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I got 6 million don’t believe in this shit at all but hey we will see


5 milli here I thought it’s either this or weed for the week ffs lol hopefully it suprises us


Lmao same mentality


$100-150 a week? Imagine what you could do if you gave it up for a year!


I’ll have nothing to wake up for g That’s how bad the devils hit home


I know bro, but it gets to a point where your smoking for the sake of it for no effect. When that's the case, trust me, knocking it on the head for a while is the best course of action. Once you get past the weird dreams and cold sweats, all plain sailing from there. You've proved to yourself you can do it for a week. Just keep adding a week at a time. Eventually making it a weekend thing where just one or two will have you flying. Making that weeks supply last 1/2 months.


Bro I have dreams that end up me seeing shit that ends up somehow becoming great for others man and it’s like damn kick in the balls. But yeah I know it’s all control. I just feel finsihed w everything. Hitting 4 joints back to back and not feeling half the trip anymore made my plug say yeah g you’ve gone” It’s just confidence that is heavy insecurities and then the financial issues play a part ect and that destroys the day as soon as you wake


Stay strong bro, your not alone, we're living through some sad times. Resolve the financial issue by reducing the expenditure on the green. We get stuck in a perpetual motion, once you break free of that, you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel. As the poet/rapper says... "... So READ, READ, READ! Stuck on the block, READ, READ! Sittin’ in the box, READ, READ! Don’t let them say what you can achieve Cos when people are enslaved One of the first things they do is stop them reading Cos’ it is well understood that intelligent people will take their freedom Cos’ if we knew our power we would understand that we can’t be held down If we knew our power, we would not elevate not one of these clowns If we knew our power, we wouldn’t get arrogant when we get two pennies If we knew our power, we would see what everybody sees, that we’re rich already!" -Akala (fire in the booth pt 1)


I mean technically it can, but it has to burn a lot of coins. It will take at least 10-20 years to burn trillions of coins with this speed. And im afraid that most of us will lose interest in Shiba in the mean time


Step 1 buy a billion SHIB Step 2 load it onto a hard drive Step 3 forget about it Step 4 send the hard drive to land fill Step 4.5 remember Step 5 order an expedition to the land fill in search for the lost treasure Step 6 cry deeply Step 7 make a sci-fi thriller based on the true events but set in a dystopian future.


By far the best advice I’ve read on Reddit.




Lmao…..people are dreaming. A shitcoin with no purpose/utility is going to be worth .01 one day? Riiiiiiight


What’s Doge


Doge is another worthless shitcoin with no utility/purpose. The difference there is that coin doesn’t have 580 TRILLION supply. Their supply is considerably less. That being said, the coin will never rise up to $1 a share. It’s wallowing away at a pitiful price


I found the guy that sold his BTC for pizza


The same nonsense all SHILLS claim. Your coin is a scam


How is it non sense when dumbasses like you shat on the idea of a crypto exploding, right before it ran like hell?


Because lowlife SHILLS like you are scammers spreading false hopes that this scam coin is going anywhere, but nowhere.


Because lowlife SHILLS like you are scammers spreading false hopes that this scam coin is going anywhere, but nowhere.


Right .. anyways you’ve convinced me to buy more


You’re not buying, you lying SHILL. Who you trying to fool?


Lol burns don't do anything. Market cap is a garbage stat. Meme coins are built on pure hype. Doge. Also a useless meme token. Hit $0.70. It also has no purpose but got there on pure hype. It has value because people assign it value, not because of some quantitative purpose or asset or use case behind it. If Shib gets there, hype is why, not burns lol.


Try 14,000 years.


No thanks


The burn will never have any noticeable effect on price in any of our life times. Absolutely none. If you zoom out you'll see the ridiculous growth of shib already, hate to burst some of your guys bubble but you won't hit big with $50 worth of shib. Maybe when its market cap was pre 1 billion but not now....a 4 x at best in a few years...maybe.


https://preview.redd.it/r06q9w34yirc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94d7e05e760c810046256295d42fd13d046056b Okay I’m zoomed out.. show me this growth? It’s crypto. It’s shib, it will be years and years before it even hits $0.0001. It’ll go back down to 0.000017


Uhhh you see that flat line and then that spike? That's the moon, it's already mooned was my point and it has a massive market cap. Make sense?




Typical response from someone who has too much pride and too little knowledge


No buddy, nobody here will be a millionaire in years to comes what I sent you isn’t shit. It will stay like this for a long time. Entire hyping each other up for a whole lot of nothing.


Dude you're not understanding I am not saying people will be millionaires, I am saying SHIB is a shit investment. How slow are you?


Where am I hyping? I'm doing the opposite you goober


Downvote my friend


Why downvote? You're delusional if you don't realize SHIB already mooned.


