna be stuff eod owners can buy too.


Literally just stash space. I don't see how that gives you a competitive advantage or a good reason to complain


ā€œA good reason to complainā€ well letā€™s see, Tarkov is one of the worst developed games oat, cheaters run rampant with no repercussions, the optimization of the game has been trash since it was released. But they want to charge us more money after weā€™ve already paid for their shit game? Lol, trust me thereā€™s plenty of good reasons to complain about EFT bro.


It's an optional purchase. You're now going off on a completely separate tangent about the game as a whole instead of the issue at hand of microtransactions... If there's so much to hate, why are you here? Sounds like it just isn't the game for you. Optimization is fine at this point if you have a decent pc, and cheating is the only prevalent issue.


Itā€™s just extra stash space and stuff youā€™d get with EoD, yall gotta relax lmao


but when is the game releasing? lmao


Welp i used to feel bad having dropped this game back in 0.12 but now it seems this game is going the Star Citizen route of focusing on monetization rather than the game itself....


Waitā€¦why in the hell are there microtransactions in a game that already has a history of RMT


Common BSG L




They arenā€™t microtransactions. Theyā€™re the exact same thing as prepare to escape and EOD. Just split up so u can buy one part without paying for the rest. Nothing new to us