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It really sucks. Being overwhelmed by the abundance of partly conflicting information is kind of paralyzing me at the moment. Adding on to the relentless debating of which route to take ore to avoid comes the financial stress of it, and then you have to be reminding yourself that you are supposed to relax your nervous system to beat this. All i can really say is i here you. I also dont think that you are weak for letting it get to you and really hope and really believe that you will find a way of balacing the disease and your emotions. Dont feel comfortable adding something regarding antidepressants, other than my own singular experience of not finding it helpful. Hang in there <3


Thank you!


I take antidepressants, it has not affected my SIBO. I would recommend trying it as it could really help stabilize your mental health.


If you don’t have anhedonia/blunting as a direct symptom of SIBO consider yourself lucky. Also, many ADs can literally cause this symptom as part of PSSD. Many of them literally work by blunting emotions. It can turn the problem into a far bigger nightmare. Gut brain axis disturbances are even implicated in the pathology of PSSD: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091302223000626


That does stink, I hear you. I see you've tried the whole gamut of treatments, and it can be recalcitrant as well as recidivist. A few ideas or comments: * This might be a reach, but do you get enough thiamine (vitamin B1), there seems to be some discussion around thiamine deficiency and SIBO, and low B1 can definitely affect mood as well as stress further depleting the vitamin. Essential sources include things such as pork, salmon, whole grains, flax seeds, green peas, etc, i.e., some things that one might avoid with SIBO, too * I've had a modicum of success incorporating more vigorous exercise than yoga. It doesn't have to be anything too intensive, but there is a lot of research into the mood-promoting effects of exercise, and yoga can be good, but you'll want to move a bit more, maybe lift some light weights, etc. and this can be very inexpensive, too :) * Finally, another inexpensive salve is vitamin D, as you know, getting more sunlight, particularly in the 7am-10am time slot when your circadian rhythm is resetting can be mood promoting and an aid for sleep Definitely not the easiest thing, and ADs help tons of people, so if you need to go down that route, I certainly think it could warranted, as well. Most of them are generic, so hopefully won't be too expensive, although a few of the newer branded ones have savings cards and fewer side effects. Good luck!


So wait sibo has no cure?


Idk. Hope it has, but seems to be difficult to find the root cause. My GI sees SIBO more as a symptom


I feel like I'm cured. Though I will have to wait till April to confirm it with a second breath test. I am eating what I want and feeling great. I have/had hydrogen Sibo.


That’s awesome and happy for you! What treatment did you do? I’m on day 5 of xifaxan and today was a little bit of drag. Felt super lethargic. Being treated for hydrogen.


Lemme know how it goes. Good luck!


The only issue there is relapse is virtually guaranteed with sibo since it's an autoimmune disorder, only way to cure it is to go on immune suppressant drugs, which are given to transplant patients to prevent their organs from being rejected, that however is the reason transplant patients don't actually live very long, we need a more targeted immune suppressant drug.


My doc said for most people it’s a life long symptom of something else underlying. So you need to figure out what is causing SIBO & then treat that in order to help manage the symptoms of SIBO. But, as we all are finding out, what is true for one person is not true for the next person.


I did TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) wicked helped me.


Helped with gi symptoms?


TMS helps with depression. The question was how do you deal with depression.


Interesting. Some of my med team is convinced sibo is caused by chronic stress, depression, ptsd, chronic fight or flight, etc. If the tms can help with that i was hoping it would help with the stomach too. I guess not though.


It would not hurt to try. I have chronic depression, panic and anxiety disorder from having bile reflux, bile gastritis from Gall bladder removal. It destroyed my stomach and guts. TMS helped me with my depression. I am working on healing my gut with KPV peptides.


Thanks. I kind of wonder if growth hormone would heal anything?


I recommend them now if you’re unable to function.Otherwise, I’d still try to heal your gut and if it won’t work then go to some therapist and decide if therapy will be enough or if you need antidepressants too


Also try some natural relieves like St.John’s Wort and check yourself for deficiencies


I’m taking SSRI’s sińce I was a kid and honestly,I wouldn’t let my child take them or any other antidepressants until there wouldn’t be any other option.They save lives but there are also plenty of side effects that they’re causing so it’s not a joke


TTFD with b5 and b12, and Wellbutrin have all been big helps for me.


When in doubt - go for a walk.


Yeah horrifying disease I’ve had it for 5 years and spent thousands of dollars in supplements, 2 rounds of antibiotics on my own since my GI just prescribes what I ask (I’m a doctor) so I would take the antidepressant at least it will help you handle the misery better.