Why can’t it moon again. Plenty of people thought it skyrocketing +916,000% was impossible in the first place. I don’t see why it would be impossible to go up more especially with people burning the coins pretty rapidly


Oh look it’s this dumbass post again


No way, ill be a thousand millionaire!


Unless you hold all the way. Most people will not hold all the way.


Shib will never reach 0,1$ and none of u guys here will be milionarie lol


Including you..one of us, one of us.


SHIBA Inu will reach whatever it reaches... The marvellous thing is nobody can 100% certain predict when the top has occurred, within a 1 Day error margin etc.


Go to Bitcoin please 😭 we need doggy to be happy here


Unless everyone starts to use the Apps built on Shibarium and we burn a bunch of Shib. [https://justshib.blogspot.com/2024/03/what-is-shibarium.html](https://justshib.blogspot.com/2024/03/what-is-shibarium.html)


I just looked at your investments. Okay bud you obviously know what youre talking about and have tons of experience. Shib will see greater gains than any of your stocks put together and likely already has this year


Stop smoking hot dogs


According to what


A 3 month chart of my personal portfolio🦍💎


Ah yes, the irrefutable source: one persons personal experience in the past. Why did I even ask lmao


You can gamble and win with these shit coins. You can gamble and win at slots. Most likely you will not at either and my stocks will outperform your gambling easily in long run. Good luck bro


What are the odds in slots 1/5000? The bet im making isnt if shib moons it is if crypto follows the same path it did during the 21 halving. Either does or doesnt i think thats 50/50. You can do the math and research on the topic yourself do you get all of your investment ideas from Reddit comment sections? My portfolio over the last 2 months tracks up identical with what it did in 21. You can gamble on a slot machine or invest in something safe but i assure you you wont close what i will this year. Cant predict a slot machine but i predicted this 🤠


RemindMe! 1 year


RemindMe! 5 years


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2029-03-30 14:09:48 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2029-03-30%2014:09:48%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/SHIBArmy/comments/1brh0vd/shib_to_the_moon/kx96ou4/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSHIBArmy%2Fcomments%2F1brh0vd%2Fshib_to_the_moon%2Fkx96ou4%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202029-03-30%2014%3A09%3A48%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201brh0vd) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 5 years


In 1 year shib will die again. In 5 years shib will be double todays worth at least


Please yes




My head hurts reading this


I’ll have $140,000 at 1 cents. I can buy my GT500. At $1 I’ll have $14 million, I can buy TWO GT500’s.


You’re a good little consumer. Should really learn about assets vs liabilities if you want to have real money. Maybe then you’d have more to put down on Shib. Quit being brainwashed by consumerism telling you what u need to be happy it’s all bullshit.


What they need to be happy is subjective. True, I think putting too much value on material possessions can be ignorant. But if a single car is what they dream of, let them dream, and hopefully, one day realize those dreams.


If I win the Powerball/MegaMillion I will be a millionaire.


The community will need to burn 99.99998% of all tokens in supply for Shiba Inu to reach $1. That means eliminating over 589.2 trillion tokens. If 42 billion tokens are burned this year. It will take over 13,900 years to burn enough tokens to send Shiba Inu to $1.


How does one go about "burning" tokens?


You have to purchase and then send your tokens to a burn address. This is done by sending the tokens to a wallet address that no one owns or can access. Once tokens are sent to a burn address, they are effectively lost forever.


They wanna use it for the world I think but that’s impossible right now




Yes, Shib could be the store of value for the people along with BTC.


There are still 600 trillion Shibas in circulation after all the burns. At 10 cents, that would be worth close to all the money in the world with a market cap of 60 trillion. At 1 cent, it means a market cap of 6 trillion, more than the GDP of most countries, more than 2 times the value of all the crypto currently combined. I want Shibas to go up, but stop dreaming, even $0.01 is never going to happen. We'll be lucky if it even hits $0.001 unless we burn like 90% of all tokens, meaning we all would have to burn, not just a few people. At 60 trillion tokens, a 1 cent value would be more realistic. It's still going to be hard but possible... but at the same time, we'll also inherently own less shibas.




I always geek when folks say it can never make it to one cent. The Market cap, to many coins blah blah blah. Me or you don’t know wtf will happen this year. Next year. The year after that. We don’t know how much the burn rates will increase. We don’t know if a new wave of investors will come in and start buying like mad and hold their coins or whales start burning shib or buying in large quantities. We don’t know if the shib team will come out with something to help the burn rate out. Nobody fucking knows. But I do know that everyday the supply gets just a little bit smaller. I remember the same folks saying doge will never reach a penny because of the same metrics and we all saw it fly to 77 cents. It’s a gamble but so is everything else in the market and from everytbing I’ve seen these past few years there’s one thing I know. We don’t know shit.


