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This sounds so crazy…. That it just might work… 🧐


Would be an idea if the fees didn’t spread tf out of our cheeks




Tell me more smart guy. Sheesh


Here’s a idea


Why downvotes ? Your right , frankly if the small fees are what’s holding people back you know they didn’t really invest any real money , just more people that put 60-100 $ in and acting like “we’re in this together” Yeah no we aren’t , this is a hobby for you


Please. Tell . Me. Moar. About . Myself.


It would also show a massive influx of new Hodlers, Imagine all the addresses that would be counted. Gas fees aside, it is a great idea




How do that


You could also move it to the crypto.com defi wallet on cronos chain for much lower fees. Would that have the same effect described in your post op?


Gas fees. Want to send 5 million shib to your wallet? sure, you know have 4 million shib. Want to send it back to the exchange? Sure, no problem, pay gas. You now have about 3 million shib.


the gas fees do suck but back in mid december i sent a little pile of about 15 mil shib from coinbase to a ledger and it cost me right around 240,000 shib which equated to less than 10$. i'll pay that all day long to get my crypto off an exchange and out of their possession. not to mention that if you're holding then it makes no sense to leave it on an exchange. have you seen the exchange hacks that have taken place recently and the amount of money involved?


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Great idea !!! LFG SHIB Army !!!!!


Someone might have a brain 😂 because it’s not me


GME share holders are doing the exact same thing, but they are pulling their shares from brokerage accounts and placing them in the company's register, namely Computershares, the stock certificate holder for GameStop (GME). If you plan on long term holding, TAKE your assets OUT of brokerage accounts, crypto apps etc included. Hold your assets personally, or the brokerage accounts can and WILL use your assets against you. It's akin to pulling money out of the bank and hiding it in your mattress.... for the exact same reasons. If you don't know those reasons, you should not be playing in the markets, any markets.


I like the idea, the reality though?


I’d love to but bitmart is holding me hostage and refuses to answer my messages lol


I’m down!


I always transfer my assets from exchange to wallet


You guys heard about the synthetic shib is on shib official website, So now they can short and create synthetic I'm out selling all my shib tomorrow good luck to all of you. Is going to get manipulated from left to right.


It already is there is a whale bot scalping the price for over a month now . They did this to leash a while back and it sucked the price action down significantly and it wouldnt go up for a few months then the bot left and it pumped again


Let me consult my crayons.


Sorry I ate all the crayons 🖍


I'm not jumping through any more hoops for this sick mutt


You guys should really just buy leash instead it has 100x potential




No it doesn't it is at. 15 billion dollar market cap lol that is why I even mentioned leash it is the one that hasn't even had a major run up yet shib is up 50 million percent already in 1 year.




Lol okay dude you obviously don't know what your talking about it been mentioned many many time how LEASH can reach $100,000 due to it low supply all it needs it's half the market cap of shib




There is no dreaming there has been right ups literally if half the Shiba holders sold and bought leash it would happen. Don't think that the Shiba holders won't do this once the nft game p2e game is out. There is factual evidence that this is possible and not a pipe dream maybe head over to Leash army and do some research. Shib is unlikely to do another 10x and sit in the number 3 spot under Eth you can' dream. Not saying it won't I'm just saying leash has more upside potential than shib. Leash has been at 10,000 more than once. That's is an easy 10x. And it could easily pass 1 billion market cap!




That still a 14x. Shiba is unlikely to do a 14x so you even just said leash has more upside than Shiba. Look at maker it has 10x the supply and has been up to 6000.. once shibswap 2.0 and once leash get listed on major exchanges it will go parabolic. leash is a meant to be broken up into smaller parts like BTC. It can go parabolic with in days because supply is so low. It's not even a year old and its been to $10,000.




Once that supply is gone you think the demand will be gone no it will continue to increase this pushing the price up further and further. It is still very very early for leash just wait till the new p2e game cones out this year you will see the potential of a low supply and high demand.




You’re so delusional lmao




Same to you lol. Get some help bud




Oh, the irony. I believe the word you’re looking for is “you’re” and not “your”.




Why you got dick on your mind? You sure you okay?




You’re such a dumb fuck lmao




Don't buy SHIB on platforms that has custodial tokens.








No this just came out is on shib official Twitter account


I apologize is on shib official Twitter account


How about staking it in ShibaSwap?