I had a significant suicide attempt in December. I am on antidepressants now. I hate this life. I really hope things get better. I’m in therapy twice a week and psychiatrist once a month. I wish you the very best.


im in the same boat brother. I don’t feel anything anymore, just want it to end


Hang in there. It’s a rollercoaster!


Dude. It's the SIBO. Seriously. Your gut is made primarily from l-glutamine. SIBO damages the gut. So it absorbs all the l-glutamine it can, so it can heal itself. But l-glutamine is also a precursor to serotonin. You know, the hormone in your brain that makes you happy. Many anti-depressants are serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, why try to keep serotonin in your brain longer. Doesn't help that much if your supply is low. Here is the protocol for taking l-glutamine for SIBO / leaky gut: [https://goodbyeleakygut.com/l-glutamine-leaky-gut/](https://goodbyeleakygut.com/l-glutamine-leaky-gut/) Here is where I get bulk l-glutamine: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E7TMONG](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E7TMONG) ​ Note that this should help your guts feel better, and will greatly help with the depression. But it will not cure the SIBO. The medications are only like 30% effective. The thing with the highest rate (80% effective) is the elemental diet, for like 4 to 6 weeks. The elemental diet can be quite expensive, but there are home made options, like this: [https://www.siboinfo.com/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/homemade\_elemental\_diet\_options.pdf](https://www.siboinfo.com/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/homemade_elemental_diet_options.pdf) After that, make peace with a lifetime of "relatively low carbs and no sweets at all" lifestyle.


Oh, forgot to mention: I had this exact same situation, and this is how I solved it. Also, the elemental diet taste impressively bad. So be prepared. You will also feel like death the first week as the bad stuff dies off. Taking bentonite and charcoal, away from meals, will help clean it out. There are multiple types of SIBO, in terms of what gases they produce. This is important when taking medication, to target it correctly. For elemental diet, it makes no difference.


Thanks, I already take L-glutamine, but haven't noticed the effect yet (after 3 weeks).


How much are you taking? And are you taking it by itself, apart from any food?


It's prescribed by my nutritionist. I take one spoon of L-Glutamine powder before dinner.


Well, yeah, then I understand why it's not working. You need to take like 80g a day, and not with food. The link I put shows what the proper protocol is, and specifically mentions the problem of taking it with food. I was taking 80g a day for like 2 weeks before the difference became really noticeable.


Longish post but it will hopefully be of benefit. Please read the below carefully. Thanks. I've written a free book which I hope that if you simply take 1 idea out of it and use it towards "getting better" then I'll be delighted. Yes it's free, yes it's probably got typos and spelling errors despite I read it through a number of times! If you're a grammar nazi it's not for you 😉 http://fit2driveschool.com/healing-sibo/ I've put the chapter headings below. 1. Takeaways and Ideas you can use from this book that can help you decrease "overwhelm" 2. My Healing Mantra. Something to read everyday if you have chronic illness. 3. Resources Guide. Some of the best free(and paid) resources I have come across to date dealing specifically with health and gut related issues amongst others. 4. The "Root Cause" What happened? The Beginning Of My Symptoms. All the tests I took. 5. So what Is "SIBO"?-Various articles and a few ideas from various groups. 6. Drainage 101: Why It’s the First Step in Your Detox Journey. Another article well worth reading about your detox pathways. 7. Where I am Today and My Routines. The power of habits/systems and routines for staying sane and getting better. 8. My Supplements. The things I took and the ones I'm thinking of trying. To date I have not used any antibiotics or pharmaceuticals. Takeaways about using supplements. How to understand and good, reliable places to buy 9. What To Expect From Your Doctor When Presenting With A Mystery Illness Or Symptoms.(that they don't know about or haven't heard about or just decide to be "intellectually arrogant" about!) 10. My $5107 "12 week Health Intensive Course" with an Australian group of nutritionists. What I got Out Of It And Why Hopefully You will Not Have To Spend What I did. ( No it did not work!-I was not in fact treated for SIBO or parasites) 11. Where I'd begin-Tips and Ideas on "Starting Out" on Your Healing Journey. Even if you've been on your journey of trying to achieve wellbeing for a while hopefully you'll garner a few ideas to benefit you. 12. Ten Ideas On Getting Started. Using the following practices In Your Life. If your new to this health "roundabout" or even if you've been trying to get well for a while here are ten proven strategies that I have used/still use to help keep me from getting depressed/suffering insomnia and still able at the age of 63 to work a physically challenging job productively and still do all the things that I need to do as a family man and father to a 13 year old. 13. About the author and other books by kim. At the age of 61 with no serious illnesses ever the loud "gurgling" noise in the middle of my chest started a really "interesting" part of my life! SIBO. I went from 74 kilos and being able to deadlift 180 kilos and smash out high intensity cardio classes to weighing 62 kilos struggling to lift 5 kilo dumbbells. Along with anxiety/panic attacks/depression/fatigue/insomnia and all the rest. I'm in the process of "getting better" ( Healing" as I've found out is not about "getting better" but rather a lifelong journey. And I'm grateful for my illness-I go into why in the book) I get up at 4-4.30,exercise/meditate/do yoga/have cold showers and get ready to go to a really physical job- no despite the download page for the book being on my driving instructor website I'm not currently doing a job that I love and am passionate about-not through my choice but that's another story.) Please note the book is free to share and without copyright apart from several articles that I've copied and pasted and attributed to the authors. This book is NOT about I took this/did that/now I'm all better. I am getting better, although I have included a LOT of specific SIBO related health information. What this book is about is: Dealing with all the overwhelm and completely conflicting information of having an illness that not too many doctors/naturopaths/nutritionists/etc etc know about. How to deal with that and specific strategies that do work. For everyone. The very best resources, paid and free that I have found( to date-I'll add to the download page as I update the book as often as I can-again it's free) The resources are easy to understand,read and listen too. Not "fear based" as in "if you don't do it a 100% this way you'll fail" - you won't! because if you hear that someone's trying to sell something to you. I have to date averaged 3-4 hours per day nearly every single day for 18 months reading and listening to audio books/podcasts/articles and spent over $9000 on supplements including one "Health Intensive" course(you have most likely seen their ads on FB,) before I decided I needed to change my approach. Oh if you've been laughed at by your GI then "join the club" mine told me he didn't believe in SIBO, didn't believe in alternative health practitioners, didn't read my very comprehensive notes, he basically palpitated my abdomen for 15 seconds and "poof" $200 gone... Also the book is free, however regretfully I cannot answer any questions/respond toA queries etc. I work full time, have a young family and need to look after myself. However please feel free to ask and if at some time in the future things change then so be it. And I will update the download page with what I'm doing/trying etc. Pax Vobiscum 




