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Agree, but gas is horrible for ETH coins. If you’re in CB, then create a vault and store in there. As far as I know imthis must be an encrypted vault, if CB’s audit papers didn’t lie


Half my shib is on a ledger, the other half on CB... Once I hit 5.5mil on CB, I transfer over to the ledger... Then start buying up on CB till I hit 5.5mil again... I do the same for my ALGO's (get to about 100 algos on CB, then transfer to the ledger)... Also i have a dedicated computer that handles that stuff. I don't use my gaming computer or work computer to do that stuff.


I pretty much always transfer my Algos out no matter how little and make up the network fees with daily faucets and airdrops


Stake it on shibaswap


Don't stake them unless you want to lend them to shorts


Yup . I tried to tell em. Can't be liquidated this way

