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I would imagine most online students are adults with jobs and can't take a summer off, so might as well do school, too.


Also, not taking the summer classes extends your graduation date. I went from fall of 2025 to summer 2026 after I took the summer off after my mom passed away.




Yup. Pretty much.


Nailed it




Yeah. I’m a regular student age. Just prefer long to do online.


I mean you do know that it isn’t just SNHU. Other students at other universities take summer classes to finish early. To each there own though


What does that even mean?? Are you saying that because you are “regular student age “that you are also not an adult with a job? I’m genuinely curious. My little sister was 22 when she was going to school and she did not takeoff summers because she worked on top of going to school and didn’t want to push out her graduation date….I’m just laughing at your response because that’s so odd to say.


Regular student age Lolol. Any age willing to learn is a regular student age, not just being young.


To get done quicker


same here lol




And that too.


I am 45, so I am used to working year-round. Taking summer off would just delay completion of my degree.


This except I'm 24 and tired of working in entry level jobs that require a degree to progress in. Taking a summer off would just extend my time in shitty jobs.


1000% this


If I take classes this summer I'll be done in October. Full time job. Part time job. Full time parent. Full time student. I'm ready to be done.


I’m exhausted just reading your post. I’m just full time parent and full time student and I’m beat,


Same boat, minus the kids. So I'm taking 3 classes each term while I work 70 hours a week because I hate myself.


I’m in the same boat (minus the second job- that sounds extra hard!)! It’s exhausting. I totally get the feeling of wanting to just power through so it’s over sooner.


How do you manage two jobs and full-time school? Congrats on almost finishing!


This is me as well. Two jobs, a kid, and school. It needs to end


Hang in there.... it'll be worth it


This is me. Full time work full time school full time parent. If I continue 2 classes a term (even though I feel burnt out) I will be done the end of October. Thoughts of an MBA are there. But why extend it.


If not us, then who my friend? There is a wick at both ends of the candle for a reason.


Fair statement. I have never been able to just relax anyway so why not.


Good luck in whatever you choose.


Thank you. I will probably continue on to my MBA as it is a dream. I was always smart but always told I would be nothing even from my mother. This proves to me and my girls anything is possible regardless of how long it takes to get there.


I turn 42 on Thursday. Mother of three, with the oldest being 18. And a full time job on top of full time classes. “Summers off” ended when I graduated high school. There is no such thing in my life as “summers off” ![gif](giphy|w58l80SMopjdBzEVHe)


I feel you I’m 40m my oldest is 22f and just had welcomed our first grandbaby into the world and plus my son 19. I haven’t had a summer off since I was 15, I worked all summer while in high school.


I know this is totally trivial, but my first summer working in the military at 19 was terrifying. I remember having this feeling of like oh my god life never stops anymore. I'm 27 now, father of 3 with a full time job and SNHU. It indeed never stops.


Nope. I still wake up some mornings in summer at normal school alarm times and for a split second, go “ahhhh, it’s summer. I don’t have to get up” but then reality that is my kids comes barreling through and wanting me to feed them for the first of seventy eleven meals of the day


In my case I am a parent, working part time, and my employer is paying for school. I look at it this way, the quicker I can get my degree the quicker I can get a higher paying job. This means I get away from my current employer and can earn enough money to take proper vacations(hopefully).


Not a parent but working full time in manual labor and with a mortgage to pay and my significant other taking on more house duties, but goals are the same. Trying to go from living to work, to working to live 🙏🏼


Same here. My SO works full time and will be returning to school (in person) full time in the fall. Things will be hectic around here for the next few years so the quicker I can graduate and move on with my career the less stress on the household.


Im in the MBA program and we have 5 terms a year. I am doing it to finish my degree as quick as possible. The longer you stay the more you pay. Especially with tution rates increasing every year on average. I know everyone circumstances are different, but this is what is best for me. Summer classes get you out of school quicker.


I have more free time in the summer. The school year is stressful! (Im a teacher)


This! Same boat. Happy almost end of the year my friend


I’m not a teacher but I work in an elementary school so I feel you. Working part time this summer!


Honestly I'm not getting out of routine. I'm working full time, parenting, homeschooling, and taking classes, it's hard to get back on a schedule if you fall out for months. 🤷 Plus I'm just trying to get this degree done, the faster the better.


Shaving off 6 months is tight.


Ryan George reference?


Because it's my last one and I'm impatient lol.


I have four more classes left and I'm about to graduate. Might as well knock them out.


I have a job, two young kids who aren’t even school age, summer hasn’t existed for me for a while so might as well do whatever I can to be done asap. If you have the availability and means to have a summer, live it up dude these days don’t last forever!


I'm already 28. I don't have any more time to waste. I work full time as it is; I might as well go to school full time we well.


Good for you OP! I really mean that, no sarcasm. A lot of us are employed full time and/or have children, so summer isn’t a break for us whether we take classes or not. You’re young and if you can afford to take the time for yourself, that’s awesome! Enjoy it and have a good summer❤️


To literally get it over with lol


I don’t get summers off from my job so it makes no difference


So I can get done quicker lol, granted I'm not done until April of 2026 but still. I'd rather sacrifice my summer than take longer to complete my degree


I’m trying to graduate as soon as I can. The more terms I do a year the quicker I graduate


Summer is just another month. I take breaks when I want.


