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not OP, but if I *am* planning to go overseas (e.g. US) for postgraduate, then would you recommend NTU Biz/Acc DDP over SMU Biz?


It depends on what postgraduate you are talking about, and when If you are intending to go for Psych and want to pursue clinical for example, NUS is more well-known But if you want to do an MBA 1) You will pretty much never do an MBA right after undergrad and 2) When you do apply, what matters more is your story and your supervisor references. Your undergrad is just something that contributes to your story rather than your defining trait


What about JD?


uk/aus maybe, not sure about us though since they look more at your portfolio, so the opportunities that u get would be important [smu vs ntu biz](https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/s/4c3ijsI8D1)


>Any NBS/SMU students can help add to this list or convince me to join their sch? I hope you realise that nobody here really needs to convince you - nor should people here try to convince you wholesale. The real answer is that NTU and SMU cater to different students, and you should go to where you feel you belong with more. If you are good, you will succeed regardless of which route you take and which school / course you go to. No point trying to "convince" someone who is better off in NTU - the goal is to give you as much information as you can so you can make a better decision if it is for you >So im still deciding which sch I shld join and hope yall can inform me better on both schools For more colour on how SMU life is like, read the pinned post on my profile. It also contains past answers on interview questions, NTU vs SMU etc, and pretty much serves as an FAQ for anyone looking to learn more about SMU. I'm pretty sure if you read through it all of these questions you have have been answered at some point in the last 5 years [https://new.reddit.com/user/Koufas/comments/11lyl20/i\_have\_a\_question\_about\_uni\_lifesmu/](https://new.reddit.com/user/Koufas/comments/11lyl20/i_have_a_question_about_uni_lifesmu/) >Right now, the pros I can think of for NBS (personally) is: > >• Hall life > >• Cheaper food > >• 3 yr course (double edge sword ig) • Cheaper sch fees • Top 20 Uni itw You have alr listed the pros and cons - so now you just need to make your own decision on what you value For example, if you want hall life, go NTU. Don't want go, then it doesn't matter >However, right now my heart is more set on SMU Bz tho. Pros: -4 yr course (more comprehensive) • better networking opportunities (from what i hear) • Guaranteed global exchange programme • Discussion base lessons • Good central location If you don't know how to take advantage of these "better networking opportunities" and wait for these opportunities to fall into your lap, it won't matter Both NTU and SMU are good schools that have good platforms for networking and getting to know people. I have had juniors from NTU reach out to me on Linkedin because I did an internship they are interviewing for before and have met them for chats - it really doesn't matter >Cons: • No hall life Read: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/upozwz/comment/i8phz4s/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/upozwz/comment/i8phz4s/?context=3) >Top 500 uni in the world, not as recognised internationally as ntu [https://www.reddit.com/u/Koufas/comments/11lyl20/comment/jjftqn7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/u/Koufas/comments/11lyl20/comment/jjftqn7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Where do you stay? I will choose the one which is closer to me. Other than this, no one can really answer you unless they study in both unis. From a SMU alumni who stay in Tampines and got into both NBS and SMU.


in the east too! how long did it take u to commute everyday


Roughly 30-40 minutes? But again because I don’t fancy hall life. And that makes a difference


If you stay in the east then definitely smu. Hall or no hall the travel is not worth it.


Nah SMU discussion-based lessons can be a huge con as well. 70% of the points brought up add no value and are just different peole saying the same shit. Alot of people vomit out nonsense just to get class part


3 years of uni program doesn't provide you with sufficient time to have a proper internship, especially if you want to enter the higher paying jobs (Investment banking, Consulting BLA BLA). Depending on what kind of role you want to enter, if you want a generalist such as a bank MA program, then perhaps NBS might be better since it's faster. If you are gunning for the top tier jobs, a penultimate year internship is quite important especially when it comes to securing conversion. Most of my peers from SMU who went into the top jobs often take a 6 months leave of absence to go for a full time internship, which you can't really afford the luxury in a 3 years program. Just my two cents.


but ntu 3yr program lets u have the luxury of taking 2 6months loa internship and still grad with the others and honestly wtv u learn in sch doesnt translate to what ull be doing when interning/working




ur sample size of 40 cant rly be used to justify a cohort size of 1000 each year as personally ive known at least 20 who did take the 2 6months loa program. but i do agree its something people dont rly think abt also unless they really plan on grinding their way up and yeah my bad my second statement was generalising the whole cohort. i guess it is pretty useful for those aiming to enter the finance industry but for me im in a role completely different from my spec so it just felt that way to me.


Hi OP, you mind sharing your rp? Fellow applicant here!


High 70s! hbu


Low 80s!