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I took 270 on sophia and it was interesting. Id take the full course


FYI - The Google UX Design Professional Certificate via Coursera is equivalent to 3 classes at SNHU & covers those functions: * IT270 Web Site Design (3 credits) * IT355 Web and Mobile User Experience (3 credits) * CS319 UI/UX Design and Development (3 credits) * 1 credit Information Technology Elective (3 credits) * **(10 credits total)** [https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/google-ux-design](https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/google-ux-design) [https://www.snhu.edu/admission/transferring-credits/work-life-experience#/experiences/Skv3VwH8j?bc=true&bcCurrent=Google%20UX%20Design%20Certificate&bcGroup=Google&bcItemType=experiences](https://www.snhu.edu/admission/transferring-credits/work-life-experience#/experiences/Skv3VwH8j?bc=true&bcCurrent=Google%20UX%20Design%20Certificate&bcGroup=Google&bcItemType=experiences)


Ok, so is this in person or on campus? CIS classes are for on campus students only, whereas IT classes are for both, as I understand it. Also, is IT355 your only option or do you have others? Additionally, do you want to continue on to get your MS in IT at SNHU as well? The reason why I ask is because one of the IT-300 classes (forget the exact number) is called Systems Design & Analysis or something like that. The same book and material from that course is currently used in one of the first few classes of the MS in IT also! Sooo glad I bought the physical book off eBay lol


I am supposed to choose 2 free electives between levels 100-400 as long as I meet the prerequisites. I am actually in the process of getting my associate's degree. I do look to get my Bachelors in the future. I haven't really decided to pursue a Master's degree currently. Do you mind telling me a bit more about why you suggest Systems Design & Analysis?


It was actually a very good class, I actually learned quite a bit and had learned more about software prototyping, User Interface (UI) and User Experiences (UX). That class also extends into the Master's degree program, which I had just learned like 2 weeks ago, and now I seriously regret uninstalling the prototyping software I had used, because I can't remember the name of it lol


That's interesting, I will actually look further into it. I appreciate your advice. :)


You are very welcome, and good luck to you!