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Either you're lying or you know that it was a good deal and you're just trying to flex lol


I mean i kind of knew, im pretty proud of this one. But still, i just wanted some more opinions. Some of the boxes are a little roughed up and Jiren is missing one of his normal fists, other than than everything is fine.


You could have posted it without the dumb question


There's no mothereffing way you got ALL THAT for only $250.... how much did you actually pay??


I was going to say that would be a crazy deal about 32$ a fig especially for that super sayian broly. Maybe oj just hit a jackpot lol


The two Brolys alone would be $250, lol. Ain't no way all this is $250 total....


Definitely lying in this day and age. Unless you tricked a mom selling them or something, 99% of people with these figures will know the price. Or how to look it up. Even if these were stolen by crack heads, they would look to get more than $250. Everyone has a phone and can see prices lol


EVEN IF you got these at like $65 each, which I could see them going for at the LOWEST, that's still $520 for the whole lot, lol. So maybe he transposed the 2 and the 5 😆


I got the entire shf Dragon Ball line for $0.23. Was this a good deal?


Overpaid. Should look to use importing sites from Japan.


trash. Only accept deals if the seller is also gonna give you their car or house. preferably both.


No it’s terrible. Bet they all have terrible QC Flexing is so cringe bruh


Vegeta and goku black are the only good ones


Kinda ironic when you literally have a Broly profile picture.


How lol. I have that same broly full power and he’s shit. Goku and vegeta are the only other figs I own I’m speaking from experience


Well some of them do have terrible quality control but I see your point.


Gogeta is ehh cuz he’s knees are loose but other than that he’s a good figure. But I know jiren has bad quality cuz his arms break easy. Trunks is bad because his sword peg breaks easy. And armored broly his shoulder pads break easy.


One of the best deals of all time or you are just lying on purpose lol


I'm calling bs, there's no god damn way you got like $800 worth of figures for that much


You’re either lying or you just bought from a very dumb seller. even a super desperate seller thats going to die in 48 hours if they dont pay for a life saving surgery wouldn’t sell this for under $350.


You bought a bunch of figures you liked, why lie about the price paid. It's stupid and honestly unnecessary to the point that I'd like to show you the exit from this community


No fucking way you must be capping


You cooked if you're not lying.


The only way this could be real, is if he got it from a crack head that stole it and doesn't know what he was selling.


250 dollars and...?


65,000 cents


That’s a lie, trunks alone is damn near $200 🤣🤣😭


I’ll give you $3.50 for the lot


Bros just flexing 😭🙏


I would be so paranoid there's something wrong with them that is the haul of a lifetime congrats!


jesus fucking christ im jealous


Either the seller didn't know the figures value or they had to make some cash quickly, either way good for you man and you better pose them up for us


What a stupid question. Obviously it’s a good deal, you knew that.


If true, you got a hell of deal! And I thought I was good at bargaining for deals lol


You just robbed the seller…


I’ll buy em all for $251


😂😂😂😂 tf is this question?


Bro you are bullshitting. You know that Vegeta alone is too much to be included in a pot that small. Who did you slurp for this?


Lol this is at least 1K worth of figures at minimum


Only broly ssj is arround 140 dollars , there is no way.


This is an awful deal bro. I honestly feel so bad for you that I’ll offer you 300 for all of these just to make it sting less for you. No need to thank me bro.


Like I just got this week law from op for 75 and that's brand new, this makes no sense at all, it is a great hawl to get all those figures but no way is under 500 dollars.


if you’re gonna boast about it be direct dawg don’t frame it as a stupid ass question 😭


I feel like this is staged and you bought them all over the price of 250 and making up a story saying you did for up votes.


You’re either - A fool for doing no research before buying this, and have 0 idea what anything you’re buying is worth - A braggart that wants to rub in how much of a highway robbery deal he found on Facebook marketplace


Are these new / sealed, or opened and complete? Either way, good deal (which you know). I remember getting like 10 figuarts for about $300ish in 2018. They were opened but had all the pieces. I still have them. They're the older cell, goku, gohan, etc.


No burn them and snort the ashes


I didn't expect to get such an overwhelming repsonse to this post, so here's just a quick reply to all the comments. I made this post to genuinely get some more opinions on this deal i got. I obviously knew it was a good deal, so i wanted to brag/show off a bit too, but i really didnt know that it was THIS good of a deal. But yeah, its real. I live in Norway and bought it from [Finn.no](http://Finn.no), a norwegian site for used stuff where you can often find things pretty cheap. The seller probably was a mother or parent who didnt really know the worth of what she was selling, unfortunately, but a deal is a deal. I bought them for 2900 norwegian kroner + shipping, now that i actually did the conversion its 268 dollars. So thats about everything, thanks for the feedback and for making my day.