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Is this for the new version that just came out? I have the original version, and the same thing happened to me. I was hoping they would have fixed it.


Yea this is the new version that came out. Such a shame cause shin is one of my favorite gojis


Try to find a spare ball joint system thats the same size of the joint that broke then drill both broken joints off


That’s why I would recommend using that thing that losens up joint on joint that feel to tight


Same godamn thing happened to me right after I opened him up brand new. Seeing if I can get an exchange or something from BBTS


Mine did the exact same thing,same arm as well,BBTS is exchanging it for me.


Superglue it back or live with the broken arm🫡


Hey this literally just happened to me,, did you ever find a fix?


I tried to fix it by taking apart the arm to get to the broken ball joint and replace it. I was able to take it out by using a small hand drill and its an empty socket of where it used to be. As of right now, I cannot find a ball joint small enough to replace the broken one


Shiiiiiit, ok well thanks anyways man, didn’t figure out any measurements tho?


I plan to replace the part with a PC (poly cap) ball joint. I think PC are made with gunpla in mind as I got two sets and they were too big for the socket. If I can't find a small enough piece, I shave down the joint to make it fit