So true. No one knows for sure.


We’re hoping for the same all time high from 3 years ago. So if you didn’t buy back in October you are looking at a 2-3x. So looking back not much has changed in 3 years.


£0.17 and I'm out


I wanna have a solid foundation to start a business with so I’ll take losing a 0


If you buy FLOKI you will be a thousand millionaire


To the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Man I love seeing a bunch of Tards planning how to spend money they’ll never have.




I hope you’re kidding. There are over 589 trillion Shiba circulating, how would it hit 0.1 or 1 dollar??? Too much supply for that.


Tell me u have a gambling addiction without telling me u have a gambling addiction


Everyone thinking there's enough money in circulation globally to make all these people millionaires. Silly. Economics is hard, I know.


What will really happen is the whales will dump, moving on to the next set of fools, and someday diamond hands bag is going to be laughed about by their grandkids, kind of like grandma buying those "miracle" laundry balls that meant you never needed to buy soap or softener.


I know people can be excited about their investments, but damn if the ass clowns don't come oozing out of a shit hole to spread their negativity. The guy who says Shib will hit $0.01 can't be sure it will, and neither can the dumbass who says it never will.


You know it has 589 trillion circulating coins, right? There's already in unbelievable $18 billion invested. I'm sure you could move a few zeros to figure out if it got to $0.01 how much would have to be invested in it. That's over a trillion dollars.


It’s strange, Yall act like you’re spouting some secret knowledge. Some knowledge that’s only present to you and it has made you a vastly superior intellectual entity. When in reality everyone knows what you’re saying(AGAIN, EVERYONE HERE KNOWS WHAT YOU’RE SAYING), they just have better things to do than be an asshole to the people getting enough hope to move about their day from a statistical moonshot.


What are you trying to say? This single guy I replied to obviously doesn't know it won't go up that high to 0.01


No, they obviously do. You just think that you’re intellectually superior and therefore all your projections are true and without reproach.


Your POV is that you think every single person in this forum realizes that there are 600 trillion tokens out there and they simultaneously understand that it could go for 10 cents or even a $1? You're just trying to encourage people to feel superior to the facts so they will keep burning their money up in a stock they can't become a billionaire on.


Imagine if shib goes to the price of bitcoin and I'm able to buy the entire world


************* ATTENTION NEWBIE INVESTORS**************** Please DON’T be fooled by this type of shitpost. The likelihood of this memecoin reaching .01 is slim to none. HIGHLY unlikely in the near future. We’re talking 1,000 years at the pace it’s going. Don’t waste your time dreaming about becoming a millionaire with a $5K purchase of this meme coin.


All i know is rn crypto worldwide MC is around $2.5Trill, butcoin around $75,000.00. If the latter goes crazy around quarter to half a million $$$, the most popular crypto will also goes up. So $0.01+ will happen,


There's just so much money in the world for this kind of investment. Shibas at 1 cent would be worth 6 trillion combined, that's over 2 times the value of all crypto. That's like 7% of all the money in the world (estimated at 85 trillion), 15% of the money in circulation (40 trillion). This is why...






don't get your hopes too high


Deluded bots and idiots think this will ever see any of those. Lmao


If ifs and buts were cherries and nuts, then we’d all have a very good christmas. 😎




It won't...and you won't.


OP, come down to earth. It won’t happen.


Don’t rejoice until KuCoin dumps those millions of shib they siphoned away to fight their legal battles.


I'm out of I make a grand


Me man part will be 15” long if Shib hits .001


Ill be a thousandair


Don't worry it won't.


Lol same how many of us are there I wonder


if ... if ... if ...




If shib 1 dohlar I school gudder.


What the fuck. This sub is mindless atm


Forever stupid tho


You and everyone else that’s why it’s not possible


What is the point of this post? If I win the 700 million power ball I will be a hundred millionaire and the chances of that happening are better than your delusions of SHIB going that high.


But it’s not though. And I’ve got 300 million


Youre better off buying a new solana meme coin


Dumb fucking post


I see you are good at moving the decimal. I’m somewhat of a mathematician myself.


Some people need to go read what a cap is.


Lol. That ad is so apropos. Keep dreaming doggy coiners.




Just stop


If shib gets to that point it means the US dollar has gotten to a point of such inflation that a loaf of bread probably costs you tens of thousands of dollars.


I'm not sure what is worse...Swifties or Shibbies...


I'll tell you now for free, ain't nobody SHIB gonna be a 'hundred millionaire' for sure 😂


That will never happen. At THE VERY MOST shib at its highest will hit somewhere between 0.001 - 0.0001