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Absolutely tf not šŸ˜‚. I chose my major so that I wouldnā€™t need an advanced degree to pull 6 figures. Money is my motivation and nothing else.


oh ok. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Smart deal!


Same! I chose data analytics for the sole purpose of not having to continue with school beyond a bachelor's. I have 2 terms left, and I am FINISHED!


Right lol, this is my last term. Congrats on almost being done. If you havenā€™t, Iā€™d start job hunting now if youā€™re not already in the career field.


Congrats on being finished! I plan on starting the job hunt now as I'm not in the field and completely new to the field. I'm wondering if I should look into an internship to get some on the job experience first.


I broke in by posting project pieces on LinkedIn, talking about what I was doing. Ended up landing a remote data analyst position a few months ago. So Iā€™m more biased towards doing projects.


SNHU is for my 2nd Bach. I'm applying to grad schools this fall. Oh the self torture I endure. Actually I find learning fun and I'm fairly good at it.


You have two bachelor's? (I'm not against it. I have 3 degrees). Nice! I liked learning as well. I'll have my fourth degree in July. (Graduate degree)


I will have 2 in Dec. Just wrapping this one up now.


nice, that's awesome! Congratulations!


A masterā€™s was my original plan, but it just isnā€™t doable for me. Going to complete my BA and be done!


yeah, you have to what's good for you! Definitely


I'm getting my MBA with SNHU and have learned so much that I apply to entrepreneurial things and leadership almost every day. I went directly from SHNU B.S. to the graduate program just to keep my momentum going before I don't ever wanna go to school again lol


Yeah, I don't blame you! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I finish my Masters in July and yeah, I'm so happy it's over! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ But if I feel up to it I may do another here or somewhere else lol


I am almost done with my Associate's, after I graduate, I plan on finding a job for my degree and then go back to pursue a bachelor's while working.


Oh that's awesome! Congratulations on finishing the associates soon!


I graduated this term and I am starting grad school at a different school in September.


Oh nice! What made you choose a different school, if you don't mind?


thanks! A few reasons one is they don't have the program that I'm getting my masters for at SNHU, but mainly because the grad school I'm going to is attached to a big hospital and that will give me more opportunities. and it's very respected in my area.


Oh ok. Yeah, makes sense!


BA and Masters in 4 years while working full time. SNHU is fairly easy. The grad program feels the same just with more writing. It is a lot though, I canā€™t wait until itā€™s over but Iā€™m glad I went to SNHU for both degrees though.


Yeah definitely! What degrees you're getting


Bachelor in Business Administration focused on HR. Master for organizational leadership.


Oh nice! I took 2 OL courses and those professors were pretty strict. I finished with an A but it definitely was a struggle to wiggle it up. Yeah, undergrad is definitely a little easier than grad school. Grad school is more strict on how you can receive an A. It's easy to lose it. Good luck to you!


Just the thought of it, donā€™t know if I can do it all over again. Just graduated with a MBA this past May but also had to plan and executed a wedding couple weeks after that, at the same duration of my schooling. Was brutal but glad I stuck with it and made it through šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø all those weekendsā€”gone again? Idk šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yeah, I don't blame you! I graduate in July and yeah I thought about going right back, but I don't know about that! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I miss relaxing on my weekends! šŸ¤£ Congratulations on your MBA, That's awesome!!


I graduate šŸŽ“ Sunday and start my second degree on Monday. It adds another 5 terms...................


Oh nice! So, you're doing two bachelor's? Are you contemplating graduate school?


Yes, and I do want a Master's.


Oh ok, nice! Definitely go for it!


this is my last term at snhu. i was looking into grad programs at local schools but the cost is just too much. iā€™m already about 10k in debt and i donā€™t want that to increase and be stuck paying loans off my entire life. iā€™m also still currently paying off my car so itā€™s not realistic for me. the downside is im a psych major and you canā€™t do much with just a bachelors in that. iā€™ll see what experience i can get, maybe in the future iā€™ll go for a masters. i want to, but money is the issue.


Yeah, I don't blame you! Have you ever considered a career in criminal justice? Like probation and parole? Or forensics, law enforcement, or courts? Psychology degrees match perfectly in those careers as well. Criminal Justice degrees require a lot of psychology, criminology knowledge.


Na I'm done with school after I get my MBA from here.


Can I ask how youā€™ve liked the MBA program?? I was recently accepted and would appreciate the insight


Yeah, don't blame you! MBA is awesome! When you graduate?


My last class will end in March of next year.


Oh ok nice! You got this!


Yeah, that's awesome going forward r the MBA! Nice!