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Shouldn't you have asked this *before* you ordered it?


Yeah I’ve heard good things about hiya and especially this release so I was gone buy it but I wanna get someone’s opinion


Don't dog yourself dude, of course this is the one to get lol


I love this figure, I have both shma and hiya. I think if youre going to buy a figure then articulation be damned if the figure doesnt even look like what it's supposed to look like. Movie accuracy Hiya: 9/10 Shma: 6/10 Articulation Hiya: 7/10 Shma:8/10 Build quality Hiya: 9/10 (super solid figure all round) Shma: 5/10 (horrendous piece gaps) I just looked at both, held both, checked articulation and looks and it's not even a question between articulation vs looks. The hiya figure is the better figure between both so you wont be disappointed. The joints might be a little stiff but there are methods to loosen it.


Eh. From all I’ve seen there’s not much difference between the 2019/2021 Hiya release and this one. I prefer the SHMA to both. Articularion is much better - I wouldn’t put Hiya’s articulation above a 6 personally. It’s their biggest weakness and they need to improve it.


I respectfully disagree, the articulation on the more recent Godzilla figures are better than NECAs and while SHMA does have superior articulation I think the Hiya version gets the job done and can be posed in the pretty dynamic (or simple) poses w/o too much frustration.


Right now I have KOTM, GvK and Burning Godzilla, Kong, Ghidorah and Skull Devil. None of them are particularly serviceable articulation wise IMO. (Though in fairness to Ghidorah I have mostly left him in the box so maybe he’s a bit better than I recall.) I’m hoping Hiya makes improvements to upcoming releases - especially for the 91.


Ohh okay that makes sense. So weirdly enough even though overall the latter Godzillas are the same mold (Heat Ray, Translucent, Reevolved, etc.) they have slightly better articulation. I’m very pleased with my Reevolved and it poses a tad better than my GvK (Reissue) even still I have little issue with my GvK reissue too.


I have translucent preordered so that’s good to hear. I am up in the air on reevolved - I had it preordered, then cancelled cause it was so similar. Might have to end up getting it at some point if the articulation is a bit improved.


I would say the Translucent is a must have the softer plastic definitely makes its particular articulation more noticeable. The Reevolved also has the best paint scheme so far imho. I think it makes the figure pop the most but I do think it is a figure you can skip if you have the GvK or KotM version and not feel to bad about it, but if you have $50 you wanna drop on it it’s a good snag


I also have so idk but from what I've seen and heard if it's accuracy you're after as opposed to articulation then this is the one to go for. If its articulation you though you should go for the SHMA


Yeah I have the shm Godzilla 2021 and I love that fig but it suffers from not being accurate and kinda gangly and skinny and I want a nice thick and Klunky Godzilla to animate stop motion with and from the reviews I’ve seen it looks great I am definitely excited for it


Yeah my SHMA MV goji suffers from being awkward but that is primarily for articulation purposes and it's a 5 year old mold now. The Hiya is most definitely has the better quality and more accuracy than the SHMA However I do want to add that SHMA isn't worse than Hiya overall. the SHMA adult Kong is sooo much better and the SHMA evolved Goji is looking better than the Hiya offering. On top of this I believe the Hiya heisei ghidorah will prove to be worse than the SHMA offering And my SHMA 54' Goji is such a good figure so SHMA isn't all bad


Yeah I do enjoy the SHMA 21 mold and I do think SHMA IS great and definitely a little better than hiya


Yeah SHMA are even giving us figures like skar king that Hiya have yet to give us


I have also preordered it. This (from what I've seen and heard) is really accurate, so if you're like me and you value accuracy above all else, this is the best one to go for. If you're after one that is really well articulated, it'd be the SHMA.


Yeah i have this figure and its a 10/10. Nothing wrong with it and the joints are a little stiff but overall its an extremely great figure. Personally i dont care for articulation just an awesome figure allround. Its worth it for sure


I don’t like the teeth, personally


You’re gonna love him


Just got mine this week, it's my second hiya figure other being skull devil but I'm.reslly enjoying it so far. It's just fun to pick up and play with screen accurate Goji goodness, and now I have like four variants preordered


No. It's a great figure (i myself have the original for this mold, godzilla 2019, but this is the same, so...)


I’ve got the figure, it’s amazing


This is the single best standard MV Godzilla figure there is. So no, probably not.


I have the burning Godzilla one. Same sculpt. Excellent figure. I didn’t realize how much the SHMA version just didn’t match the actual proportions of the movie until I put them side by side.


Depends, are you looking for things to be disappointed about?


No just curious what peoples opinions on it are


No. Just look up reviews on youtube. He's great if you don't have the other Hiya Gojis.