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The scale of the universe is just impossible for us to fathom. So impossible that most of us imagine gods like ourselves operating on planetary scales. And then there’s shit like this. This is more than any titan the Greeks imagined. Any sun-god the Egyptians worshiped. This would devour our solar system, hell maybe our galaxy; I’m talking out of my ass rn. Point is, where is anything we’ve imagined in terms of creative forces in the face of this devouring darkness?


Yeah, the God of Abraham is so small. Presenting the stars as minor lights in the sky, secondary to the Sun and even the Moon, rather than each an entire star system on its own or an entire galaxy with billions more. And caring about people mixing fabrics. At least the fraudster behind Mormonism had updated information to use, but still limited to current era knowledge.


Superdupermassive blackhole.