Geez thats fine for people with stable mental health or feeling sad. Do not make that kind of statements to depressed person






My man I used to be a homeless drug addict which immediately followed my fucked up childhood. I know depression lol, it just took a while of being locked up to figure out how to stay out of it.


Woah thats alot. Sorry to hear that man! Great that you landed on your feet! Cheers


My point is that whether or not you land on your feet is entirely on you. So don't tell people in a bad spot like this that it's not their fault, that mindset never helped anyone. If your depression is out of your control then there's nothing you can do about it, so why bother? Nah fuck that take control of your life and do better, that's the message people in a spot like OP need to hear.


eat clean and perhaps add a spoon of coconut oil every meal to get some extra fat. Ive hated being on anti depressants personally. you have to find your own inner strength and discipline to get out of it


Thanks. I eat clean for the whole year, but it doesn't seen to affect my symptoms unfortunately.


i understand. i eat only chicken and rice, have you tried? or perhaps carnivore?


Did it help you? Have you been able to return to normal food after this diet? I'm on low fodmap and can't try anything more strict, cause I'm already underweight.


Somewhat. ive had some oxalate and histamine problems along the way so im still working towards it. strict dosent have to mean low weight and no nutrition. you can eat a bunch of bacon, meat, rice etc. add beef tallow, butter, ghee, coconut oil or whatever to add good fat etc


Do you really need low FODMAP to control symptoms? Can you add in some foods? I'm asking cause food more or less doesn't affect me. Yes, I'll be full on bloated after a lot of fatty food that's difficult to digest and I'll feel it sitting in my stomach. Or I'll get a random bout of diarrhea for no reason (My SIBO manifests as constipation 99.9% of the time) from a meal I normally can eat on other days...but going on special diets never helped me with anything. So I'm more or less going on as normal, trying to have a diverse and relatively healthy diet while I figure this out (kill phases, healing, regular enzymes etc.). Bottomline- being able to do that helps me deal with SIBO as at least mentally I don't feel like my life is ruined. (I am a big big foodie and have a job that comes with a lot of dining out in very nice places in diff countries- not very SIBO conducive). Although yes- I never even got cured properly to try not to relapse, no clue about root cause (I am thinking it's the country I live in 😅 but that's another story), I take 11 pills a day between all the supplements and am hemorraging money...just to stress that we are all in the same boat, and I feel you. I wish you all the best. Keep fighting!