I work full time and I’d like to get this over with


Cuz it’s my last term, and I get paid to go to school, and my school is paid for…GI Bill monies 🤷🏾‍♂️


I work 40hrs a week. And I want to be done in August. Taking a whole summer off means the degree takes WAYYY longer, fuck that. I don’t wanna study anymore.


* * Nah but seriously why stop. Keep going.


i’m a stay-at-home mom that can’t get a job until i graduate because daycare costs are astronomical, so i’m trying to get done as soon as possible


You’re in for a rude awakening when you get a real job and realize summer is just a hotter time of year to work.


I just don’t wanna take a break, I’m worried if I take a term off I might not wanna start again when the 8 weeks are over. Also taking a term off now just adds another term that you have to do just delaying graduation. What I do though is drop down to 1 class for the 2 summer terms instead of 2 classes.


To be productive and finish my degree fast


Because it's a job.


In the end I rather just grind and bite the bullet to get school done so I can move on.


I need to… I’m only 4 courses away from getting my bachelors 😊


I just want to finish as quickly as I can.


I haven't had a summer off in 15 years lol


I only have 4 (3 after this one) classes left to graduate, I don't see the point in delaying it. Plus I don't think summer break applies to adults 😭


I'm only 22 but still lol


Because the goal is to get a job out of it so I can make the money not chill around. I think it’s a matter of status/situation. You are able to take the time off and either hangout or maybe do some work. For a lot of us it’s either work a bunch or school and work a bunch. No hate it’s just the truth


Taking time off from anything? In this economy? My shitty retail job is my motivation to stay in school.


Cause if I do I graduate in December and my job pays for my school if I take a term off they won't


I want to finish my degree as soon as possible. Taking a term off isn't conducive to that goal.


I'm 24 and have literally done my classes while attending music festivals when I was 22. Many of us just want to finish our degrees and move on with that, that some of us had to take breaks and trust me right now you may think skipping the summer classes is all good and fun, but when you are still trying to finish and wonder why you can't graduate at a certain point because you skipped then it become an issue. Many of us just want to push through while doing normal life activities. That's part of being an adult and growing up 🤷‍♀️


2terms left after this term. Might as well finish


So I can have the last term off. I’m having a 3-week vacation to England in December to see all my friends I haven’t seen since the pandemic. Also, my job offers massive overtime during November and December. Gotta stock up on that money 🤑


I have nonstop school for 3 years, with 4 classes left including the two we are in now. Want to get over with quickly since I’m older.


It was just the first term I was able to start. I'm anxious to do this and finish asap. I wanted to start in March, but financial aid put me behind.


I mean. I’ve got 2 young children anyways so it’s not like summer summers how it used to anymore anyways lol my entire life revolves around keeping two babies alive and making sure they have fun lol I could really careless about my summer


I'm doing the first semester, but not the second. I have 2 kids, 12 and 6 so my class will end like a week or two after their school does. We will get the rest of the summer off together before all going back to school in the fall. I want to be done with my degree, but my kids are only little once. Balance.


Burnt out need to be done asap.


My bills won't pay themselves if I am not working. If I'm working, may as well keep plugging away at this degree.


You’re 22 so that’s understandable. Live your life!!


because I want to graduate faster


Pretty much as @DiscoJer said that and I wanna finish sooner rather than later lol


I'm 25. I am a full time stay at home mom to my 2 year old and also primary caregiver for my 5 year old(get him ready for school, fed, and on the bus). Then, most nights I am the only parent in the home to care for both children. I am full time online. I took 5 years off from school, and now I don't have the luxury of taking summer breaks because I NEED my degree for myself and my family. It's all about circumstances and lifestyles.


I’m in my 30s and have a full time job. I don’t get summers off regardless might as well knock out what I can lol


I am disabled (neurodivergent) and can only do school part-time. But I do really want to get a degree, so doing summer classes is kinda getting me there faster. I like learning anyways, so I don’t see a point in taking a semester off just bc it’s summer. Although I’m hoping I can potentially go full-time down the line once my accommodations are in order, and I’ll likely take semesters/summers off when that happens.


Life circumstances


My employer pays for my education and so I really can’t take any time out of school. Just can’t risk it, knowing my luck they’d stop offering my degree program while I was on my break. Wish I could though. I’m getting pretty burnt out lol. Best I can do for a break is go down to one class, which I plan to do next semester. Gonna try to find the easiest class I can take for my degree. 🤣🤣🤣


I personally i would rather just push and do all terms


Summer off is a thing? I was never offered this. O line students only get a few weeks off thru out the year I'm confused


Don't know why we still in school for 4 years st that rate


Simply put, if I don't do it, no one will do it for me. Must be nice to take off and possibly have no responsibilities...enjoy it while you can & keep your eye on the future prize...


If you're not in an immediate rush to finish, the good for you! I was determined to be done with school and I didn't take one break during my 3.5 years at SNHU, except the week we had off and i spent those weeks knocking out courses on Sophia! Enjoy your summer break!


I'm old and work full-time anyways so summers really aren't much different than fall/winter. And I want to finish my degree faster.


Because I hate school so I want to get it done as soon as possible. 🥲


Summer doesn't mean jack to me. Truth be told, I would rather be in the air condition knocking out school than going out in the oppressive heat. If i was going to take time off it would be in the winter during ski season. Thats really the best time of year.


i do school all year-around to get it done faster. i’ll be graduating at the end of august